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Latest revision as of 06:16, 6 November 2020

Karaoke is back in town, baby!
Date of Scene: 05 November 2020
Location: The Sing Sing Karaoke Bar
Synopsis: Karaoke, dancing, and Spiral's resume in a bar.
Cast of Characters: Aimee Alexander, Spiral, Harley Quinn

Aimee Alexander has posed:
It had been a strange few months since Aimee had moved to New York. Oh, the first month was mostly peaceful besides the stress of settling in to a new place so far away from her parents' micromanagement;The last couple had been an *experience* though.

Two attempted muggings, getting saved by first a Japanese professional wrestler and then some crazy teenage wannabe-spider-girl, talking to some crazy hippy lady who wanted her to listen to the universe, and most recently bumping into *the* Harley Quinn, along with her slightly-intimidating friend Spiral, not once but twice. To say that New York City was starting to seem like it was just one big insane asylum was understating things. Still, when in Rome...

And thus Aimee had done something crazy: Reaching out to Harley to invite the clownette and Spiral to karaoke. She imagined it was probably unexpected; the girl with confidence issues not only seeking out such bold characters but inviting them to karaoke of all things? Especially after how she'd reacted when Harley had mentioned it at their first meeting. But friendships had to start *somewhere*, and she was starting to find that doing wild and crazy things was kind of... fun. Plus, there was no denying that Harley was hot, and Spiral had a strange allure all of her own. A chance to hang out with the pair again was something to grab with both hands!

Okay so maybe adventure wasn't the *only* thing Aimee was a bit thirsty for. Not that she'd ever... not that *they'd* ever. Still, a girl can daydream.

A soft smile touches her lips, maybe getting away from her parents and coming to New York wasn't such a bad idea after all. She peers around the room, trying to see if the two have arrived yet and dutifully ignoring the thought that they might just not come. Also trying to ignore the fact that once they do she'll have to get up and sing at some point. Karaoke had seemed like a good idea at the time...

Spiral has posed:
Aimee looking around to no avail, as when Spiral wants to be somewhere, she dances her way there. And she's been to this place before and didn't get lynched, so if they are okay with six arms, they are okay with some magic dance as well.

She pops into existence next to Aimee, with Harley in tow, in mid dance. For once she's ditched the blue spandex, this time she has black spandex on decorated with white trim instead, maybe in a nod to the lbd of the other day. lbs? The furry boots remain though, this time the white fur standing out even more than before.

Two swords are at her hips, and a multicoloured baseball bat rests in its spot over her shoulder. "Hi.". It sounds more like a declaration than a meeting. "You can sing, and I will dance.".

This time she at least intends to pay, reaching into a leg pocket to pull out a huge stack of ill gotten notes.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Being invited to Karaoke was a good excuse as any to get the heck out of the house. Specially after a Batman had decided to show up along with the proteges! Really, a girl can't get some peace even when out of Gotham. So there had been a lot of cajoling and convincing the six-armed wonder that it was time to go back to the sing sing bar. The music would be better now too! She had new songs! And Aimee would be there.

"After all that went up at the Wildways think it's the minimum ya can do, uh?" Though one could say the culprit of them getting up there had been mostly due to Harley. Damn magical drinks! "So let's go and meet up! Maybe we can even get her to sing! Or..." and a devious little smile appears on her lips. "If she actually got hired at that bar it means we will have free drinks!"

Free drinks! Who can resist that?! So Harley gets all dressed up to go. Tight tank top of a yellow color (blame April), shorts that barely even start to cover down to her thigh and black boots up to her calves. She was ready to rock! Sunglasses were part of the emsemble too of course, along with a small jacket.

"Oooo, ya even gettin' the black tight spandex. I like." She grinning, winking just before they teleport. A bit of a 'weeeeee' when they return from the trip and she exhales, looking around. At the rather direct greeting from Spiral she sighs and leans over to Aimee, stage-whispering. "She is in a bit of a mood."

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee has just lifted her glass of water to her lips when the two she's waiting on abruptly appear right next to her. Her jerk of surprise spills water down her thankfully black fitted tee, and with a 'Fuck!' the teen sets her glass down and grabs some napkins to try dry the affected area.

It takes her a couple of seconds for her brain to catch up, before she double takes and offers a happy grin. "You guys came!" There's a surprise in the way she said it that makes it seem like part of her had already expected disappointment. She's already reaching for the pocket of her jeans to buy some drinks when she notices Spiral getting out some money and grins even wider. She doesn't even seem particularly bothered by Spiral's gruff greeting.

