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Latest revision as of 02:28, 17 November 2020

Date of Scene: 14 November 2020
Location: Batcave
Synopsis: Barbara and Bruce surprise Stephanie with a Batgirl costume, and trusting her with Barbara's legacy. Cass speaks!
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Cain, Bruce Wayne

Stephanie Brown has posed:
It is Monday evening. A new week with new problems to attend to in the Batcave.

When Edward Nygma came to Gotham University the end of last week to give a talk on his new "Riddlr" puzzle game app, mostly just to build up some publicity and worth of mouth among the students, Stephanie Brown had taken the opportunity to attend and try to find out what she could. She hadn't expected to end up getting picked by him to be a paid intern after having followed an acquaintance who went to talk to him after.

A soft sigh is given as Stephanie's thoughts drift to the acquaintance. "God if I have to watch Jordanna gush over a freaking known supervillain one more time I'm going to vomit," she mumbles to herself as she arrives at the Batcave. "Can't she go crush on a singer or something?"

The call from Barbara had indicated Oracle had been at work investigating the company as well, and it was time to coalesce findings and then continue digging into the financiers that Riddler was lining up for the project. As she heads for the Batcomputer, Stephanie searches on her tablet for the relevant files that Barbara had placed on the Batcomputer, opening them up. They paint a much better view of the company in broad strokes, while Stephanie is getting a deeper dive into aspects that are not necessarily to be found on the company's servers, thanks to Riddler tagging her to be his personal assistant when she's there.

"Oh nuts, Barbara's found a lot more investors than I knew of. But a few names aren't in the files," she mumbles to herself as she digs into the work, adding them and starting to run searches on them.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs sits at the batcomputer, plugging away at the keys. Even now going over the files she'd sent to Stephanie, tagging names on the roster that seem suspicious to her and elevating them to a more deep search once she's back home at the Array. Her red framed glasses rest on the bridge of her nose, red hair up in a loose ponytail that dangles down the center of her back, and wearing something more fitting for a jog than a visit to the mansion.

A GCU sweater, yoga pants, and a pair of sneakers.

Apparently she'd been taking advantage of the training facilities while she was here. But her motives for luring Stephanie Brown to the Batcave are not as clear cut as she might have suggested. It's just that no time can be wasted since the war in Gotham never sleeps, no matter how sentimental the occation. "She's on her way." Said to no one in particular.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The workout area is dimmed, a heavy bag swaying gently as if it had been used, not long before. It is far enough away to allow a person privacy but not a true silence, what appears to be a statue watches Stephanie enter. The utter and complete lack of motion is inhuman; it lends to the belief that this is a part of the wall, the floor. It's served Cassandra well in the past, that little trick.

Having been doing something of her own, she simply went silent upon Stephanie's arrival. The eyes track automatically, peripheral vision more than enough. Until she decides to tap the bag once more, allowing her body to move.

Theoretically this too is training. She's always believed that the ability to to do nothing when your body is screaming for motion is a near impossibility, but one that's done more to throw off an opponent than any other action.

Still, there is something in the air tonight, and though she is at the bag, she has no urge to draw the attention to herself. This is not her moment.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
The Batcave certainly hums with a little more activity then it has at times at the past. Strange to think that all of this was once for a lone crusade against crime and injustice in the city above. There have certainly been a lot of changes since those first, early days. There have certainly been a lot of new faces pass through this cavernous lair. And who would have ever thought that would be possible, back when he first decided to turn the caves beneath the Manor into his own lair, his launchpad for those nightly, nocturnal roamings through the city of his birth.

Yes, change is a constant.

It is still early enough in the evening that it isn't exactly a surprise that he has not yet taken to the city rooftops. The Batmobile still rests on it's platform, primed and ready of course. But not yet put into action. In the back the Dark Knight girds himself for his nightly war on crime, his armor more a Nomex-kevlar blend then the metal it might have been once -- though titanium plating reinforces key areas. That trademark belt full of all sorts of nasty surprises for those he goes up again. But he those quiet words are heard, even back there, he just murmurs, "Understood."

