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Once upon a time in Asgard...
Date of Scene: 08 November 2020
Location: An Inn in Asgard
Synopsis: (Some centuries ago)

Amora and Brunnhilde meet up and have drinks. Amora brings the incentive of adventure after Brunnhilde gets disillusioned with Odin's mandate. A drink contest ensues.

Cast of Characters: Brunnhilde, Amora

Brunnhilde has posed:
It's been a long day's, no days' work.  As the centuries have blurred, time is as much of a concept as dust.  It accumulates.  It has certainly built up around this establishment, one of Asgard's finest drinking holes, if you like drinking holes that aren't swimming with soldiers and As-bros.  Sometimes, they are unavoidable.

It's enough that she's Valkyrie that she's welcomed here.  Brunnhilde has her pick of seat in the place and she's seated at the end of the bar, furthest from the door.  She's settled in, unworried about needing an exit, and kept company by a big jug of beer and a slightly smaller stein, as it appears.

Amora has posed:
Finest drinking holes are still a dump for one of the likes of Amora, used to the best life has to offer. But sacrifices *do* have to be made sometimes so here she is.. Or rather, she appears at the door as if she had been there for a while now, dressed in a dark green garb that clings to her forms. Her hair is tied up in braids, long and down to her lower back.

Crystal blue eyes take in the occupants, the way their eyes seem to be drawn to her, at least the riff-raff. Ahhh, she does enjoy the attention, starting on her way across the room. Many make space on their seats as she goes past, almost as if asking for her to sit. Or perhaps wishing for the blessing of having her there. One goes as far as kicking his drinking companion out of the nearby seat.. No comraderie between drinking buddies apparently! Yet none seem to be chosen..

Her aim is the end of that bar, stopping next to the valkyrie. "Good evening, Brunnhilde." her voice smooth, "Such a surprise to find you here." nope, not a surprise at all!

Brunnhilde has posed:
Brunnhilde hasn't bothered to change out of her ceremonial gear, blue cape and all.  It is a straight from work to the bar kinda thing.  She leans over the pitcher to stare into the amber liquid.  Something seems to be disrupting the natural order of the bar, as so evident by the sounds.  How everything goes quiet before Amora leaves everyone in her wake.

Brunnhilde's frown deepens slightly at the greeting, then diminishes almost entirely, sublimated into a smile and a soft, scrutinous squint that she aims at Amora.  "So surprising," she says with mild sarcasm and an up-nod.  "What are you doing here?"  As in /this bar/.  Her eyes flit to the decor and back to Amora as she leisurely spins to face the woman more.  She lifts her stein to put a few gulps back.

Amora has posed:
"And not as if I could not notice you on that garb.." Amora says wistfully of the ceremonial gear Brunnhilde is dressed as. But she soon after lets out a soft sigh, almost a comforting one. "It is a pity what they are doing to you..." the woman adds quietly, stepping forth to join Brunnhilde by the bar, both her elbows resting back on the counter while she surveys the place, speaking in a low tone with the Valkyrie.

"And can't I be here talking with an old friend? Though a better question would be. What are /you/ doing here?" She asks in return, one of her eyes continuing to look Brunnhilde over, watching her demeanor and expression, taking note of her moods.

"This isn't exactly where you belong, is it?"

Brunnhilde has posed:
"I make my own choices."  But that's the irony.  It was never Brunnhilde's /choice/ to make Earth off limits, and those few words feel more honest than 'I don't just do what I'm told.'

"Only if you're going to drink with me.  Really drink."  The woman chuckles wryly with a wide grin.  "What does it look like I'm doing?  I'm celebrating that my workload has diminished considerably.  Please.  Tell me.  Where should I be?"

Amora has posed:
"Of course you do." Amora adds, helpfully. On her expression it shows she doesn't really believe on that much, shaking her head a bit to herself, "But the Allfather always has the last word, doesn't he?" she 'gently' reminds the Valkyrie. A glance goes over her shoulder to the bartender, she snapping her fingers. "Get us a couple more drinks. Mead for me. And a refill for whatever she is drinking."

"Do you really expect me to become really drunk? You know I'd cheat with magic. Yet I can indulge the illusion if you wish." Everyone knows that Amora isn't exactly the sturdiest of Asgardians. A lot more delicate than the rest of them, or at least than the sturdy warriors. Her talents have always been ..., elsewhere.

"And there are many options on where you could be.." She lets Brunnhilde give it a thought for a bit, the drinks finally arriving and she taking a good swig out of her mead perhaps out of respect towards Brunnhilde. No dainty sips! "Asgard is a very large place afterall, full of secrets yet to uncover."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Don't goad me woman," Brunnhilde warns as if she isn't in the mood. Cranky. Yeah Brunnhilde's been more cranky since word came down of her new borders. Though she does grin slightly when Amora orders them more drinks.

