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Latest revision as of 02:10, 14 November 2020

Date of Scene: 13 November 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Squirrel Girl and Spider-Man meet at the animal memorial in the Park, and share words on heroes and villains.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Doreen Green

Peter Parker has posed:
It's been a few days since the grand Ancient Egypt Throwdown, but people are still giving the northeastern part of the Park a wide berth. In a few more days, when no more undead cultists show up, everyone will just accept it and use the area again.
For many people, this is not their FIRST infernal incursion.

Spider-Man is on the scene. He showed up about 15 minutes ago, taking pictures with the camera built into the mask, and is now trying to examine the area for any further indicators of the battle. The arrow through the thigh is a distant memory by now, but it is a reminder of how he is not invincible, and how luck can run out.
He needs to be more careful.

Ever since he made the acquaintance of Red Sonja, he has been taking a more active interest in the occult, with its own rules and "exploits." And he's hoping there's nothing left that WAND might have left behind...

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl is simply here to help the brave squirrels who fought the cultists move on with their lives. Her own chittering doesn't sound out of place with theirs. She is helping them dig graves now that the mass funeral is over.

Most people never see squirrels acting like this but that is because they aren't paying attention! Monkey-Joe is overseeing the more.. logistical parts of things like making sure that the graves are far enough apart and are clearly marked. Fortunately the number of dead is less than was expected but for Doreen one is too many.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man stops as he comes upon the...memorial. Squirrel Girl is easily recognizable, of course, but the entire operation before her is...a little eerie. Squirrels scampering along trees? Makes sense. Squirrels hiding nuts? Been there, seen that.
Burying their dead in orderly fashion? That's...weird. Understandable, but weird to see.

Spidey walks over to where Squirrel Girl is overseeing things and says, "Hey, there..."

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl looks up, "Oh! Did you come to pay your respects too? I saw you at the.. fight.. thing.. saving the world! Yep! I'm glad that we had your help. The Nuts and Bolts Army we.. we save the world a lot. Sadly the cost this time was higher than it normally is.."

Doreen looks at the graves, "We're almost done burying the fallen. We've been at it since this morning." Some squirrels are visibly crying, others are solemn but quiet, and others still are burying their grief in their work.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks at her for a moment, then nods. A little white lie for a good cause. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I know they were your friends..."

It looks like they are digging pretty deep, which is good. It means most predators won't try digging them up. But....maybe he'll put up a ground sensor here, just in case.

"I hope I heard your name correctly. Squirrel Girl, right? I'm Spider-Man." She probably already knows, but the urge to make proper introductions has been drilled into him since he was old enough to speak.

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl nods, "Yep that's me! The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl! I have the power to talk to squirrels and understand them! They also tend to listen to me, because they are naturally very good people, unlike a lot of humans."

Doreen gestures, "Really most squirrels are very heroic. It's too bad most people don't know that.. but that's what I'm here for! I've learned that other heroes have the power to communicate with other animals.. like chipmunks, fish, other things.."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey could make a joke here, but that kind of levity seems uncalled for. So no jokes about yelling at pigeons.
"I'll take your word for it, you seem to be the expert..." He looks to her for a moment, then says, "I can't talke to spiders...well, the eight-legged kind. But I do talk to a few spider-heroes, so that should count for something. Uhm...how long have you been in the crimefighting biz?"

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl thinks, "Well.. since I was like.. twelve. So eight years now! I started out pretty rough but I've gotten better! Even saved the world a few times! It's kind of what I do!"

Doreen takes out her phone, "I also serve as my own publicity! I record every fight I'm in if I can! I have lots of fans on Twitter and Youtube especially!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Eight years? Jeez, he's only been at it for a little over two. Then again, he's not that involved in social media.
"I sorta have something like that. There's a local photographer, he takes all the pictures of me, but he sells them to the Daily Bugle. So you can see his in the paper or the Bugle's website. He actually has to sell them to keep himself and his family afloat, and I could use the good press."

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl peers, her eyes lighting up, "Oh! Peter Parker! I know about him! I've been wanting to see how he does with video recording versus old school photography.. ya know.. with pictures instead of video.."

She thinks, "If you know the guy, I'd love to meet him, because I follow his Spider-Man work.. his work with you.. yeah. Maybe I can convince him to start interviewing you! I mean.. why hasn't he?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. "This is kind of a first, really. Most people ask HIM to introduce them to ME." He pauses. "I'm sure I could convince him to meet up with you. I could even give you his number. I do have to talk to him a lot. He's a pretty smart guy. As for interviews...I don't interview well. I tend to be a fairly private person, and I usually let my actions speak for themselves." He chuckles. "And even when I DO do something good, someone's going to read it wrong. Check out the editorial in the Bugle about my involvement in the Pyramid Scheme a few days ago."

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl nods a few times quickly, "Cool! Well he's better at film than I am! I have to get better at my own shots if I am going to keep doing this social media thing. Everyone keeps raising the quality bar.."

