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Latest revision as of 16:31, 16 December 2020

Witchblade finds out things really do go bump in the night.
Date of Scene: 05 June 2020
Location: Queen of Heaven - Derelict Church
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Tyrone Johnson

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Suspicious activity had been reported in the neighborhood, contradictory sightings of dark looming figures and flashes of bright light in the vicinity piling up on the "check on" list that routinely came to her desk. Just a few months into being a detective and already Sara was getting a reputation for the weird, attracting it and somehow resolving issues around it with an onus of darkness unfairly attached to her name. She hadn't been responsible for the death of her first partner.

Sara doesn't arrive in a squad car or in clothes that would mark her out on the streets here, even business attire would be like putting an arrow on her head. Jeans, slim fitting, high top Converses, purple, today, a light weight leather jacket with several years of wear on it won't stand out too much, worn over a baggy black vee neck t-shirt. Lucking out she finds a legal parking space a half a block from the derelict church and begins her tour, unsure of what she'll find.

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    Now... someone poking around the church needs to be warned off, or at least intercepted. If only Tandy was here to do her friendly smile and disarming beauty trick. Alas, she was off handling some things that she is far better suited for. This left Tyrone to loom around the church, brooding... well and planning for future activities.
    But movement outside caught his eye. For just the barest moment, Sara could swear she saw -something- in a window. But then a voice says from the shadows behind her, "I would be careful Miss." The resonant voice shift positions, to come from off to her left, "You might have heard of the strange things going on in this area. It can be dangerous for a young woman alone..."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The bracelet hidden by her jacket sleeve pulses, a startling sensation, like someone grabbing her by her wrist in warning. Without knowing how, it tells her there is something akin to the dark looming behind her but it does no more than that. If she were in danger then the unusual but innocuous looking piece of jewelry would begin to shield her in its own inimitable way.

"Yeah? And, why would that be? Is that your problem?" She challenges as she feels the bracelet begin to expand in response to her aggression. Looking down, she doesn't do the expected and turn to face the voice. "Well?"

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "I worry for -your- safety." suggests Tyrone. He's still not -really- all there. He shifts to a new shadow... teleporting without making a sound from shadow to shadow. "I would hate to see anything bad happen to someone because they got too curious, and someone looking for those taking care of the community... mistook that person for one of them."
    And just to keep Sara off guard, he returns to a shadow behind where she had started, and peels himself -out- of said shadow... cloak billowing about, "Do yourself a favor and grow a bit less curious Miss." he suggests, having no idea to whom he is speaking.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Eyes lidding in anger, Sara is puzzled that the Witchblade hasn't begun to form a weapon to menace this irritating character. Juvenile, check, annoying, check but even the Darkness which she feels through the Blade is not frightening. The Blade knows.

"Dude, stop prancing around like that. You won't like it if you keep that up. Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do or not to do in my own neck of the woods? Huh?"

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    Okay, this chick is annoying. Cloak has emerged, and the shadows make it so that while his face can be seen, his body cannot. He lingers there now, the setting sun casting its shadow across his form. "I am someone who wants you to be safe. And this is not a place where young woman alone... are ever safe."
    Then he flickers and is RIGHT in front of you now. Like just suddenly inches from you. "I AM TRYING TO HELP YOU TO BE SAFE!" he says loudly, not yelling just... modulated and very resonant. "Now.." he says a bit more softly as he flickers back to his original position. "Why are you not acting like you -care- if you are safe?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Shaking her head in disbelief, Sara steps into the disembodied form like she was used to dealing with punk ghosts every day of the week and has been over it for years.

"You're not acting SAFE. You're acting like a threat. You have no idea how I deal with threats, but, I know you won't like it."

The Witchblade is reading Sara now. She pushes back the unbuttoned sleeve of her favorite jacket and a curious thing takes place. The band of silver set with a red stone begins to morph into a band that creeps both up and down her arm, sharp edges resembling plates of armor form knife edged fingers and a gauntlet.

"Because, street boy I ain't afraid."

She holds up her gauntleted arm for him to see.