"Oh, hey, yeah, if you don't want to sing Spiral then that's fine with me. Mostly I, uhh, just wanted to like... challenge myself you know? Get outta my comfort zone? Last time I saw you guys was pretty rough but holy shit I think I actually had fun!" Her beaming smile turns to Harley, and despite her best efforts she does spent a quick half-second to check the woman out. Averting her eyes and coughing awkwardly, and trying to ignore the faint flush starting to build on her cheeks, she picks her glass back up and takes a swig. "I'm glad you guys made it. So uhh..." Her big grin becomes slightly forced, nervousness showing in the shuddering breath she takes before continuing "Who's goin first?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral amused more by Aimee spilling drink over herself than she really should be. It's nice to know she causes chaos wherever she goes. Turns out six arms are quite good at getting attention as the bartender is real attentive, and before too long Spiral is holding three cosmopolitans - two of which she passes out, and one she intends to keep. "There's probably one of these floating in the void between dimensoins.... so we can raise a glass to it's journey." she says with smirk.

The change from her fifty gets pushed Aimee's way, the rest goes in her leg pocket again. Who says crime doesn't pay? if it is crime, she didn't really bother to check, but it probably is.

"Oh I see. You like Harley. Everybody likes Harley. The famous Harley Quinn.".

She wraps her arms around herself - aside from the one holding the drink, with an unreadable expression, focused mainly on the clownette.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The reaction out of Aimee brings an amused, wide grin to the clownette's expression, Harley waggling eyebrows at the girl. "That's what normally happens after the fuck, yes." really, she is agreeing with the girl! And nope, she has no regrets in doing that joke. None! She takes her cosmopolitan with a thankful smile up to Spiral. "To lost cosmopolitans then! That it forever navigates free." she clinks glasses with the other two, dunking most of it down with a single gulp. Someone's thirsty! Or perhaps she is getting ready for some hardcore singing. Because she will need a rough throat for the song she intends to sing right now.

"So ya finally goin' ta go up theah ta sing? I am surprised, but also happy. Maybe we can get Spiral to follow on the encores." she suggests, offering a wink up at the tall furry-booted one. Though when she speaks about the 'famous' Harley Quinn there is a bit of a look given up at Spiral. "We are heah ta have fun, Spiral! No wrappin' arms about yohself tonight. It's a rule. If anythin' ya wrap arms about *us*." see? Teaching Spiral how to hug.

"And I will go and sing first." She lifts up a finger. "One because I am gonna warm 'em up foh ya ta sing next." then she rises the second finger. "And I need ta get that guy off the stage befoouh I start shootin' people." because yes, it's the same 'All by myself' guy up on stage singing that slow, lame music.

So Harley dashes in Harley fashion, past the people and up to the stage. She clears her throat, approaches and gives the man a hip bump to send him going and catching the mic. "Yes, yes. Let's change the rhythm heah!" she announces. "DJ, get some Uptown Funk rollin' heah!" she calls on for the famous song.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee is taken off guard as Spiral hands her the change, looking from the money to the sorceress and then back again. Rather than putting it away she leaves it on the bar-top to be put towards the next round of drinks and picks up the cosmopolitan to raise a toast. Harley's joke gets a surprised cough out of her and the teen's flush becomes perhaps a touch darker, but fortunately she doesn't spill anything this time. "To lost cosmopolitans."

She's caught thoroughly flat-footed at Spiral's abrupt mood switch, both because she effectively got called out for checking out Harley and because Spiral feels kind of *jealous* about it. "H-hey that's not... I wasn't... I mean, sure I like Harley, but I invited you too y'know?" Feeling a little bit defensive, her brows drop into a slight frown as she retorts "Besides, you said you had some raisin guy already! I'm not going to crush on someone who's so obviously not interested, I have *some* self respect you know."

Downing her cosmopolitan in a series of large gulps and then all-but-slamming the empty glass back on the bar, the empath exhales heavily. She's all prepared to use her annoyance as confidence and storm up to the stage when Harley decides to go first. There's no getting a word in edge-wise, the clownette is already dashing off by the time Aimee opens her mouth and the teen sighs in a mixture if frustration and relief.

