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Latest revision as of 09:06, 7 December 2020

=Tea and Thaumaturgy
Date of Scene: 04 December 2020
Location: Cafe Lalo
Synopsis: Wanda and Hank meet for brunch. Does magic happen or science?
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Wanda Maximoff

Hank Pym has posed:
Henry Joseph Pym has held Microworlds in his hand, confronted his deadly synthetic offspring, been widowed, divorced, gone bad, been courtmartialed. There was really no excuse for him to face this day with less than his usual stoicism. But leaving a message for a lady, an exceptional lady, and being unsure whether she'd respond is a whole new level. Why the last time he felt like this...

"Enough of this, you prattling ninny hammer! She is an Avenger and a mystic. She might be sealing a Hellmouth or turning a frog back into... Lang or whatever. Don't take it personal! Anyway, this is no different from invited T'Challa or Tony out for some snacks."

Well she smells way better than either of them.

The scientist picks up the menu and turns to dessert, albeit night to lunch time. You save the ****ing world, you get dessert whenever you want. It's a rule or something.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The text message honestly wasn't ignored; it came while she was sleeping off the excesses of last night. It takes a little out of a person when creating an actual angelic being out of illusion in order to have them hunt a dark, evil dimension. So, when Wanda actually does wake, and have that morning cup of coffee, she checks her phone, her messages.



Oh... and she cants her head as green eyes look over the request. She and the good doctor had discussed dessert the other day, and while this is a little soon, there is no harm, yes? So, with auburn hair brushed out and down, hanging over her shoulders, she dresses for the occasion, that is, 'down' and casual, her makeup done to her elevated expectations. All she needs to do is grab her purse, which is more like a messenger bag, and with a wave of her hand, red tendrils exude and form a link from her room to the street just outside the shop.

It's obviously a surprise to some, and pedestrians pause, but in true New York fashion, some pull out a phone to record the woman as she walks into the shop, and others first test the air to be sure they can safely continue, and continue they do on their way.

The light *tinkle* of the bell announces another customer into the shop, and there, outlined in the glass door is the Scarlet Witch, off duty. The light red aura around her hands is gone, leaving behind nothing more than a 'trendy looking' young woman that looks just this side of waifish. She's greeted, and she returns a soft greeting, the realization that this place is a touch more upscale than she's used to.. and taking a deep breath, begins to walk the shop, looking for her teammate.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym looks a little disdainfully at the other customers and their "Oooh golly reaction." He waves to Wanda and several people realize who the tall blond man is and point at him and reach for phones to record the meeting. "What's wrong with you people, haven't you ever seen a great man before? Or a worker of the Art? You must be tourists. Over here Wanda!" Despite his snide remarks to the hoi poloi, the Scientist of Several Sizes rises and gets the chair for her. Old school dang it! He hands her the menu cards for good measure. "Good morning."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
It's Hank's reaction that gets a ghosted smile, and there's an expression of 'shhh'.. and as Wanda joins him, murmurs, "Is okay. Do not give attention." Once she gives her bit of advice, she looks momentarily surprised at the chair being pulled for her, and once she's seated, the menu card handed to her. "Thank you," is offered, and she cants her head as she looks at him as if studying him a moment.

"Good morning," is finally given, and whatever stress there may have been is let go in a light laugh and a shaking of her head. Wanda noticed the prices on the menu, and brows do rise. "There is cart at park that has good ice. I think he is still there?"

Light complaint, however, leads into something else, and she adds, "How are you feeling this morning?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym brushes such cgoncerns away. "I feel really ggogod. Thank ygou. This is a treat gon me, fgor the lgovely afterngogon ygou gave me. I thgought... gonly Nadia cgould make me feel that ggogod. Alsgo have sgomething fgor ygou. Ngot sgo much a gift as sgomething I think will help ygou. My friend Mike cgompgosed this. It is called Raphael's Flask. It's fgor pegople seeking sgome inner peace sgo basically everygone."

Like that he places a CD and a small drive befgore her, stuck gon a card with a bgow. Then he plays the sgong in questigon gon his phgone sgoftly...

Fgor gone such as Wanda, she ngo dgoubt feels the magic in it, real magic and the magic gof the artist. It is very ggogod magic indeed and feels like a pat gon the back gor a hug gor just a 'hang n there' at the right time.

