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Latest revision as of 06:15, 6 November 2020

The Un-Rabbiting Unraveling
Date of Scene: 06 October 2020
Location: Courtyard, Sera's place
Synopsis: Nessa's a rabbit. Lucifer helps.
Cast of Characters: Nessa Donovan, Lucifer

Nessa Donovan has posed:
While Lucifer had texted a long time ago, no reply from Nessa had been received for most of the day. The text from Nessa that comes is a little bit more vague, and certainly not her usual verbage.

<sry gt stck>

It's not a drunk text. Seriously. Nope. It's hard for Nessa to get drunk anyway--her ability to hold her alcohol is impressive.

Lucifer has posed:
<Sick? How dreadful,> Lucifer types back almost immediately. He's often very quick on the trigger for messages, though, so this is not out of the ordinary!

<Headache, nausea, the works? No need to regale me with details, though, if you'd prefer. I do hope you're resting and feeling better now?>

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa's replies are usually prompt as well, but there's a good amount of time that passes before there's a reply. It's a combination of nose and paws at this point to type a good message. The nose can get more precise than the paws, though it often hits the autocorrect more than she'd like.


The reply is followed by another one, though not quite as slow.


Yeah, the nose isn't working quite as well as she'd like. Maybe the abbreviated words were working better? Hard to tell.

Lucifer has posed:
During all that time ... Lucifer got distracted. He waited about half a minute, but then his attention got pulled by something in his club. So unfortunately it may be Nessa waiting: after, that is, she's managed to get her two variations on the word 'sick' in.

Lucifer does get back to her, though, examining all the text. He doesn't automatically think the worst, and isn't using any of his powers or abilities to figure it out at the moment. Because really, he's been drunk texted before.

<Did you mean 'sorry, got stuck'?> Lucifer asks, with a bemused, curious smile at the phone. He'd never reprimand her (or anyone) for drinking. Nope. <No need for apology; it's been busy here.>

A selfie follows, though most of it is a picture beyond Lucifer of the club in high gear. <Do come down to Lux!>

Nessa Donovan has posed:
There is, perhaps, something of an amused bunny noise from Nessa. Not that anyone's around to hear it. She decides in this case that longer texts might be easier, to prevent the shorter ones from causing him to reply before she gets in the actual message. So, while this one takes a bit, there's a lot more content. It's faster for her to type past the autocorrects rather than delete them at this point.

<cant am stck stuff stuck make magic am bun>

That part gets cut off, but she manages to get out a follow up not very long after.


Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is really good at parsing all sorts of languages, and this isn't quite a language: but also it is. Like someone that can't fix errors? Lucifer pauses, and types back, <Just a minute.>

He gives the phone a curious look, but returns to the conversation he'd been having: some debate over several people in the club, a demon wanting to eat someone - not the usual conversations: something that did need handling. He then heads upstairs, out of the distractions of his club, and stretches, coming to a relaxed stop in his kitchenette. He's making a drink, while extending his awareness out. Out, out, towards his expectation and 'sense' of Nessa.

He can't see everything, that isn't his ability. But he gets enough: a scope of her being in a strange magical state, hexxed, cursed? Which makes sense about the typing difficulty...

<Someone transformed you into a rabbit?> Lucifer types back, with possibly surprising clarity. <Do you know where you are? You can use Y/N.>

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Well, he's at least able to catch on a bit more. Nessa shouldn't be surprised, given the knowledge he has. Magic things aren't particularly foreign to him after all.

<y y safe>

The last is added just in case, because the situation earlier wasn't exactly a safe one. Now, she's at least settled into a nice courtyard with some water and carrots within easy access. Better than the basement, though. There was a weird plant in there.

Lucifer has posed:
<Safe? Just the same, I'd like to come check on you,> Lucifer answers, frowning at the phone, with a bit irritation that's fairly rare, at least, from Nessa's general experience with him. Just as well it's cloaked by the phone. He takes attacks on those in his immediate bubble poorly, in general.

