Scott Lang
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Scott Lang (Scenesys ID: 453) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Scott Lang | ||
Superalias: | Ant-Man | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Occupation: | Electrical Engineer, Thief, Avenger | ||
Citizenship: | United States of America | ||
Residence: | Queens, New York City | ||
Education: | Masters, Electrical Engineering | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Avengers | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 30 | Actual Age: | 30 |
Date of Birth | 04 Apr 1990 | Played By | Paul Rudd |
Height: | 6'0" | Weight: | 180 lbs |
Hair Color: | Auburn | Eye Color: | Hazel |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Quirky and pleasant, Scott Lang doesn't strike most people as an Ex-Con. Formerly a criminal (and not a great one, hence the Ex-Con), Scott has had a rough past, doing the things he had to when faced with tough life problems. He's turning his life around as the size-shifting hero 'Ant-Man,' (no, he didn't name himself). He's fortunate to be with the Avengers, and with the objective to make the world better... and to make his daughter Cassie proud.
* 1990: Born in Coral Gables, Florida.
* 2006: Formed a band, as the drummer. Not very good at it yet though.
* 2008: Entered school to study Electrical Engineering.
* 2011: Married Sweetheart Peggy Rae, and found a decent internship after college completion.
* 2014: Laid off from his job, and with a baby on the way, Scott resorted to Burglary. He was very good at it.
* 2014: Caught for his crimes, Scott spent the next four years in jail.
* 2014: Divorced.
* 2015: Continued electronics studies while in jail.
* 2018: Let out on parole. Hired by Stark International into it's design department.
* 2018: Cassie Lang, his daughter, became seriously ill. The doctor needed had been kidnapped by Cross Enterprises. Scott 'borrowed' an Ant-Man suit from Hank Pym to rescue the doctor, who saved Cassie's life.
* 2019: Scott turned himself in to Pym about the theft, but got to keep the suit, provided he use it well. WILL DO!
* 2019: Joined the Avengers. Very excited.
IC Journal
Genuine Goofy Dork:
If one were to look at a team of heroes, Scott Lang doesn't stand out as the most powerful or charismatic, maybe: but he is the heart. Scott brings a courageous will and loyalty to his friends and family that is difficult to find. A supporter, cheerleader and shameless boost to the spirits, Scott is optimistic, creative, and thoughtful. His earnest quality can sometimes make him read as foolish, but that is a cynic's view of what's actually going on. Being genuine doesn't make him an idiot, it makes him true to himself.
He is also unrelentingly down to earth, but it doesn't strip his ability to dream, or wonder: he's kept a lot of the qualities that are sometimes lost when people age. He's resilient, and able to lend others his resilience and boosting attitude.
He strives to be the best version of himself, but does this by learning from a series of mistakes. And boy, can he make mistakes. He stumbles, and learns, and gets better. He doesn't hold onto things like vengeance or hate; emotionally, he is very healthy. Scott is often goofy and a massive dork a lot of the time, able to laugh at himself, situations, and find the spark of something even in the darkest hour.
Character Sheet
Ant Communications:
When using the Ant-Man helmet, Scott has developed the skill level necessary to telepathically communicate with ants around him. While he can't do this without the helmet, it still took a lot of practice with the gear to be able to do this at all. One can't just put the helmet on and expect to chat with ants! He can send out orders and maintain good awareness of where his ant-buddies are.
This skill covers both burglary and thievery. Scott is most specifically a burglar, oriented on stealing things that aren't specifically on a person: he's not really a pickpocket sort (although he would be capable). He's a safe-cracker type, including insanely complicated vaults, if necessary. And he is extremely good at defeating security systems that might be in place to block people like him. Finger print lock? Not really a problem... He's broken into superhero bases and labs, and extremely sensitive places without being caught (as Ant-Man). Without Ant-man, he can still defeat security systems, but generally has had less luck about the not getting spotted part. Getting into the safe doesn't always mean getting out (says 4 years in jail).
A hobby from his high school years, Scott has continued his drumming ability off and on over the years as something that's fun and relaxing to do. He won't be doing this professionally, but he could easily join some band of like-minded individuals and play a small venue without entirely embarrassing himself.