Turning to lean her back against the bar and watch Harley's performance, she falls silent for a few moments before sighing. It'll be a miserable evening if she's surly with Spiral all evening. "So... how *are* things going with you and the raisin guy? Any progress?" She may have gotten the totally wrong impression in more ways than one.

Spiral has posed:
"Raisin guy? Wade?". Spiral actually laughs. "Foolish Wade assumed there were sparks were there were none, and made sure there would BE none as well. He did at least grovel out a decent apology in the end - and one not so decent one.". She shrugs, and adds, "We are going to Tahiti at some point, but as team mates, nothing else.".

She finally sips at her drink, looking around as Harley runs off. "Spiral isn't intended to star in any romances, anyway. Quite the opposite. Love and tragedy go hand in hand with me.". She reaches out to tap the bar top with a metal forefinger to underline her point. "And even though I work in show business I will never have Harley's star power... or Wades for that matter.".

She gets up, and trudges over to the karaoke, and where Harley awaits.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The music finally starts up, all groove, the clapping, Harley with the manic little light on her eyes. Oh yes, she likes this one. And she knows her dance moves too, starting it off with a bit of walking backwards, all full of style and then starting to sing it off. Clearly not the first time that she sings this one. Harley is the kind of girl who has spent a lot of time singing up on the stage afterall!

She winks over to the two girls when they appear to be on their way to join up on stage.

As for the rest of the room, the change of pace seems welcome. Everyone is tired of that guy singing those sad songs all the time! So there's some cheering and whistling. People are warming up.

"Yeeeaa, that's what I am sayin'! Let's see those hands up in the air!" she makes a calling gesture to the duo again as if for them to join up there. But also a drinking gesture. She wants another Cosmopolitan! Demanding ....

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Not having understood most of what Spiral has just said, Aimee stares after her with eyebrows scrunched as she mouths 'Star power?' at the sorceress' back. Shaking her head, the teen uses the change from earlier to order another two cosmos; watching Harley sing and Spiral dance from afar while she waits for the drinks to be made. The decision seems to be prophetic when, on her way to finally join Spiral closer to the stage she spots Harley's gesturing.

With an amused, lop-sided grin she nods back, lifting the drink a little higher to make it obvious to the clownette, and approaching the edge of the stage so she can hand it up. Waiting for a break in the lyrics she shouts up "Try not to drink it all at once!" and lifts the drink up as high as she can so Harley doesn't have to stoop too low to grab it. While she waits, her attention drifts back to Spiral; watching the sorceress dance and trying to figure her out. Aimee might be an empath, but it doesn't seem to be making it any easier for her to understand or related to what's going on in Spiral's head at any given moment.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral makes perfect sense - to Spiral. Even Harley probably understood exactly what she was talking about! She assumes Aimee did too, so she doesn't look back, instead just joining the crowd at the front, and lifting five arms in the air as demanded. The sixth is holding her drink, which she takes another slurp of.

She's actually dancing already, though to a tune only she can hear perhaps, her usual sinuous pirouette, hands coming down from where she was holding them up to weave around her, through whatever ripples in reality she can sense. Her glowing eyes look pretty distracted too.

Spiral is a hard person to warm up. Either that or she's already warm, of course.

Harley Quinn has posed:
As Spiral starts dancing it out it means Harley gets a smiley beam on her expression. She's happy if her friend is happy! Or at least warmed up. Uptown Funk is a good one to get that dance groove going though so she is trying at least! No more non-dancing songs on her repertoir! Though maybe she won't go right on to 'Happy' next. Would seem like she was trying too much. But for now, Uptown Funk it is!

When Aimee approaches the stage to deliver the drink Harley approaches, leaning over. And it's just when Aimee is stretching up to deliver it that a devious little grin comes to the clownette's expression. Never a moment safe from her shenanigans! Instead of taking the drink she instead wraps one arm about the girl's waist and pulls her up onto the stage. Easily too. Which is a mighty feat out of the 5'5" woman. But there's been rumors that she isn't exactly .., normal. Regardless. Aimee is now up on stage.

"And this is Aimee! She will be singin' the next one! A round o' applause!" not that the song is over just yet so she takes the cosmopolitan out of Aimee's hands, slurps it half-way down and gets back to singing for a little while longer.. Yet it's not long till the song eventually starts to die out.

She waves down to Spiral and then flips the mic over to Aimee. Putting her on the hot spot! No escape!

