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Latest revision as of 10:33, 17 November 2020

Name That Robot
Date of Scene: 06 November 2020
Location: Stark Tower: Penthouse
Synopsis: Pepper briefly fills Tony in about her own adventures.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
Having just gotten word that Pepper has in fact returned to the Penthouse, Tony leans one elbow on the table of the lab, staring into the orbital socket of the drone he's been changing out the parts on. "Shall we, then?" Tony says conversationally to the robot, with a quick smile.

"Beep," the robot confirms.

With that, it turns its exterior rotator engines outwards, beginning to hover, as Tony yawns hugely and pushes up off the lab table, using it as leverage, sniffing once. With a grunted groan, Tony straightens out his back and stretches his arms upwards, curving to stretch one up behind his head, grabbing that elbow with one palm, then the other. He walks across to the lab exit, still stretching his arms and upper back from the cramped working position, as he surfaces up into the penthouse. Through the door he comes, barefoot, and the robot ZIIIINGS around him like a crazy yellow bumblebee.

"No running by the pool," Tony offhandedly teases it as it goes flying around past the pool table currently in display via holograms on one of the larger table surfaces where work 'sometimes' appears in the penthouse when it can't quite stay as contained to the lab.

Tony's dressed for mechanical work; a black tank, comfy gray lounge pants, the strings loose and untied, his red toned protective glasses forgotten and perched in his touseled dark hair.

Pepper Potts has posed:

It's feeling more and more like 'home', even if she had more than a passing comfort with the Tower for quite some time. Now, however?

The door has opened, letting Pepper through the door, and at the entryway, she's removing her heels to set them aside. She's dressed fashionably, but not in her 'usual' business attire. Errands to run, if the large handled paperbags are any indication.

The sight of the yellow drone orbiting Tony brings a smile to the redheads face, echoing her eyes. "Oh, he looks like a new drone," is offered happily, and she retakes her bag and crosses the short distance in order to press a quick kiss. "I got Thai.." and there's a pause as she takes a longer look at the buzzing drone, her expression considering as she seems to study the little flying wonder.

"Did you repaint him? I feel like he might deserve it."

Tony Stark has posed:
"//Did// you now?" Tony asks, returning the kiss -- but mostly also to lean in and insert a few fingers into the top of one of the food bags in her possession. The man can smell the Thai, clearly!

"He actually has a fully new exterior, so technically I rebuilt him, I didn't repaint him," Tony clarifies, without looking at the buzzing drone. It does seem perhaps faster, but also more quiet: stealthy, except for the bright golden yellow, anyway.

"Additionally, swapped out one of the full weapon systems into just force shielding; his power allocation is better suited to be doing that anyway, the other one was a strain," Tony chatters conversationally. "I looked through his data, but I want the story from /you/, too."

Pepper Potts has posed:
A light, breathy laugh is given as Tony uses the brief kiss as a way to get closer to the food, and she turns it away just a little, ready to lead like the Pied Piper towards the coffee table. "Let me grab some plates." It's so easy to go into 'domestic' mode, making sure everything is right, that the food is set out with plates, serving forks, spoons and something to drink for the both of them.

Brows rise in the news of the rebuilt, and Pepper looks back at the little drone, reappraisingly. A bit of hair is tucked behind her ear as she cants her head before she nods her acknowledgment if not her approval. "Shielding is definitely a plus." She wasn't planning on ever truly doing anything that would be overtly.. offensive. Not that she's really planning on putting herself into such a position again!

Carrying the utensils in one hand, drinks in the other, Pepper approaches the couch area to set everything down. "I think his might be pretty comprehensive," she begins softly. Of course, it doesn't go into what she was doing deeper inside the tombs.

"Amanda needed my help, and it wasn't something that I could do remotely," Pepper makes the grand attempt to be non-chalant about it, but.. magic. Lots of magic was being thrown around. She shakes her head soon after and settles onto the couch, perching on the edge. "Not something that I'll be doing again. I.." and there's a pause before she lets out something of a nervous laugh, or rather, a release of nerves, ".. I think I've had my fill of excitement."

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony flops to the couch, letting Pepper collect all of the items, while he tiredly stretches out his legs there, both arms lifted up behind his head to support it, as he looks up at the ceiling. He's exhausted himself, but masking it to some extent in order to find out about her 'excitement' as she's calling it.

"You're just determined to be a hero too," Tony chuckles with a click of tongue against his teeth, turning his head to appraise her, amusement there, but fondness too. "If this is some roundabout way to ask for a suit from me, isn't going to happen. One of us should make safe decisions with her life." Tony reaches out and tries to pull her towards him, instead of her perched spot, playful despite his tiredness.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper shakes her head ever so slightly, red hair moving with the gesture. "No.. there is nothing you can do that could get me into that suit," she avows softly. "I have a hard enough time on the outside, with you." There's that //smile// that she seems to almost always wear when hinting at the trials and tribulations of attempting to 'manage' him. She's teasing right back, and she allows herself to be tugged a little closer, definitely making that contact, his warmth welcome.

"Amanda needed me. Or, at least, needed some drone backup and communications. I was behind a stone wall while the little guys were doing their thing." Of Amanda's making, of course! "I think it's done, now, though. At least that's what she says." The smile turns into something a touch more .. disappointed, perhaps, as she continues,

"The apartment is going to be fixed soon. I received estimates from contractors."

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony turns more fully towards her as she allows herself to be tugged, even so far as to bury his face against her neck some, an expression of tiredness -- and trust. "Amanda needed you. Well, I know the feeling, so I suppose I can accept that," Tony chuckles, voice a little muffled. He stays there, relaxed, eyes closed for a time, listening to her speak.

"Hmmmm, fixed, huh. Still doesn't sound safe. You'd better stay," Tony suggests, lifting his hand up to cup her opposite cheek, gently cradle her head and face towards his where he's currently relaxed against her shoulder and neck with his own. He can't see her from that angle, but his thumb seeks out her chin and lower lip in a brief gentle touch there.

Pepper Potts has posed:
As Tony buries his head against the crook of her neck and shoulder, Pepper shifts such that she can hold him with both arms, fingers coming through the short hair. She sits there and breathes, her eyes closing in the closeness; she can feel his fatigue, his concern that is expressed in the need to repair that which had been with her during a trying time.. and make it better, given her past need. She levels out her breathing before she presses a kiss to the top of his head in silent statement that she's here.. she's present.

"Fixed," Pepper repeats after those heartbeats of silence, and at the rest of his words, her features brighten, truly appearing as if she's glowing from within. When his hand cradles her own head and face, she turns slightly to kiss the palm of his hand, that extension of genius that creates. "Now that you upgraded Patrick, though?" She chuckles softly, the sound airy, "Amanda loves him, by the way."