As for the editorials? Doreen pfffts, "Yeah that Jameson guy has no idea what he's talking about. If he didn't spend so much time complaining about the heroes saving the the very planet HE lives on? I'd suspect him of secretly being a villain.. but he doesn't have the time for that does he?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man shrugs. "Apart from his mad-on about me, he's not that bad. He's a skinflint, I hear, but he's actually pretty good at his job. And he keeps his opinions to the editorial page, and out of the rest of the paper."

Spider-Man sits down on the grass, stretching out his legs in front of him. "He actually gets most of the pictures using a drone. I cart it around with me, and let him know when things are going to get interesting, and he commandeers it and flies it around while I do my thing. Want me to ping him so you can see it in action?"

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl blinks rapidly, "A.. drone..? Why didn't I think of that?! Yes I want to see it! Definitely! I need to.. see about getting one of those too now.."

Yep she's really excited about this. The squirrels around her appear to be cheering up a bit now that they've finished the graves and they can see that Doreen has found something to be positive about.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods, placing his hands in the grass to steady himself, then says, "Parker? Yeah, you got a fan. Say hi."

A couple of seconds later, something on Spidey's backpack that looked like a rectangular button (about 2/3 the size of a Hot Wheels car) detaches and lifts off from the backpack, the gleaming red object unfolding eith legs and hovering over Spidey's shoulder.
It's a bit of a cheat, but the hand Squirrel Girl can't see is moving in the grass, directing the drone manually.

"Wave hello, Parker."
The tiny red spider holds up one tiny foreleg.

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl is visibly impressed, "Hey!!" She waves rapidly, "I'm Squirrel Girl!" She looks back to Spider-Man, "You must really trust the guy! But he seems really trustworthy! I guess it's kind of.. in the pictures! I mean.. clearly he's never tried to unmask you.."

Doreen thinks, "Yeah never saw the need to hide my identity to be honest. My real name is Doreen! Doreen Green! Everyone who knowns me knowns that. I guess some heroes are afraid that bad guys will go after their friends or family but.. nope never really happened. Besides, by the time I became known online, I had already been recorded doing my thing with no mask on by the news.."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Well, first off, nice to meet you, Miss Green. As for trust, it was a symbiotic relationship. He helped me convey what I do through his pictures, and I helped him get pictures he could sell. If he libeled me in the press or tried to suss out who I was, I'd pull the plug. If I didn't tell him of any crimefighting events, he'd stop following me."

Very convincing, the whole quid pro quo setup. He'd spent hours figuring out a good cover story.

"Well, a few people went after Parker, but I'd find out about it. Also, the Bugle tends to protect his identity pretty well, too."

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl nods, "Yeah that's always been tricky.. I've never seen what he looks like. That's why I could never figure out who he was or how to find him! There are.. a LOT of Peter Parkers.. it's a common name to begin with. But in a city this big? Sheesh! I mean.. he might not even live in New York City.. could be a resident of Gotham.. Metropolis.."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "He lives in Queens. Been a New Yorker his whole life. He also helped me out with a little homebuilt technology. The web-shooters." He holds up one hand, showing her the inner wrist and the web-shooter rig under it. "This and a few other things, too. Hold up your phone? I'll add him to your Contacts list."

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl widens her eyes, "So he really IS your tech guy.. AND publicity guy.. I have a tech guy too, his name's Gadget-Gregg!" Gadget-Gregg, as if on queu, quickly climbs onto Doreen's right shoulder, beaming with pride as he squeaks sharply.

Doreen points at him with her thumb, "Yep.. I do computer stuff but Gadget-Gregg is kind of a Jack-of-All-Trades when it comes to tech and fixing things.

"Monkey-Joe is my publicity person and my information person. He's down there with the other squirrels right now, doing his thing, otherwise I'd call him up too!"

She takes out her phone after introducing Gadget-Gregg, holding it up to Spider-Man, "Awesssome.."

Peter Parker has posed:
This was a tricky bit of coding, but he was proud of it.

Spider-Man pointed a finger at Doreen's phone, and a new notification pops up:
<Contact Peter Parker added to your Contacts List.>

"Parker's a jack-of-all-trades, too. I think he and GG would get along like gangbusters. He even has his own lab at home."

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl nods, "Definitely! I don't think he'd be too surprised that squirrels are so smart, I mean he knows YOU!" She pockets her phone again, "I have a lab.. sorta.. covered in computer parts.."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "Yeah, his does, too. Maybe he can tell you where he dumpster-dives for all his tech." He looks around, then watches as the drone flies back to the backpack, latching onto it and going dormant. "Maybe I can convince him to build you a drone, too," he says in a whisper after the drone folds back into a button.

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl nods quickly again, "Oh that would be awesome! Live streaming with a birds eye view.. oh I would get so many likes! I mean.. saving the world is definitely the most important thing but.. you know what I mean!!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods, then looks at the memorial. "...Want to say something to New York? I'm sure Parker can put your statement in the Editorial page, right next to JJJ's daily vitriol about me."

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl ahems, "Definitely.."

After a brief pause, "Hey New York! I am the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl! I am the leader of the Nuts and Bolts Army, a comraderie of squirrels which stopped the evil machinations of a death god, and his own shadow army of zombies. Many heroes banded together that day and stopped yet another threat to the world! What most people saw was evil being defeated and that dark army realizing that the fight was hopeless.. and they self destructed themselves. They could not stand against the combined might of brave squirrels and the other heroes of New York!"