Electrical Engineer:
With a Masters in Electrical Engineering, Scott is primarily a designer, but is equally adept in a variety of applications for his training and experience. He has mostly put it into security solutions (like, how to solve a security system to go in and get the thing), but is one of the best in the world at designing security systems as well. He is a heist-master as well as buster, with a generally narrow focus, but he is also adaptive to understanding a good deal of systems if he can examine them. He won't be inventing armor or anything, he's no inventor, but he can absolutely read plans and build things, and put systems together to create good layouts.
This isn't real magic. Well, real as magic gets without being magical. Scott is great at sleight of hand and card tricks. This is mostly just close-up magic, practiced in a mixture of jailtime and house arrest, with the goal of pleasing a small child, but he's actually very good at it, and can palm things quickly or entertain with general card 'magic'.
In a mix of pop culture references and nerdy interests, Scott's got a history of experience with things like Dungeons and Dragons, an encyclopedia of movie references, and all sorts of things in his head. He can appreciate a good amount of nerd culture and follow it without getting left behind. He likes both Star Trek and Star Wars equally, but for different reasons, and is very able to describe why. Back to the Future references? No problemo. Hasta la Vista.
Scott is exceptionally agile and fleet-footed, acrobatic and swift. He could be a roof-running thief in Gotham with the best of the bunch, naturally able to leap gaps, hold his balance on weird surfaces, scale drain pipes, shimmy along narrow window ledges, and the like. It's the cat-burglar physical skillset: just play some mission impossible music, and he's right at home. He isn't some kind of incredible circus acrobat, but is particularly good in odd settings that might baffle others, such as being shrunk down and navigating the surface of SHAG CARPET!
Life can be a series of mistakes. It can send anyone to rough places. Scott learned to take a punch in prison. Getting in over his head as a hero, he kept learning how to take a punch. Over time, this toughed him up. He's a bit more resilient before going down. It doesn't make him invincible. And he'll still fall like a sack of potatoes with a good swing from Cap. But it'll take others a little longer to bring him down. Pym Particles, and his body's tolerance of them, helped a little. Or a lot. Probably a lot.
Ant Colonies:
Scott maintains a few colonies of specially trained ants. Not all of them have names (but okay, most of them do). These are ants used in a variety of heists and missions, and include ants that can fly (carpenter ants) and other types for different needs. They are only useful in tiny size. They're also cool pets.
Ant-Man Helmet:
The special Ant-man helmet allows Scott to communicate with and command ants, termites or other organized insects. He can cause the insects to complete advanced, complex tasks. This helmet took training and special skill to use properly, he can't just hand it to someone and have it work for them, unfortunately. The helmet also gives advanced thermal and electromagnetic imaging, and allow a variety of types of communication, even at tiny size.
Ant-Man Suit:
Scott Lang's Ant-Man suit allows him to shrink to tiny sizes, or grow to towering heights. One of many suits invented by Hank Pym, it is made of highly advanced polymers, and fuelled by Pym particles. He wears them with Pym's blessing, which means he has decent access to (relatively reasonable) upgrades or repairs if he himself can't make them. These suits are armored to withstand general bullets (in most areas, they are not perfect, due to allowing good mobility), and are geared mostly towards protecting the wearer from the problems related to shifting size: these are made for agility, not for invincibility.
The suits have rocket packs that can allow huge leaps or limited, brief flight when in small size modes. A stinging weapon in the gauntlets of the suit allows for a bioelectric 'bite', capable of stunning a human or knocking them out, within several yards of distance, though it does not work with the giant-sized suit. Finally, the suits are flame retardant and electrically insulated.
The suits allow Scott to reduce or increase his size exponentially. Scott's strength adjusts in proportion to his size changing, meaning he can lift more when he is larger, but comparative strength also increases as he shrinks, allowing him to maintain the same strength he held at his normal size even when the size of an ant.
Scott can drop down to Ant-size, or even smaller. He maintains the strength he had at 6' at these tiny sizes, which puts a punch behind even a tiny fist. It also allows excellent leaping ability, able to throw his itty-bitty body a long way. He is extremely resilient to being tiny, and can stay tiny for days or weeks without suffering much effects. He is able to switch in and out of being shrunken as much as he wants to, so long as his suit can power it with enough pym particles. Scott is capable of going so small as to go deeper and tinier than the smallest particles, but there is a very real risk of being lost forever, or even getting jumbled in time or space.
