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Latest revision as of 05:04, 8 November 2020

A Routine Checkup
Date of Scene: 07 November 2020
Location: Labs - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Mori visits the Titans Lab for a checkup and gets a shiny new monitoring bracelet.
Cast of Characters: Nadia Pym-van Dyne, Mori Merritt

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
With the work on the psychic beacon done and the beacon itself placed into hyperspace by some friendly aliens, because everything seems to be aliens these days, there is not much else Nadia can do for her lost friends but wait. (And perhaps pour over wormhole scan data until she finds a way to break down the very fabric of dimensional space itself for a more direct approach, but that's going to take some time. (And maybe break reality.))

Today finds her back in the Titans lab reviewing more of the wormhole data from the Titans' recent space adventure. She's also multi-tasking as she does, apparently scrolling through a list of possible buildings that could be converted into a laboratory and headquarters for G.I.R.L. on her StarkTech tablet. All while waiting for G.I.R.L.'s first major scientific... challenge? client? to show up for their first checkup since that unfortunate shrinking incident.

Mori Merritt has posed:
When Mori's allowed entrance to the lab, she comes bearing a bag of what looks like homemade cookies. She holds the nearly full ziplock of oatmeal chocolate chip high into the air. "So I had to ask my neighbor to call me to make sure I wasn't zoning out and missing the timer on my oven, but I managed to make cookies without burning anything."

After all, nothing's more important than snacks in situations like this. She's at least attempting some sort of normalcy in the midst of all of this. "I call that a success at least, cookies are always a success."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Cookies? I love cookies!" Nadia doesn't quite fly out of her chair, but she doesn't waste any time standing up from her workstation either when Mori appears with cookies.

"That does sound like a success.. if not actual progress in controlling those episodes." She nods her head in agreement. "Have you had any new visions lately, I was talking to Carol..." she stops herself, "Captain Marvel, and she said she would look at your pictures to see if the stars matched the Kree or Interlac alien star chart databases. So if you have any new ones, I can take those over, too." She smiles.

"Come in, have a seat, relax." Nadia ushers Mori towards a waiting chair near her lab workstation, "Have you had any more issues with shrinking or your others powers? I'm guessing not with shrinking since you're not shrunk, unless you figured out how to change on your own?" Without Caitlin around to hold her back Nadia is just full of questions.

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I think maybe next time I'll see if Cecily will let me just use her oven. I felt kind of bad asking my neighbor not to let me set things on fire. People are still not-so-happy about the dorm fire thing..." Mori offers a sheepish grin, though there's likely a bit more weight behind her eyes than she's trying to express. "I can't say it's real progress, though. Things are still pretty frequent, although I haven't really had any new weird abilities or anything pop up."

She gives a shrug. "I'm just sort of taking things a day at a time lately, it's been too hard to predict if or when something's going to mess up." With the cookies passed off to Nadia, she's free to sort through her bag for her sketchpad. "I have a few she might want to look at. There are only some bits of stars, it's hard for me to rememeber to try and look around more when it's happening..."

She moves to take a seat, setting her bag aside as she flips through for new drawings. "I've sort of made it a point not to try messing with any abilities right now because I'm a little terrified of setting something on fire while I'm small or something." There's a sheepish smile, but once again it's a bit of a cover for some serious concerns.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
From the moment the bag is in Nadia's hands a cookie disappears almost immediately into her mouth and another one is already in her hand. She really does appear to like cookies. "Dezr threaly gd" She takes a moment to swallow down her mouthful of cookie, "These are really good!" She repeats.

Nadia listens carefully to Mori nodding, "Yeah, getting help from others is probably and Cecily seemed nice enough." She says as she accepts the sketchpad. "Not messing with things on your own is probably for the best, I meant more any uncontrolled incidents. But it sounds like things have been relatively stable."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"As far as incidents, no... I haven't accidently shrunk or anything. I've gotten lucky, though I'm not entirely sure how long that'll last." The hint of pessimism in her voice is masked quickly as Mori grabs a cookie and shoves it into her mouth. She at least waits until her mouth isn't crammed full of delicious cookie bits before she talks again.

"So no uncontrolled abilities, but there's still certainly a lot of blackouts. It's why I double checked for the cookies. They've been happening a lot, and some of them are a bit longer than I'm used to. I wish I had a way of capturing the sound and the feel of things the way I can with the visuals..."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia leans back in her chair tapping her chin in thought as she swallows another bite of cookie, "A telepath, we could find someone who can see into your mind, they could probably witness the sounds and sensations and perhaps even communicate them to others. Though I don't actually know a telepath that can do that, I think. Maybe there's one in the Justice League. I should ask around." Because apparently that's a thing one just does.

