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Latest revision as of 22:55, 8 November 2020

Nightwing Clubbing
Date of Scene: 08 November 2020
Location: Paradise Limelight
Synopsis: Koko and Dick meet. Then Koko and Nightwing meet. It was a thing.
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, Kokumo Adebesi

Dick Grayson has posed:
The usual karaoke is on a break at the moment, the neon-lit club pulsing a bit with the thump of electronic music, people dancing in the tinted illumination, a ring of tables surrounding the dance floor. Dick Grayson is sipping on a beer, wearing a plain black t-shirt and black jeans. He certainly has an aesthetic, at any rate. He's bobbing his head along with the music, but he isn't dancing yet. Superb athlete that he is, he's a spectacular dancer, but he also doesn't necessarily want to draw too much attention to his physical capabilities. Resisting the urge to show-off is the responsible thing to do.

He'll wait a litlte while yet before he gives in.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
Koko wasn't ever a VIP type, but celebrating a friends birthday allowed them the comfort of the section. And when that section was abandoned, it was because one of the girls' favorite song popped up, and the need to dance was high. Keeping her helmet close, she joined them, bopping around with a two step, raising one hand and swaying her head left and right, her braided her flinging against whomever but they didn't care. It was all apart of the dance.

Movement was almost like butter with the beat, Koko kidding along and pumping her fist Jersey Shore style, mimicking the jocks and spray tanned babes which ends with a series of hops and a pump of her helmet into the air. She was sweating, but not tired, thirsty as hell. And that was due to the screaming over the music to be heard and the laughter that followed the crowd of girls. She breaks away just to make a line towards the bar, slamming her helmet on top, planting her knee into the seat of the stool to boost herself up to a decent height so that she could flag the bartender down. She didn't even know what the hell to order yet, but she's got time!

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick himself as moved to the bar, intending to get another beer. He'd noticed the woman with the braid, how could he not, for she was colorful and energetic and, yes, of course, attractive. He sidles up next to her and leans in, planting his elbows on the bar, "Julio, stop flirting with Tito and come serve your customers!" he calls. Dick's a regular enough that Julio turns his head and sticks out his tongue, "You aren't my boss, 'Dick'," he says, adding a mocking tone to Grayson's name, but he still makes his way over to Koko, "Name your poison, sugar."

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
That elbow. It stopped Koko so much so that she was preparing to say something untoward, until she got a look at who was there. It was a clear oh my look, her brows shooting up, huge smile raised as she turns towards the bartenders who speak to the man and call him.. Dick? Oh.. that was mean..

"Hey hey! It's okay guys!" She calls out, a little laugh in her voice. "Um.. I'll have a guiness and half a cranberry in a glass." Of course, it was an odd mix, but a recent college grad carries the tastes of -that- life. "I'm with the Smith party."

Her drinks are already paid for, granted.. she wasn't going to drink that much since she came alone.

One of her friends squeal which catches Koko's attention, and soon she whips around just in time to see the girl lifted off of the floor, twirled, and brought into one of those romantic comedy style smooches. At least someones going to have some fun tonight!

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson sees the reaction, "Believe it or not, Dick is my name. Not fashionable, I know, and I've heard all the jokes, I promise," he says to her. He follows her eyes and watches her friend get lifted up and swirled around. "Not a bad lift. He's a little off-center with it. He could've dropped her on her head,' he says, nodding to Tito, "Give me another Sam Adams," he says.

"Here with a party, huh? If it's a Bachelorette, I'm surprised you didn't go to the strip club. I hear Hung Dingers is pretty popular with the ladies," he says.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Oh.. oh.. is it?" Koko looked.. in fact, her expression couldn't really convey what she felt at the moment. For a good looking guy and a name like that? Maybe he carried it well.

She goes back to watching, her head tilting a little just to lean in to speak to Dick more clearly. "So I take it you're an expert on lifting women? Tuh!" She laughs, turning just in time to accept her drinks. With the guiness, she pours it into the glass of cranberry, swirling it until it's mixed completely.

