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Latest revision as of 02:58, 15 November 2020

Six Arms, One Brotherhood
Date of Scene: 14 November 2020
Location: Spiral's Body Shop
Synopsis: Mystique recruits Spiral into working with the Brotherhood
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Spiral

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique had taken some time to hunt down Spiral. The mistress of mayhem had raised a few hackles recently and, frankly, Mystique liked her style. For all that she herself was predicated on stealth, Raven knew that the only way to accomplish things was to be bold, splashy and maybe a little crazy.

Spiral definitely fit those criteria.

She arrives at the Body Shoppe wearing the face of a lovely middle aged woman with a sharp bob of black hair, wearing a trenchcoat over slacks and an unknown top, her hands gloved and eyes hidden behind sunglasses, "I do hope there's a modicum of service around here. I do hate to wait."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral actually got what she assumes to be the mafia to pay for it and set it up for her. So her shop is actually semi-subtle nowadays, a nondescript looking office building but one admittedly in the worst part of town.

Visitors she doesn't know that don't sound like gangscum make her a bit suspicious, so she illusions herself into some approximation of normality - jeans, boots, and sunglasses of her own, that might pass the inspection of someone who isn't looking too closely.

She hurries out fairly quickly, and ushers her visitor into the deserted foyer. It may look like a commercial office, but it seems to have population 1.

"You... don't look like a typical customer around here." she says, a bit aggressively.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique smiles thinly, "I look however I please, whenever I please," she says simply. "My name is Raven Darkholme. I'm an activist and a leader among mutantkind, seeking equality and protection for our species. And sometimes just a bit of revenge," she says with a hint of a smile.

"You are...Spiral? Your appearance isn't what my contacts had described. I expected you to be more intimidating," she says simply.

Spiral has posed:
"So you're a mutant?" Spiral asks. "So... you're not a customer.". She sighs a bit at that, being someone who finds pleasure in her work after all. As for not being so intimidating, blah. She dismisses the illusion with a wave of a hand - jeans and sunglasses gone, to be replaced by blue spandex, samurai helmet, white eyes, crazy hair, and six arms.

"That better?" she asks. "You mention revenge. Should I be worried? You wouldn't be the first mutant to smash up the things I have earned.". Her white eyes narrow a bit. "I don't recognise you, but I didn't recognise the other one either at first.".

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique shifts her own shape to that of Mystique, clad in her white suit laden with skulls, her blue skin gleaming, golden eyes shining, "I didn't say I wasn't a customer. I'm saying my interest in you goes well beyond your wares."

"If I were here to avenge myself in some way, you wouldn't have seen me coming. I have no compunctions about slitting someone's throat. But I would rather make a friend of you, not an enemy, given the opportunity."

"You may know me better as Mystique." That name is more widely known. Magneto's deadly left hand. The Brotherhood's pre-eminent assassin.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral has heard of her vaguely - but few people are more self absorbed than Spiral is. Assassin, though, she's heard of that - plus all the skulls, of course. She wraps a couple of her arms around herself, while two more rest idly on her swords, adopting a somewhat wary stance.

"I don't have many friends." she admits. And then a smirk slowly spreads across her face, thinking of just why she doesn't. "A stranger who seeks me out seeking to be one is a new experience for me." she admits. "Let alone one who is actually famous. It's an improvement on a stranger who comes here trying to smash up my things though. So what have you heard of me which interests you so much?". A beat, and then she just asks, "And what do you want?", pretty much straight up.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique smiles, "I've heard many things. I've heard that you're mad. That you're from another world. That you can carve a body into pieces and stitch it back together like you. That you craft weapons like an ancient god, yet there's nothing ancient about them. I've heard that you stand at the eye of the storm," she smiles.

"And that's something I need. I need someone who will be unmoved by turmoil, unafraid of the force of the wind," she says. "I need someone who is ruthless and brutal, who knows what they're doing and does it with pleasure. In the past, others have played that role for me, but I do not have such an ally now. Someone who can help to watch my back."