Aimee Alexander has posed:
With a squeak that rather embarrassingly gets picked up by the microphone Aimee finds herself abruptly on the stage. Though whether the squeak of surprise was because of that specifically, or the arm momentarily around her waist, who can say. For the barest of moments Aimee looks supremely confident, and her two friends can probably guess why that might be. Then, abruptly, that confidence disappears as if it was never there, the girl looking a bit like a deer in headlights as she's introduced and offering an awkward wave to the audience. And as she stands on stage awkwardly fidgeting while Harley finishes singing it becomes clear that the empath, for whatever reason, is refusing to use her power on herself.

She fumbles the mic when it's given to her, and after freezing a moment almost robotically sets her drink down on the edge of the stage. After a few moments of awkward silence she eventually speaks up, a faint tremor in her voice and looking on the verge of panic as she greets the audience. "Umm... Hi everyone. I've never done this before, so... uhh... I'll be singing Lash Out by Alice Merton?" She glances at the DJ nervously, waiting confirmation - which she gets in the form of the music starting up. Looking out at her audience is kind of seriously terrifying, so the empath closes her eyes and does her best to ignore the jumble of emotions she can feel from the audience.

"I can feel it on the back of my tongue..."
"All of these words gettin trapped in my lungs..."
"Heavy like a stone, waitin for the river to run..."

There's still a faint tremor in her voice, but it's not like it's a difficult song to sing well and she's doing an alright job so far all things considered.

Spiral has posed:
That's a pretty good song to dance to. Though the way Spiral does it looks almost like a fitness routine, and she has to be given a wide berth so she doesn't actually punch out anybody a bit too close, and she jumps around a lot - and she can jump pretty far if she's so inclined! At least the swords remain on the belt, and she still does the odd twirl, because it's like Spiral can't really dance without those.

Sensing the nervousness almost, she points at Aimee, and a white beam of light focuses down upon her from on high like a searchlight, though with no discernable source. And she laughs, while still dancing. The stage hand is in her element as far as magic goes...

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is waiting eagerly, hips wiggling from side to side in anticipation. When it first starts she grins. Does she know the music? Maaaaybe. Regardless, it's not hard to find out the meaning. She begins to move to the music up on the stage, taking another sip out of her drink.

The crowd is perhaps a bit rougher, used to having these first-timers up here. And some do like to make fun, or at least make it harder. A whistle is heard from a distant table. On another a 'boo'. But it's mostly focusing on that trembling detected on Aimee's voice. Of course that Harley gives a stare of death across the room right after before resuming her dancing activities...

A rule of thumb though ..., never leave unguarded drinks near Harley. She reaches over to the drink Aimee left on stage and picks it up, sliding it all down her maw in one long gulp and then as the song starts getting to a crescendo she lets the glass fall and kicks it away. *smash* that will come out of someone's pocket! But she wants to lash out! Just like in the music...

Too bad her baseball bat was left out home. Though she does eye the one Spiral is sporting. Mmmm, maybe not a good idea! Not yet at least ... Instead she joins Aimee when they go for the chorus.

"I wanna lash ouuuuttt!" almost face to face.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
"I wanna Lash Out!"
"I wanna Let it Out!"
"Cause I can feel it on the back of my tongue, on the back of my tongue..."

Aimee's words start to feel almost growled out, dripping with frustration. It seems even without using her power she's a pretty good actor. Either that, or she's working through some *stuff* with this song. Some exagerated, vocalised panting, and then he chorus hits. The teen seems to already have forgotten her audience; her head is bopping a little, her hips swaying.

"Hard to hold - this fire inside me!"
"Oh, I know, sometimes it's frightning!"

One of her hands releases its white-knuckled grip on the mic, brushing hair behind her ear as she sings. She lifts her head, opening her eyes and chancing a peek out at the audience she's been doing her best to ignore.

"I wanna la-!"

She jerks back, the pretty Clownette *right in front of her face*. Fortunately, Harley's voice covers her own abrupt silence somewhat, and she's able to pick the song back up before making a fool of herself. And... she's having fun! There's... somehow a spotlight on her? Was that always there? After a bit of a rough start the audience seems to be totally on board. And Aimee finds a bubbling excitement in her chest that has nothing to do with her powers.

