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A scorpion's visit
Date of Scene: 15 August 2020
Location: Chikara Dojo
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Colleen Wing, Elektra Natchios

Colleen Wing has posed:
It had been a very long day, class after class on Saturdays with a small break for lunch, which usually consisted of eating in front of the students out ofa take-out container. The last class had left all but ten minutes ago and the young Senseai was left alone, staring out at the dojo with her one hand on her hip and a bottle of water in the other. "I think I will clean it later."

She take sanother sip of the water and walks over to the wall, putting he rback against it and allowing herself to slide down to the floor, resting her elbows on bent knees.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It had been a long while since they had met. Ever since their fight against the Hand within that warehouse where they'd both come across unexpected villains from the past in the form of Bakuto but also in new allies in the form Shadowcat.

Though since then ..., there had been no contact from Elektra. Was she upset? Mayhaps. She had not looked too happy when they parted ways that night but tonight here she was. What had changed though? Well, sometimes life and death situations make someone look at things in a different perspective.

No rest for the wicked though. Because just as Colleen gets that back against the wall and sits on the floor there's the sound of footsteps approaching, a familiar silhouette near the door and then one hand starting to slide it open.

"Are you in here, Colleen?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
That voice. It is one she knows and there is no escaping even if she wanted to. There is a muffled call out from behind the dojo door. "Yeah. Come on in. That way I do not have to get up." She raises the bottle to her lips once more and takes a long sip, lowering the bottle to the floor beside her and then calls out again as the door is opened. "It's been a long time Elektra. And here I thought you had forgotten about me." There is a sarcastic smile given and she tilts her head to the side to regard her friend, not rising just yet. "Look I am all better. Kind of amazed that I am actually."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Are you sleeping on the floor again?" Elektra's amused voice is heard, still out of sight even if a tinge of tension is also felt on it. She closes the door behind her and then proceeds to make her way properly in, eyes roaming about until they finally find the former Hand disciple.

"It has." She says. "Perhaps I simply missed karate bear." she mirroring the sarcastic smile on Colleen's expression.

"Or lucky that you are." She says in response about Colleen being all better. Dark eyes again roam the place. "I see you haven't changed your routines."

Colleen Wing has posed:
"No reason to change. I like things simple...and without change." Her eyes follow Elektra as she roams about the dojo, still making no effort to stand from the floor. "And as for sleeping on the floor, that depends if I decide to get up later or not. The floor is actually quite comfortable." She reaches for the water and takes another sip.

"Karate bear has missed you as well Elektra. He thought about calling you, but then he realized he can't really talk so he just sort of stared at the phone." She winks and exhales softly, running her hand across the back of her sweaty neck. "You know I did what I had to do..." She does not explain, but assumes Elektra will know what she speaks of.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Change always comes, whether we are ready for it or not." Tone relentless, Elektra's dark gaze finally coming to fully address Colleen, some of the fury within coming to the surface. "You should know about it, considering the steps you took to change who you were to someone better."

The Hand assassin paces in Colleen's direction, arms folded loosely over her waist. "You mean you endangered yourself." she replies, fully willing to explain what she thinks about Colleen's notion of self-sacrifice. "And this was something we had even talked about in the past already. Only fools go to such lengths of dying for some cause they think is noble or honorable."

Apparently all that time hasn't dimmed how upset she is, or maybe other events have sparked her to this. Whatever it was, Elektra doesn't appear happy, even if her motives may not be readily apparent.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen peers back at Elektra with a narrowed eye glance, tho it is not one of anger or any attempt to be intimidating. Her arms move to rest on her knees once more. "I did. I did make a significant change to make myself better. To leave behind something I knew deep down I clearly was not. I justify it because I was misled. Misled into thinking that the Hand was helping my community and not trying to cripple it."

She shakes her head from side to side a few times and then adds. "Seems I realized it before you did."

She lets those words sink in a moment and then addresses the other topic at hand. "We endanger ourselves Elektra everytime we go out there. Everytime we find ourselves in harms way we are endangering our very well-being. It is not about honor.."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Hurricane Elektra meets that narrowed eye glance with a glower of her own. Words do seem to cut deep though, jaw tensing. "Or you are assuming there's still a way back for me. We are not the same Colleen. You may not be a killer, but I am." steps bringing her to stand right in front of the other woman, head turned down to look at her, shadow projecting over the wall where the other woman is.