"Yeah, it's actually a birthday party. Here with two others and their dates. That girl though." She gestures at her friend who's currently being drawn off by her new beau, "Is on the prowl. And please tell me Hung Dingers is not a real name.."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson grins, "I'd show you how good I am at it, but that's probably not a first acquaintance move. I might get maced," he says.

"I'll never tell, but people in Gotham do like their puns, I'm just saying. Not your birthday, I take it? Shame, I could've gotten Tito to get out a cupcake and a candle," he says. He's leaning casually into the bar now, turning somewhat to face her, "So two dates and a girl on the prowl. What about you, then?"

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Or kneed in the dick." Koko comments, finally sipping her drink. She clearly puckers, her lips smacking to create the loud *pop* at the myraid of flavors, now leaning her back oddly against the bar, knees still on the stool.

"Oh no, my birthday is coming up though. Next month. No clue what I'm going to do though.." Why was she telling him this? But.. "Me?" She laughs, shaking her head. "I don't know what the hell I'm doing here. Probably looking for a good time? Getting out from under work?" She shrugs her shoulders, then turns to face him. "What about you? You on the prowl or are you here with someone?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson smiles, "Oh, I'm a prowler, I couldn't claim otherwise. It's a cold, lonely world and I'm always happy to find a little warmth in it," he says. "But I'm not a creep. If you're not interested, I'll leave you alone. But if you are interested, we could maybe do a little dancing of our own? Provided you don't want to knee me in the crotch. That kind of dance I can do without," he says.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Oh.. I'm interested." Koko found herself admitting. She had to laugh it away though, hiding the blush by drinking out of her glass, just a little, and keeping it there to turn away to survey the area. It looks like the girls with their dates were slowly going their separate ways, the birthday girl vanishing with her balloons. Her friend, the prowler had already disappeared out back, which left Kokumo alone with the man.

"Oh. I'm Kokumo. Sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner." Awkward is as awkward does, a hand is extended for a shake. Way to show interest, Koko!

Dick Grayson has posed:
He takes her hand and, instead of shaking it, boldly leans down to give a kiss on the knuckles. Hey, he can do gentlemanly, Alfred insisted. "I'll excuse it this time. I like the name. Much better than Dick," he says. "Shall we?"

He keeps a hold of her hand and leads her out onto the dance floor, "Let's hope they keep playing music and don't switch back to karaoke tonight. I do not need to hear Bret from Accounting trying to sing Wind Beneath My Wings again," he says, giving a playful swirl on his heel, spinning around a bit to show a hint of his matchless athleticisim.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
Impressive, Koko was impressed. The glass was immediately returned to the bartop in favor for her helmet, it was almost as if she knew that he'd take her out to the dancefloor. Unlike her friends, she was dressed casual. No high skirts or heels, just a pair of jeans and a jacket to go along with what she rode in on. Her boots had heels, putting her a little over 5'2, which was an improvement in her book.

"I could do a good karaoke, I'll save your ears. It seems like you'd do the same for me, right?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson grins, "I'm not the worst in the world, but singing is definitely not my strong suit. Still, I'll take a shot at some Bon Jovi now and again. 'You Give Love A Bad Name' is my song," he says. He moves along with the beat with surprising skill, showing off a little bit. Most twenty something white boys weren't particularly good at dancing, but Dick was an exception to most rules. He resisted the urge to do some backflipping to really show off. Luckily, his circus background was always good for helping to keep his cover if anybody asked too many questions.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Ah, you know what? We'll just do it together."

And that was that. Koko was locked in the song and dance, not exactly matching Dick's expert moves, but pretty much feeding into it. It doesn't look rehearsed, not at all. Instead it flows with the beat and they do as well, up until the helmet within her hand flashes a klaxon red, sans sound. "Shit..." She says, taking a step back, looking on the inside of her helmet and then towards Dick. "Hey, it was nice to meet you. I gotta go, alright?"

Like a Cinderella sans shoe, Koko dashes out the back of the club, leaving behind only her winning personality and abrupt rude departure.