When large, Scott generally sits at 60' tall, with a 75 ton strength push. He can maintain that for about an hour without having much strain. Larger sizes are possible, to truly dwarf buildings or skyscrapers, but can cut the time down to 20 minutes or even less. Massive size (1000+) attempts without specifically being prepared could cause unconsciousness. Anything over 150 feet has diminishing returns on strength compared to the size (and being able to move his own weight), but it sure is impressive. Lastly, Scott enjoys increased durability while large, equal to about his strength.
Scott is extremely resilient to size shifts, since he does not have pym particles inside his body, which means that after a brief rest he is often ready to continue an adventure, pushing well beyond what others might in the same situation with Pym particle use.
Scott hasn't been with the Avengers very long, but he still gets to enjoy a vast number of perks related to being with them. Living in the mansion, chatting with JARVIS, orange slices whenever he wants. And things like having the best heroes in the world by his side in a pinch? Priceless. He has access to equipment, databases, security, and friendship.
Criminal Connections:
Scott knows a lot of other thieves and burglars. He also met a hell of a lot of other types of criminals while in jail. As an Ex-con, he also generally carries decent credit with even friend-of-friends for certain things that might need to be done, or information. He often gets offers for jobs or other questions: at least, he did; less so as an Avenger. Still, he can reach back into these buddies if he needs a good rundown of information, or a truck. He would be able to put together a team to case a place and do a 'job'.
Scott usually carries about a dozen Pym Particle discs, which can change the size of the inanimate thing that they come in contact with when they change size. He can arm one, and throw it, or tack it to something. He can shrink things or enlarge items using these discs, but they are one-use, and he has to collect them and re-arm them to use them again. He can't really afford to leave them lying around all over like batarangs.
Pym Particles:
Scott has a good source for Pym particles, which means that while he can run out, he can acquire more. He does need good reason to request them, and he can't hoard them, but he is able to get the particles he needs to power his suits: most of the time. This isn't a permanent thing, and his source could decide to cut him off for a bit, so Scott has to be careful and respectful about use.
Stark Industries:
After prison, Scott was brought into Stark industries' design department, where he finally found his financial woes resolved. This job is more of a part-time thing, since Avengers duty eats a lot of time as well, but it could become full time if needed. It pays quite well, and Scott isn't under a huge amount of pressure to be forced into terrible jobs like scooping ice-cream while he hangs onto it.
Scott's daughter, Cassandra Lang, lives with her mother most of the time, but is everything to Scott. He adores her, and they have a very strong attachment. He'd do anything for her, but she is a little munchkin, and sometimes a target. Scott also is careful to not do anything to jeopardize his weekends with her, and often will cancel other plans on weekends to preserve this time with Cassie.
Scott is an ex-con, and there's a lot of problems around having that title stuck to him for the rest of his life. He ends up with the police sniffing around him rather often, certain requirements, and general difficulty with finding jobs (he got lucky once, but again? He can't afford to lose his good job!). He also tends to get looked at when expensive things might get misplaced.
Gear Dependency:
Unalike all the other shrinky heroes related to his Ant-type, Scott can't just shrink at will. He needs his gear. He needs the gear to be working. Without his equipment he is physically fit, smart and quick, but not much of an Ant-Man. He also needs Pym particles to fuel the gear (which requires talking to Hank Pym, often not a good time), otherwise it's just a sexy costume. It's a limitation if something breaks, but it also means he isn't suffering negative effects of Pym particle overexposure: win some, lose some. Health is important.
