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Latest revision as of 06:15, 12 November 2020

Robot Invaders From Mars VS The Ant Man!
Date of Scene: 12 November 2020
Location: Lambert's Jewelry Shop
Synopsis: Ant-Man fights killer robots
Cast of Characters: Winslow Schott, Scott Lang

Winslow Schott has posed:
Winslow Percival Schott was well-regarded at one point as one of the greatest minds in the toy industry, and with good reason. However, even a genius like Schott had failures, and his biggest failure was Robot Invaders From Mars. This toyline was Schott's first project for the Henderson Company and, despite his hard work in dedication, the toy line was a big flop, with the toys barely selling enough to make a profit. Schott was lucky to be assigned to the My Precious Unicorn team after that, a move that not only saved his career, but brought a new toy line into popularity. However, the Invaders were always a sore spot in Schott's memory, so he wasn't very happy when he discovered a bloody box full of them hidden in the attic of one of his old safehouses.

At first, Schott was prepared to toss the represntations of his biggest failure as a toymaker in the trash until one of me gave a clever suggestion, why not turn his biggiest failure into a new success. Schott, always looking for ideas for new toy-based weaponry, agreed and took his old Invaders and turned them into something to be afraid of. Currently, a bunch of these robots were filing out of a black van that was coincidently parked across the street from Lambert's Jewelry, a store in the NYC financial district. These robots were being controlled by two men in colorful polyester suits, which were the tell-tale colors of being affiliated by the Terrible Toyman. They were sent to this store to Schott to test the effectiveness of these new remote controlled robots in doing crimes without people actually being physically there to aid them, which should reduce the amount of goons Schott has to hire to replace the ones that have been pummeled in the past.

The robots, which consisted of 12 inch wind-up robot toys holding laser guns, and Glow in the Dark UFOs made their was to the store, being controlled in the van via a complex controller made to resemble an Atari controller. Once one of the robots got to the door it fired it's laser, zapping a hole big enough for the toys to march through, which they did.

Scott Lang has posed:
     "No, look, my parole is practically over! I mean, from a practical standpoint. Quit worrying, I'll be home before my curfew is up! It's fine sweetie, I...I gotta go. It's FINE. Go do your homework!" Scott Lang abruptly ends his phonecall with a mutter about daughters as he pockets the phone. The reason for the somewhat curt goodbye being the jewelery store alarm which hadn't taken kindly to the hole being blasted in its doorway. A few folks along the street turned to also watch the odd sight of the miniature robot invaders, stealth clearly not their forte as they moved along.
     "Come on man, is this, no, it's fine. The police can handle this," Scott talks aloud as he moves to cross the street, keeping his distance from the Martian invasion. And sure enough police sirens were soon joining the jewelery store's alarm, a few people cheering in approval the arrival of the boys in blue. At least until more lasers rang out, the police car swerving wildly into a lamp post with a crash. The officer inside bailed out and ducked into an alley as his car burst into flames and NOW people were acting more like it was an armed robbery instead of a street show as they screamed and ran for cover.
     Scott meanwhile just puts his hands on the sides of his face and groans. "My parole officer is never going to believe this no matter how much evidence I give them. DAMMIT!" he finishes as he looks around for a well-placed phonebooth. It being 2020 none present themselves but he makes do running inside a fast food restaurant, most of the patrons glued to the windows watching the scene outside while he makes for the restroom and quickly changes, unshrinking the Ant-Man gear stowed in his pocket. In a minute he's running back out onto the street still normal-sized and heading for the line of robots. "Hey, you! The line of tincans begging for recycling! Step away from the diamonds!" he shouts as he presses a button on his collar, his helmet snapping up into place.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The Robots all turn in unison upon hearing Ant Man's voice. Suddenly, the robots all point their laser guns at Ant-Man in unison and begin to fire their laser guns at him, sending bolts of energy flying everywhere. Meanwhile, whirling sounds are heard as Toy UFOs suddenly fill the air and begin to fire upon the hero as well.