She gives Harley a grin and a playful wink before stepping around her to properly face the audience for the first time during her performance, her eyes automatically seeking out Spiral in the process and grinning happily when she realises the woman is dancing to *her*.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral keeps on dancing, but slowly works her way around in a circle, so she can look over the place. While it's true that not even Spiral is looking to mess someone's day up eery second of the day, it's worth a quick check. She's quite adept at dancing not stopping her from doing anything else and weaving it into the dance, as she turns around and prowls around the bar a bit. But most people seem to be having a good time.

The death stare means that there's nothing to see by the time Spiral has turned around. Aw. So soon enough she's back looking up at Aimee singing and now dancing too. Well, it IS a karaoke bar. Hmm. Maybe she has star power as well... strictly for singing, though. Her glowing eyes narrow a bit.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley continues to follow along with the lyrics, mostly on those high points.

"I wanna let it out..!" she echoes, but it's mostly Aimee's show, she only joining in for those moments, grinning at that spotlight on the girl. She casts a look at Spiral. Clearly the culprit! Heart of gold on the six-armed wonder! That's settled!

The abrupt stop on singing from Aimee when she notes Harley's closeness brings a wink out of the clownette, one meant to relax the girl. Got to lash it out afterall! Do all the things she doesn't have the temerity to do!

Her actions seem to match those superficial feelings on Harley too. All about being freed of inhibitions and dancing it out, no other thought in her mind and just being free. There is a brief memory of their short trip to the Wildways, how it felt. She finds herself grinning, shaking her head from side to side and those pigtails wild about her head. She gestures to Spiral.

UGet up here onto the stage it seems to be saying! OR daring her. One of those.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
"I've got somethin to say, I'll start a riot"
"Rip that tape from my mouth, I won't be quiet."
"Cause *everything* is *nothing* 'till you realise it's something you *want*."

That last line is said with suprising vehemence, Aimee almost looking like she's momentarily swept up into her own little world before Harley's voice once more joining her own brings her back to earth. The teen is fired up, free hand making gestures, head shaking back and forth and throwing her long hair around as she sings.

She spots Harley gesturing to Spiral, and joins in the effort; aggressively pointing to Spiral and then gesturing with an open hand towards the stage. Finding a gap between the lines of the song she doubles down, calling out "Who wants to see the six-armed seductress get up here and dance??"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral sighs. The joy of the Wildways is all the chaos, none of the people! So she can dance alone, for eternity. Yeah, she can be quite antisocial.

Still, she vanishes and pops up on the stage, managing to dance around the two of them as they sing quite quickly, hands forming elaborate patterns, and one hand always pointing at Aimee - not necessarily the same one, as she dances around, but managing to weave that gesture into her movements as a constant.

If nothing else, the magic spotlight needs to be maintained. Though not for kindness sake but because she wanted to make her even more embarassed by making sure every eye in the bar was on her. Perhaps Spiral misjudged... though she doesn't seem too disappointed.

Harley Quinn has posed:
When Spiral finally comes up on stage of course that Harley brings a couple of fingers to her lips to whistle suggestively at the 'seductress', grinning widely at her and she also a bit wild now, perhaps all pumped up with the music, or seeing Aimee breaking out a bit from her shell. It's so endearing! But Harley is Harley..., given to excesses... And two and a half Cosmopolitans later drank in record time, along with the music.., well...

So she makes way to the edge of the stage, jumping out of it suddenly and towards a table. It's void of people thankfully because when she lands, right during the encore of 'LASH OUUUUT' it also breaks the table down under her boots.

It's received with a mix reaction. Some yelps from nearby people, some cheers. If there's one person that won't be happy that's the bartender though who just frowns. Another one to put on the tab! Harley doesn't seem to care though, cackling like an hyena.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee looks quite pleased at having successfully got Spiral up on the stage too, and takes it as unofficial encouragement of her singing. She playfully points back at Spiral as she sings, not having realised exactly why the sorceress is pointing at her and not actually caring why to begin with. The empath is just having an absolute blast letting her hair down and riving the wave of giddy excitement that's begun to accompany her performance.

Said performance falters momentarily when Harley leaps off the stage and destroys a table. But with a quick shake of her head she pushes onwards, quickly getting back into the swing of things and bringing the song to a close.

"I wanna Lash Out!"

The final words by the song, followed by a moment of of silence since the music has already finished, and then finally hoots and hollers from a largely appreciative audience. The teen simply stands on the stage, her chest heaving as she catches her breath and basks in the applause.