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Scott Lang has
131 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The Youth of the Past | March 13th, 2025 | A SHIELD team arrives at an abandoned laboratory, and confronted with an old HYDRA plot - and now have to figure out how to handle it. |
A Favor, Complete with Training Montages | February 14th, 2025 | Scott and Sofia discuss a returning face in his life. Sofia may be able to help out more than she thinks. |
Scratchin' at the Door | January 28th, 2025 | Delivered fresh via Wonder Woman, Katsumi winds up back where she started: in front of the Avengers HQ, trying to reconnect with old, familiar faces. Some strategies are vocalized, and Katsumi realizes the world is in some considerable upheaval at the moment! |
Oh, Just a Few Things... | January 19th, 2025 | Scott tries to debrief Sofia on what she missed during her absence. |
A Giant Surprise | January 12th, 2025 | Scott and Sofia make some progress after an unexpected absence. |
Happy Little Holiday | December 15th, 2024 | No description |
A Walk on the Magic Side | November 24th, 2024 | No description |
Catch Up Over Coffee | November 3rd, 2024 | Clea and Scott catch up over coffee. Clea decides she'll stay on Earth a bit longer... |
Kitchen Check Ins | October 14th, 2024 | Some Avengers meet in the kitchen to talk on what's going on. |
Hydra: Aerial Assault! | September 24th, 2024 | Hydra hits the SHIELD Outpost in the Savage Lands and pulls off a rare victory, escaping with a large amount of data and some samples. A heroic defense by Agents of SHIELD and Avengers causes them heavy casualties and limits the damage. |
Ants in a Bind | September 8th, 2024 | No description |
Ant-Man and Faltine Catch Up | August 18th, 2024 | Clea invites Scott over for a catch up! |
Bird In The Hand | August 14th, 2024 | Ant-Man goes looking for new technology in the Avenue of Tomorrow, and instead finds Beast Boy captured by an alien animal smuggler posing as an environmentalist. Don't worry about the bees. |
Friendly Neighborhood Goddess | July 27th, 2024 | Scott gets an alarming update about his daughter (a good thing). |
What Is This | July 19th, 2024 | Clea and Scott have a catchup! |
I Know an Aficionado | June 23rd, 2024 | The Langs surprise Sofia in more ways that one (part 1) |
A Reckoning | June 10th, 2024 | When some of the team sets out to find Bucky, it ends better than everyone might have imagined. Bucky's not dead, he's not locked forever in a cell - he's surrounded by friends that are willing to help him complete his mission. |
The Avocado Toast Anomaly | May 26th, 2024 | The Hanks and Scott encounter and discuss Pym Particle Paradoxes. |
Is it a Cat or Is it not a Cat | May 21st, 2024 | No description |
Message for you, Sir! | April 23rd, 2024 | Sofia delivers a message and invites herself over to Scott's. Ice cream ensues. |
A Spring Fling | April 12th, 2024 | Janet throws a costume party. It ... goes well? |
Not the Amazonian He Expected | April 10th, 2024 | Scott Lang goes to talk to an amazon and ends up speaking to a Goddess from his past. |
Empire Diner For Dinner | March 30th, 2024 | After a performance by a Wakandan singer visiting the US, various members of the Avengers along with a helpful Mary Bromfield meet up at Empire Diner for dinner. Joshua Foley and Jane Roe introduce themselves. |
Socializing at the Mansion - Bug Edition | March 12th, 2024 | The |
Avengers Winter Camping Trip | March 12th, 2024 | The Avengers do some winter camping. After a day of snowmobiling, skiing and snowshoeing, they gather around the campfire that night. |
Visit at the Big Tall Clock | March 5th, 2024 | Barbara and Scott Lang meet up. They make some very unexpected plans. |
HUNGER: The Banished | February 23rd, 2024 | An alien convoy of immigrants in need of asylum arrive at the Atlantic Starport. Much fire is suppressed, and Ant-Man ends up looking like a Ghostbuster covered in Marshmallow. |
Two Guys and a Sushi Place | February 3rd, 2024 | No description |
Carrion My Wayward Son | January 21st, 2024 | Carrion makes an appearance on the ESU campus but finds that there might be a few more heroes around then he was planning on. |
The Black Cat Came Back | January 4th, 2024 | Felicia comes to Avengers Mansion to rejoin the team! There may not even be fingers crossed behind backs. |
Invites and Megabytes | December 28th, 2023 | Barbara retrieves a hard drive from Scott Lang, and they share in a bit of conversational back and forth. |