Scott Lang has posed:
     "A plan! You're supposed to make a plan first!" Scott chastises himself as he simultaneously dives to one side and triggers the suit's shrinking power. In a second he seems to have almost vanished to anyone watching, perhaps vaporized by the onslaught of laserfire. The truth being far stranger as the now truly ant-sized Ant-Man begins sprinting and leaping towards the robotic army which now tower him several stories high, the UFOs even further above casting their circular shadows. More police are arriving now as well, but the laser fire seems to hold them at bay, the small toys difficult for them to shoot back while under fire, simply adding more chaos at this point.
     Something Scott was about to add more of. Not surprisingly the automated toys weren't exactly considering something as small as him a threat, not yet at least as he closes the distance. He wonders in fact if the things can even see him. But they'll certainly take notice as he leaps up to head height with one that had exited the store with a stash of jewelery in its retro-styled clawhands and punches it in the face with all the power of a full grown man compressed to a point smaller than a pinhead.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The toys continued to blindly fire once Scott had shrunk. It was quite obvious that whatever was controlling these toys did not know where you went. Your punch connects with the robot perfectly, and it's effects are instant. The robot's head explodes, sending nuts, bolts, screws, and pieces of plastic flying all over the place. Meanwhile, the men controlling these nightmares back in the van were shocked, they were not expecting to encounter a hero that strong. Suddenly, one of the men presses a red button on the controller. The effect of the button is seen immediately in the form of mini missiles firing from the UFOs and towards Ant Man.

Scott Lang has posed:
     "Hah! Rock'em sock'em! This is easy!" declares Scott as he bounds around, the laser fire precise and fast. Too fast, too precise, precision aiming impossible against a target so small and quick as he jumps around, feeling a bit more confident as he knocks another robot over, jumps over the head of another...and hears a new noise. A sort of whooshing, whistling sound. "Crap! Crap crap crap!" he hollers as he starts leaping and running away from the oncoming barrage. He clears the immediate blast zone as the tiny missiles slam into the sidewalk and street with impressive results, fireballs erupting and chunks of pavement along with it. But while Scott clears the worst of it, the shockwave still catches him, throwing him across the street like one more piece of debris, thumping against the goon's van parked across the road before he's buried next to it under a few pieces of torn up road, the miniature hero lost from view. And at least momentarily lost from consciousness too it would seem.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The toys that weren't smashed by Ant-Man were unfortunately caught in the blast of the missiles, destroying all the land-based robots in a fiery fireball of destruction. The men in the van sat there slack-jawed, Schott would not like this one bit. One of the men than said to the other while straightening up his glasses,

"Just call back the UFOs and lets get out of here!"

If Scott were to wake up at this point he would see the toy ufos flying into the van through a open sun-roof, and under the noses of the cops.

Scott Lang has posed:
     Under the literal handful of rubble Scott groans and tries to rub his head only to clink his hand against the helmet which had saved him from even worse pain. "Missiles? Really?" he mutters as he kicks aside a chunk of road that is ten times bigger than himself revealing the open sky. And a procession of UFOs flying above him and into the now dented van he lays next to. A clever hero, or at least one that hadn't just suffered a smack of head trauma, might use this as a chance to jump on the vehicle and follow it back to where it came, get a license plate, a look at who's inside, any number of proper investigative procedures. Luckily for Toyman mayhaps, and less lucky for the goons at present, Scott wasn't a hardened hero and was suffering a bit of a headache that was clouding his already murky judgment.
     The next thing the baddies inside know their van is suffering from a severe tilt, stomping the accelerator doing a bunch of nothing. A look outside the driver window shows why as Ant-Man now crouches over the vehicle, some sixty feet tall and holding it by one hand. His voice booms rather more impressively now. "Oh hey guys, I've got this ringing headache. It kinda feels like this," a bit of petulant vengeance taken as he gives the van a rough shake bouncing both hired guns around inside to knock them silly. Just in case though he pinches the roof of the van with a squeal of steel, sealing the sunroof to stop any UFOs from easily getting back out before he picks the whole thing up and thumps it on the ground nearer to the police with a final disheartening crunch of the vehicle's axles indicating it wasn't driving away anytime soon.
     "Here you go officers," Lang proudly presents, beginning to shift a bit as he adds, "And if could mention to Parole Officer Wyndham that..." breaking off as there's a crunch and a more normalish voice cries out, "My car!" A look back shows in moving Scott had accidentally planted his knee atop a parked Corolla, the owner standing a few feet away aghast. The massive man blinks and even the police don't seem entirely certain how to react. "On the other hand, doing the right thing is its own reward! Bye everyone!" he rattles out quickly before he shrinks down, and noticeably not to normal size but rather to a much stealthier and hard to find and/or identify one as he makes his getaway instead.