Moments later the dark haired man, Gotham's First Son emerges from the back, his cowl resting in folds at his neck as he strides briskly through the cave. He hasn't inquired too much about the Nygma situation, allowing the others to run with it. In some, that might be indifference. Never with him though. Indeed, it might be the few ways that he shows trust.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
If Stephanie hadn't noticed Cassandra before, the movement is enough to remedy that. The blond turns and gives a warm grin to the Asian young woman and raises a hand. The warmth in her expression for Cass doesn't need someone with the latter's talents for reading body language to be picked up.

She makes her way over to the platform that the Batcomputer is on, stowing her tablet in her bag as she looks up at the enormous series of monitors showing what Barbara is currently working. "There's a new investor, last name of Marcelli is all I got so far, caught it said in passing. But there was a Marcelli that runs with Butch Gilzean, so possibly something promising there," Stephanie tells Barbara. A greeting for her isn't forgotten, just a quick smile as Stephanie appears ready to get to work.

She sits on an empty spot of the console, one leg drawn partway up, the light of the Batcomputer's monitors illuminating her as much as the lighting far above in the roof of the cave does. The blond girl is wearing a pair of jeans and some old sneakers, with a white t-shirt with the Nuka Cola logo on it, and an olive drab jacket overtop. Stephanie turns as Bruce emerges from the locker area, giving him an upnod of greeting before focusing her attention back on the investigation.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara is not the first protege of the Bat, but aside from Dick, she's been with him in this crusade the longest. She is keenly aware that his silence in this investigation is the definition of trust that those who are involved, are trusted. So she continues her work without much to-do. Aside from making certain the entries are added to the Batcomputer for his inspection at his leasure.

Cass draws Bab's attention, nodding to the silent amongst them, and looking around with a sloooow swivel in the massive chair towards Stephanie approaching. Gently stroking an imaginary cat in her lap, "Hello, Ms. Brown.. I've been expecting you..." It is not at all the place for such humor, but if asked Barbara Gordon would say; My nerd jokes cannot be stiffled by rules, no matter how sacred or unbroken.

She does nod to Stephanie, making a mental note to add the entry to her search once she's returned to the Clocktower, but for now... she's got a pensive look on her face. "Thank's for coming, Steph... sorry to lead you here under false pretenses, but it wasn't to discuss the case.." A glance over at Bruce, then back to the blonde.. "Bruce and I have... well listen, we think what you're doing out there is admirable, but..." Still stroking the imaginary cat, because commitment.

"You're going to have to stop being the Spoiler."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra's hair has grown; she could use a trim. Pulled into a ponytail, she appears to have allowed that much of fashion. She has on *gasp* a hairband. Also a tank top and what appears to be running pants, but not much else as she looks at Babs and Bruce upon arrival.

Silence. She watches, she waits. Her abilities allow her a small amount of foretelling, in a way. And she can tell that for all Barbara's joking, this is something serious. So she gives it a moment of silence.

And then realizes that it's 'just that' and goes back to hitting the punching bag, the sound reminiscent of someone striking a side of beef with a lump hammer. Nobody ever said that Cassandra was normal.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
To be sure the Dark Knight has never brought a whole lot of levity to this place. And if he did try to crack a joke it would not be the worst idea in the world to immediately check his for exposure to Joker venom. But there are certainly plenty of... quirky touches to some of the trophies that populate the Cave. Certainly not the sort of things one would expect Gotham City's dark protector to favor. But of course that's it, isn't it? It has been a long time since he was the sole denizen of this lair. There has been Barbara and a succession of teenaged boys. Each has left a mark on the Cave, a much lighter touch then he might be responsible for.

Padding out past the training area, he dips his head ever so slightly towards Cassandra as she puts in the work. Even for the most natural amonst them it takes a whole lot of hard work to make their rooftop activities appear to come natural. He pads over towards that main platform that is dominated by that massive supercomputer, that one large display and a small host of secondary consoles for others to utilize. The metal grated steps hardly give any sound under his booted footfalls -- even here, in the heart of his home his training, those long years of focus seeming to guide his every motion.