Ants and Spiders and Bad Guys, Oh My! | December 9th, 2023 | Scott and Julia meet, sparks fly, plans are made! |
Campaign of Cupp | December 6th, 2023 | A Joint Bats, Outsiders, and one friendly Avenger operation goes a little haywire -- but the Bats are now in the possession of the closed-network drives from Phillip Cupp's office and can confirm if Saif Hassan is working for Phillip Cupp -- and see if Cupp has more mages working under his thumb against a defenseless Harvey Dent and Phoebe herself! |
The Strangest Bright Spot in Gotham! | November 30th, 2023 | No description |
Young Avengers: Toy Drive | November 17th, 2023 | The Young Avengers hold a toy drive, in the midsts of it, and an attack by Toyman they discover the magic of Santa Claus! |
Avengers Movie Night Interrupted | November 4th, 2023 | Avengers gather for movie night to watch Young Frankenstein. Concern is shown about Bruce's state after his recent Hulk-out. |
Seeing Red: Hulks Gone Wild | October 29th, 2023 | The Avengers are called to investigate a town that suffered a catastrophe. They find evidence it was caused by the Hulk, and find Bruce Banner nearby, just waking back up. |
A Maximoff Birthday! | October 12th, 2023 | Pietro and Wanda's birthday goes off without a hitch...or well...almost! |
This is Stilted | October 8th, 2023 | Windrose and Ant Man face the scary STILT MAN! |
Pool side escape | September 21st, 2023 | Random gathering of Avengers just trying to unwind. |
Where do I find Pizza again | September 10th, 2023 | Scott ends up making a friend out of someone he briefly met in Gotham. He did feel bad about their first meeting. |
The Dog Days | September 5th, 2023 | A Wayne Charity event is interrupted when Killer Moth arrives to kidnap a Wayne kid! There are weirdly at least two official Wayne Kids on site, one who's not an official wayne kid but lives at the Mansion, and Barbara Gordon offers herself since she is OBVIOUSLY better than any of the Wayne Kids. Ant Man kites Moth along with a fear of the Avengers, and Charlie is allowed to take home a pet! |
KGBot vs Capitalism | September 3rd, 2023 | Scott Lang faces off with the dangerous relic of the Cold War KGBot! |
DaffoDAYUM | April 11th, 2023 | Scott tries growing daffodils, instead of luring in bees gets assassins. |
A Witch, a Mercenary, and a Thief Meet in a Magic shop | April 6th, 2023 | Lang sees Tynan walk into the Candle. Lang meets one of the Leaders of the Justice League Dark, and finds out that Ty is a member of the League. He also finds a Monkey that doesn't like him. |
Flying Tiger without a P-40 | March 30th, 2023 | Tigra flees a parade of pictures provided by proud paternal unit. |
Scream for the Hydra, Cut with the Klaw | January 19th, 2023 | Hydra raids a facility owned by Oscorp. A group of Avengers and other heroes go to drive them away! |
Scotts turn to be called out! | January 18th, 2023 | A good conversation is had, and Scott knows who is sneaking the sugar! |
Ant-Man vs. The Ultraa Himbos | October 27th, 2022 | Scott Lang's suffering at the hands of the Almeracian Empire continues as two Almeracian Himbos visit him looking for Maxima. Many ceilings and doors are harmed in the making of this episode. |
The Swedish Labyrinth: Part II | September 21st, 2022 | Dimensional walls and Arcade's nose, what do they have in common? Both broken by the end of this scene. |
This Hardly Seems Fair | September 19th, 2022 | No description |
Short skirt and velure jacket. | September 14th, 2022 | Scott Lang, in the guise of his alter ego 'Eric O'Grady' infiltrates a fancy Gotham party and meets Violet Paige. Who is about as charming as her reputation suggests. |
The Swedish Labyrinth | September 6th, 2022 | Several less than stellar heroes manage to get themselves lost in an Ikea. With monsters. |
Unholy Grail | September 3rd, 2022 | Scott Lang takes Grail and Monet mini-golfing while Grail readies to meet the Amazons. AND HER DESTINY. |
Establishing Cred-Ant-tials | August 31st, 2022 | Scott tries to establish his Eric O'Grady alias by robbing a jewelry store. Now the jewelry district is on fire, Hawkeye is hurt, and Mary Jane nearly killed two people. A rousing success. |
Grail in the Dugout | August 29th, 2022 | Grail comes to Earth. Samples Stadium Hot Dogs. Speaks to Scott Lang and Monet. Goes 'take me to your Amazons'. And deals with Power Girl doing her own very unique 'welcome to Earth' intro. |