But someone was trying to steal her bike. That was not cool.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson frowns at the sudden withdrawal, but not only because the cute girl has left. THat signal seemed like the kind of thing he might get on the secret phone he kept close at hand. He excuses himself as well and, slipping out through the employee entrance, pushes his way outside and rapidly slips into his costume in the meat freezer, having learned the quick change art well. When he steps out, there's a cook there, startled by the young vigilante's emergence, "The meat is innocent, but keep an eye on the chicken," he says, then dashes out to try and track Kokumo down.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
Kokumo was at a full run as to where she left her bike, it was largely concealed, tucked away in a dark alley so that no one would go looking. And it seems that someone had. She stops in the middle of the alley to look into her helmet, the alarms picking up as someone had bypassed the security panel, shocked themselves, and .. continued? Was there more than one?

"Fuck fuck fuck!" She panics, now running at full speed to round the corner, stopping at a skid that flings water on either sides of her and ruining her shoes. There were at least three big dudes, two already with bikes and one attempting to forcibly break her own just to get it going.

"Stop it! That's mine!" Uh.. so?

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing had made his way up to a rooftop because, well, that's where he operated from, a few quick scrambles up a fire escape getting him there easily. He hears Koko shouting and goes to follow the echo, his blue and black costume blending him with the shadows until he's perched on the edge and overlooking the scene. Part of him wants to immediately intervene, but that special alarm caught his attention. He's going to see what she's got first and if she gets in trouble, well, he could be her safety net.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
Well, Nightwing will be in for a treat. Kokumo..

..has nothing.

But what she did have was guts and balls to keep what was hers, hers. In fact, it was so unique that -technically-, only she would be able to start it. Yet they were well on their way to practically hijacking the Triump that she now plans to install new countermeasures. If she isn't dead yet.

The men ahead all rumble and laugh, the two even getting off of their bike to make a slow approach. One calls her pretty, as the other threatens the unsightly..

While her bike was still occupied.. a little light flashes in her eyes as it flares to life. The man upon the bike laughs in victory, until the screeching of the tires is heard and the bike bends it like Beckham and throws him off.

"What the fuck!" One of the guys say, then turns to Kokumo..

"I said stop it didn't I!?!" Annnd.. she turns to run!

Dick Grayson has posed:
Well, so much for Koko's secret kung fu expertise. The trick with the bike was interesting, though. Even his bike couldn't do that.

He springs from the roof, firing a line from his baton and using it to swing down, Tarzan style, throwing out his feet and catching the thug closes in pursuit of Koko right in the chest, detaching his capable and flipping to land in a crouch.

"Oh, boys, that is a really nice bike, but we do frown upon theft still in Gotham City."

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
That really nice bike wasn't done. As Koko attempted to run away, she puts her helmet on to continue to control it. Though, the odd thing is, no one could hear a command..

The bike revvs up again, this time the body on it's side, the wheels adjusting themselves to propel the bike forward in an L shape manner to take out the knees again of the man who was previously on it.

It was like a transformer, the bike still in motion, disassembling itself and reassembling itself into it's upright position, blaring on all engines to catch up with it's owner as the man who was closest to Nightwing and his buddy, hurls a crowbar in Koko's direction.

May as well get a hit in, since they're going down, she should too!

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing whirls, flinging his baton to hit that crowbar and knock it aside, keeping Koko from being hit, "Stay down, I've got this," he says. The one he hit first was getting up and took a swing that Nightwing easily ducked, turning on his heel in a perhaps recognizable way before throwing a thrust kick right into the guy's throat. The buddy thinks he's going to sneak up, only to have Nightwing leap up with an incredible vertical leap, backflipping over the guy and throwing a few of his trademark wingdings, the sharp points piercing shallowly into the guy's back. Not much stopping power, but boy did they sting.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
Stay down? Okay!

The bike lowers itself once again to it's side, shifting to a near hovercraft type stance. Once it nears Koko, she leaps up into the air to stand upon it, her knees crouching to keep her balance, arms spread out along her sides. Granted, she could easily fall if she weren't careful, but she's done this many times over, and even have the.. well.. she doesn't have the bruises to show it but damn it, she was at least gifted in this.

The bike finds enough room to turn itself around, Koko finally able to watch the fight through the lenses of her helmet, which seemingly reads the speed and rate of which fists and weaponry fly.

"Bright, record."