He does not interrupt Barbara as he makes that statement, stopping at the top of the stairs and folding his arms across his chest, his expression entirely inscrutable. Not that it is all that unusual for him of course. He has made that unreadable expression into the next best thing to an artform. He lingers there, flanking the young blonde woman as one of his earliest protegees lays down how it's going to be to one of his newer ones.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie breaks out in a soft laugh at Barbara's Bond-villain impersonation. She replies by extending a pinky to bring it to the corner of her lips in her best Dr. Evil impersonation. "I didn't bring the ice cream this time. Figured maybe we can grab some after," she replies of the stable of their investigative sessions.

The blond's mind is quickly reimmersing itself in the investigation after, and the sudden change in direction catches her off guard. The choice of the term 'admirable' makes her mouth go dry and a feeling of foreboding runs down Stephanie's spine.

It has been the better part of a year being mentored by Barbara. In the early days she'd walked on eggshells and been chided by Bruce for her worry whether she belonged, for not trusting Barbara's judgment.

Those days were long in the past. Stephanie's confidence in abilities had grown, but especially her confidence in herself. That she was a member not just of the team, but of this big extended family.

That all seems to shatter as she hears Barbara tell her what Bruce once had, that she needs to hang up her costume. "I..." Stephanie says, voice faltering under the weight of a dozen different surging emotions and the surprise of the moment. "Spoiler is who I am. And I've... I belong here," she says, those emotions clouding her face. "I may not be Dick or Damian or... damnit I don't need to be them. I'm Stephanie and I'm damn good at what I do," she says, fighting being sent away more than she did that first time nearly two years in the past now.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara regards Bruce in this matter, deferring to him for but a brief moment, but it seems this moment is hers... for better or worse. It isn't that she's ignoring Stephanie, far from it. Her attention is focused and deliberate, "Nobody is questioning your commitment or talent, Stephanie." Her thin hand comes up to forestall the anger that comes, nigh expected. A puppetery orchestrating, that's what Babs is in this moment.

"You have grown increasingly comfortable in your skin over these months. Shown progress beyond that of any of the boys-" She's unfettered in her feminism guys, "-but your commitment to this crusade is.. it's questionable in your mantle as Spoiler. Bruce and I... well, we just don't feel it a good fit for you. That's all."

It seems so simple, simplity put as that.

Babs pushes herself up from her seat and walks over with a glance at Bruce. "Bruce and I have discussed this at length... The Spoiler.." Quote/unquote with her fingers as she brushes past Stephanie, possibly jostling her shoulder in a bump like a schoolyard bully. But her steps are precise, she's headed towards the small section off the main dias that contains the equipment for the Bats. A long black case beneath one of the tables is her target and she kneels down to slap it down upon the table as if to inspect the wares inside.

"What are you spoiling, I wonder, Stephanie? You're a delight.. so it cannot be an occation. And you're popculture references aren't up to par of mine, so it's not the latest movie-..." She wiggles a finger over her shoulder and points down at the case.

"So no, you're NOT Spoiler..." Tilting her head slightly as she turns.

"Are you, Batgirl?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass might question Stephanie's commitment or talent, but she's not one to comment on such things, and the fact that she actually likes Steph makes up for such minor niggling details. She slows her striking of the bag long enough to listen, the slight chance that she might actually be understanding the words being said important enough to allow it.

When Babs asks the final question though, silence reigns. She isn't going to make this more complex than it needs to be. She's here to witness. And likely to take the birthday girl out for drinks later. Metaphorically speaking. METAPHOR!

Bruce Wayne has posed:

While he might seem unyielding, immovable, his entire purpose is change. Change to Gotham, to force the city out of it's corrupt past, to push out the mob and corrupt cops. To intill fear in the criminal element and make the night their enemy instead of their ally. And then transform the city through the works of Wayne Industries and the Wayne Foundation. A war on two fronts really, to remake the city into what he knows it can be. What it should be.

It has been a constant in his war on crime as well, as those mobsters and corrupt cops have increasingly given over to the mentally deraged and the psychotically dangerous. It has been reflected in the protegees he has mentored, his band of Robin's, each giving over to the next in turn.

It can be difficult. But it is inevitable. Not entirely like him.

His gaze flickers to Barbara's for just a moment. Bruce made no doubt about what his involvement in this matter was going to be. He has only rarely intervened as his protegees have passed on their costumed identities, one from another. This was a decision for the original Batgirl to make, to decide when her job mentoring Stephanie was, well, certainly not done. But ready to shift and change and move onto the next level.