Ant-Ten HUT | August 25th, 2022 | Scott forcibly recruits Rhodey to go undercover with him for the plot of National Treasure 3. |
A charging cold crime with a tube of boom | August 25th, 2022 | Captain Cold and Rhino try to rob an armored truck only to be stopped by several heroes and a gray woman with red eyes who appears out of some mysterious portal. |
Ant in the Fox Coop | August 21st, 2022 | Scott breaks into Saeko's home, threatens her, then gets a ride home and never says thanks. Our hero everyone. |
Get Rich on Niche Twitch Glitch Lead to Sitch | August 18th, 2022 | A teen hacker gets waterboarded by Black Widow, Ant-Man sends Captain Marvel for a loop, and Power Girl pushes his buttons until the balls run out. |
Take me out to the ballgame! | May 28th, 2022 | The exhibition game was a success! No one died, and no one invaded. It was just a baseball game... that was watched by millions of people. |
Poppin' Into Pop's | February 6th, 2022 | People meet at Pop's. Cereal is gushed about. Ants are manned. |
Dial 1 for a Representative | January 6th, 2022 | No description |
Ant-ybody Listening | December 17th, 2021 | Ant-Man battles a dragon while Shadowcat gets a glass of wine in front of the fire. Life is unfair. |
SHHH It's a Library! | December 2nd, 2021 | Ant-Man and Livewire work out the location of the true enemy, through the power of idiocy. |
You Have a Debt | December 1st, 2021 | A squad of Avengers and one Titan fought Nazi vampires in Argentina. Further mission details redacted on orders of Power Girl and for the livelihood of Scott Lang. |
Please Do Not Hang Up | November 26th, 2021 | An Avenger strikeforce digs deeper into the mystery of the phones by digging deeper into snow in the Swiss Alps. |
Thanksmisgiving | November 25th, 2021 | The ghosts of all those dead turkeys haunt Michelangelo. Or Lang's to blame. |
We've Been Trying To Reach You | November 22nd, 2021 | The Avengers (and Black Cat) attack a filing company in Ohio based on the insane ramblings of Internet conspiracy theories and spam calls. |
Backed Into A Corner, and It's Full of Ants, Man | July 7th, 2021 | Putting her life in his hands, Power Girl approached Scott to help her make a video for a dating site. Considering she knows nothing about it, and that he's the one actually putting it together, nothing could possibly go wrong. |
Excuse me, how do you Earth | July 2nd, 2021 | Scott Lang takes Maxima to a Mall, it goes about as well as one could expect. |
Nadia's First Birthday | June 20th, 2021 | Nadia's first real birthday is /amazing/. Mission Accomplished. |
House Visit From an Owl. | June 14th, 2021 | Strix and Scott catch up. Strix brings presents for Scott and Cassie, and they teach her the power of NOOGIES. |
Magicking Magic Kingdom | June 3rd, 2021 | Scott and Tigra team up to deal with an ominous Spiral at Disneyworld, fending off the threat with Dole Whips and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. The Avengers hard at work once more. |
Homecoming: The Imperial Court | May 22nd, 2021 | Scott Land and Power Girl accompany Maxima to the Almeracian imperial capitol of Tae Tamrac for an audience with the Empress. Scott is rewarded for his service to the Empire, Maxima is banished until she can secure her Blood Legacy for the Imperial House, and Power Girl questions Almeracian traditions. |
Superhero Curves | May 17th, 2021 | At last, Herukage convinces Katsumi to begin training in earnest. The Avengers HQ is the venue. |
Homecoming: Restoring the Lost City | May 15th, 2021 | With a stolen Brainiac size beam, a phone home to Earth, and some help from Power Girl, Scott manages to do what not even he was sure was possible and restore a bottled alien city to its proper size earning the gratitude of an interstellar empire. |
This Was A Bad Idea | May 11th, 2021 | Power Girl brings Atlee to the mansion to meet heroes, and introduces her to Scott. There's... There's a silver lining there somewhere. |
Grand Theft Oa | April 30th, 2021 | Scott tries to lie to Maxima about where his new vault came from, she plays along for awhile and continues to look down on the human race. |
His Divine Wrath | April 16th, 2021 | Jennifer Walters and Scott Lang visit Katsumi Oshiro, who is trying to be fine with having weird powers. The party is crashed by the appearance of an ancient kami, come to explain the origins of her new abilities and her place in the world - whether she likes it or not. |