Yet as Colleen returns to the topic at hand so does she, "Why would you endanger yourself for me and the others though? You were willing to be left in there." She shakes her head, almost as if not comprehending.

"Why would you do that to me?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen is silent for a moment letting those words sink in a nit before even attempting to reply. SHe does not seem to be comfortable with replying to the conversation about them not being the same. She knows that, they both know that. However, she cannot avoid the topic of why she would endager herself and even more so why Elektra seems so concerned.

"I was willing to be left in there. I was. How is it that you can tell me I was wrong to endanger myself for he other, for you...and at the same time I know damn well that any one of them and you would have done the same for me." She peers up at Elektra. "I know you would have done the same thing...so don't tell me my life is worth any more than any of theirs or yours."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Because it was /you/ sacrificing yourself." Elektra replies in a way almost as if she is baffled that Colleen does not understand her reasons. But then she takes in a breath, controlling herself and her voice is even when she speaks up again. "Do you really believe I would sacrifice myself for another..?"

It makes one of those finely-trimmed brows to quirk up at Colleen, regarding her in a studying manner. "Or is it wishful thinking? I am not a good person, Colleen."

Her eyes stray from Colleen to look at one of the windows, "I don't want you to sacrifice yourself for me."

Colleen Wing has posed:
"You don't get to say do you?" Her eyes do not leave Eleketra, reaching for her water blinhdly and tkaing a long sip. "You keep saying that..you are not a good person. You are the epitome of evil, or something in between. Yet, it seems quite selfish for you to tell me what I can and cnanot do, and then turn around and tell me I cannot tell you the same." A hand moves to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "Do you think I want to die Elektra? Do you think I I want to be hurt? Do you think I want to hurt others? Do you?" The bottle is lowered andshe sighs almost defeatedly. "I can make a promise to be careful..is that enough?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Well, there's quite a few people that consider her the epitome of evil. A lot of them think that right before they find her waiting for an assassination. But alas, Elektra doesn't touch that part, instead saying. "Being selfish is part of my personality too, yes. And I could have that say.." she tells Colleen. "I could simply break my connection with you." which for some reason doesn't seem like something she is willing to do.

She eventually sighs, stepping to the side and sliding down the wall to sit next to the other woman on the floor, reaching for that bottle. A momentary pause while she considers on her words. "I don't want to see you get hurt." she finally admits, taking a drink out of that bottle.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen watches her, her eyes going a little more sympathetic as she is starting to realize that Elektra may actually care about her well-being. When her water is taken she simply lets it go, making no effort to stop her friend from stealing it for a sip. Her head falls back to the wall, resting there , tilting to the side to regard Elektra. "You could break your connection, but even you would not do that to Karate Bear. He would be devstated and you would have to live with that for the rest of your life."

She tries to keep the smile off her face, but is unable to do so. "Why Elektra...if you are not careful you lead me to think yu actually do have a heart beneath that icy fascade." She winks and leans in shoulder nudging her. "I'll do my best to stay out of danger...deal?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A brief smirk comes to Elektra's expression when Karate bear is mentioned again, she looking across the dojo more or less in the direction where she saw it last time. "That bear is a menace to one's heart, isn't it?" she slowly shaking her head to herself.

She turns her head as well to look at Colleen, head resting back on the wall. "And it's ..., complicated." she says, about having a heart. But having some truths revealed to her while trying to /save/ a God's heart was .., enlightening. "And deal. Try to stay out of danger and we will be good.."

There is a pause after the nudge, as if she is pondering on whether or not to speak further but then she adds. "I do not want to see you die again." which is a weird enough thing to say.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen starts to say something and then it seems that Elektra's last words finally hit her. "Well you see..wait what!? You say me die? Like please tell mne you are not some sort of fortune teller. I mean if you are I would love to know..and honestly, you cannot keep that from me and then tell me not to go die." She moves off the wall and moves to kneel in front of Elektra nowm placing her hands on either sideof her shoulder. "Speak. There is so much more I want to do. And a Netflix show I just started that I need to finish first."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
When Colleen mentions she still wants to see a Netflix show before dying it makes Elektra roll her eyes hard. "You are insufferable." she murmurs towards the other woman, remaining sitting on the ground even as Colleen moves to kneel and place her hands on her shoulders.

