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Latest revision as of 16:49, 16 December 2020

The One And Only Birds Of Prey
Date of Scene: 28 June 2020
Location: Digital conversation
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Patty Verdon, Barbara Gordon

Patty Verdon has posed:
It had been a harrowing day at the Starbright Initiative. Allocating funds and resources to aid those who had been affected by the recent catastrophes hadn't been much of a problem, it was a problem that was fresh in everybody's minds, and the sword of Damocles was hanging over everybody's heads. Some people had a tendency to freeze in situations they felt were doomed, but Patty Verdon was someone who would roll up her sleeves and try to at least soften the the blow when the other shoe fell.

No, the issue of the cities hadn't been so much what took the wind out of her sails was the report that had been left on her desk, the result of months of studies and investigations.

She sighs softly as she flips through it for the millionth time today, glancing at page after page of detailed descriptions of roadblocks and apparent byzantine bureaucracies.

Gotham. Gotham city remained the hardest city to collaborate with. Getting the Starbright initiative off the ground with Metropolis and New York had been a breeze. Gotham was an entirely different beast altogether.

"Amazing, I was half expecting them to require a promised firstborn as an operating condition around page three," Patty quips, one eyebrow raised as she closes the report and looks up at the screen, A woman looks back at her from the teleconference screen and lets out a mirhtless chuckle.
"It's almost as if they don't want us there, eh?"
"Almost. And yet..." Patty stops herself. The Wayne Foundation was a Gotham native, of course, and there were a few others as well. But there were also some out-of-gotham foundations that hadn't met this much resistamnce and such punctilious oversight. Why her?

"You look tired, Patty, you should-"
"I know. I'll go home in just a little, dear. Just a few more things left to do."
The woman on the screen looks doubtful, like someone who has heard this before, but thinks better about resisting. "Alright. Have a good night!"
"Goodnight, Latashia dear."

The teleconference app closes down and Patty Verdon stares at the screen for a few seconds, chin resting on her hands as she mulls things over.

"Maybe I should've done that secret identity thing all the others were doing at the time," she muses out loud.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Honestly Gotham city is somewhat insular for as large a metropolitan environment that it is. It trusts it's nativeborn much more than any outside companies and endeavors. Though yes some have made inroads one way or another. The one thing that might be making it that much harder of course is the one Patty muses about last of course.

she has powers and is a superhero operating a foundation. So many of Gotham's problems both vigilante and villain are not super powered.

Maybe just super crazy.

Regardless of that when the video conferencing app closes it does reveal Patty's desktop, which has a little new program icon dead center on it. With a tiny little red notification flag, that is blinking slowly.

Blink. Blink. Blink.

The icon seems to be a stylized women's head of a green color.

Patty Verdon has posed:
It takes Patty a few seconds to notice the notification, and the. new icon. She frowns and brushes a strand of silver hair away from her face. "Now that's odd," she says while reaching for the mouse, "I don't recall... I wonder if Ritchie has been playing his games on here."

Richie was her pretend-grandson, a ten year year old and the son of her secretary. Ritchie was an expert in all things computer-related. She often defers to him over Derek, the IT guy, when she has questions. Ritchie actually knows how to explain things.

Curiosity piqued, she double clicks on the icon to execute the program.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
A program opens up, it looks almost retro as ascii graphics scroll across it falling to form a much larger version of the Women's head in green. It stays there for a moment then slowly morphs into a very detailed 3D Rendering of the same image floating in an expanse. It almost looks like a stylized version of the Greek Oracle of Delphi really.

Then it talks as if it were a person. "Hello Patty Verdon, I am known as Oracle. I wanted to reach out to you today to discuss a proposition and also get insight into your intentions with your foundation. there is a pause for a moment. "I think that you have good intentions and we can come to an understanding."

Your computers camera is most definitely on.

Patty Verdon has posed:
Patty's eyes go wide when the program turns out to be something entirely different than a game. Most games don't refer to you by name. Or maybe they do, but this one is certainly something else.

The woman looks at the screen for a few seconds, and then she smiles, giving into the strangeness of it all. It's not the strangest thing she has exerienced, it has just been a while.

"This had better not be one of those online dating things," she says as she leans back on her chair, "So you are the Oracle. That is very Greek of you- you know that for my first audition with the Morris agency, I sang the mourning song of the Cretan women in 'Orestes'? In the original Greek- I don't suppose you'd care to hear it? No, neither did they." She smiles.

