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Latest revision as of 17:00, 16 December 2020

X-23's X-specially X-ceptional As-X to X-Cel on X-Force
Date of Scene: 19 August 2020
Location: Recreation Room
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Jean Grey, Laura Kinney, Logan Howlett

Jean Grey has posed:
It's been a bit hectic with the past few weeks, between the school starting for the fall semester shortly, Magneto returning, Kelly being Kelly, and everything else? Well, Jean Grey, Doctor of Psychiatry, needs a beer.

So, Jean's currently sitting on the couch, sipping said beer as most of the students and faculty are off doing other things. The jangling gold rings and chain adorning her right hand glitter a bit in the light as she seems to be taking a bit of a mind break.

Lovecraft Country, here we come!

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura had told Logan she'd wanted to talk to him, when she was last at Hammer Bay. She had something 'important' to talk to him about. And, having left a note for him that should he return she'd be tracking Jean down to talk to her and he should come along, the young woman had, indeed, used her excellent senses to track Jean down into the recreation room.

Here, Laura pauses, regarding Jean reading and seeming relaxed, and she waits overlong as if having some massively over dialouged internal debate on whether or not to disturb her. Finally, Laura seems to make up her mind, and approaches.

"Jean," Laura begins. "May we speak?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
After a quick shower after a return trip from Genosha, Logan is walks the school grounds for a cursory sniff. He's transitioned from the Wolverine suit is now sporting hiking boots, blue jeans, and a black t-shirt. His hair is in the process of 'rebushifying', a towel draped around his neck to wick away the lingering moisture.

Ever since Victor Creed made his appearance not long ago, Logan has made it a habit of checking for abnormal scents. Even with all the advanced security of the school, a sharp nose is a powerful asset.  Realizing he still owes Laura a conversation, he's been on her heels for a couple of minutes. He's pleasantly surprised when the scent trail leads him to both beer and Jean Grey.

With a low chuckle, he comments, "Well, that's just like clockwork." He walks to the bar and uses a key to open a locked mini-fridge, which contains some of the 'off-limits' supplies to the students.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins over towards Laura, "Of course Laura, what's on your mind." She gestures to the couch, as well as the nearby chairs, whatever she'd prefer as she hits pause on the remote. She then glances wryly at Logan, "Don't take the last of the stout. That one is /mine/."

With that, she chuckles a bit, then looks back to Laura, "Seems like you have something you're feeling fairly serious about. Everything okay? I know it's a bit different around here compared to what you were probably used to before." She doesn't have to be a telepath to see that much, at least.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura looks to Logan, she nods to him, seeming satisfied that he's here. She does not seem inclined, despite her genetics, to try and ask for a beer. Or the stout. Apparently she's not found the sense in drinking, even if the alochol won't affect her.

"First, full disclosure. I have been recruited and have begun assisting another team who designate themselves the Outsiders. They are a group of young people such as myself, most of whom are metahumans, and have role models or mentors within the Justice League. I have alerted them I have a committment also to Xavier's. And, intend to still spend much of my time here, with Gabby."

She looks between the two elder X-folks, part of this, perhaps, what she wanted to discuss with Logan.

She doesn't pause long, though. Getting to the point is something Laura is -very- good at, not seeing sense in stalling, or reason to.

"I have also spoken with the Professor. And he believes I would be an asset to either the X-Men, or to X-Force. I would like to join X-Force as well. It is where my skills will be put to the best use for mutant-kind, the purpose of the freedom I enjoy, and to propogate freedom for others who might be like me."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan squints at Jean, because he absolutely was thinking about taking the stout. He mutters something about mind-readers in jest and then grabs a lager instead. He pops the cap on a bottle opener on his key ring then locks up the fridge.

Stepping over to Jean and Laura, he leans over the back of the couch and sips at his beer.

He eyes Laura as she speaks. He hums deeply, "Spreadin' out makin' a lot of ties, reminds me of myself back in the day. I can't speak to the outsiders or the JL, but I have to agree with Chuck. You would be an asset."

Glancing Jean's direction, he cants his head to the side, "Got to admit some curiosity regardin' X-Force's activities myself."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "Likewise. I'm not familiar with the Outsiders either, but I wouldn't mind getting to know some of the other groups a little better." She smiles faintly, looking quite pleased that her stout is safe.

Then, she looks over at Laura, then at Logan, "Well, X-Force is... well, I formed it after the recent incident with Sinister. And then Brainiac. It's designed to be a task force that is more proactive against threats. And..." She pauses, then adds, "We do not necessarily shrink from using lethal force."