Dick Grayson has posed:
He moves with a frenetic grace, never once looking unsure or afraid. They can't touch him, he's too fast, too skilled. It frustrates them when it become sclear he's toying with them. He catches the fist of one, surprising the bigger man with his compact strength, then twists, wrenching unitl the bones in his hands pop and he gives a yowl. Nightwing puts him down with a palm thrust to the solar plexus, robbing him of his breath and his fight, leaving him wheezing on the ground.

The other gets a few more kneestrikes to the gut and finally a guillotine choke, taking him down until he passes out. Nightwing looks at the third man, starting to peel himself up from where he'd been battered by the bike, "Don't get up, "NIghtwing calls an the guy just nods and lays back down.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
Kokumo would laugh, but her nerves were on edge. She's only visited Gotham a few times, and with her friends they've usually traveled to places in groups and always in daylight. She's heard the rumors, but everyone lives with the.. 'It'll never happen to me..' thoughts, until it does. And everyone sees sightings of.. 'Them', or pretends that they have..

"Woah.." Is all she could say through the helmet, her voice sounding as if she were an automated AI, but with feeling. The bike hums low, wheeling itself towards Nightwing, transforming beneath her feet fluidly which she keeps up with until she bends to grip the handle to jump off to the side. "Uh.. thank you.. which one are you.. Robin?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson tosses his head a bit, his black hair whipping a bit. He's been letting it grow out, much to Batman's chagrin. "Nightwing. I used to be Robin, though, but somebody else has the job now. I guess I got a promotion, except I promoted myself, which is...okay, I'm rambling. Are you okay?" he asks.

He moves from man to man and rapidly starts to ziptie their hands behind their back, rolling them over onto their bellies, "Thank you for your cooperation, scumbags. Don't forget to tip your vigilante."

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Oh..! Nightwing! Yeah!" According to her friends, Nightwing was a hit with all of the ladies. The prowler friend even wanted to get a glimpse of dat..

"I'm fine. Just a little.." She holds out her hand to steady it, relaxing it.. just to show how much she was shaking. Though, there was a little bit of pride in that, her bike held up semi-well against an attack, and it gave her more ideas on how to fortify it.

And.. she gets bragging rights. While her friends were off with their dates, she was a true blue damsel.

Sans screaming.

She watches as he zipties the would-be bandits, her brows raising behind her helmet. "Uh.. should I put a call in to the police?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson shakes his head, "I can do that. I have them on speed-dial. I even have my own code set so they know it's just me leaving behind some perps. Although if you wanted to wait for them and tell them what happened, you're free to do so. But I'm not your daddy," he says.

He sees the tremble and walks over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, it's okay. I know that's scary. But it's over now. Just try to breathe."

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
Oh he -could- be though!

But she wasn't going to wait around, she did at least want to get something to eat and take a slow ride back to her friends place, assuming that they weren't already engaged..

As he walks forward to put a hand upon her shoulder, she looks up towards him, her brows lifting in mild surprise. "But I am..!" The automated voice says, coming out as a near, high pitched whine. She shakes her head, then presses the button on the side of her helmet to bring the lenses upright so that she could see. "Sorry. I was starting to sound weird." There was a moment of silence, in which she takes a step back, looking around and hugging herself all the while. "I.. guess we should go? I mean, you go your way and I go mine? Unless.. you need a ride? I mean, I don't even know where you came from and I can't fly and.. well.. you probably already have a ride and I can ride you to your ride.." She winces.. "..sorry."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson considers. Of course, he knows a dozen ways to get home and he does have his own bike, but that one is pretty damn nice and she is a very interesting woman. He's investigating, right? Learning more about htis person of interest. Yes. That's it. All above board.

"Sure, you can give me a ride," he says. "My bike is about five blocks that way," he says. "Take your time." He hops on the back of the bike behind her and wraps his arms around her mid-section, "If you have the bike throw me off, I'm going to be very grumpy," he teases.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Take my time?" She asks. "You don't want to get back to your bike?" From his vantage point, he could see the bells and whistles installed upon the bike. It calibrates and compensates for the weight, though there is a red flashing light of where the panel used to be. That clearly needs fixing. The wheels which seen a bit too much use tonight were also lit up in key places due to the impact, which has the tire pressure light flashing. Koko doesn't seem too concerned, as she slaps down the visor and sits upright, her back to his chest, hand in hand to rub them out so they could stop shaking.