Doreen finishes, "But what they did not know about were the brave squirrels who lost their lives fighting this evil. Squirrels do not really have names unless we name them so the memorial that will be placed here will be a simple acorn tower. It will be kept up by the squirrels who live in this park. These squirrels are the friends, family, and comrades of the deceased. They have buried and mourned their dead and are determined to move on, living their lives to fullest, in honor of their fallen. Their heroism will never be forgotten!"

And that ends her sorta lengthy speech.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "Okay. Recorded. Parker says he can get it into tomorrow's paper before the newsroom closes and the early edition goes to press." He pauses, then adds, "Parker said he may get yelled at, but he gets yelled at all the time, so don't sweat it."

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl snickers, "Right.. Jameson. I've never met him but.. I could have sworn that I could hear him yelling from his office once inside the Daily Bugle.. even above all the traffic and behind walls that were several stories up.. huh.."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smirks under the mask. "He also has a blog. Straight Talk with J. Jonah Jameson. Probably was hearing his podcast. One thing you have to give credit to him for, he understands the news cycle and upcoming trends."

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl raises a brow, "That.. was probably it! Or he had a window open.. still he does tend to talk in all caps.. all the time. Can't be good for his heart right? Well maybe the next time an evil god decides to invade, he will try to explain himself, talk it over? I've done it before.. talked a villain out of doing a bad thing. No fighting required! The worst villains don't even know why they are being bad.. there's nothing to explain."

"But a lot of them? There's a reason why they are like that. Maybe they just needed someone to talk to?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "A lot of these people are just that...people. Each person has a story. You do, I do, the bad guys do. A journalist from the 1970's used to say about his articles, 'There are eight million stories in the naked city, and this is one of them."

He looks to the memorial. "Some are hurt by their pasts. Some were put under such strain that something in them broke. Doctor Otto Octavius...Dr. Octopus...he was a brilliant scientist who went mad as a result of tragedy. The one known as Vermin? A battered kid waylaid by a crazy geneticist. The Rhino? A baseline gangster who was suckered into getting bolted into a suit he can't take off."

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl nods with a rare frown, "Yeah.. and a lot of them will even tell you why they are doing this stuff if you ask. A lot of heroes don't bother asking.. I mean.. sure not much room for conversation when they decide to greet you with bullets and fists but.."

"..the other night was.. different for me. Those zombies weren't even thinking.. they had no brain that I could tell. There was no choice but to go in kicking. Most of the time I try to avoid a fight and ask these villains what they are doing and why. A lot of crime fighters would be surprised at how often the guns get put down.. and the tears start flowing."

"Sometimes? They even turn themselves in!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "Sometimes, knowing the context is the difference between surrender and shootout. And sometimes, even when to get the cops involved. There's this kid, Trevor. He got roped into being lookout for a couple of tough guys as they robbed a store, but I found out about it before the cops could corral him and kept him out of trouble. Kid's mother works, father's in jail. But I started helping him out with stuff, like homework. He's gone from a D in Algebra to a B-."

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl agrees, "Right! Sometimes you can talk to them before they even do something really bad! Then you can find out what they need help with.. I think many of these supervillains, even the ones I've never met, just didn't think anyone cared. So they take things into their own hands."

"Heroes have abilities.. some more powerful than others. I'm not all that strong compared to someone like you or Superman.. at least it doesn't seem like it.. truth be told I have no idea what I am actually capable of.. BUT regardless we have to know how hard to hit and if at all."

"Maybe we should teach a superhero class.."

Peter Parker has posed:
"Well, I set up this training area, in Brighton Beach. A junkyard called King's Landing Scrap Yard. It's abandoned...the owners disappeared two years ago. I repurposed it, put some stuff in..."

He paused, then looked to Doreen. "Ya think I could teach people? All the stuff I had to learn on the job, how to test their gifts...if they learn that stuff, they can avoid trial and error. It wouldn't be some organized thing, like the Avengers or the Titans..."

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl nods, "Yep! Perfect! You already have a training.. place! So every day I am sure there are people like me, you, or maybe even a future member of the X-Men trying to figure themselves out, scared for anyone to know what they can do. Maybe teaching them one on one would be good? I know Xavier's school is meant to do that.. I mean I was never sent there but I know what it's like to be in a class full of strangers. I am sure that Xavier's school does help but.. you are just one face among a LOT of other people."

"It can be really easy to feel.. disconnected.. like it's just their job to teach you. I was taught by.. a personal tutor when I was younger. I didn't go to Xavier's school but I remember what normal school was like. Some students just feel alone with all those people. Some of these young mutants might need a.. more personal touch? I think I was better off with personal lessons.."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "And they might be leery of large organizations that might have their own agenda. But something informal, no registries, no heirarchy...like a YMCA for supertypes. Want me to show you the place sometime?"

Doreen Green has posed:
Squirrel Girl grins, "Exactly! And sure I'd like to see it! I think the X-Men might even be happy to have someone else sharing the teaching load for once.."