Her lips curve into a slight smile, "We don't embrace that fact, but if that's what it takes... then that's what it takes. But I want to make sure you're aware of that going in, Laura." Because, honestly, that's not something people expect of Jean.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"The Outsiders wish lethal force to be out of play as well. I can respect that. And, I can restrain myself easily enough to only maim, or disarm," Laura tells Jean.

"However. As you may be aware, I find the use of lethal force to be far more pragmatic. The enemy you kill cannot return to harm you later on. It would be putting my claws to good use, and allow me to put my skills honed in The Facility to a good purpose. I will not seek to end life for the sake of murder, but will utilize it to protect, instead. When necessary."

She looks aside to Logan, "You have been on different teams as well?" The thought intrigues her. She'd only really been exposed to Logan's fighting style in The Facility, his habits, and how to defeat him. There wasn't too much on his past, or history in her lessons. That wasn't important to the people controlling her life, and earning money off her kills.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan seems a little taken back by Jean. He eyes her for a long time over his long neck, sipping and considering the words that just left her lips. His thoughts mirror his expression. There's some concern, but the acknowledgment that the times call for decisive action.

"Sounds like something I should be apart of, considerin' my background and experience." He looks to Laura for a moment. "Long as you recognize you are more than a weapon, Laura. I don't think its a bad idea to apply your talents. However, if I find you livin' from mission to mission versus explorin' what life has to offer. I'll have a few words for you. Make sure you keep balance."

Gaze settling back on Jean, he purses his lips then comments. "I might have a contact in SHIELD who... agrees with your viewpoint. She and I worked together in the second war. We both agree some people should probably 'disappear' for the greater good."

Another look back to Laura, he nods at her question. "Alpha Flight to name another specific team, but also, most of what I can remember of my life was spent in one war or another. Different military units. I remember the Howling Commandos the most vividly now. Missions with Captain Rogers."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean looks wryly at Logan, "Surprised it's me that came up with this? I had a face to face confrontation of what I'd be like without any sense of ethics, raised by Sinister instead of the Professor and my parents." She looks a bit troubled, "It wasn't... very pretty. And I did what needed to be done. I don't really like that I did, but there was no choice for something that dangerous."

She then nods at Laura, "And I agree with Logan, you're not a weapon here. But if you want to help put your skills to use with us, you're more than welcome to come along."

Her eyes flicker to Logan, "And... well, if you want to join in, you're welcome to do so, of course. I... didn't want to presume that this would be something you'd be interested in." She smiles, "Though if you want to make sure we keep a sense of balance... I already have Piotr helping with that too." With that, she absently touches the golden chain entwined along her right hand, a smile touching her lips.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura looks at Logan, then at Jean. The furrow of her brow seems to disagree. In fact, she states as much.

"You are both wrong. I am a weapon. But I am my own weapon. I am a weapon against The Facility. And any organization that would try to do what they did. THere are others." The weight of her words, and the certainty in which she speaks suggests she already knows of them, their names, if nothing else. "Weapon-X and The Facility target mutants. There are others that target metahumans."

There is visible anger on her face, however fleeting - but, she's showing emotion. And, well - that's something. "I am a weapon against anyone who would attempt to harm Gabby. Or my team."

Then, she frowns, "But I am also aware every weapon has a breaking point. Kimura used to be the only person I did not think I could defeat. Now, I have faced another."

She looks directly to Logan. Pointedly. "Have you ever fought Deathstroke?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan seems even more shocked that Piotr of all people was involved. "Uh, yea.. I guess he'll bring balance. Look... Piotr is an amazin' man. I'd trust him with my life any day, but... Spec-Ops? I'll have to see it to believe it."

His frowns grimly, "Been a lot of heavy doses of reality recently. Experiences I wish people weren't havin'. So I guess nothin' should surprise me anymore."

He takes another long pull from his beer bottle, and soon enough, its empty. He stares at the bottom of it for a moment then side-eyes Laura, "No, Laura. You are wrong. Though I know it'll be hard to convince you, because... I've been there. It took a lot of time."

Taking a deep breath, he sighs. "You are a livin' breathin' person, Laura. Your skills. Your powers. Those are weapons. Wielded by you. Laura... the person.  You make choices. You choose to apply those weapons against Weapon-X and the Facility, but that doesn't make you a weapon. You might not see the difference yet, but you should try. Trust me, there's one."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean arches a brow, "Deathstroke... I've heard the name, mainly by reputation. Deadly mercenary, tends to be amoral and highly materialistic. I take it you had a run in with him."

She looks over at Logan, "He's there to make sure I don't go too far over that edge. We... had a long talk about that." She hrms, "And Logan is correct about that much, Laura. You might have been forged into a weapon, but you're more than /just/ a weapon. So, if you wish to join X-Force..."