Without prompting that Nightwing could see, the bike fires up to life, then rolls at a medium pace that wouldn't topple them over out into the street. And still, no hands. "I don't want to seem ungrateful, I forgot to say thank you back there." That automated voice says. "I don't know what I would have done if you didn't show up."

Dick Grayson has posed:
He chuckles, "I'm very curious about your bike, I want to ride around on it a bit, but I figure you probably need to be here for me to do that," he says. And definitely not because he likes having his arms around her. Definitely not.

"I appreciate it. I do it even for people who don't thank me. I've even been chewed out and attacked a few times. Sometimes people are fighting with their friends and they don't appreciate being rescued," he says.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Well, technically you don't. But maybe after today?" She shrugs her shoulders. "I almost want to outfit it with a bio-gentic imprint that would only allow access to imprinted individuals. It'll be a big job but I can do it." Now she was telling on herself.

She leans forward now, taking hold of the handles to steer on her own. She was taking her time, going a bit below the speed limit.

"Or boyfriends." Koko admits. "I've seen someone being attacked by their boyfriend, who turned around and attacked the guy that was trying to help her. They both put him in the hospital." She makes a noise, then shakes her head. "Sad world, right?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing gives a low whistle, "That's impressive. I've seen my share of techno-wizardry in my time, but I like this kind. You think you could make one of these for me? I can pay," he says. He leans forward against her as she shifts.

"And yeah, I've seen that, too. Too many times. But I never feel bad about kicking the guy's ass. Luckily, I can fight better than...well, almost anyone," he says. Yeah, he's not the humble type.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Hmm?" Kokumo was a little taken aback. Did -The- Nightwing that all of her friends fawn over, and apart of the vigilante crew that everyone always shows pictures of, want her to make a custom bike? "Uh.. yeah.." She says quietly. "It's.. well, I can't make you one of these. I like to keep it one of a kind but.. tell me what you want on it and I can try to deliver." Man.. what a -night-.

"I wouldn't feel bad either. In fact, I wouldn't feel bad at kicking the girls ass either. Call me.. bitter?" Did it happen to her? No. But too many times in college she's seen some backwards things.

Once they approach the destination, she stops upon the corner, putting both feet down to steady the bike. It lowly hums as she sits up stright, her fingers joining together to rub at her hands again, trying to still herself from shaking. "We're here.."

Dick Grayson has posed:
He frowns a little to still see her shaken so much, "Hey, do you want to...maybe get a cup of coffee or something? I hate to leave you when you're still feeling the afterburn of all that. You can get trauma even without getting hit by a crowbar, y'know? At the least it'll take a while to come down from the adrenaline," he says.

"Plus, that'll give me a chance to figure out what I'd want on a bike. Maybe you can even modify this one," he says, patting the matte black of his own Norton.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Ahh.. I don't think coffee will help." Koko admits. "Maybe some water or just.. I don't know. Maybe I just need to sit still for a moment and think about something else." She smiles beneath her helmet, even though he couldn't see it. "I don't want you to ruin your secret identity because I'm just a ball of nerves."

She does dismount her own bike and moves to inspect his, quite possibly using this as a way to help her calm down. "Not bad.." She says quietly, fingers poking and pressing down at the wheel, but going no further. Peoples belongings are sacred, and she wouldn't want anyone overly poking at hers.

"Actually, just.. stay here. I'll grab the coffee and water, and maybe a sandwich or something from across the street. Just.. don't leave, okay?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson smiles, "I appreciate that. I don't mind going into a diner in costume. Just makes people a little surprised to see me. But this is Gotham - people can be pretty outlandish here," he says.

But he nods, agreeing that they won't be bothered. THat's why he parked in this alleyway in the first place, knowing it's mostly deserted at this time of night. The poor folks who lived here slept too hard and the crime centers were still a few blocks away. This was bad territory, Bat-territory, and even the scumbags knew it.

"Turkey club if they have it!" he calls.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
The call for turkey club was heard, and it seemed as if she were gone for longer than the fifteen minutes than needed.