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Don't goad me woman," Brunnhilde warns as if she isn't in the mood.  Cranky.  Yeah Brunnhilde's been more cranky since word came down of her new borders.  Though she does grin slightly when Amora orders them more drinks.

"Well now you've ruined the illusion, so it's a bit moot isn't it.  Like a seduction after getting permission?"  Brunnhilde smirks and then lifts her stein to drain it before pouring herself a refill.  The only difference, truly, between the two vessels is that one is more adorned for drinking, though they both nearly hold the same capacity and could get the job done.  Superfluous.

Amora's swig earns a dip of Brunnhilde's chin before she gets back to drinking, since she knows Amora's answers will be even more entertaining if she downs...well...she really should be drinking something stronger for that purpose.  "You're so convincing.  Are you actually going to dangle something real over my head or are you all talk?" she teases, the pressure obviously just a part of her playfulness, only obvious from the slight upward twitch of her lips.  

Amora has posed:
"Maybe that's the whole point." About the illusion, that is. "Though as for seducing, you already know I /never/ ask permission." A rather amused smile playing at Amora's lips, she flicking her tongue over them to wipe the remaining mead off. It's tasty enough, she will give it that. Still a dump of a place in her view though.

When the Valkyrie asks if she is all talk there is a faint raise of her brow. "You say it as if it would be a bad thing." a soft laugh escaping her lips. "Entire kingdoms have fallen under the use of this tongue though." she notes. Innuendo? That is a constant in all she says. But she tips some more mead in.

"Yet lets imagine I do have something real where our joint efforts would be of use. Or rather yet, lets not imagine it as for me to be here.., well.., it would be no coincidence, would it?" her arms fold over her front and she turns sideways so she can be looking directly at the other woman.

"Would you be interested?"

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Don't see it," Brunnhilde happily admits when something goes over her head except when /she knows/ she /should/ know something.  This is not one of those times.  "The point is not seen."  She reports before smirking into her stein at Amora's playfulness.

"I'm sure they have.  But," Brunnhilde squints, "couldn't you have used that tongue to build entire kingdoms instead?  Have some...proof left over after going through the effort?  Hmm?"  Two /rather/ dainty sips for the warrior.

"No shit.  What do you think I was getting at?"  Brunnhilde scoffs, not realizing how obtuse she was earlier with her intentions and insinuations.  The offer quiets her down into a stare rather quickly.  She sips, pensive.  "Yeah.  I mean as long as we aren't slaughtering innocents or whatever," which she states as if it were a foregone conclusion that they weren't.  Of course not.  Everything will be above board.  She shrugs and grins broadly.  "Should we toast and then you tell me more or do you tell me more and then we toast?"  Absurdly rhetoric question...maybe.

Amora has posed:
"Doubt, my dear." Amora indulges in explaining *the point*, lifting her mug of mead again, "Now you will be wondering whether I become truly drunk or not through the night. Much like magic.." she drains the rest of her mug down her throat. Damn, heavy drinker! But mead always goes down better than ale. Once she has drank one hand slides over the top of the mug and it appears to be full again. ".. Keep people wondering on what's real or not. There is power in that."

When Brunnhilde asks if she could had helped build kingdoms instead she but lets out a snort. As if that would be beneath her, "Maybe one day you will have to visit my Tower." she offers. Maybe the proof will be found there! But she at least acknowledges the retort. "I have yet to find a kingdom worthy of being built." a beat. "Except Allfather's, of course."

"No innocents, I may have a reputation but there is nothing to gain in killing innocents. Nothing like that, I can assure you." and in that at least she seems to be rather truthful. As much as Amora can be truthful. "Perhaps we toast before and after?" She suggests, lifting her mug up to meet Brunnhilde's.

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Is that real?  Like, do you really have the power to summon mead whenever you want?  From...somewhere," Brunnhilde's eyes shift hither and thither with a slight glint to them.  "Or, nowhere."  This is clearly important enough to prioritize above the rest of the conversation.  "Just this one trick?  Please?" she pleads with Amora to divulge in the truth.

As for visiting Amora's tower, Brunnhilde laughs.  "Oh why would I want to do that?"  Either not following the conversation, or just being flirtatious, maybe both or none?  It's unclear, and Brunnhilde doesn't seem to care.

"Yeah pretty sure to have something worthy to build you have to think it up first?  If you're hoping one will materialize out of thin air, then what's the point of building it after?  I clearly have /not/ had enough to drink.  Barkeep," Brunnhilde lifts her hand.  "Something with more strength.  None of this light summery stuff.  Is it a Midgard import?"  She holds up the pitcher as if to find the answer in her superior judgement, and gives up only a moment later, letting the pitcher slide down her grip to land on the bar top.  Her gaze flicks to Amora.  "Can we keep him out of it?  I'm off duty, and you're constantly bringing up my boss.  If you really want me to come to your tower you'll have to know how to not spoil the mood so easily."

