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Latest revision as of 16:24, 16 December 2020

Date of Scene: 11 May 2020
Location: Foot Holding Building
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Kainashi, Alopex

Kainashi has posed:
    LAST NIGHT: The Sword went missing. There was a kill order for The Fox, the former Foot Assassin had turned rogue.

    Tonight, the guards around this holding building had been stepped up. Where normally foot sors patrolled now Assassins and Elites strolled, casually wearing soldier garb -- but their weaponry, their stance, the way they move, betrays them all.

    And inside the building there was a promise waiting to be kept.

    The building was now walled, fenced, razor wire and broken glass embedded in the low windows, bars on easily reachable windows, and guards on the rooftop.

    It seemed that Alopex's old 'friend' was anticipating her arrival.

Alopex has posed:
    For placing no value upon a 'failed project', the Foot Clan seemed to be expending a massive amount of resource to keep the one they named 'Kainashi' safe and within their keep. Eyes belonging to another mutant, and one they thought of as a 'success', was peering through a pair of binoculars, counting guards, counting the 'soldiers', recognizing the stance of each and every one of them. Even naming a few.

    She huffs. "They hate her so much... and they do this.." Alopex muses, shaking her head. So be it. If they wanted to try and stop her, they could. They would fail. It was enfuriating that her previous attempt did not go as planned. Both her friend AND the Tentetsutou were supposed to have been in the same building, making the escape easier, but all that the fox found was an empty cage. Meh.

    Wrapped from head to toe in a dark cloak, dark wraps, a scabbard at her back, kama at her waist, and other trinkets scattered across her frame, she had a good idea who was in here. ... and probably not Shredder..

Kainashi has posed:
    They hate her, but they hate Alopex more, and Hate is a terribly influential feeling.

    No, The Shredder was busy elsewhere. Here, it was the lackey who always hurt the dog, refused to give her a name, and when he was forced, he chose something cruel -- Useless.

    The guards do their rounds in pairs, but some are friendlier than others. A couple of them are lacksadasically walking, ssemingly uncaring about the situation.

    "I don't know what he thinks we're going to do. She's His *chosen*. If she wasn't a monster she'd probably be his chuunin"

Alopex has posed:
    Ears up, even under the hood, pick up on the conversations of the more... laxidazical guards. She's been edging in their direction, picking them out, having a good idea of who it is just by tone and gait. They were ... new. Ones that wouldn't understand just what they were getting into yet. At least they knew who she was. What she could do. ... Too bad they didn't see her as a person. That's what irritates her.

    The descent begins. Down along the wall, window to window, before trying to silently land just behind them. If they aren't aware of her? The clunk of their two heads going together hopefully happens a few moments later. After that, she scawls a little note, sets it down where they will absolutley see it, and then she searches them for any kind of info or way to access the building before moving on.

        --Do something productive with your life. The Foot will use you up and throw you away when they are done with you.

Kainashi has posed:
    ka-THUMP! The two hit heads, and collapse down, neither having noticed the fox's arrival They fall over one another in a heap, one giving a soft groan before falling silent.

    Riffling through the pockets and pouches, Alopex would come upon a pair of cuffs with cruel teeth biting own into where someone's wrists would be.

    The next round of guards can be heard around the corner, shooting the breeze a little.

Alopex has posed:
    The fox squints at the cuffs, stows them away, and then starts crouch-walking toward the next pair she can hear. A lot of times she's looking up and around, on the watch for cameras, guards at higher posted areas, or other things that would be conveniently up and out of sight to a normal person. She'll move on like this for a while, looking for entry. Hopefully not just the front doors, and hopefully not leaving too many unconscious bodies behind. She'd like to keep the place unaware of her for as long as possible.

Kainashi has posed:
    The fox takes the cuffs. The next pair she hears are coming her way, but don't spot her, they take a different route, circling towards the edges of the wall.

    Alopex would find that the windows are not all guarded well -- there's one where the razor wire has been clipped too short. COuld easily be moved out of the way -- with a little work, just bent back in like a slinky. It would give her access to the first floor.