Upon return, she has a cup of coffee in a holder as well as a cup of iced water, two turkey clubs in a bag with chips to go on the side. She was thankful to still see him there, for the moments that she was alone and in line, she looked at everyone gathered, and nearly cried..

She sets the items down upon her seat, and dishes them out. She was wordless the entire time, trying to focus on her breathing, occasionally offering up a smile. "No need to pay me back. Foods pretty cheap in this town."

Dick Grayson has posed:
He's sitting cross-legged on his bike, balancing with an almost preternatural ease. He might have been meditating, even, except she can see him tap an earbud in his ear, turning off the feed. "Just reporting those guys and doing a quick check-in," he says. Batman always wanted them to keep track of busts for statistical modelling. The perps would be tracked at point of arrest and their mugshots deposited in the database for cross-reference.

"Fair enough," he says. He wasn't going to be petty about her spotting him six bucks. "How're your shakes doing? You've had your adrenaline crash, but that doesn't mean it's over. Physiology is a pain in the ass."

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Check in with who?" Koko asks, finally without her helmet and the weird voice. Her eyes still light up in that strange way, but that was her picking and creating notes for her to remember later..

She takes a bite of her sandwich, occasionally watching him if he chooses to eat. Her head soon shaking as she finishes that particular bite to respond. "Gone-ish? I feel a little down, and a bit tired." She shakes her head. "Long night I suppose."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson smiles, "You know, the other vigilante flappy wing types. We tend to work together to cover the city as best we can. There are always gaps because there aren't as many of us as you'd need to really protect a city this big. But we try," he says.

"Actually, this is still pretty early for me. You don't get a lot of muggings or murderous clowns or psycho plant ladies during the day."

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"And here I was thinking you're the lone wolf type." She was kidding of course, now her turn to sit upon her bike, but.. much like a lady would. Sideways, feet dangling even though one leg is crossed over the other.

"So.. all of those people are real?" She asks. "I mean, I'm from New York. We see our fair share though sometimes it's rare where I'm from. Plus I spent the better and more aware of my time in Wisconsin, which.." She bobs her head a little, looking up at the sky. "It's not.. filled with heroes and villains, but.. tons of crime." Her nose wrinkle, then shrugs. "So.. color me shocked."

Dick Grayson has posed:
He smiles, "Well, I'm sure there are a few rumors that don't exist. But the main ones, yeah. Batman most especially. He's very, very real and very, very scary. Even to me and I've known him for a long time."

"New York has a lot more of the supertypes. Your Spider-Mans and your Iron Mans and such. Colorful people. Nice guys, too."

"I wonder about that sometime, that so much of superhero activity seems to center on the coasts. Even Chicago doesn't have very many."

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"I imagine so.." Yeah, Batman seemed a little bit freaky; at least she met the nice one of the bunch! And.. usually caring, which she appreciates.

"Well, as my dad would put it..." She clears her throat, then stands up straight, putting on her best Yoruban accent: "Black folk ain' got time fo'dat. Dey'd soona shoo-da-mudda-fuka." She snorts and quietly laughs, then hunches a little. "That's probably why. Though I imagine, most people in the midwest can take care of themselves, so they really don't see a need for anyone small time, stopping robberies and such. Or.. the ones that could.. don't because they're highly self aware and easily shamed."

That went a little too deep, but that also made her think of the man that she met back at the club. "Crap.." She says quietly. "..you ever just.. feel bad running around as you do? I met a guy at the club tonight and he seemed really nice. Forward, but cool. Could dance like no other.." She spaces out at that, nodding her head. "I'm goign to have to avoid that place for at least a year now."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson frowns, "Why would you have to avoid it? Just bad memories. I don't think he would hold it against you. He probably even liked you pretty well already," he says, then stops himself before he leaks too much.

"I've had my dark times," he says. "Got pretty broody a few years back, thinking I had to fight free and do things my own way. Got an attitude, tried to be a bad ass. That's when I stopped being Robin and became Nightwing," he says. "Now I try to keep...a balance."

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Oh no no, not bad memories. It was a good memory, but holy shit did I leave that guy hanging. I'm embarrassed." She cringes then shakes her head. "Probably, all the more reason to avoid the place because I feel like a goddamned tool."