"I am not a fortune teller, nor can I see the future." Elektra begins, eyes now fully on Colleen's, "But I have faced someone which .., showed me some things. Illusions if you will." she gestures vaguely with one hand. "And you were dead in them." yet in true Elektra fashion it doesn't seem as if she is saying all there is to say about what happened, or what the illusions were.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen sighs, a sigh of seeming comfort. "Well, I am not going to ask. I am not sure I want to know about my death or me in a deathlike appearance." She reaches down and takes the water back, taking a small sip. "And why do you think heshowed you those things? The illusions with my death in them? What was he hoping to acheive..or she?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"It.." Elektra states, "A nascent God, of all things. Or powerful spirit, it depends on the interpretation." the Assassin says with a brief raise of her shoulders. It's not as if she understood it fully or at all.

Yet that question on the /why/ makes Elektra's expression close up a touch, perhaps determining on what to say on it. And while it does seem as if she will remain silent she does eventually speak. "It showed me fears, wanting for me to lose hope." she explains. "The death of those I cared for, by my own hands." this last part she admitting somewhat reluctantly.

"You are one of those people that bring a measure of light to my life, Colleen."

Colleen Wing has posed:
There is no reply for a few moments, a silent Colleen sitting beside her friend and simply staring. When she does speak it is soft and slow, her words seemingly being formulated slower than usual. "You got in a fight with a God and you didn't call me first?" There is a small smirk on her lips and she reaises a hand to brush through her hair. "I never saw myself as someone who brings light to anyone except maybe my students."

She reaches a hand out to places on her shoulder once more. "So in this vision, I lay dead by your own hand? That would never happen Elektra. You are not capable of such a thing."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Another snort leaves Elektra, she shaking her head at that first question from Colleen. "You probably could had been quite the help there." she says. "We were trying to win it's heart." it spoken with quite the natural tone too. And hey, they got people in the Defenders that punched Dragons to gain powers, so what's the problem of fightin' a God!?!

"You weren't the only one." Dead by her own hand. "But yes, it was what I saw. Suffice to say it has put some things in perspective." maybe more than a few things. She exhales slowly.

"I am capable of much more than you imagine, Colleen. I was not playing when I said I am a killer." she turns her head to look at Colleen. "It is what I am."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen shakes her head a few times and bites her lower lip before replying. "It is what you think you are Elektra. It is your job, but not what you truly are." She reaches out and pokes her in the forehead with a finger. "You are a killer up here. This is how you live. Completely detached from what is down here..." She reaches out and touches where Elektra's heart would be. "You are a killer in mind, closing the door off to your heart. Whenver your heart tries to open that door you simply slam it shut again."

Another poke to the forehead lightly. "For so long you have let this rule your every action. Doing what you feel you must do and able to do it because you do not allow emotion to felt. It is easy to be a killer when you are able to do so without and remorse or sympathy. What I think you felt was your heart opening that door a bit and telling your mind /No...not this time./"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
No movement is made to stop Colleen from either touching her forehead or heart, Elektra simply watching, listening, taking in what should be words of wisdom. If they are right though, Elektra doesn't seem too sure, some doubt crossing her expression. For had she not enjoyed killing in the past? Not that she opens up about it, instead musing on what was shared, silent..

.. The silent stays for a time until she finally speaks up. "It's easier to do it when there is no remorse." she admits. "Which is why getting attached to anyone always comes with it's dangers." a pause then before she questions. "Do you truly feel I can be a better person?" another thing she highly doubted. Too down the rabbit hole.

A bit of a grin does surge up on her lips though. "Or maybe you are being naive. Not everyone can change their stars."

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Everyone can change their stars. The universe is ever changing, the sky you look at this evening will not be the same tomorrow..or the next day. It comes down to whether or not you wish to. You see, I may very well have found the one thing the mighty Elekta is afraid of: change." She moves to sit against the wall once more, strtchibg her legs out in front of her. "To do what you do one has to be detached. It is impossible to do if you are not. The problem being...once you go to far down that road you lose your desire to find your way back. It becomes all you know."