The stronger stuff comes in its own earthenware jug, which the barkeep has failed (or succeeded?) in dispensing with the formalities of some other vessel to transfer it into.  No mugs.  No steins.  Just Brunnhilde and her drink.  How it should be.

"Alright then.  We toast.  To adventure!"  The pragmatic approach to not killing innocents doesn't seem to bother the valkyrie.  She's met all sorts.  She's tangled with all sorts.  What more she could gain by actually getting out there and tasting a little life!  She is drunk on the idea.  Lifting her jug, she clinks it gently against Amora's mug.

Amora has posed:
"Now you are starting to get it." Amora says, appearing quite pleased about Brunhilde's interest in how she made the mead appear again. Illusion? Conjuration? Something else? "An Enchantress never reveals her secrets, unless there's enough mead and .., incentive to do so." a mix of a snort and a laugh escaping the woman, it echoing in the room even with the rest of the patrons inside, drinking and talking. Magic again?

"I know you like being here to forget but I need your fury sharp for what we will have to do. A reminder is always a good thing. Of what is gone but also of what can be. Loss can bring other opportunities afterall." her voice full of promise. "But I shall not mention it again. Tonight at least." no promises about the future though!

Amora watches with mild interest as the new jug is brought in. Amused perhaps. But then meets her own mug against jug. "To adventure. May we get all we wish for and deserve." she cranes her neck back, downing her mug in one go. Her eyes gain a slightly hazy look and she smirks. "Mmm, stronger than I expected."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"Oh I don't want to forget.  If I do, I'm bound to repeat myself.  I'm just lubricating the mind a little as I figure out what to do next."  Already decided, though word of anything regarding Brunnhilde's departure (or as she thinks Odin will put it, her hiatus) from leading the Valkyrior has yet to leak out.

"It takes a lot to get me off kilter."  That her fury is sharp?  Brunnhilde leaves this implied, buried in her omission.  She takes a defiant swig of her newly procured jug, not taking her eyes from Amora's.  Perhaps she should have because she tips it too far, unfamiliar with the mouth of it, some dribble down her chin as she chugs.  She never bothers to adjust though and wipes it with the back of her forearm.

"Yeah that's an illusion.  I don't think you can hold down that well," Brunnhilde says with a smug grin as she lifts her jug again.  A challenge in the slight lift of her brow.

Amora has posed:
"Lubricate the mind? My, my.. You should be careful with your choice of words when in my presence Brunnhilde, I can be sure to twist them." Emphasis on the 'twist'. Though Amora is mightily amused now, sliding the mug back to the counter and letting it rest. Because in truth that was somewhat of a too fast drinking for her stamina. So much for the fabled Asgardian resistance! But Asgardian mead has always been ..., stronger.., than the rest. "Or maybe I am already putting ideas in your head, mmm?" always the tease.

Those crystal blue eyes never leave the Valkyrie's either, sharp and watching, noting a challenge when she sees one and not one to back down, at least not the kind being offered there. Perhaps she is just considering on how to get the other woman off-kilter. It could prove to be an interesting challenge indeed.. "I am certain..." she says, "... that will find ways to get you off kilter in our travels. If anything I never let boredom set in."

Though as for the illusion.., she elegantly brings one hand up again, gesturing fingertips. Is she doing another magic? "Shall we see about proving that theory?"

Brunnhilde has posed:
"I have a way with words I guess," Brunnhilde realizes cavalierly, claiming it on the spot with her amused tone.  "If I tempt you to twist them.  At the very least, my words are interesting."  It's a conclusion only the terminally bored or insane can come up with.  Or drunk, but the woman isn't showing any other signs of inebriation.

"For that theory to be tested.  You must swear that you will not change your spell or whatever it is.  You cannot suddenly use something of substance."  Brunnhilde has no idea what trickeries Amora stashes about her!

Amora has posed:
"Yes, you are certainly one of the true orators of our kind, Brunhilde." Amora replies with a teasing grin back at the other woman, one hand brushing some of those resplendent golden locks out of her face, "But you are right in one thing at least. I wouldn't be here if you weren't." she casts a look at the bartender again, delicate fingers sliding the mug across the counter. "A refill if you please." something the bartender immediately starts tending to. Damn the other customers!

Attention returns to the Valkyrie, "Already with the promises? Oaths are a sacred thing, Brunhilde. But fine, I will not do anything to change the drinks that are served." she announces. "My word on it."

Might be that she is curious about getting smashed at least. And it will help in getting the other woman's good graces too. "Even if you can be sure I won't be drinking as -much- as you do. That's a feat I know I cannot accomplish."