"Oh! I made you this. It may not be too important since you haven't had any issues, but it will detect the spatial warping created by size shifting and alert me if something happens to you." She explains as she picks up a stylish metal bracelet that looks like one of those fitbit fashion replacements, from the table. "Janet helped me make it look like something you might actually want to wear."

Mori Merritt has posed:
The suggestion of someone from the /Justice League/ helping gets a bit of an amused smile from Mori. "It's kind of weird for me with everyone trying to help and all, it always sort of just feels like everyone's got bigger fish to fry than my weird problems. It does mean a lot that you're trying, though."

As Mori takes a glance at the bracelet, she blinks a few times and maybe, just maybe, her eyes well up just a bit. "That's... really sweet. Thank you. It's kind of nice to know I'm not just gonna, y'know, disappear and never be heard from again. And it's really pretty. That's probably the nicest thing anyone's done for me..."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
The scope of the problems doesn't seem to matter much to Nadia in the same way it does to normal people, it's questionable if she really ever takes scope of task versus the scope of the proposed solution into account rather than just thinking of how something might be accomplished and doing it. If she knows someone in the Justice League who can get that cat out of the tree and they're available, she's going to ask them. "People like helping, or at least I like helping, but I think they do too. Oh there's also a quantum tracking beacon in there so I can find you easily." She smiles brightly at Mori, "I'm glad you like it."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"Even if it wasn't pretty, I'd like it. But it's functional /and/ pretty. It's very thoughtful," Mori says, moving to settle the bracelet on her wrist. "People like helping but, I dunno, I never thought I'd ever be in a position where someone on the news wanted to help me. It's not like I'm important."

She rubs the back of her neck. "I guess it's just kind of nice to feel like I'm worth helping?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"You're definitely worth helping!" Nadia beams at Mori after she finishes swallowing another cookie. "I don't think being on the news makes you different or anything, I just sort of did things, I mean, what do I mean, I mean the people on the news are still people. I used to place a lot of super heroes on pedastles too until I actually met them. And I mean I still kind of do I respect them and what they do a lot, but they're still people. Even someone like Superman, he's really nice and invited me to do SCIENCE! on the /Moon/!" Easily excited and prone to rambling genius girl is excited and rambling.

"Your problems aren't any less important than anyone elses and in the case of things like powers it can be scary, a lot of heroes have been there when things were a lot less controlled the cool collected individuals you see on TV." She takes a bite of perhaps her fifth cookie, "These are really good by the way."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"My mom's recipe. The secret is to not blend up the oatmeal but if you leave the oats whole then it's kinda a chunkier cookie. It makes great cookie dough, too. I actually thought about just bringing the dough instead... then I wouldn't have even had to worry about the oven," Mori offers a bright smile. "Careful or you'll eat the whole bag. Not that I can't make more!"

She flips idly through her sketch book. "Maybe it's just that it feels to me like I can't give back the way I'd like to for all the help I'm getting. So cookies kind of help..."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Oh. Oops." Nadia says glancing to the left and right a bit sheepishly, "Sometimes I get a bit carried away, my metabolism got overclocked when I was an infant so I eat more than most people." Left to her own devices she'd probably finish the entire bag with ease.

But the smile does not stay off her face for long, "Yet." She tells Mori when she talks about not being able to give back, "You already have more powers than some of the actual Avengers, you just need to learn to control them. I think the best way to give back is turning around and helping others. But there's lots of other ways, too. Cookies are a great way also, I will never turn down cookies!"

Mori Merritt has posed:
"Oh no, I totally get it. I'm constantly eating. Not really like I'm starving or anything, I'm just... I don't know, always seems like I'm ready for more. So I totally get that." Mori reaches for another cookie, just for good measure, and munches on it. What Nadia's saying is taken in, though there's some clear insecurity there.

"Yeah, but... you think I can fix the blackouts or whatever? It's not like I can go saving someone from a fire if I might just stop in the middle of it. I can barely help myself half the time. You think I can learn to help?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia's face lights up when Mori takes another cookie and the one in her own hand quickly disappears as well. "I'm not a doctor and I'm not a specialist like Caitlin but I do know a fair bit about biology, biochemistry, and genetics. If we can figure out the cause, we can very likely stop it from happening. I mean looking at it logically it is either an internal or external trigger. If it's internal it is a matter of removing whatever the cause is and getting your body back to factory settings so to speak, if it's external it should just be a matter of figuring out what outside element is affecting you and block it from doing so."