"You know, people usually asked questions to the Oracle, the Oracle didn't ask questions... but I guess times are different now. do you want to know?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The women in the program chuckles. "Well Glimmer, I do know a surprising amount of things if I am honest. So yes I can answer questions if you have them I suppose. Though they also usually left offerings to the Oracle or the gods if we are going to really drill into history. Also no this is not anything like an online dating app."

The image almost seems to consider you from the screen. "You have told people you are once more retired, but that you are interested in potentially helping mentor and guide the next generation of young heroes?"

Patty Verdon has posed:
"That is correct. When I started in 'the business' there wasn't really anyone to teach me the ropes- so to speak. It's amazing how many teenagers who can bench press trains are walking around without anyone taking an interest... there are exceptions, of course."

Parry spends a few seconds in silence, and then adds, "Of course, there are other ways of helping than out in the open. I was just never the type to fade into the crowd, unfortunately."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"No you are definitely one in the limelight and it seems without a slew secrets. I mean other than the usual in ones closet. there is a pause. "Sorry that may have come across wrong or creepy. Appologies.

"Several years ago a group of like minded capable female heroines got together and formed a loose association.. allies. We call ourselves the Birds of Prey. I suppose one might say it is a bit like an female only version of the Justice League. I've recently got a literal boatload of new young members and they definitely need guidance and training. In return I can clear the way to your foundation in Gotham. The city tends to be... cautious about super heroes."

Patty Verdon has posed:
"My closet is a boring place. I prefer my dressing room," Patty smirks briefly, and taps her chin. "I see. A quid pro quo, so to speak- your new kids get my expertise, and I get an unexpected relaxing in barriers to entry. This is all very well and good, but as you know, I haven't gotten to my age by taking the words of a screen at face value... Is there anyone in your group of allies I might know, for reference? You have to forgive me, but while I would be absolutely ecstatic about helping, I need to make sure things are exactly as they seem, since they often aren't."

She reaches beyond the screen and grabs a mug. Ice-cold tea, by now, but what can you do? She takes a slow sip.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
There is an amused expression, which is interesting for what for all purposes is a CGI avatar. "Indeed though it depends on how deep your knowledge of the world of superheroes goes I suppose. Batgirl and Zatanna Zatarra are probably the best known... which I do understand the irony of that naming any of the Bat Clan. there is a consideration.

"The young recent flock of birds.. not too many are at al well known. Some of the allies and older ones.. yes but not as much as Zatanna."

Patty Verdon has posed:
"Little Zatanna Zatara is in, you say? Of course, I know of her. Her father was /such/ a dashing presence onstage- I never got to perform with him but we did the talk show circuit at one point. And she is following right in his steps, isn't she? Absolute tragedy, orphaned just shy of seventeen." She taps her fingers on her desk, "Batgirl. Well, it is Gotham, it would be strange if there weren't one of the bat-clan in there. I expect every book club gets a Robin as an add-on, in Gotham." She smiles, after considering things for a few moments. "Well, Oracle, you seem to run in good company. Count me in. What comes next?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Another laugh, at least whomever this is has a sense of humor. "There are a lot of Robins... something like a half dozen over the years at this point. Though we do not solely operate in Gotham. We have members all over the Tri-City and also more free ranging birds as well"

Behind the video application the program morphs and adds a messaging functionality. "I will let the birds know you are potentially in. We should arrange for you to meet Zatarra or Batgirl or some of the others. I am at least confident enough you aren't a villain to give you the ability to chat and interact with them through the messaging functionality I just unlocked on your computer. I'll add it to your phone as well." which is a bit disturbing if you start to think about it.

"We have access to almost unparrelled intelligence resources, a training facility, and decent equipment."

Patty Verdon has posed:
"It sounds like the start of a wonderful adventure, doesn't it?" Patty asks, noticing the added functionality. "I would like to think I am not a villain. If I am, I have been doing it all wrong all of this time," she says, finishing her tea and setting down the empty mug.

"I imagine I will get the grand tour eventually... if Batgirl is the one who comes, you might want to tell her my penthouse has a balcony that opens to the east. I know how much they like rooftops."

She pauses, and then says "How does Batman feel about the group?" It was prudent to askm of course.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"I imagine you will before too long yes." there is a pause as some security adjusts are made and the app is installed on Patty's phone as well.

"Oh, one of your lawyers is billing you for hours they shouldn't be. Mr. Frederick I believe. a series of files appears on your desktop.

"As for Batman, well he is tolerant of the efforts. He would prefer that only those who are cleared by him actually operate on the streets of Gotham but he is fond enough of the Birds he does not mind transit and training and such. This is in part why we operate all over not just Gotham."

"We will be in touch soon Mrs. Verdon, welcome aboard. Feel free to chat with the others Birds at your leisure."