Her head turns, looking over to the woman beside her. "Caring for someone and love can hurt yes..you risk losing that person being whether they choose to not reciprocate or by theire death. However, I pose this to you. The opposite of love is indifference...and indifference is a shell of a life."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
When Colleen mentions having found something that Elektra is fearful of it makes the woman's brow arch up. "You'd better keep it a secret then." she says in confirmation of the other woman's words, her hands moving up to brush through her long, midnight-dark hair while she turns her gaze to look at the relaxing Colleen. "But yes, it is all I know." a life of killing and death. "Changing from that. I wouldn't even know how to start."

Those following words do make her go back to being silent though. A shell of a life. Maybe that is what it was. Elektra presses her lips to a thin line, contemplating the wisdom of it.

"You are a good friend." She then finally says, her hand reaching to rest atop Colleen's if she lets her, fingers lacing. Most likely the first time she utters those words too. They taste funny.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen allows the fingers to lace with her, resting both hands upon her knee and looks over to her friend. "Nobody says you have to change completely Elektra, the shock would literally kill you. Just work to have both and keep both seperate from one another. Allow that door in your heart to open a bit, and stop slamming it shut. You are an assassin Elektra, it is what you are. But it is not who you are. Do not let it define you."

She squeezes her friends hand a few times and offers a comforting smile. "Life is lonely when all you do is take another life. It is a life of eliminating, not a a life of growing. You still have time. We all have time. The question is, what we are going to do with that time. Tomorrow is never promised...so don't wait."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The squeezing is returned, and while there's always that mysteriousness and detachment to Elektra's expression at least it isn't spelling death and murder, having turned into a more warmer countenance. She looks at Colleen in a thoughtful manner, studying her. "Seems like your sifu has taught you well." she says about the wisdom being shared. Or maybe she is teasing the other woman. Whatever the reason it makes her bring herself closer to Colleen, shoulder to shoulder, perhaps in search of her warmth.

"But if there is one thing I do not do is to regret, or leave opportunities go by." The Hand assassin watches Colleen now, close. "Those that lead the lives we do can never expect tomorrow to arrive to do. We make it happen now."

And that makes her bring up her free hand, reaching for Colleen's chin to bring them slowly closer..

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen allowes her face to be led by the hand on her chin, looking over at the woman she has come to trust as a dear friend and teusted friends were hard to come by. Her warm breath can be felt upon the assassin's face, the young woman nibbling on her lower lip before speaking. "And what oppurtunity are you fearing will pass you by Elektra? Are you worried we will not see each other again?" Her tone is somewhat jesting.

Her own hand raises to cup the side of Elektra's face and she stares back at the woman's glance. "I am sorry I am so irresistable. I can't help it." She winks and leans into to place a let peck on the woman's nose."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Fear?" That makes Elektra's trimmed brow arch up in undisguised amusement. "That's not something I normally contemplate. As for worrying, that I can do." a beat, "For I believe I have grown fonder of you than I wished to admit to myself before." which that experience with seeing her die had made her reconsider..., a great many things.

As they stand so close there, almost intimate and Elektra starts to get drawn in she then feels that peck on the nose. Her smirk grows. "Look who's starting to be so full of herself, mmm?" she comments about the 'irresistible' part, though her gaze does soften.

"And no, you can't help it. Can you?" she is still quite close, her own breath felt.

Colleen Wing has posed:
"I am simply adorable and everybody knows it." She sticks her tongue out teasingly and then gives a half smirk. "I can't help it. It is the aura I give off of docile rabbit meets rabid wolf." Her other hand goes to rest on Elektra's shoulder. "I do not fault you for growing fonder Elektra. Yet, I must admit it was not something I felt you were able to feel."

She raises a brow and studies the woman in front of her a moment longer. "I would be lying Elektra if I did not also admit that I have grown fonder of you as well. I have always held a special place for you and I know you would give your life for mine should the situation arise...as I would for you...and have already shown."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"So this is your version of wide, doe eyes?" Elektra questions, that brow continuing arched. Highly doubting it! "I think we both understand each other in a way that is hard to find. Even if we are as different as day and night." because yes, docile rabbit and rabid wolf.... "Though I don't think you are as .., docile as you pretend to be." a thumb reaching out to brush on Colleen's nose.

Still, they remain close. In fact closer, as if Elektra was getting drawn in, "Yes, you have shown it." she murmurs, "And what if I wanted more?" a pause, dark gaze studying the other woman's features.

"What if I wanted more to exist between us?"