I Oa You 1 AI Brain | March 29th, 2021 | Scott and the Guardians enact a daring, stealthy heist on Oa. The kind of stealth that leaves giant craters in the street. |
Comet at me bro | March 21st, 2021 | Karen catches Scott alone stroking his eel in space and gives him a disapproving look. |
Sleight of Hand is no fun with Kryptonians | March 1st, 2021 | Supergirl and Ant-Man meet on an alien ship. Turns out, Supergirl isn't quite as 'intense' as her sister Power-Girl, or his benefactor Maxima. |
MaximAnt | February 24th, 2021 | A cultural exchange as Scott learns about Almeracian fashion and Maxima learns about Earth music. |
Krypton or Bust: Up Up and Away | February 20th, 2021 | Kryptonians, family and friends gather on the Milano, which then docks with Maxima's ship. Greetings are made and the ships begin their journey to Oa. |
Dude Where's My Planet | February 8th, 2021 | Scott wakes up and is presented with an offer he can't refuse. |
Sloshed and Dangerous | February 2nd, 2021 | Scott can't hold his liquor, Tynan can't hold her temper. |
If You Get Back Up; You're Doing It Right! | January 30th, 2021 | A lot of ant-splaining. |
Eye of the Tiger, Heart of a Kitten | January 27th, 2021 | Scott works out hot and sweaty at Avenger Mansion gym. Power Girl secretly watches from afar and then sets on a favorite song of her's enticing him to get larger. Next thing you know Scott is on his back and Karen is telling him all about his duties he needs to perform. |
Avengers and Ice Cream | January 27th, 2021 | Warren Worthington sends a gift of his company's new ice cream flavors for the Avengers to sample. Oh poor Scott. |
It Came from the Deep: Pelagic Nightmare | January 25th, 2021 | Unleashed extra-dimensional terrors are fought, Meggan impales Eldritch Horror with her giant spear, Hyperion discovers his Laser Eyes are over 9000, Orbital weaponry is fired, new volcano created, Julio eats a kaiju, Scott is abducted into SPACE!, and Rhodey has a fascinating report to write. |
Traf-fickle | January 21st, 2021 | Scott hates New York traffic, teaches Mike Hannigan the joys of marionettes. |
Carnival Calamities Cause Crisis | January 19th, 2021 | Scott attends a fund-raising carnival for his daughter's school that he certainly did not break. Joan gets unexpectedly sat upon by a rainbow gorilla, Meggan tries to ruin Scott's bad boy persona with her photography, and Wanda is up to something fishy. |
Stop Stealing My Daughter Already | January 19th, 2021 | Another day, another attempted kidnapping on Cassie this time by Vulture II. Thankfully a lone gunman is there to lend a hand. Well, bullets. |
Stretching the Truth | January 15th, 2021 | Scott meets a suspiscious Kamala and lays upon her his woes of a leggy redheaded stalker. While robbing Pym-Tech. Again. |
Alien Ant Farm, One Hit Wonder | January 13th, 2021 | Scott clashes with himself to save Cassie, from himself. Then Maxima arrives to make everything far more complicated and bloody. |
No Doppel Left Behind | January 4th, 2021 | Ant-Man and Power-Girl team up to save the day with a mysterious caped crusader and fledgling hero. Everyone gets beaten up by midgets. |
Third Date Jitters | January 3rd, 2021 | Scott and Sofia's third date kicks off, her parentage is finally revealed. Scott needs to hit the gym. |
Christmas Crash Course | January 1st, 2021 | It's Christmastime at Scott Lang's house with Cassie, a mute ninja, an awkward pro-wrestler, and throwing knives. |
It came...from Warehouse 42...BH4335C | December 28th, 2020 | A giant wolf gets free, it is far bigger than thought...and the uh, heroes, stop it. |
Bad Santa | December 27th, 2020 | Surprised Saviors Stop Society of Sinister Santas |
Under the Gun | December 26th, 2020 | More weird Adventures on the planet Rann! |
Training to the Max...ima | December 24th, 2020 | Scott is working on his size-changing when he's accosted by an alien princess intent on stealing his power. Scott nobly and bravely runs away. |
How the Talon Stole Christmas | December 22nd, 2020 | Strix mistakenly thinks a shrunken Scott and his car to be a toy, only to find out that it is, in fact, a very nice man who invites her over for Christmas. |
A Haunted Toy Story | December 22nd, 2020 | A wrecked toy store, rumors of ghostly villains, weeping female Japanese pro wrestlers waking up in the backseat of a car with a man they don't know. Just your usual tale. |