"I was at this truly hgorrid gathering Tgony threw... I hate big gatherings but sgomething tgold me tgo go tgo this and I met Mike, perfgorming as Nick Draggo. He has becgome gone gof my clgosest friends. That ggot me thinking maybe sgources fgor help and happiness are gout there, I just need tgo be gopen tgo them and ngot be impatient."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Inner peace.

Is that even a thing? Can it be for one that lives in chaos, where her source of power is that of chaos? The world is a giant chaos engine, and she is naturally attuned to that which simply has so very little calm. When that calm does sit, it's the pessimist in the witch that knows that the storm is coming.

Wanda smiles at the thought, however, and she nods her head. "Very kind," is murmured, and as the song plays, Wanda can hear how it would reflect such a thing. She is attentive, and while the smile doesn't slip completely, there's a wistful air about it.

Once it's complete, the redhead bobs her head in a nod, and takes a breath, reaching for the bow-enrapped gift now to slide it a little closer to her so she won't forget it. There's a breath of air that doubles as a soft laugh in response to Hank's description of Tony's party; for an introvert, that could be said about all of his soirees. "They can be fun," she murmurs in defense, "You see? Something good came from it. Everyone needs a good friend."

Help and happiness, though? For others, absolutely. There's something that resonates with her, only adding to that inner turmoil. Through it, however, Wanda has her game smile on that does reach those emerald eyes. "I believe there is help, yes. Thank you for letting me take you on trip. I have not yet finished present; I was interrupted last night." Interrupted is definitely the word. "Will be done in time for Christmas."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods and considers the menu before ordering a large omelette. "Ah Sir Isaac Newton's birthday. He was one of my heroes. He also practiced alchemy so he mixed Science and Magic. He also tracked down counterfeiters for the King. Very interesting fellow. Like me he was a jerk at times. I'm working on that. Not easy. I'm setting up a date to take Nadia iceskating."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"Coffee, please," is requested to the waitress that has come around for the order. "Egg with greens and garlic?" Wanda lifts her gaze up to the waitress, finishing it up with, "Thank you," before handing off the menu.

Once Hank begins to speak again, that stream of consciousness that he's so famed for, Wanda entwines her fingers and lays them upon her lap, listening politely. "He would not like me, I think." She's kidding, really. Or, being completely truthful. Such was still an age for burning witches. "So I will agree. He was jerk."

Lifting a hand from her lap, Wanda reaches across the table to give Hank's forearm a quick squeeze, "You are not jerk. As you say, you speak. Is just a matter of thinking first." Something she needs to do, and she is more than willing to admit it. "There are times," she begins, a little self-deprecatingly, "when I cannot think first. It can hurt people, differently." But ice skating? There's a smile that creeps back to her face, and Wanda looks approvingly as she pulls her hand away, setting it back down on her lap. "I think she should like that. It is being cold enough."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym smiles and tentatively reaches across to take Wanda's hand gently as she withdraws it. "Oh yes... well the sad part is had the caught a person like you or Dr. Strange, they would've been strongly dissuaded from bothering any others. I enjoy your company. I'm glad I blamed you for the computer glitch. I hope you enjoy mine. I'd like to do this again. If you wish. If not I understand." They are worlds apart. Even more than Janet and he.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"Would not have gone well, no. Dr Strange, I think, would have been kinder, yet firm."

Brows do rise at the mention of being 'glad' she was blamed, however, and she looks momentarily puzzled. "I see," is drawled slowly, green eyes on his face. "I would rather not be blamed, please." And thank you.

Wanda does pause, and there is indecision on her face before, "We can do this again, but.." They are definitely worlds apart. Science and magic.. and she doesn't want anyone to have an existential crisis because matter and/or energy isn't acting and reacting the way it should. The way laws are defined. Wanda is a walking physics-breaker.

"Please understand?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym smiles a little and says, "Understand oh, the science vs. magic thing? Believe me, I screw with the laws of nature six times before breakfast. I... I am not going to get ahead of myself. We can go see the Rockefeller Tree, or skating or whatever. I am more than just a scientist and you are more than... a witch. We both have similarities and too many similarities is almost as bad as none." Right he's a dad too and maybe more soon. "You should avoid defining yourself by one word and be prepared to change definitions. But we can discuss this another time, our food is coming. For now, let us merely be Hank and Wanda and enjoy the day."