<Because you're a RABBIT. If you know the address, can you give it? Take as much time as you need.>

Nessa Donovan has posed:
It does take a while, mostly because typing an address and getting it actually in correctly is hard, but she takes her time so that there's less of a struggle with things--autocorrect wouldn't help with an exact address. He likes puzzles, but Nessa's not exactly going to make him try to make sense of a gibberish address.

<38 grace ct brooklyn back gate>

See, she can type well if she manages to slow down. It's hard not to want to type fast, though. Communication is frustrating.

Lucifer has posed:
<Any requests for me to bring with me?> Lucifer questions as he gets back up again from his chair. He'd been reclining with a drink, awareness spread out towards the world, pulling a bit more information here and there, but - still better to be in person.

He mostly thought of magical things she may need, but seems to have, accidentally, managed to be rather helpful sounding.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The delay this time is more of her thinking than anything. Nessa isn't sure what he /can/ bring. She hasn't the faintest idea how to fix things and she's not certain there's much he can bring to make her more comfortable. The offer does strike her as a bit sweet, which is something nice in the midst of it. A moment more of thought before she does offer a reply.


Lucifer has posed:
A blanket? What sort of situation is she in? Lucifer hadn't gotten 'dire danger' from his look before, and he pauses to take in the current situation again, and what he can glean of it. No, still the same. Still. He prowls over to his linen closet to pick something out, folding it under his arm, and considers his method of approach, while texting. <I'll let you know when I'm close.>

She's a rabbit. He'll just fly there. There won't be some need for his car, he doubts. And so, shortly, he's headed up the sidewalk towards the address from a distance away, zeroing in on where she described. <Headed to the gate. I'll let myself in.>

There's a creak of gate as he unlatches it despite being outside, and enters, eyes bright and curious.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa's not visible at first, the small courtyard having some plants as nice cover. Once he's let himself in and there's the creak of the gate, the bunny comes out. The phone's there too, nudged out into view with her nose, though it doesn't move particularly far that way. She hops around it, grabbing onto the edge of the case and dragging it backwards as she hops fully into view.

The fuzzy creature blinks up at him, but doesn't move. She's just looking.

Lucifer has posed:
"Ah! There you are," Lucifer says, spotting her right away. There isn't really any surprise from him: he had been looking low, looking for a rabbit. He'd entirely believed her, from all signals. He shows the blanket in his arm, and carries it over, as if everything were normal, headed towards her. He moves over, setting the blanket nearby, and squats down near where she is.

None of his body language suggests he's doing anything other than just getting closer and towards her level, so he's not looming over her from on high. Lucifer has a good sense of when to get down into the trenches, and now felt like one of those times.

"Rough day? I can only imagine," Lucifer sighs. "Are you okay, though, Hogwarts?" Lucifer asks, as if fully expecting her to answer him.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The blanket is noted, but Nessa seems more focused on Lucifer rather than the object he brought. With him down at a lower level, it's less intimidating and she's not forced to strain to try and look up at him. She blinks at him a few times, hops slightly closer, then looks back at the phone. It's pretty clear she's unable to speak or it would have been much easier to call.

She sticks her nose in the direction of the phone to start typing again. It would have been far worse if she hadn't been able to retrieve the phone earlier.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer looks puzzled as she does the sequence of miming, observant. He doesn't reach out to her or anything else, just watches what she does. He's distracted briefly by his knee being in the dirt, and moves to adjust to the pavement. No sense hurting his nice suit; he kneels there instead.

He works with her signals. Hm. "You need to call someone? Or text?" Lucifer asks, a little incredulous. "Can you tell me who?" he asks, a bit confused. It sounds like he expects her to talk. But she may not realize. Oh.

"I can understand animals."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The bunny looks from what she's trying to do with the phone back to Lucifer with what might be an incredulous look of her own? if a bunny could express that well. Instead, Nessa's just looking up at him. It's clearly either her confusion or her disbelief. She's not entirely sure how to just /communicate/ other than the attempt to squeak out what she means.