Alopex has posed:
    Considering the rest of the windows, and the guards she didn't really want to keep knocking out, the window is her best bet. Not risking a mistake, she pulls her hand into the sleeve of her hoodie before working at the razorwire so she can get inside.

    On the ground inside, she'll hug the wall, trying to keep out of sight, light, and cameras if there's any. She'd take a long look around before trying to move on. "I wonder how much they trust the guards outside.."

Kainashi has posed:
    Alopex doesn't seem to run into any trouble. It's quiet.

    Too quiet.

    There's no cameras. At least none that are obvious. No inside guards, just one stationed at the front door -- who's asleep.

    The door marked BASEMENT is to the other side of him.

Alopex has posed:
    Too. Easy. This is going to bother her. A lot. The guard is asleep? No cameras? This isn't trust. This is a trap. Sigh. She doesn't bother to do anything to the guard. She just moves to the door, sloooowly opens it, creeps inside, closes it behind... and draws the same sword she stole just a night earlier before heading further down.

Kainashi has posed:
    There's a subtle 'click, click, click' noise from behind Alopex as she descends the stiars. Electronic locks snapping into place.

    It was, indeed, a trap.

    And down here there was a *stench*. Much worst than the mustiness of untended clothing and the putrid greasy smell of the rotten food they gave at Kainashi. It smelled like rot. Like flesh left in the sun to feed the flies.

    The basement was dark, and there was about three inches of putrid, stinking water on the floor.

Alopex has posed:
    Even if her nose wasn't the best, even she could smell -that-. She could also hear the clicks behind her, confirming exactly what she thought. Wonderful. The blade remains drawn, she continues down the stairs, wincing at what little she can see of the 'floor' at the bottom. What literal hell was this...?

Kainashi has posed:
    Might be a kinder word for it. Sludge floats by. Better not to think about what that might be.

    The water is one inch over the sides of the cge where the og was, crouched, in the back, motionless. Heavy chains hung, still and silent, the figure in the gloom devoid of movement, or life.

    The water is stirring, slowly getting deeper.

Alopex has posed:
    Wait.. it.. its getting deeper? That puts a little more urgency in the fox's movements. Water be damned, Alopex rushes forward, sword ready to come down on the cage, the chains, and everything else, except the occupant of the cage. "Hey, HEY! Talk to me, are you alright?"

Kainashi has posed:
    The cage is old and ratty and doesn't stand up to the swing of the sword. The sword comes down, sliding through the metal roof, bars, causing a racket. The water begins to rise a little faster.

    It does nothing to improve the smell.

    The figure in the cage is hanging, head down, scarred face with a fresh batch of lacerations. Barbed wire muzzles the figure, the metal pins lancing into the skin of her muzzle.

    For a breath, the canine inside doesn't move. Limp. Lifeless.

    and then the tail shifts, and gives a slow, happy wag, one eye sliding open.

Alopex has posed:
    That breath is held by Alopex. Not because of the water, what's in it, or the smell of the room, but because she really wasn't sure if Kai was alright. The wag of the tail gets her to sigh in relief before Kama are pulled to free her fully. "Hold on.. and hold still.."

Kainashi has posed:
    And thats when the lights come on.

    A camera whirrs. And Kainashi's head snaps to the side, accompanied by a whine of pain.

    "So. You decided to come back for the failure." a familiar voice rings out, and the lights are blinding bright and hot. Halogens.

    It *also* does nothing for the smell in the room!

    "You should have let her die."

Alopex has posed:
    The fox goes stands up instantly, hand back on the Tentetsutou at the sound of just the camera. The lights get her to raise an arm to shield her view. The voice? That just gets her to growl. "You -will- regret this. I promise you that. And I -keep my promises-.

Kainashi has posed:
    "You swore to serve The Foot. Now, you hold our Master's belonging in your hand, and seek to steal away more of his property." The trainer snarls through a microphone, and the lights go brighter, hotter, like staring at the sun. The water closest to the lamps steams.

    "Pex... don't... leave ... me..." Kainashi states haltingly, shifting about a moment. The metal creaks

    The water is now six inches deep.