Still, the Dark Knight's gaze never wavers as he watches the young blonde's reaction to the news that her days as Spoiler were to come to an end, watches for her reaction. Anger, perhaps? Defiance? Sudden uncertainty? What would they see? And whatever it is that he sees seems to seal the deal, at least in his eyes. Judgemental as he can be, as hard as he can be on any and all of them at one time or another his only reaction is the slightest of nods towards Barbara.

His seal of approval is as understated as any of his other reactions. But it is given.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The tears try to gather despite Stephanie blinking them back. The set of her shoulders and her expression tell the story clearly enough to everyone in the room. She's going to fight giving up crimefighting, just as she did when Bruce told her to do it when she was seventeen. Tenacious as a bulldog with a bone, even if that means going it alone, back with a coil of rope from the hardware store and a homemade grapple thrown by hand.

But that she's being told to give it up by those she'd come to see as family is what tries to bring the tears. She stubbornly pushes them back, not surrendering to them. The bump from Barbara as she goes past is a small one, but could be a seismic event for how it reverberates through Stephanie.

The blond has to wipe at an eye, but the expression on her face when she turns towards Barbara at the equipment table is hard set. Unbreakable even if she feels fractured inside. Unsinkable, she opens up her mouth to declare her defiance, that she's going to continue as a crimefighter. And then Barbra's final words hit her.

Did she say, 'Batgirl'?

Stephanie blinks and this time the tears do come despite her efforts as her emotions are put through whiplash. Blue eyes glisten as they look to Bruce and then back to Barbara, and the tears roll down her cheeks steadily. "Tell me that you're not kidding," she says, shoulders trembling as she takes a few steps forward towards Barbara.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs is the measuring stick of female crime fighters.

This is a fact.

She's not the oldest, but who can deny her determination in a world dominated by Robins?

She's not the strongest, but she's held her own against the likes of the worst Gotham can throw at her.

She's not the toughest, but she fought her way back from being crippled by the Joker. Shot in the spine, she sat in a wheelchair for years before technology alone gave her the ability to walk again.

She is the alpha and omega where it pretains to women in cowls.

And she's staring blankly at Stephanie now.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"

Hand extending out to the black case laid behind her.

"You're going to need a suit."

What else need she say?

Cassandra Cain has posed:
A hand appears on Stephanie's shoulder. It squeezes firmly, then releases. A glance would show Cassandra, having come to be there for the moment. Her face is firm, proud. Dark. Serious. This is a noble moment, and she steps back. Her entire behaviour says that this is something one does alone, and she gives Stephanie the space.

Then she bows. Something she's not done for anyone. Not even Batman. The tears may come later, but for now it is the pride of a fellow instructor watching graduation. The next step in a long walk without end.

In the end, you walk it alone. Until then we will be here, and Cassandra stands honor guard for this moment. Across from Batman himself.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
To be sure she has come a long way. And if one could ever catch Bruce in a confessional mood -- which is extremely unlikely -- he might even admit that he didn't really see that in her, not at first at least. It is not all that often that he is proven wrong. His analysis of people, of situations is almost uncannily accurate. It is part of what he relies on. But all things considered, being wrong in these circumstances is not really a bad thing.

He's not really a crier. Not really one for showing all that emotion at all once the costume goes on. But he can at least appreciate the moment for the others enough to let them have it, lingering by the steps as Barbara and Cassandra gather around Stephanie to offer their support.

Finally he pads over to join them, at least briefly -- there is still a city out there that needs to be patrolled afterall. "Alfred will be able to help with the details of your new suit. Figure out what you need and we'll procure it," the Dark Knight says simply before laying a hand briefly on the young blonde's shoulder. "It doesn't get easier. "If anything it only gets more difficult from here. You have the name, the suit. Now you have to go our there every night and prove that you deserve it each time."

Cheery pep-talk, huh? But there is usually a method behind everything he does and now and then he says exactly what needs to be said.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie had been doing her best to build up a dam on her emotions, a reaction to the adversity she was facing. As that is taken away, the dam just gives way and Stephanie's shoulders shake for a seconds with quiet sobs.