Brunnhilde has posed:
"My curiosity won't be filled by empty tricks.  Then what is the point of the game?  I find nothing out."  Well, that's what the Valkyrie wants out of /this/ game.  "So the oath is needed, because the game is sacred," she shares, though truth be told she probably only just now stumbled into a semi-legitimate reason.

"A mug please, same size as hers."  Brunnhilde also points to her jug, indicating she'll need another one soon.  "Well, my friend, anything worth mastering takes practice.  Lots of practice."

As the drinks come, the Valkyrie informs the barkeep.  "We are competing.  Keep it flowing."  She winks and situates the mugs between them, loading hers up from her jug after.  Then she turns to Amora, head at a slant, "It's more about how far you get than actually defeating me.  Let's go."  She reaches for her mug, but waits for Amora to grab hers before launching full speed ahead with the task at hand.  She was faster in her prime, when she drank more for the hel of it, but she can still throw down among the best of them, living up to her reputation.

Amora has posed:
"You prefer to see what's right in front of you. There's always the mystery of the illusion, the not knowing whether I am cheating or not.." Considering who it is the probability would be -high-, Amora's teasing smile only proving it. But her word has been given. So at least tonight it seems she won't be cheating her way through this. So she takes the mug up and clinks it with Brunnhilde's, "Oh, I can certainly get behind on practice makes perfect." her tone all too suggesting. This is her nature though, amplified with a bit of mead.

She slides some more mead down her throat, not too much this time. Got to temper it afterall.

"You do realize you may have to carry me somewhere afterwards, do you not?" She warns. "Will it be worth the effort of discovering how much mead I can handle?" She questions, swirling the golden liquid a touch. But she starts on drinking... Very moderate of course. Mead is to be tasted and appreciated!

"Are you even tasting it as you drink?" She wonders, curious.

Brunnhilde has posed:
Brunnhilde says, "We're just playing for different reasons," Brunnhilde sounds more like she might want to keep bantering with Amora rather than really believing in her own words.  There's a casualness to it all.  Her request, of course, is futile, but by even asking, she consents to playing along.

On to the next glass.  Valkyrie pours more into it like it is a matter of business.

"Oh no.  I'll definitely regret carrying a beautiful woman home for the rest of my long long...long days."  Brunnhilde can't always be witty, but she can always be sarcastic.  "And, to answer your question.  Absolutely, and so can my stomach, and my bloodstream.  The drink tastes the same from sip to sip, and so it tastes from gulp to gulp."  More senseless rationalization than logic.

The Valkyrie downs too more mugfuls like they were meant to be single gulped."

Amora has posed:
"Oh? Why am -I- playing then?" Amora asks, all curious about listening to Brunnhilde's answer, elbow resting on the counter and her chin on her hand, blue eyes dancing even as a smirk comes to rest perpetually on her expression. She takes another sip, clearly not a barbarian who has two mugs all on a row. But she is close to ending her first at least. Progress!

"That's not how tasting works, dear Brunnhilde. Do I need to go over on the uses of the tongue again?" She asks. A bit rhetorically really. The tease is there on her voice afterall.

She finally gets done with her FIRST one, asking for a refill. So far no magicks appear to have been used. Or at least apparently! "But I shall look forward to it then." being carried that is!

Brunnhilde has posed:
"You want something from me.  Amusement or otherwise."  The question did give her a pause in her drinking.  A sign of respect, a measure of manners afforded to the woman.  "Probably all."

Brunnhilde laughs at Amora's implications.  Especially that she would /need/ reminding of such things.  "You'd have to survive this competition first."  The whole competing thing only baiting her mood further, even if /she/ was the one to instigate it.

"You're trouble."  Brunnhilde smirks secretively just before she tips her mug, eyeing the woman.

Amora has posed:
"Something you will learn soon enough.." Amora says, starting on her second mug.. Or is it the third? Losing count! "... is that the Enchantress is never satisfied with just one thing." again back to her nature! Though her tantrums *are* legendary. A woman of moods.

"Ah, an extra incentive then? Careful, or I may just twist the wording on my promise to win this." she warns. She is not one to face down from a challenge afterall. Asgardian blood is present in her!

Drinks will continue through the night. As for who wins or what unfolds? Well, that tale may just have been lost through the ages...

Brunnhilde has posed:
Yes.  Drinking with a woman known for her moods.  Never fails to entertain.  "Somehow I already believe that," she says into her mug, chuckling between sips.

"If you like."  Brunnhilde sets her mug down and stretches her arms wide for a spell, certain in her victory even if neither of them know how many either of them have consumed.

The Valkyrie doesn't back down, more prone to keeping up the illusion of winning than getting technical about it.  For tonight, she would enjoy good company.  It was never about winning in the first place.  Well, maybe a little.