"Hey darling, you can get off the stage now!" Whoever the audience member is that shouts that, the words at least sound amused rather than critical. A flush rising to her cheeks once more, Aimee mutters an embarrassed apology into the mic, returning it to the stand and then glancing at both Harley and Spiral. Grinning like a loon, she abruptly throws herself at Spiral; giving the woman a sudden hug that is just as abruptly released, then jumping off the stage and running towards Harley and the broken table to try and give the clownette the same treatment.

Spiral has posed:
Now for some reason Spiral is alone on the stage, and the music has stopped. Perhaps fortunately for the owner of the voice who told Aimee to hop it, she doesn't even hear it, let alone misunderstand it, which could quite easily be quite bad for that person. Instead she lingers on the stage, to dance around some more, this time to music only she can hear, or perhaps no music at all.

Maybe there's some muttering from the normies about the multi armed mutate, but as she's got swords and everybody is broadly speaking having a good time, muttering is all it is.

Harley's vandalism is similarly ignored too. Though Spiral does occasionally glance that way. But she's pretty sure the clownette can look after herself.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is still standing imperiously upon the broken table, whistling and hooting and when the song is over she joins in with the clapping. "That's right, let that heah down girl!" She can't help but laugh when the hug is given over to Spiral. And that it's not refused or otherwise pushed back. That's progress! Or maybe just Spiral following with what Harley said at the beginning of the night. No hugging herself! Only others! Psychologist magic...

The comment from someone at the audience has Harley peek over at the culprit. Nothing done now. But maybe down the night something will happen. She has time...! Still a few more drinks to go until she sees double afterall...!

When the girl jumps off stage to come hug her she receive her in a tight embrace. "Ya did it! Lettin' go is good, ain't it?" she asks with a grin, releasing and resting her hands on the girl's shoulders for a time. "Repressin' all that inside ya, it's almost palpable. Or was."

Then she waves over. "Drinks on me, Spispi!"

Aimee Alexander has posed:
"I did it!!" There's almost a touch of disbelief in Aimee's voice as she makes that declaration, even though she's looking like she's about to vibrate out of her own skin in giddyness. Even Spiral's absolute non-reaction to getting hugged doesn't sour her mood; after all, she's starting to realise that maybe that's just who Spiral *is*.

"I can't believe I did that! Without... without my power even! Fuck! I love that song but I... god, I don't think I've ever felt so *free*!" She breaks the clownette's hold of her shoulders with a pirouette, smile still affixed to her lips. "I need to hang out with you guys more often!"

Then drinks are mentioned, and Aimee looks back to where she left her drink... a drink that is no longer there. Naturally suspicious, she tries (and fails) to look annoyed, her voice amused as she glances between Harley and Spiral and asks "Okay, so which of you was it *this* time?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral eventually jumps off the stage, and dances her way through the club over to Harley and Aimee. "I see visiting the Wildways was beneficial after all... to see the multiverse with new eyes, and to dance with it." she says softly. All this time, she's managed to hold on to her empty glass, so she hands it to Harley at talk of drinks. "They should already have plenty of money...". And looks around for the pile of cash that was left on the bar top. If they took it it better be free drinks for a night at least...

"Me?" she asks. And laughs a bit incredulously. "I steal talent, not drinks. You bought me all the others." she points out. "And I gave them a hundred bucks earlier too.".

Harley Quinn has posed:
The bartender continues to eye them, speaking in a bit of a gruff manner, "The money of earlier will be good for the table.. And the glass." he announces. But he still serves three more cosmopolitans. Because well, lots of other patrons also drinking in celebration. Turns out they got to enjoy themselves, with Aimee not having had to use her power even! "It's only the start." she says in way of promise to Aimee. "An whole woahld out theah ta see and conquer!" she is flushed too after all the excitement, breathing a bit hard but pauses when Spiral hands her an EMPTY glass. REally?

"Aimee, ya know what ta do." The glass again exchanges hands to the girl. Time to smash her eyes seem to tell!

"I like this place." She then says. "So quaint and cozy. Different from Gotham too! Not havin' all those thugs aftah my ass is a good change o' pace." she rests her elbows on the counter, ufffing.

Of course that she doesn't confess it was her all along before, stealing her drink and smashing the glass in the process.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee looks a little sheepish, being forced to acknowledge that she *did* technically offer the previous drinks to Spiral even if the way Spiral subsequently snatched them up suggested that the woman wouldn't have been too bothered had the offer not been made beforehand. "I guess I did, didn't I? I also can't imagine you being the type to try hide it if you *had* taken my drink, so..." She turns to look at Harley, grinning, a single eyebrow raised in challenge. And gosh it's so much *easier* to be confident without her power when there's already so much adrenaline in her veins.