Let's Destroy the Planet | December 19th, 2020 | An eclectic mix of heroes manage to track down and finally put an end to Captain Planet and Gaia. The world is safe for big industry once more. |
Elevate My Fear | December 19th, 2020 | Scott and Satana skip the highway and take the elevator to Hell. |
The Ultimate Captain | December 14th, 2020 | The new Ant-Man leads a task force of Hulk, Mockingbird, and Daidarabotchi against the Planeteers. The new Ant-Man probably won't want to lead another task force again for a while after this... |
Mystery in Space: A Moment of Utter Darkness and Cold | December 13th, 2020 | Hank and company find a broken people living under a loaded gun. |
Cass Meet Cass | December 12th, 2020 | Cassie gets kidnapped (probably not for the last time.) Fortunately she gets mentored by an overqualified assassin and learns to choke out her first victim. Scott is also present and has no idea what's going on. |
A Greasy Hypothesis | December 11th, 2020 | Scott rambles sleep deprived, Bucky delivers Jethro to Shield |
Par for the Course | December 9th, 2020 | Scott, Sofia, and Cassie too play a round of mini-golf. Then Sofia abducts Cassie to 35,000 feet. |
The Way To Fix A Wall | December 7th, 2020 | A meeting at Home Depot turns into a train wreck. Not literally, but close enough. |
It's Elemental My Dear Watson | December 6th, 2020 | Ant-Man, Human Torch, and Vivian Vision do battle with a bunch of teens in color coordinated T-shirts. Things do not end well. |
Lay of the Land | December 6th, 2020 | Scott and Cassie meet a strange woman looking over Westchester. Cassie once again is the responsible one, while Scott. Ty and Scott talk a little, and Scott manages not to touch her bike! Good Scott! |
She's Out of His Pantheon | December 3rd, 2020 | The Ant-Man takes a Mafia linked demigoddess for sushi, challenges are issued to take place upon the field of minigolf. |
Just a Relaxing Spar Day | December 1st, 2020 | No description |
Talk About Old School | November 28th, 2020 | Ant-Man wisely and justly uses his powers to terrify a 6 year old girl only for Lois Lane and Golden Eagle try to wrongfully apprehend him. Sponsored by Oreos. |
Baskin My Glory | November 24th, 2020 | Scott's ice cream endorsement hits a snag. Thankfully Hank is there to bail him out, and Power-Girl to scare the ever-living daylights out of him. |
Falcons and Ants | November 19th, 2020 | Scott Lang is Hired by Carmine Falcone to bug a display he ordered made |
Never Meet Your Heroes | November 17th, 2020 | Drake, Yaretzi, and Atlin are out on the town for pizza, when an awkward chatterbox crashes the party. Only he turns out to be Ant-Man! |
Ant-Man vs. Doctor Man | November 16th, 2020 | Scott drops by for some fun and stays for a heart to heart. |
Robot Invaders From Mars VS The Ant Man! | November 12th, 2020 | Ant-Man fights killer robots |
A Gruesome Rescue | November 8th, 2020 | X-Men and some notable Avengers come rescue Kitty, Noriko and others from Emma's mess. Some got away. |
Battleground beneath Our Feet | August 19th, 2020 | No description |
The Re-ant-imator | August 17th, 2020 | Scott heads to Hank's lab to apologize for his recent ... exploratory foray ... into ant-related communication technologies. A few suggestions on heroic philosophy are offered, and some decent and not-so-decent business proposals are considered. |
The Skittering Dead | August 11th, 2020 | A swarm of undead insects--which may or may not have been accidentally reanimated by Scott Lang--threatens the safety of New Yorkers in the vicinity of Scott's van! Luckily, Julie Yan, Siobhan Smythe, Jane Foster, and Bruce Banner are on hand to competently deal with the situation. |
Happy Birthday, Avengers! | April 20th, 2020 | The Avengers gather in their back yard for Thor and Scott's birthday celebrations. |
It was just one more painting! | April 10th, 2020 | Bandits try to make a score out of Rubin's museum of art. With teamwork between Superboy, Ant-man and Quiver the day is won. The only apparent victim was pizza. |
Footholds are for Losers | March 27th, 2020 | Lang and Barton catch up, doing some rock wall climbing. |
So How Was Your Vacation | March 26th, 2020 | Scott returns to the mansion and Steve, along with JARVIS, is there to greet him. Quesadillas are made and plans to ricochet and fling shrinky-dinks are made -- but after food. |
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