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Latest revision as of 23:58, 11 November 2020

Crack Open Some Cold Ones
Date of Scene: 11 November 2020
Location: A Morgue in Hells Kitchen
Synopsis: Hellboy and Quake visit a morgue and become friends!
Cast of Characters: Hellboy, Daisy Johnson

Hellboy has posed:
Sterile, Dim, Cold.

    White tiled floor, white tiled ceiling, white-painted cinder block walls. It's not spooky, not macabre or gothic. Its painfully normal. Were it not for the wall made of metal and featuring rows and rows of square, metal doors... it could be any older office space.

Four berths were pulled out. Four bodies laid bare, the corpses bearing the tell-tale features of an autopsy.

Looming over the last to the right was something big, something Red.

Hellboy had flashed SHIELD credentials to get himself into the room and infront of these bodies. Now he was pouring over the files that local investigations had dug up... He was sour-faced, shoulders weighted as he read.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy had the same idea as Hellboy. This was her turf afterall now that she lived here with a certain blind lawyer and so she felt she had a responsibility. She had found a few reports here and there on SHIELD relating to it but they were under WAND jurisdiction so .., no access. At least without some major hacking which she didn't feel too keen on doing...

So what's the best alternative? Go to the morgue, flash her credentials.. Noone will care about another SHIELD agent investigating this, even if she wasn't exactly on 'official' business.

Footsteps are heard approaching the room, boots heard on that tiled floor and the door opens..

Daisy's eyes go to the bodies but then she sees the looming figure. A pause.. "Agent Johnson. SHIELD.." she announces, closing the door behind her. She wasn't exactly dressed in the usual uniform, down to jeans, a shirt and leather jacket. A bit too casual.

Hellboy has posed:
How far from Josie's... was there anything else, any other chance that it wasn't-

The door opens, white eyes lift and Hellboy looks up, his jaw slightly slack as he meets eyes with Daisy. He holds his breath without realizing it.

When she offers up credentials instead of screams, he's a bit too relieved to bother to verify.

"Sure." his voice is warm but rough, maybe it's the cigars or his 'short' time in hell.

He turns back to the file and lifts up a page, "So you're what... a Baby Sitter?" he wonders bitterly, "You'd think I hadn't been doing this since the fifties..."

Granted, he's been sticking his foot in it since the 50's but he'll gloss over that part.

"Well come on in. These guys arn't saying much but I think I've got everything I need to know out of them." his voice lifts to a more conversational tone as he closes the folder and offers it up.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Yea, Daisy had heard about Hellboy, even if she hadn't exactly met him yet ... But recent contact with *another* demon had made the transition a bit more .., smooth. No screaming, no brandishing out a weapon or starting to quake things apart. All in all a very controlled reaction. Her eyes do widen just a touch though, nostrils flared, a bit of tension there on her shoulders. But she is holding..

She steps forward, making way past the corpses to join Hellboy. "Damn no." is her immediate response about babysitting, amused and shaking her head.

"Just ..., doing some investigation of my own..." she folds her arms together, casting a look down to what Hellboy may be working on and then back up.

"What did you find out?" She reaches for the folder, taking it up and flipping it open to take a read, thoughtful. "Bursted eardrums..." she furrows her brows, being attuned to vibrations she knows well about this. And how hard it would be to accomplish. "... Aged?" she waits for further explanation.

Hellboy has posed:
"Huh..." just a grunt, so he didn't need -Constant- supervision... Or was it just that they didn't need to have someone nearby to keep an eye on him. "Alright, that works.

He gives her breathing room and time to look things over. He resists the urge to smoke but he's starting to get the itch for it. "The locals have no idea, the oldest one was still in their 30s. Seeing them turn up like they were ready to start collecting pensions has them thrown for a loop." He runs his hand over his red pate and heaves a sigh, "But I've got a good idea what happened. I couldn't pick them out of a line-up now... But I'm pretty sure these guys were in the same bar as someone I made contact with." he admitted, "Pissed her off, I think they might have caught the business end of her bad mood..."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy's expression has turned to the serious, reading through the report and nodding her agreement with Hellboy. She gets a bit worried for a moment before closing the folder. "From getting pissed off to then going on a murderous rampage?" her eyes trail to the bodies, shaking her head to herself. "For you to be here I imagine it was someone with powers." her eyes returning to fix on Hellboy, watching..

"What can you tell me about this someone?" A pause, a faint grin appearing and she adding. "And before you go and say this may be too much for me to tackle on I have powers too, related to vibrations so .., I might be able to help.." sound is vibration afterall!