"No, you don't know me. I'm a stranger. But, for allt he secrets I have, my purpose is known to all. I will raise up the race of mutants to the heights to which they deserve and anyone who gets in the path of that will be ground beneath my heel."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral laughs at that, her smirk only widening. Why, nobody has been that nice to her with the compliments since she arrived here. "You have done your research, as I am almost all of those things... Mad, pfft. What people call sanity is simply denial, it is the multiverse that makes no rational sense... most can ignore it, but I cannot.".

"It sounds like you have some good entertainment in your future, at least.". Spiral shrugs, looking down at her many hands briefly. She's not actually a mutant, but why split hairs. "I have some other commitments..." she admits cautiously. "But I am always seeking higher ratings, and those commitments don't get in my way very often.". And can be ignored if she feels like it, she's that sort of person after all.

"I suppose it would be good to have someone watching MY back as well, if that is what you have in mind.".

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique shrugs, "I'm not asking to put you on a payroll or have you clock in. The war I fight has ebbs and flows. Sometimes in secret, sometimes in public. The more 'friends' I have, the more I can select teh right tools for the kinds of jobs that need to be done."

"And yes, the protection is mutual. I am the field captain of the Brotherhood, one of the most legendary terrorist organizations in the world, founded by Magneto. That kind of protection can go a long way - no one is fool enough to cross us lightly," she says.

"I am pleased that you seem to be receptive. If you need any material motivation, I can provide that as well. Would you mind showing me some of what you can do here?" she says, looking around the shop. "I have heard impressive things but it's always good to see things for yourself."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral is a bit hesitant, but only for a moment. She's really doing all sorts of crazy, like mixing up working for the US government and what she assumes is the Mafia at the same time, plus being a freelance chaos agent too of course. And now a terrorist on top? Meh, whatever.

After a moment to think, she opens a door into a corridor off the foyer, and then opening one of the doors with a keycode, into what was perhaps once an office room. Now it's filled full of equipment, mostly earthly, but some alien as well - all set up like an operating theatre but also with what looks like a couple of tanks holding liquid, and with a few alien artifacts scattered around the piles of gear haphazardly spread everywhere.

And there's a coffee machine in one corner. And a pile of dollar bills all bundled up neatly in stacks, mostly forgotten.

"Adamantium is expensive." she admits, picking up a set of less than adamantium claws from one of the tables full of junk. "So I use cheaper materials. But I need not should someone be prepared for the expense." She laughs a little, and pulls out a couple of disembodied eyes from one of the pockets on her legs, holding them out for Mystique to see.

"And more subtle things than claws of course, but not much market for those here.".

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique shakes her head, "Adamantium is fantastic, but troublesome. I know more than one who hunts those who use it. Vibranium, too, carries political complications. Not enough indestructible types around to make it worth your while and most of those can be gotten to in other ways. I have a psion under my wing now, but she's young and inexperienced." She casually pokes through the materials she finds, raising an eyebrow at the bills, amused. "Metal is always good for us, because we have the Master of Magnetism in our ranks," she says. "Hand-held weapons are often useful. My abilities are excellent for infiltration and assassination, but outright combat, I need weapons I can carry that can keep up with the heavy artillery of our enemies."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral puts the eyes back in her pocket again, and passes Mystique one of her swords, hilt first. "It is enchanted, as well." she admits, and it's already made out of some alien material. "But, the material, I cannot duplicate here. I am barred from the dimension from whence it came.". She sounds quite sad about hat, gnawing on a lip for a moment. It would be fun to rip Mojo off, after all.

"And it sounds like it's just as well I've not been using adamantium then. Merely high quality earthly steels so far. And cybernetic muscles and the like. And razor hands... and...".

She eyes Mystique. "But these were all normal humans, not mutants. They wanted to be something more than baseline.".

