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Coffee with Conner. Alliteration for the win!
Date of Scene: 02 May 2020
Location: Sundollar Coffee - Avenue of Tomorrow
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Heather Danielson, Conner Kent

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Coffee is life. That is the mantra of some people. Heather used to love the stuff. But ever since her body changed... no not puberty, though it definitely hit her hard too. Anyhow, ever since her powers of super healing manifested, caffeine has little to no effect on her. The fact that she maintains super caffeinated energy levels without the stuff is not lost on her. But she still loves the taste of a French Vanilla Cappuccino ... and she needs to eat almost as much as one of the Flash types to maintain her abilities. It sure is a good thing she is wealthy or she couldn't afford to feed herself that much.
    Either way, she finds herself in the back corner of the local coffee shop, nursing a cup of her favorite brew, and with a plate stacked high with cinnamon rolls because... well because she can.
    She has Starkpad on the table before her, and is scrolling through a variety of websites... sales sites for superhero costumes really. She can't decide what sort of costume to wear. Plus.. odds are they'll get shredded anyway. But still...

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is also past the point coffee has any effect on him. In fact, he is much more of a soda kind of person, coffee is too sour for him. That is why he asked for one at the counter (heresy!) and the barista engaged him in a conversation about the virtues of coffee and the evils of soda.

Which really, doesn't apply to him, but she is cute, so he humored her, got her phone number and eventually purchased a large coffee mocha thing with extras. It is likely so sugary that it would be toxic for normal humans. But, again, it doesn't apply to him.

Fortunately the place is almost empty, so no one got yelled at by impatient customers.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Indeed, it -is- a quiet Saturday afternoon, and though Heather is wearing far more clothing than most of her photo shoots showed her in, its hard for her to go incognito anywhere these days. She reaches out a hand for her cup, only to find the thing empty. So she gets up and rolls her neck before striding back to the counter.
    Her midwest accent comes through easily enough as she says, "Excuse me. May I buy another refill?" politely to the person behind the counter. She smiles as she hands the cup over and then pulls her debit card out to pay for the refill.

Conner Kent has posed:
Heather comes just as Conner got his own coffee mug. A pretty blonde, she gets a second look from the young man, and then a third as something makes click in his brain. "I think I know you," he comments, staying at his place instead of seeking a table. "Heather? Daniels?" He guesses.

Sure, he checks out Sports Illustrated most months. Don't judge. Conner reads a ton of magazines and newspapers lately. Becoming a reporter is his new career goal. How long will it last is a wild guess.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Well, if Heather didn't want to get recognized and gawked at, she'd be in some other profession. Funny how some women seem to want to be looked at and then get offended when they do. Some women make no sense. Heather is simplistic and knows what she is doing and why.
    "Danielson actually." she says as she offers a hand, "And my, you must be an athlete or something." she says lifting her brows as she waits for her whipped coffee beverage.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Kinda," replies Conner. In truth his face was in many magazines covers two or three years ago, but he has grown up, few recognize him nowadays, and when they do, they just shake their head in disbelief.

Although he keeps wearing leather jackets. For reasons.

"Actually, journalist major," he offers with a grin. "Not that I would have forgotten your face if I wasn't. Nice to meet you, I'm Conner."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding her head a bit, Heather Danielson smiles and leans her hip up against the counter. "Well Conner, Journalism major, what... I mean aside from the obvious..." she says, gesturing to the coffee, "Brings you out on this day and into this fine establishment?"
    Something about that Sports Illustrated article generated extra buzz since... Heather was not only on the cover, but while shooting the thing, she was shot in the chest four times and her powers of super duper regeneration manifested for the first time... quite publicly. So that kinda made all the rounds there. Secret ID? What's that? That's not even -possible- for her.
    "I like the dimly lit atmosphere, as it's easy to sit in the back and avoid -some- measure of creeps. Like that way." she says with a gesture towards the front door, where a guy with a camera is busy taking shots of the two of you.
    "Doubtless by dinner time, you and I will have had some torrid affair if the Enquirer has anything to say about it."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Now, that is an idea," replies Conner with a cocky grin. He glances at the guy with the camera and sighs. Chances of him being recognized just increased considerably. Maybe he should flash fry that camera with heat vision. No, that is not fair, that guy probably needs it to eat.

"Lets sit at the back, then," he offers, "there is no angle shot for more pictures. And I hope they have more interesting news for the front page. Maybe something about Stark, since he is now kidnapped it is the time to remember everyone how many supposedly unrecognized children he has or something."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Oh, I'm sure that if he's been kidnapped, it's all part of some sort of plan he has in mind. He strikes me as the sort who doesn't let anything out of his control. Micro-management at its worst." offers Heather as she picks up her fresh coffee cup and takes a sniff of the liquid within. She smiles at the smell and gestures to her table. "After you Conner." she says, moving to follow and well.. admire. What? She can't look too? HYPOCRACY!
    Either way, she finds her seat and settles into it while picking up the tablet and holding up one image of a pretty much full covering bodysuit in variations of blue colors. Dark, light, interesting but not great, "Feel like helping me figure out a look to use?" she asks.