She pauses, then looks at Laura, "One night a week, you need to go out and do something fun. That's the requirement for membership. What that is, is up to you... to a point. Taking Gabby out for Skeeball is acceptable, but going off and taking out a gang in New York is not, if you see what I mean."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"And no.. I haven't fought Deathstroke. Heard of him, but.. Guess none of his contracts have crossed with my own purposes." Logan adds on the side.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I am going to take Gabby to a zoo. One of the members of the Outsiders has a job there, and can get us in with some of the animals," Laura tells Jean. "And then we are going to have movie night." She hopes those count as 'fun' things.

She considers, then nods, perhaps at least, from a distance, understanding the difference between how she spoke, and what Jean and Logan are saying. Instead of expounding on her thoughts on that aspect, though, she nods once to Logan.

"He defeated myself, a Kryptonian, an Amazon, as well as another metahuman. He is formidable. And, prepared for any contingency. I severely underestimated him, and almost lost my claws. I would advise not engaging him unless you have to. We engaged him as he was attempting to commit a contacted hit. We saved her life, but it cost us a lot of blood." Her, especially. "If I did not have my healing factor, I would have been dead."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Guess if you really need a 'soul' for a team, its hard to do better then the tin-man." Logan nods in approval to Jean's conditions for Laura. He smiles a little at the proposed zoo trip then listens deeply in regards to Deathstroke.

"Never underestimate a trained soldier. He sounds like another Frank Castle. You know what's more dangerous then healing factors and adamantium claws? A plan. Never forget that. Just because you can take a bullet, doesn't mean you should. It's a lesson even I forget sometimes. Powers can make you lazy in the head if you aren't careful." He nods thoughtfully.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean nods, "That's acceptable. And... that's rather formidable of this Deathstroke. I suspect we'd not be engaging him, unless Stryker or someone similar hired him. Still, if you can give me parameters on what he could do, he might be a good opponent to prepare for in the Danger Room."

She frowns a bit, "If he took that many people on at once, and succeeded? He's more than just a soldier. He's at least someone on par with Captain america, complete with the superhuman abilities."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"His sword buffeted my adamantium claws. He also had power armor, capable of withstanding a Kyrptonian punch. I reccomend avoiding him at all costs," Laura informs both of them. She's not afraid, no. But, it's clear she's a newfound respect for someone she considers her superior in combat - a goal, perhaps, to get as good as him, and one day, defeat him.

Still, she seems satisfied with the outcome of her request. "I am ready to go on any mission you need," she commits to Jean, "At any time."

Then, aside to Logan, "And, I would be glad to go on those missions with you. And, I think I would like to learn more about you, Logan. If you are willing to share that with me."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods to Jean then listens to the manifest of Deathstroke's gear. He lets out a low whistle. "A soldier with some serious tech. Yea, that's a kind of problem you handle with more creative solutions.. Or." He thumbs toward Jean, "You have your friendly telepath put him to sleep."

The scruffy Canadian smiles at Laura and nods, "Sure, Laura. I think some of your future might be a repeat of my past if I don't get to share a few things with you. I can't pretend to have all the answers, but I'd like to think we'd have an easier time relatin' to each other than some."

"Hell, maybe I can lay some bushido knowledge on you. Not sayin' its for you, but it really grounded me in my darkest days. Helped Kitty Pryde out quite a bit too." He adds hopefully.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smirks at Logan, "Considering that he handled a Kryptonian /and/ an Amazon at once, I wouldn't be surprised if he had mental screens installed in his armor. Magneto can manage that sort of trick, after all."

She then looks over at Logan, "And that actually seems like a good idea, and it'd be good for you to keep in practice too. Plus, she might surprise you." She smiles a little at the idea of Logan and Laura sparring in a sword-duel.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura seems to consider this, then, slowly, nods. "I am aware of Bushido, but only in passing," she agrees. "That was not one of the styles or arts I learned in The Facility." For, perhaps, obvious reasons. No good having an assassin that had things like honor, a creed, or other suchlike.

"Thank you, both," she says, meaningfully. "I will look forward to working more with both of you."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Yep, and we have a play in the playbook for problems like him and Big Red, don't we? Step 1, knock off the damn helmet. Step 2, brain goo. Throw in a fastball special where necessary." Logan nods sagely.

"A little philosophy is good to balance out your warrior arts. Its good for your soul. I, personally, subscribe to the life givin' sword by Yagyu Muenori. He teaches that one must sometimes use violence to preserve life. I suspect you'd relate to him, Laura. Despite him being from the seventeenth-century." He head nods in the general direction of the woods, "I have a translated copy in paperback if you want to borrow it."