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique nods, "True. Many mutants will want to remain as they are, but if they want body enhancements, so be it. I'd like some specialized weapons fo rmyself, first and foremost, things I can take out in the field. I recently crossed paths with a group of heavily armed criminals who were stealing something I wanted and it was frustrating to have to fight them with ordinary weapons. Luckily, I was able to use the X-men to distract them a bit," she says with a wry smile.

"And if you know of anyone who might be looking for some of that kind of work, I'd be happy to provide employment."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral normally puts the weapons IN people. "I am mainly a cyberneticist and body witch." she replies, with a little laugh, and reaching out moentarily with her metal arm before it draws back again. "But I can enchant knives and suchlike as well perhaps. If you use melee weapons, maybe a magically augmented blade would help. But I am not primarily a weaponsmith.".

"I use swords. Or magic. But I prefer swords." she admits. "Much more fun! And a greater challenge.". Two hands clap at mention of X-Men. "I know many X-men, like Elizabeth. I made her the woman she is today." she boasts, and cackles for a moment.

"Stealing? I hope it wasn't just money." she says, an edge of boredom coming into her voice. "I could probably help you if I was there... I don't feel like I need anything more than magic, and my swords.".

She spreads her arms. "I was a hunter. Of talent, and of ratings, after all.".

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique shakes her head, "Technology. They had an anti-mutant device that I needed to destroy. Technically, the X-men and I were on the same side, but I don't play well with moralists like Scott Summers," she says with a bit of disdain.

Mystique considers, "Some of the X-men are worthwhile, even if they are being misused. My own children are among their ranks," she says with some disgust. "But they shall come home someday. As shall all of mutantkind."

"I look forward to seeing you hunt. You will make a valuable addition to the Brotherhood."

Spiral has posed:
"Ha. I am no moralist at least. But yes, the X-Men are fun to play with. I have visited them in their school before, and met a few in the field as well... I just don't like Rogue. She is an annoying one.". Spiral shrugs, not all THAT bothered about it, as she's still mainly been left alone. Or... who exactly Mystique's children are, apparently.

"Everybody is being misused. Misused, and abused." she grins. "Even now, when I thought I was free. But it sounds like you will be a more pleasant user than the other ones I have endured. If you need me, just mention my name, and I will find out about it.", she says more than a bit cryptically, though she's putting her sword away again so she's apparently happy.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique stiffens for a moment at the mention of Rogue, but doesn't speak to it directly. She, after all, has her own problems with the girl, but those are -her- problems. She typically doesn't allow others to sully her with their tongues. Still, not hte time to send that particular message.

"Yes, that is another thing I had heard about you. Odd. Convenient, but odd. Like something out of the tales of Wonderland. I will keep you on my tongue just in case."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral looks a bit taken aback, before frowning, hands reaching out to idly pick up some of the junk on one of the tables and toy with it. "You have heard that about me? Either I have a reputation or you are very thorough in your research." she says, more than a bit surprised. And maybe irked, but not that she can do much about it.

"Very well, then.". She smirks a bit at Mystique's reaction to mentioning Rogue, glowing white eyes narrowing slightly. She doesn't SAY anything, but clearly noted the connection with some amusement.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique smiles, "I am very, very thorough," she says. "It was only legend, until you confirmed it. One of those things people say and no one believes, because it's too outlandish. How could it be? But I don't doubt you, not after seeing all this," she smiles.

"And I'm not all murder and revolution. If you'd care to have a drink sometime, I have a few lovely vintages I'd be happy to bring by," she says with a wink.

Spiral has posed:
"Apparently." Spiral says drily, now annoyed at being played. Though it's hardly the first time. "You remind me of my friend and her psychologist magic." she says a bit accusingly - though apparently it's a somewhat good natured accusation by her tone.

"You mean... wine?" she asks, eyes widening a bit. "Um. Well... I suppose, one day.", a bit taken off guard even to be asked. "Maybe you would like to meet my associate, in that case. She's the only one I've done anything like that with in this particular dimension and time stream so far.".