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    So, Tyrone is more scared that aggressive now. Where -is- Tandy when he needs her?! As Sara surges forward, that's when he flickers back out of reach. Not out of fear for himself. It is fear for -her-. "You should be careful not to touch me! I cannot prevent what would happen if you do!" he announces. "Seriously, I was trying the stupid theatrics because I wanted to -protect- you. That's what I do. I protect folks from the -real- monsters in the dark."
    And then his eyes flicker to the bracelet, and his first thought is... wow, that'd get stolen first thing. How much could me and Tan get for that to eat?! But then his eyes flicker back up and he glowers. "You're more than just a normal person, aren't you?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Ding, ding, ding, ding! You got it in one go." Sara advances on him, unheeding of his warnings. "/I/ should be careful of touching /you/? Dude, you've got this all wrong. It should be the other way around. I didn't come up behind you talking in some spooky shit voice, telling me I was in danger." The Witchblade glows with two stones now, the razor sharp edges of the fingertips and plates dancing with a blue light from an unknown source.

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "...." It is obvious that Cloak was trying to come up with something to say, and failing. He doesn't really look like a kid. He looks like shadows with a face. "You've no idea what you are saying. Living creatures that touch my darkness get their life energy drained. I can't prevent that. I was trying to protect you from pushing into me. You're suicidal, you realize that right?"
    And then he becomes shrouded in more darkness as the witchblade starts to glow. "I'd be careful who you just show that off to. If I were someone else... someone who -wanted- to hurt you... I'd have your face now. Good thing is.. I don't want to hurt anyone. That's why I was TRYING to warn you. God... seriously... you don't know how to listen. You just push back before anything registers in your brain, don't you?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"You're serious, aren't you? Who wouldn't push back if somebody came sneaking up on them and started talking in a "deep, scary grave voice"?" Sara lowers her voice a register and mimics a menacing walk.

"You've got this reversed. I'd have /your/ face if I was just reacting before thinking. Believe me."

The Witchblade flashes with light again as she flourishes it then straightening the fingers, Sara wills it away.
"So let's walk this back a few steps. Okay? I was born a few blocks from here. I'm detective Sara Pezzini of NYPD homicide. Who're you?"

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "My face is meaningless." mutters Cloak. "It doesn't exist." And he's right. It's not Tyrone's face really. It's some distorted set of features that are infused with darkforce. He's really weird... And oh..a cop. He rolls his eyes and sighs as he seems to shrink in on himself. "I am sorry officer. I did not intend to make an enemy of you. I intended to try to help you stay safe. My partner and I work against the criminal elements... the drug dealers, the criminals who fund them. You may have heard something about our activities."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"This," she holds up her now innocent arm, "is not something I show just everyone. It also would have taken off your face or whatever you want to call that thing your voice is coming out of, okay? I don't go around trying to warn people." She lifts both hands up in a gesture of pacification.

"Then we are on the same side. But I have a lot more to find out about you. Just don't do anything stupid and I won't either. So what's your story?"

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "Anyone else... I would say, go for it. Something tells me that you won't care if I am made entirely of shadowstuff, darkforce. Body isn't even solid." Tyrone remarks as he reaches a hand out and pushes it through the wall to demonstrate.
    "As for learning more about me... I am not precisely ... sure if I am ready to share that level of detail. But... let us just say that I was a part of an experiment with some crazy drugs... they made me what I am today."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The shift in his demeanor alerts Sara. She doesn't drop her wariness but she realizes that she is dealing with someone young, and more importantly, someone who has been hurt. Not just hurt but transformed into the impossible, robbing him of a normal life. A victim of a crime. In some ways, they share more than he likely knows because she did not choose the Witchblade, it chose her.

Nodding, Sara feels the Witchblade stand down as her realization takes hold. "Oh, I care alright about it, the darkforce I mean. I just might know more about it than you think. It scares me fine, if you'd like to know," she replies with the shadow of a smile quirking one side of her mouth. "Come on," she nods to the steps of the church. "Sit and talk to me."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    At that, Tyrone's gaze flickers to the church and he hesitates. He looks briefly like he doesn't want to go to said church. But after a moment, he relents and nods, "Not exactly comfortable sitting out in the open." It is odd to hear him seeming hesitant, -almost- like the stutter is coming back. But not quite.
    "You sit. I'll stand off to the side." he adds softly as he fades out and reappears in the shadows near the stairs indicated.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Alright," Sara acquiesces, wanting him to be comfortable while she tries to figure out just who he is. A runaway, her instinct tells her. But what else.