"I am more usually called Quake."

Hellboy has posed:
He grumbled, shifting his weight before he began to pace... His hooves made sharp sounds on the tile.

He listened and tried to figure out how he wanted to handle this. It left a lump in his gut... But if she had really killed... Something had to be done.

"Quake, huh?" he managed to crook a smile as she offered her Nom de Guerre. He considered doing just what she cautioned him against... Afterall, there were four corpses already "Hellboy." he offered in trade instead of the dismissed warning.

"She's fairly new to the states. Came from Ireland, likes to play guitar in dive bars... Might be possessed by an ancient, angry Irish spirit that is thought to be a harbinger of death and calamity." he kinda burried the lede but still.

"Her names Siobhan Smythe. I'm digging through a few books myself but it doesn't look like there's an easy way to shake her of whatever's inside of her."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy watches, taking in those expressions from Hellboy ... In truth she was still fascinated. Being near the large demon was .., an experience. And she was still wary. But, they were on the same side afterall. So she balanced back and forth on her feet while she listened and watched. "Bucky sends his regards by the way." she says, just a touch amused after they exchange their codenames. "We were talking earlier and your name came up..."

But then as the demon goes into on the person that may be behind this she rubs at her chin. "Possessed?" that brings a bad taste to her mouth.

"Think it may have been whatever is possessing her that did this?" Well, it did look like the work of an harbinger of death ... "Regardless, talking with her would be for the best. We can't let this continue." she brings out her tablet, punching on it quietly for a bit as she puts in that name to start a lookout for her. Using SHIELD resources maybe she would find a match.

She lets out a sigh shortly after. "I know how it is having a power and not .., being able to control it. You seem to care about this woman though."

Hellboy has posed:
"Bucky? Bucky?!" it took a moment for the name to sink home... Then he recalled more than the comics. Cap', Bucky, that burnt out ruin... "Man he's got to be..." Wasn't he dead...? His features shifted from a bright smile to... sadness, confusion? No, later. He shook his head, back to the matter at hand. She made a vague guess as to the cause of death. Hellboy grunted his shared beleif, lips thin, jaw firm. She turned on a light with the suggestion of talking, "Right, yes!" he whirled on her, pointing his non-stoney index finger at her, "Exactly." she went on, consulting her pad and he was heartened... to not be backed into a corner of having to kill another 'Monster'. She stuck him with an accusation of... Affection, Sympathy, Empathy? He huffed, rolling his shoulders to try and sluff it off. He'd seen her once, talked to her for a few minutes. Watched her take good whiskey like a champ... A 'Shine' maybe but not, not...

He dipped his chin, rubbing at the back of his neck, "Agh-" he growled, "I'm just a sucker for a Hard luck story."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The reaction at the Bucky name makes Daisy cant her head to the side. She is a bit confused too. "What's the matter? I thought .., he is living with us at the Triskelion.." then a faint smile. "He spoke about knowing you since you were ..., small.." even saying that word, 'small', seems hard to do in front of the massive demon. But, well, she does anyway.

But then, to the matter at hand. She listens, letting out a brief chuckle. "You appear to be relieved.." a shake of her head. "Being someone who has gone through something similar I would never want to just outright kill someone. Specially if it may not be her fault."

But then she is laughing, which might just be a bit at odds with the quietude of the morgue. Bodies and laughs. Not a good combo! "We all are a sucker for those stories. And alright, we have a name. We can look into this." she taps on her tablet. "Shall we team up? I must confess I have always been curious on how WAND handles things." which might just be she implying she will let Hellboy take point on it.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy had bad luck with Gizmos and gadgets... Things tended to break or malfunction. Being around that much technology, it made him nervous... The author will pitifully use this as an excuse as to why he and Bucky had not met in the hallways of the SHIELD stronghold.

"Huh, guess I'll have to spend more time at the office." he muttered idly.

He'll show her a picture later. A bunch of G.I., Marines, Cap, Bucky, and his Hellboys own father gathered around what looks like a shaved chimpanzee with horns and a 'Hulk Hand' made out of rock... Same one he's sporting now!

He grew into it.

She went on and he nodded his shared sentiment, even cracking a smile as her laughter pushed against the sterile, somber air.

"Sounds like a good idea." he agreed, dusting his hand against his old, beat up coat. "I'll confess that I'm not entirely sure how WAND handles things myself." He offers his hand on it, a deal with the devil... "I only ever seem to do things my way."

He said in a room filled with four innocent bodies because he pissed off a Banshee...

Maybe he Aughta learn the WAND way.