It doesn't take her long to wipe at her eyes hastily though, and at least get the most of the emotions under some control. There's no crying in the Batcave. Ok, there is. Moments like now.

Stephanie looks over to Cassandra as her friend gives her that supportive squeeze, and Stephanie moves her hand atop Cass' hand to give it a hard squeeze back. The bow could have set off the waterworks again, but Stephanie channels it into a beautiful, grateful smile for the Asian.

Stephanie's eyes swing over to Bruce as he comes nearer, her expression saying all of the thanks that don't get verbalized. As if she knows he won't seek out that spoken expression of emotions, but lets him know how much it means to her just the same.

A deep, cleansing breath is drawn. "I think I could handle that. And Batgirl has such a great shade of purple. You know that's why I chose the color for Spoiler? But I didn't want to copy it too closely," she says, moving to Barbara and throwing an arm about her shoulders to hug the woman she's looked up to. Who has been a role model for so many young female heroes. "Thank you, Barbara. I won't let you down."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Yes you will." Barbara says to Stephanie, but it's said with a quieted grin and arms open for an embrass. "Don't think that just because you suddenly have a nice shiny suit that you're suddenly out of the wood works, Batgirl. You're going to make mistakes... and I'm going to, not just point them out, but dig them in like spurs on a horses flank..." It's a mixture of emotions.

In one breath she's offering congratulatory hugs.

In another she's assuring Stephanie that it's a step, but not the finish line.

"So wear it with pride. Wear it like I would. Know that what you're taking on? It isn't just a costume, it's a mantle. I've set the stage for you, now it's up to you to stand in the lights..." Her head cants slightly, turning from Cassandra to Bruce, and back to Stephanie.

"Now get dressed, you've got a patrol in an hour... I'll be watching you. Bes sure of that." All these semi harsh words in such a beautiful moment.

Her voice is quiet when Stephanie hugs her, because how could she /not/ hug her when it's offered? How freaking often does Barbara Gordon offer hugs in the first place? "Congratulations, Batgirl."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
"Honor it," Cass' voice says, from her place nearby. She has yet to smile; for her this is a moment of great power. And she stands for her friend, here and now, with the promise that she will be much harder on her from now on.

Then she leans in and puts a kiss on Stephanie's cheek, and motions toward the changing room. A glance is given to Barbara, subtle approval of how it was handled in her eyes alone.

The fact that she herself is doing this in what equates to a sports bra and yoga pants means nothing.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
He would certainly never show it, but no doubt Bruce is moved. Probably. Well, there's a chance at least.

It is touching to be sure. But it doesn't change the fact that this is Gotham City. There are few, if any, quiet nights for them. Even when not on patrol there is no end to the little tasks that they need to do just to keep up with their nocturnal activities, nevermind the rest of their life that is not lived behind a mask. Training and investigation and keeping all those other skills required to do the job properly at the level they need to be.

In short, time is at a premeium. And that is not going to change any time soon.

"Keep me updated on the Nygma situation. I have a few other items that I might want to have you look into if you have the time," he adds, already pulling up the cowl as he moves towards those steps, taking them two at a time even as he pulls that hood up and over his head, veiling his features behind that mask. Bruce Wayne no more, only Gotham's Dark Knight as he strides towards the waiting Batmobile.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie moves over to the case with the costume in it, opening it and running her hands over the Bat-symbol on the chest. The corner of her lips turn up in a soft smile. She looks up and over to Bruce as he brings up the situation with Riddler. And other matters. "Will do," she says with a quick nod of her head towards Batman as he heads for the Batmobile.

Her hand brushes over the costume again, feeling the body armor. Barbara upgraded her Spoiler costume, but this is far more than the old body armor they'd incorporated into it, Stephanie can tell. She looks up and nods to Barbara. "I will," she says of wearing it with pride, and smiles to her idol. "Watching me... oh god, you wired it fully didn't you?" she says, giving a sigh which doesn't end being anything but happy even as she tries to put some mock frustration into it.

She takes the costume out of the case, turning to Cass. Beaming as Cass chooses to speak a few more words with her. "I will," she says warmly. "Come on, let's go make the city a better place," she says, grinning at everyone and carrying the costume off to the lockers to change.