"How long have you been in the City. You don't sound like you're from here."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "I am aware that this is not a courtroom but.... am I still able to plead the fifth on this one?" Tyrone asks. He doesn't mention anything about having a partner of any sort. He just falls silent at that point and finally.. he says, "Long enough. I hope you will not be offended by the fact that I would prefer to not let anyone learn where I rest my head. I've learned the hard way what damage can be caused by badly placed trust." A pause, "Please do not be offended."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara settles at the top of the first set of steps leading into the church, unaware that she is sitting in front of his home and someone he wants to protect. Once seated, she takes her detective badge out of the inner pocket of her jacket, the lanyard still attached. "Here, look," she holds it steady for him to examine.

"Are you in some sort of trouble? Can I help?"

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    Silent for a while, Tyrone does take his time to look at the badge, "I'll tell you this. Before all of this, I was a young black man. Now I am a young -very- black man. No offense but a badge doesn't mean I can trust you." He pauses and adds, "You might -be- different but... how do I know for sure?"
    He leans back a bit and sighs, "Look... whatever trouble I was in, that's over. I'm changed and now I -am- the trouble that visits the drug dealers and poisoners of children. I am the scourge of those who would prey upon the innocent in this city."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The bitterness in his voice merits a look, she acknowledges the weight of what he says with a slow, solemn nod. "Yeah, I'm the Man and part of all of that problem. I hear you."

She raises an eyebrow at how he is the scourge and the trouble now. Looking up and down the street, she's silent for a while. "Crime fighters generally work with the law, you know. As for who I am or if you can trust me, you only have my word. I was changed, too."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "It's not a matter of working with or against the law here ma'am." Tyrone says. "It's a matter of...." He pauses and says, "Look. I didn't grow up in New York, but... you have to know. You grew up in this area. You have to be aware... the law can't help everyone in this town. So many people have no chance if they wait for the police to help. Tell me this... Detective. How many unsolved missing persons cases do you have, just at your precinct?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Detective Pezzini, Sara. Just call me Sara." She sighs, it is heartfelt, nodding her head in reluctant agreement to the young man, the Shadow, as she has dubbed him to herself. "What's your name? And, I don't disagree but then we set ourselves up as judge and jury. No judgment by our peers, no due process, it could start to stink quickly."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"It's what lynching parties used to do. And...the KKK. What makes us different?" The question is posed in an even, neutral voice leaving him the time and space to find his own answer.

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "De... Sara, it already stinks. My par..." he pauses and then he just shrugs. Folks don't know about just him. They know about the urban legend of the light and the shadow. "I go by Cloak. My partner and I do what needs to be done to give people a chance. We don't have badges, but that means that we can use methods that you can't." He pauses at the mention of lynching and KKL stuff. But he takes a breath and forges ahead. "If we see someone that -can- be stopped, and we don't stop them, then we may as well be helping them. Seriously, runaways are being abducted. So they are already missing persons, and then they go missing again.. .who's gonna find them? We are. That's who." he says with an emphatic nod.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"We are not the law. I'm not the law. I can't be. It's too big for me. But I hear you. You can't turn away from the bad and let it happen. Saving people is important. You notice that the other people with 'powers' work with the police, too? With SHIELD."

With a wistful turn of her head, she shrugs. "You have no idea, how much I get it. But, you can't do it alone, is what I'm saying."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "First of all, -you- might be surprised how many -don't- work with the police or SHIELD. For every hero who works with them, I wager there are five to seven who don't. The public only hears about the success stories, the heroes SHIELD -wants- them to know about. Most of us are just people who would love to live a normal life, to be able to take the mask off without having some bureaucrat know who we are, who are families are... and how to get to us if they wanted to."
    He shakes his head, "And if I have been transformed enough that my ID won't show up.. the same luxury does not exist for my partner. For the only real and true friend I can count on in this world, so again I am going to have to neglect to tell you anything about that particular person. Since... as you say, you get it."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"How would you know?" The question has an edge to it. "You get some newsletter telling you all the latest happenings among the "heroes"?" She hooks her fingers into quote marks and shakes her head.