"Wait, what? Do you really understand this or am I just looking more ridiculous than I was before?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer's body language and amusement don't suggest he's laughing AT her at all: but is amused by her joke about being ridiculous. "What did you do before that was so ridiculous?" Lucifer questions her, aloofly, as if disbelieving she did in fact look silly.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
There's still a few blinks in his direction before Nessa sits back on her hind legs so she can look up at him a little bit better. It's more of a person-like sit anyway than being on all fours.

"I'm a bunny sending text messages, Luci. It's hard not to look ridiculous," she replies, though there's certainly some relief in being /understood/. "I would ask you why exactly you're able to talk to animals but I think I'm just too relieved to worry about that right now. I'm just glad you can."

She hasn't come across any magic user at the moment who /can/, after all. Texting's all she can do.

Lucifer has posed:
"I doubt your friends think that of you," Lucifer shrugs, and then gestures out with both palms, in an enveloping motion. He clearly wants her to come over to his hands. In fact, there's a little quiet convey of that, which is not spoken, a compelling request to 'come' that he uses with animals. There's no force in it, though. It IS a request. He doesn't normally talk to them, after all, as they aren't intelligent enough to follow sentences or structure, but general directives, yes.

Lucifer follows it up more verbally, though: "Mind if I get a scope of this spell you're under? A look-see."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The gesture certainly has the Nessabunny hopping forward towards him. The phone is forgotten, mostly because she has an actual method of communicating with him at this point. It's so much easier. She approaches the open palms. There's a weird instinct to sniff, but it's certainly not /her/ instinct, and she manages to fight it off.

"Maybe not. They aren't making fun of me, though John seemed to think I was going to poop all over his floor. I was not amused." There's a nod from Nessa at his suggestion of getting a scope. "Sure, but be careful. John tried to dispel it but it sort of snapped back at him. I think Loki booby trapped it for amusement's sake."

Lucifer has posed:
"Should you get opportunity, I encourage you to shit all over his floor, then." Heehee.

"All right. Not going to lift you far, just looking, here," Lucifer says. He lifts her carefully off the ground and brings her to rest on his raised knee, and visually examines her, letting his perception unroll out into her current state, and the senses of magic or other information he can glean off of her.

"Yes, I can see that it could be nasty to attempt to remove without proper spell keywords," Lucifer agrees, curious. Maybe lightly impressed. "You wouldn't do this in general, this is more of something you'd find as a trap spell, not linked to a transformation." Interesting, to him, sounds like. Like a doctor curious about a new problem.

"On the upside, if you do nothing, this is not permanent," Lucifer says, setting his hands comfortably on her sides, creating a safe cave for the creature, whose nature may well appreciate that shielding, instead of being up high and open. "Loki, you said, did this? Just randomly?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"You know, I've never said I wanted to shit on someone's floor before, but in this case I think I'd make an exception. Really, it was a rude joke. But that's very John." Nessa really didn't expect otherwise when it comes to him, even if it is an annoyance.

The assessment of her situation is listened to intently. He's been a source of information in the past, so being able to discern anything is certainly important. "So he's just trying to make it difficult," she muses. "I bet he'd be laughing if he was watching." She's not certain he's not, either, and her head moves to look around. Not that she could sense him at this point, much less actually see him. "So it's going to wear off or something over time? It's not gonna take like a month, is it?"

There's a little bit of a lowered head at the mention of Loki's little transformation. She settles in comfortably against his hands, clearly comforted by it. "Yes, he did, but not randomly. He was pretending to be Tristan and I'm pretty sure he didn't take kindly to calling him not a god or something else he took offense to. It was a 'lesson'."

Lucifer has posed:
"With no intereference, I'd say... maybe about three years," Lucifer guesstimates, honestly, without much inflection on if that is good or bad. He doesn't allow that long to sink in before he adds, "But if I dispel it, maybe half an hour. I could brute force it, but I don't want to kick off this trap to hit you, and we have some time, I think?" Lucifer asks.

He draws his hands more under her, with a clear intent to pick her up. "Let's get started."