That all abruptly turns into confusion when she's handed the empty glass like she's supposed to know what she's meant to do with it. "Wait, what am I...?" She can see it in Harley's eyes, the challenge. She hesitates, glancing towards the unamused bartender who's eyes are narrowed but who otherwise says nothing, then to Spiral, trying to get a read on what the sorceress thinks of all this. For a short moment it seems like she might chicken out, like this might be as far as she's willing to go; but the very thought of that possibility serves as motivation and before she can second guess herself she's thrown the empty glass on the floor, and then stomped on the remains with her new-ish looking chucks.

She still offers the bartender a slightly embarrassed "Sorry!" afterwards though.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral watches all this, and then folds two arms over her chest - is just two arms still allowed? - and smirks at Harley. "Is this reform as well, little clown?" she asks, curiously. "Or are you just trying to reform ME, and make poor Aimee an agent of chaos?".

Glancing over at Aimee, she pffts. "He's been paid anyway. I hear rich people pay bartenders in advance and then just smash the place sometimes and nobody cares. Well, aside from the press. Rich children. Not that we are children...".

She's looking a bit suspicious, mostly at Harley. Psychologist magic, maybe. Either that or the Wildways had an effect on her too! Smashing tables is new of late anyway.

Harley Quinn has posed:
There is a 'Wooo' at the glass being smashed but then a 'bleh' when Aimee says sorry to the bartender. Nope that won't do. So the clownette lets out a sigh. "I give it a solid 6/10. The sorry in the end sorta kills it!" she admonishes the young girl, tsking but then laughs taking a drink out of her new cosmopolitan while the others are spread about. "And I am balancing things, Spiral. Not too good, not too bad! Just be my cool, bad self. And this is all part of the process of livin'!" she gestures with her arms around the room.

"Which ya both sometimes *can* lack a lil. But worry not, foh I am heah ta save the day." she even puffs out her chest like some superhero that has an S on their shirt. Super Harley!

"I mean, I wouldn'a stopped at smashin' just one table if that's whats makin' ya curious, Spi." old time Harley! A menace!

Though finally she gives up and confesses. "And suwah enough I stole yoh drink. Then smashed the glass. What's moouh hilarious is ya weah so enwraptured in the music that ya didn't even notice it!" a wink given at the young girl.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
While Aimee initially feels a bit sheepish for giving that apology to the bartender, Spiral's questioning of Harley quickly distracts the teen. Her eyes widen at the suggestion the clownette is trying to make her an 'agent of chaos', and she looks back and forth between the two with concern. Despite the confidence she's managed to show most of the evening, she's still at heart a bit insecure and lonely. And it's difficult to ignore the little whisper in her mind suggesting that Harley's manipulating her for some villainous end, however little sense that might make.

The clownette's reassurances help, and even Spiral's rambling about rich kids behaving badly somehow reassures her. And there's probably no better distraction from self-doubt than Harley Quinns chest being puffed out. She shakes her head, realising that she's zoned out a little, and tries to rejoin the conversation.

"Sorry guys, guess I'm still a work in progress..." And doesn't that just sound defeated. Trying to be more upbeat, she offers a slight grin "But with the two of you helping me, I'm pretty sure that won't be a problem for long, right?" And maybe there's just a hint of hopefulness in that question.

Trying to move on from what is, to her, an awkward topic, she takes a sip of her own drink before directing a question to Spiral. "So, uhh, Harley does like uhh bounty hunting stuff or whatever now right? But I don't think I know what you actually *do* Spiral."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral isn't randomly rambling about quantum chromodynamics at least.

"Work in progress for what? Harley's plans? More star power?" she asks. And then she blinks as Aimee actually asks her The Question.

"What don't I do." she replies, spreading her arms. "Talent scout, director, time dancer, mafia asset, shaper of bodies and of souls, government agent, banished refugee, hero, villain, and bored sorceress, seeking a return from whence she came. Take your pick.".