She finishes off her sandwich, throwing the wrapper into her bag.

Though now she watches him, her brows furrowing, would she try to comfort him? Probably? But he knew himself better than she did. "I.. well, are you.. getting help with that darkness in there? Speaking to friends? Family? Your winged people?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing is trying to figure out a way to let her know that Dick is definitely, definitely still interested short of just pulling off the mask and yelling, "Hey there, it's me!"

"Well it's his loss, then. Poor fella," he says, ruefully shaking his head. "I have friends yeah. The Titans, you might have heard of them. I admit I...don't know a lot of people that aren't in the crimefighting business. I sort of grew up in it. I started fighting crime when I was thirteen."

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Eh, I'm not a catch, always busy. Too busy to date, anyways."

Now it was time for her to work on her water, she was calming down considerably, which was good. As he tells his part of the story, she winces and shakes her head. "At 13 I was building dressers, beds, nightstands and computers.." She frowns. "What did you do before you were thirteen? What did your parents think?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson wags his fingers, "Uh uh uh, can't give too many details. Can't have you going home to Google and finding my handsome face somewhere," he says. "Anyway, it doesn't much matter, they were...gone by then," he says. There is a shadow there, then, "Everybody in this business has their reasons. You can guess mine now."

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"D'awww.." Koko says aloud. She wasn't really trying to pry, she just wanted to talk, but she understood where he was coming from. As it stands, no one knew who these people were, and she wasn't about to help get that out into the light.

With his parents gone though? And.. the reason as to why he had gotten into this? She didn't touch upon it. "Oh, yeah. Riding on the back of chick bikes. That's totally why you got into it." She was clearly joking, so much so she had to laugh at her own foolishness.

"For.. someone who's famous and all.. you.." She gestures at him as a whole. "You're pretty alright." She nods. "So, did you decide if you wanted a -new- bike or you wanted to modify your own? Figure out your bells and whistles yet?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson grins, "Not most chicks. Just a very select few. And it's been a while," he says with a hint of a smile.

"I'd like something I had full control over. The one I have is nice, but it was a gift and, while it's great, I'd like something that's...really mine," he says. "Sidekick syndrome, I guess."

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
Koko felt a little special. She blushes, trying to focus a little bit more on the bike and his explanation. "Okay.." She says quietly. "Here."

She moves toward her bike, searching the side compartment for a small sheet of paper. A pen was pulled from her back pocket, using the palm of her hand to scribble down a phone number and address.

She hands it to him then, and nods her head. "I'm over in New York. That's the address to my warehouse. If you don't mind traveling, that's where you'll find me. Wait at least a week though? I want to draw up a shell for you to see if you approve. Then we can talk power, adaptability, mobility, speed.."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson nods, "I travel to New York quite a bit," he says. "I'l make sure to drop by. I'll think about what I might like. Might even do a little research," he says. Might as well take use of Oracle's massive vehicle database to see what might look cool. Criminals always had cool bikes.

"I'll stop by, although I hope you don't mind maybe a night visit? Little weird walking up to the front door in broad daylight wearing my gear."

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"Good!" Kokumo seems a bit happier now, the prospect of working always cheering her up. She marches back to her bike, taking the helmet beneath her arm as she settles atop of it.

"I practically live at that place. Cot and all." She nods a bit. "You could always show up in a mask and trench coat. I won't tell a soul." Nasty!

"I'm kidding. Don't do that."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson snaps his fingers, "Damn. I thought it was finally my chance to be a subway creep," he teases. He's glad to see her mood improved, settling properly onto his own bike as she climbs on hers. "Anyway, chicks usually dig the tight bodysuit. Bulletproof yet it shows off my abs," he grins, smacking his belly.

Kokumo Adebesi has posed:
"I can see that." She grins, hiding that wide grin with the fitting of her helmet. The bike itself fires to life, Koku once again massaging her hands together as she kicks away the stand.

"Thanks again!" She says in that automated voice. "I'll see you in a week, yeah?" And hopefully, not sooner. She was probably going to stay inside the remainder of her visit to Gotham.