This girl doesn't seem to know the meaning of impossible. "I'm just as curious about why though, /why/ are you seeing these things. If it's Aliens, and I think it is, then it's probably external, some kind of signal they're beaming into your brain maybe? The question is why though, what is the point of showing you these things?"

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori's not about to tell if Nadia's going to eat a whole bag of cookies. It's a secret between friends and cookie-sharers. "I mean, that makes sense, I'm just not sure how to actually stop it from doing what it's doing." The idea of aliens does give her a curious look.

"Okay, so say it's aliens. Do you think they're showing me these to try and get me to help them? Because I odn't know that I can interpret them the way they are." She pauses. "... and I don't one-hundred-percent know that the black outs and the weird abilities are tied to each other. It might have triggered something and it could be separate issues, right?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Entirely seperate!" Nadia agrees cheerfully, "There is nothing we've seen so far that necessarily means they are linked. The powers might even just be a side effect of whatever they are doing. Communication of some sort would be the most likely motivation, but it's entirely possible, even likely you're simply not equipped to communicate in the way that they are attempting to interface with you."

She stops and ponders for a moment, "We could try isolating you from outside interference as a test. My friend Kian's telepathy works with low frequency electromagnetic waves, while my own hymenoptera communication blends electromagnetic waves and psion particles. Perhaps though if we could isolate you from both types of signals they would no longer be able to interface with your mind." She's spitballing based on other phenomena she's encountered that might be similar.

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I'm willing to try anything," Mori notes. "I just know that it's really hard to manage to be remotely normal with all this going on. I've adapted a lot, but it's... it's still really tough. I don't really think they have support groups for this kind of thing." The last bit is a joke by the way she's smiling, but there's some seriousness to it.

"Maybe we'll find something really cool in the process of all of this. You could make some really cool scientific discovery."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia thinks, think think think, "If I modify one of the headbands I use to communicate with hymenopterans, I might be able to alter it to be a disruptor to dissipate incoming electromagnetic waves and psion particles harmlessly around you instead, though you probably won't want to get too close to a radio either." There's a light shrug, some side effects can't be helped. "Maybe! Who knows what we might find. If it does turn out to be some form of external communication and we can isolate the signal, we may be able to set up an antenna and some manner of tool to more effectively record and interpret it."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"That'd be a really cool thing, honestly. What if you make contact with some weird alien race and I get to be some weird ambassador to some other place?" Mori's clearly looking at the bright side of the situation. "And then you could win a prize for helping make peace between two races." There's a small smile, and then she grabs another cookie.

"I should have made two batches."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia stands up, forgoing another cookie for the moment and walks over to rummage through a box of odd looking high tech tools before coming back with a long metal rod linked to some sort of readout display and power source. "I'm just going to do a quick check to see if we can find any extraneous electromagnetic activity around you." She tells Mori as she walks back over with the device.

Flicking the device on it begins to hum a bit as she waves it around like a lightsaber through the air near Mori, as she walks in a circle around Mori's chair. "It's not going to say any more than if something is anomolous, but it's a start."

Mori Merritt has posed:
The waving of the device gets a bit of a laugh from Mori--mostly because she doesn't know how the technology works and since there's no obvious indication she can see, who knows if it's doing anything good. "So what sort of thing causes electromagnetic activity? Like if something external were influencing me?"

Her gaze follows Nadia with the device. "Or like... if I give it off? Can people do that?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia nods her head as she orbits around Mori with her device, "It could be either of those things, if you're producing an unusual amount of electromagnetic radiation it will pick that up, radio waves, cellular phone traffic, a lot of things use electromagnetic signals to communicate, even our brains use bio-electricity to communicate between the different cells. But humans don't normally produce significant quantities. On the other hand it may not even show anything if you're not actively receiving a signal, so finding nothing doesn't even mean there's nothing just nothing right now if it's an active thing rather than a passive thing."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I'm not really a scientist, but we could always try that again if you catch me in one of my episodes. If it's something trying to communicate, maybe it'll have some kind of reading?" Mori grins. "If it weren't for the danger in all this, it'd be exciting. It's kind of a mixed bag. It's nice to have something /different/ happening, but I wish it weren't quite this different."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia makes a face and shrugs, "There is no passive electromagnetic radiation." She announces looking at the read out, "Which means either that sort of wave is not involved or it's an active thing and not currently active, which it might be regardless! But that's science, narrowing the possibilities one at a time. But if the episodes are happening more frequently, it should only be a matter of waiting and then we can run more tests again and hopefully you don't shrink this time. If we could get you into an MRI machine while it is happening, that would be ideal. Maybe with a few modifications."