Alopex has posed:
    "I swore to serve a -family- called the Foot Clan. He knows nothing of family, but preaches as though it is all he cares about. It is a -lie-. He knows -nothing- of family. You do not treat family like -this-!" Alopex insists, motioning at the canine by her.

    After a moment, and the lights start to heat up the hoodie around her form, the fox produces some kunai, throwing the more solid projectiles toward the lights. "I'm not," she asides to Kai, holding out a hand, "Can you move?"

Kainashi has posed:
    "N-not fast." Kainashi replies quietly. So different than the partial sentences even just two years ago. She gives a grunt, turning away from the sparkling lights, and with a grunt of effort she pulls her leg from another binding, snapping the metal and lurching forward.

    "... smells bad." she mutters quietly. "We're outta here?"

Alopex has posed:
    "Working on the last bit. I'll help you," Alopex explains. Then back to the lights, and their glare, throwing a few more Kunai, just to test. "This.. isn't all, is it?" she seems surprised. If there's no response, the fox will work on helping Kai back toward the door.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Pro'lly not." Kainashi replies quietly, looping an arm over Alopex' shoudler and limping a little bit "... it hurts." she mutter, splashing through the water. She's in rough shape.

Alopex has posed:
    The fox is aware of it, and will do, basically anything, to make sure both of them get out of this mess. Stairs, locks? Tentetsutou was .. pretty good at cutting things! "Just stay close, we'll get out of here. "

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi pants, as if it was taking a lot of effort to move.

    "I trust you, Alopex." she replies, and the two make it up the stairs.

    Tentetsutou slices through the locked door, leaving little in its wake.

    The guard is gone.

    The route Alopex took in is now blocked by steel doors -- but the front door is now wide, wide open.

Alopex has posed:
    In a way, Alopex is impressed. This 'trainer' wanted to make a point. A massive one, and was going to -great lengths- to ensure the point was made. Now the front doors were wide open? An invitation to the second part of this massive trap. Wonderful. "Stay behind me," the fox instructs before marching forward, blade ahead of her. "This is going to be bad... and I'm sure he isn't going to let us deviate from his game until the fighting begins. It's where all plans come to ruin..." Too many variables to factor in. Something she was eager to prove.

Kainashi has posed:
    And that is where Alopex is confronted with a group of Foot Assassins, and behind them, The Trainer, in nfull assassin garb.

    He is smiling. THe rest of the assassins have their masks down, expressions unclear

    "Traitor and failure. Here, you will perish." he states, his arms crossing, his eyes narrowing at the two 'creatures'.

    Kainashi growls. She's still behind Alopex, but her hackles are raised, infections painfully plain on her face. She curls her hands into loose fists, her head drawing down and eyes narrowed, teeth bared.

    "I'm Ready." she states, quietly.

    One of the assassins startles "Did... did the mutt jut talk?"

Alopex has posed:
    The sword is held steady, Alopex's gaze unwavering as it settles, locked on the Trainer. Not so much his soldiers. They were following orders, and in the end she wouldn't hold it against them. He had just trained them too well. Sadly.

    Kai gets a nod to her statement, but Alopex sees an opening in one of the assassins hesitating. "Yes. She did. She can speak, just like I can. And yet he.." she points to the Trainer, "Treats her as if she cannot. As if she is stupid. As if she is worthless. Consider the fact that she can talk, and that Master Saki's prized pupil came back for -her-. Monster or not, I -care- about the people I call family. What would your 'Foot Family' have you do?"

Kainashi has posed:
    The canine's weight shifts. Her muscles tighten, and she seems eager to prove how much she's improved in the background, away from prying eyes.

    The Assassins look to one naother, a couple of them beginning to reconsider -- what would the Foot have them do?

    ... kill the Traitor. That's what.

    "... you can't beat all of us, Alopex!" one growls, stepping forward.

Alopex has posed:
    "First day of training. A ninja must be a master of themselves and their environment. And we have advantages.." Alopex informs before reaching for her belt. Smoke bombs. Many smoke bombs which are dropped. Everywhere.

Fox. Canine. Better senses. Time to fight!