Conner Kent has posed:
Of course she can look. Conner might not be the attention whore he was when he got out of the clone pod, but he still likes when girls pay attention. He finds a table that makes pictures from the outside impossible and invites Heather to sit down first. Then he sips his mug.

It is not the same as soda, but oh well.

The picture of the bodysuit makes him arch a brow. "What is this? A diving suit for some photo show?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Snorting, Heather shakes her head. In truth, she assumed that if he knew who she was, he knew about her powers too, "I've applied to try to join the Titans... when they are active once more." she admits. "But I am having a hard time deciding on a costume for it."
    She pauses and side-eyes, "Let me guess. You saw the pictures but didn't read the story about how my powers manifested on site when taking those shots for the magazine, did you?" she asks with an amused smirk.
    She puts down the tablet and sips her drink as she eyes you over the edge of the cup.

Conner Kent has posed:
"No, I read you are bulletproof," replies Conner. "Just not every super wants to be a hero. In fact, most of them don't. The Titans, uh? Well, I guess if they are active again... I have heard only good things of Nightwing. And Supergirl is also a member, right? I am a fan."

And not because she is also a hot blonde. Although unfortunately that is the most logical conclusion.

"Your costume needs more color, unless you want to be one of this skulking types," he offers.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Shaking her head, Heather says. "God, I wish I was bulletproof. No, being bulletproof means it doesn't hurt when you get shot. Turns out, it does hurt. . . a lot. I just get better like really REALLY fast." She shrugs, "The problem is, whatever I wear is likely to get holes in front -and- back as I get shot, stabbed, blasted and such. I'm basically a rag doll who can lift ten tons."
    But she smirks a bit, "My dad's the real hero. I just want to help people." But she looks to the screen, "Color. Well I do know fashion a bit. I was looking at things with blue for my eyes but... thoughts?" she asks as she slides the tablet his way.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Oh... then some armor?" Conner is now thinking on Ravager's chain mail outfit. But to be honest he has no idea who makes that kind of stuff. Maybe Batman can make his own things, but he quite sure Rose doesn't.

"Wear one of those tactical vests and something for the head," he decides, "they are expensive, but you can afford them if you are a model. And armored gloves, because losing a finger is nasty. And if you can punch hard but have no invulnerability broken fingers and knuckles are a thing." He thinks a little more. "You might want some Kevlar on arms and legs. But although it stops bullets and bleeding, getting hit is gonna be almost as painful short term. Still, if you can lift ten tons the weight of the armor is not going to slow you down, hmm?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Armor." offers Heather, her lips curling in a bit of habitual distaste. "I really don't think it's necessary. I mean nothing really slows me down much, and maximum flexibility could only be good, right?" she asks as she looks down at the screen. "I'm not sure. I was thinking just something skintight and classy." she offers. Totally in it for the fashion and look rather than utility. "But... hrmmm."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Look," offers Conner. "Even Robin wears armor. And his cloak is bulletproof and fireproof. I don't think you are going to lose flexibility. Hey, I bet the Titans can outfit you too."

Skintight and classy? Are those compatible. Of course, he considers Heather in a skintight outfit and... weeell. But no, because being hit by machinegun fire or a plasma bolt wouldn't make her very, very unattractive. "I think after you have taken a few bullets you will switch to armor. The right kind of armor can both protect and look hot on a woman, believe me."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "I've been shot, cut, stabbed... seriously. Armor is just incidental at this point." offers Heather, "I mean I took four shots to the chest point blank, on set and got up in five seconds, no harm done." she adds. But she inclines her head, "Cape. I mean if you can't fly, what's the ... oh it's armored, I gotcha. I can see that for him. Me? I just let them hit me if I can use that to get within reach."
    She smirks and shrugs, "Maybe something that cuts off above the midriff. Distract enemies with skin?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"Only the morons," replies Conner, smirking again. "Which admittedly are going to be quite a bit of them, given the average smarts of the American supervillain." Yup, looks like this guy has thought about this before. "But robots, aliens, women and the really dangerous guys are going to see a bare midriff and go for the unarmored area. Besides, five seconds is a lot in a battle. Five seconds our might mean your best friends get killed while you are writhing on the ground."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Good." admits Heather, "If they want to shoot at me, then they're not shooting at my allies. Seriously... trying to avoid getting hurt for me is a lot like trying to install a speed limiter in a Corvette. It just defeats the purpose of the Corvette." She looks down and inclines her head, "I mean, I could just do tights and a babydoll tee with some sort of logo on it. Or maybe a sports bra. My only real challenge is trying to find something that won't disintegrate. I doubt kevlar will stand up to plasma blasts anyway."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner hehs. "You are gonna want to dodge some of those," he points out, "unless you can heal from being cut in two. Which can't be prevented without seriously heavy armor the kind of Steel or Iron Man wear."

He shakes his head, "Kevlar will hold on to even big handguns. It might have some holes, but it won't fall apart like most everything else would. Or, look at the armor the Asgardian women and the Amazons wear," he tries a search through the net. There must be something there from when the giants attacked New York a couple years ago.