All are true, based on your point of view. She glances over at Harley, who seems to be getting used to this teleporting everywhere thing. "... Travel agent." she eventually adds.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Damn right! I even got pics o' my exploits all ovah!" Well, mostly on her social media but ..., it's a start! Harley does grin out at the two of them. "Woik in progress? Damn right. Just like that pottery in Ghost, uh?" she eyebrow-waggles again and then lets out a loud laugh, downing the rest of her drink. Damn girl!

When Aimee goes and asks The Question to Spiral it's almost as if she goes into slow motion, starting to shake her head with a noo marked on her lips but there's little she can do. It's out.. Now got to take the consequences of knowing. Not that Spiral ever hid being somewhat of a villain.

And all in all, it's a rather mild response. No mention of all the 'playing doctor' she was doing with those gangsters that visited her lair for augmentations. "I have said it once, I will say it again. Teleportin' is the best powah evah." and noone shall budge her out of that idea.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee's attention darts back to Harley momentarily at the reference to ghost. She feels the flush beginning to burn its way back to her cheeks, the urge to pretend she didn't hear or notice. But damn it, tonight feels like it's the first night of the rest of her life so without thinking too much she cocks her hip and sasses back a mostly (and surprisingly) confident "If you think running your hands all over my body will help, I'm up for trying."

Of course she immediately and very abruptly gives Spiral her *complete* attention immediately afterwards, feeling her blush growing stronger and spreading to the rest of her face and down her neck, and she focuses intently on Spiral's words if for no other reason than to try and not think about what she just said.

Even with all that focus, she doesn't really have any idea what Spiral *meant* by all that. The list sounds very impressive? The mention of being a villain might have given Aimee pause if it hadn't been preceeded by a claim of being a hero. Also, there's that bit about being a government agent. Maybe Spiral does some black-ops stuff for Shield? Nodding slowly, she raises her eyebrows and declares "Holy shit. That's... some resumé. Colour me impressed?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral laughs now, finally the centre of attention. Harley ignored for once! "All true, too. Interdimensional swordfighters who use magic... can get involved in many things. Though mostly I just wish to return to where Spiral was born.".

A brief pause, and then she shrugs. "Are you scared?" she wonders, amused. "After all, you know Harley was an infamous criminal I am sure. The entire world seems to know that, I can't take her anywhere without someone recognising her. At least I was mostly not on Earth in my career.".

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Staring at Spiral, Aimee contemplates that question. *Is* she scared? She probably *should* be. Certainly the sorceress can be *intimidating* but that's not really the question being asked. A few moments of thought later, while determinedly not looking anywhere else but at Spiral of course, and the empath finally shakes her head.

"I mean... it's probably stupid right. But... you've not done anything to make me scared. All things considered you've been pretty nice. And Harley-" she definitely doesn't look in that direction "-is really nice too. And you guys are friends with each other." She shrugs, looking uncomfortable but nevertheless not backing down.

"Maybe not being scared is a mistake, but... I'm starting to learn that life is nothing without a little risk y'know?"

Spiral has posed:
"Harley befriended ME, it was not the other way around.". Spiral shrugs, and sighs a little. "I am not easy to get along with..." she admits. "But Harley has a similar past to me, and is a psychologist too, so I suppose she must be used to befriending hard to like people. She did manage it with even the Joker after all.".

Now Harley is busily drinking more cosmopolitans she can actually talk about Mr J for once!

"Anyway. You two sang. I danced. Our time is up, for I at least have things to do. Gumbo to eat, swords to sharpen, bodies to harden.".

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee looks maybe a little sad at Spiral's self-assessment, but doesn't disagree with it. She resists the urge to offer platitudes and instead just offers a wry smile. "Well... yeah, you can be pretty surly. But you *did* buy me a drink, and I'm also pretty stubborn, so I think I can probably put up with you."

She nods in acceptance to the sorceresses declaration that the evening is at an end, almost going for a hug before she thinks better of it and just kind of stands there with her arms slightly spread. "Maybe next time we can do something *you* like?" Maybe it's presumptuous, but after hanging out with the pair thrice already Aimee figures they're almost guaranteed to do so again at some point.

Spiral has posed:
"Enh. Maybe Tahiti. I owe Wade a trip too." Spiral replies, grinning in brief amusement. "Tahiti has become a tradition now. Maybe I should surprise them by actually taking them somewhere else for a change... Antarctica, perhaps. Or the middle of Amazon.".

"But now, somewhere more mundane awaits me.". She dances for a moment, doing a final twirl, and both Harley and Spiral vanish in a pop and a flash of light.