"I was going to suggest that you talk to a few of them. Spider-man, might be a start. Me? For a start? I know what it is like to want to protect a partner. I do." For the briefest moment, a dark shadow crosses her face as she remembers someone.

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    Narrowing his eyes, Cloak shakes his head, "I don't want to get anyone in trouble but... if you -really- want to be in the know, maybe talk to... off the record and off the clock.. Detective O'Reilly. She might clue you in a bit on some of the street bullshit."
    He pauses and then adds, "And don't try to tell me how I should live this pathetic joke of a life I have left. I -have- to help those who the police can't or won't help. I have to stand up for the victims who can't stand up for themselves. If I don't... nobody will. And yeah. My partner and I had a talk with Spider-Man. He seems okay, but a bit idealistic. I am a realist. I know that some people will not quit unless they are afraid for their lives."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"I know O'Reilly, different precinct but they've been sending me on the 'weird' stuff so I'm being lent out." The unsmiling expression lightens a moment. "And you, my friend, are weird. But, then so am I. So listen up. I'm not here to wipe your bottom or to tell you what to do until /you/ break the law."

She waits a beat to let that penetrate. "We all have to stand up for the victims. All of us, all of the time. It's my job and obviously what you've decided to do. Just take this with you: when you are the judge, the jury and the executioner what makes you different than a lynch mob?"

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "Simple. I don't grab people from a jail cell and string'em up. I go after people who I -know- are guilty. My methods may make the evidence unusable in court. But it doesn't make the evidence magically not exist. We target the sources of drugs, the people who have taken children. We find the kidnapped kids... and I'm sorry, if I find you strapping kids to a medical bed, injecting them with strange experimental drugs... kids who didn't want to be there in the first place, you're guilty. Simple." says Tyrone as he folds his arms over his chest under the cloak. "So, before you lecture me on right and wrong.. is it right to let someone like that walk just because someone didn't fill out the paperwork right?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"You watch too many Westerns," Sara quips, wryly. "Think: KKK. They had no compunction about grabbing someone off the street because they were suspected of or even accused by someone of committing a crime. But look at it this way. You get those kidnapped kids out of there and call the police. If they are diligent then they will go after the ones behind the kidnappers, they will go after the money that funds them."

Arms balanced on her knees, she frowns out into the street. "No, it's not right. Don't you think for a second that I think it isn't but the alternative is a long slide down into a world where there is no rule of law or the right to contest judgment."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "I understand the concept of tainted evidence. And usually, when we get the kids out of there.. the criminals aren't exactly peacefully allowing it. Plus... that's dirty money." He has to justify the fact that he steals it back from them. But he's not -saying- it. Just... justifying it to himself.
    "But what we have is not just some hobby, not some cause of the week. What we have is a mission. A Mission to be there for the kids who the cops can't save. We will follow that mission in the most -effective- way. If we can let the police have the glory, we will. But I can't promise that we will not have to... how did a friend of mine once call it... Self Defense them to death?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Saving the children is a good thing," she muses aloud. "It is. No one saved you, did they? Except maybe yourself."

Exasperated, she snorts, shaking her head, "You don't have the big picture either. I'm talking about what would happen if we all acted like you are saying that you do." She looks intently at him, unaware of how much of a crazy street person she appears talking to the shadows in front of a derelict church.

"I didn't say it was the flavor of the month, either. Get that? As for glory? Nobody is in it for the glory of stopping the bad ones hurting the defenseless of the world or even ones that can fight back. Leave that to the fucking politician. On the street, there is only the glory of knowing you've done right."

Tyrone Johnson has posed:
    "What would happen if we all operated that way? Criminals would be so terrified of the consequences that they would go to another city entirely. Or go out of business. Or, they would be removed from society." offers Tyrone, "But I am sure you have paperwork to do. I have my own mission to attend to. Please forgive me for not walking you out." he says before... he is just gone.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"What would happen if the law worked? You little shit." Sara rises and walks down the steps into the street towards her car.