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Heavy Things In Need Of Lifting
Date of Scene: 19 October 2020
Location: Queens
Synopsis: Vi gets driven off the road, mistaken for her sometime boyfriend. Hercules saves her from getting crushed by a falling statue.
Cast of Characters: Viola Fiore, Hercules

Viola Fiore has posed:
This section of Queens has a nice big paved area with some benches and kiosks, street vendors and the like around the edge, that has been in need of something special to add some more appeal to it. Today it is finally getting it. The city commissioned a large statue, and it is going in. A granite pillar that rises up nearly three stories, topped by a man on a horse. Who is he? There aren't any signs yet indicating, though someone who follows the news would know he was a figure in the Revolutionary War.

There is a crane that is lifted the statue into place, though it is not secured yet. Instead of a number of lines pull on it from different directions to keep it up right while the final foundation is poured around it to securely anchor it in place. At the moment the constructions crews are at lunch. The smells of delicious things to eat come from any number of street vendors, or restaurants with outdoor seating.

Meanwhile, a few miles away, Viola Fiore walks out of an apartment and down to the street. She has on a baseball cap tugged low, and a sweatshirt. His sweatshirt. Why did she let herself end up at Carlos' place last night? She knows he's no good for her. Yet has seen him off and on since she was fourteen. Carlos Manfredi, son of the don of the Manfredi family. Well, at least she's not going to have to Uber or take the subway home. She's taking his car. He can pick it up at her house. Something she's done plenty enough it won't be a problem.

Except for members of a rival Maggia family who have been staking out Carlos' place. They aren't paying close enough attention to notice the smaller form that walked out to the car. But they do see the door swing shut, and the car pull out into traffic. Thinking they have him, two cars pulls out into the street to follow that of Carlos.

Hercules has posed:
Heroes, heroes should be honored. Untold wars were fought during the Lion of Olympus' stay on the aforementioned mountain. His occasional banishments saw him take part in some but he was drinking deep of ambrosia when America severed itself from the British Empire... Hercules played no part in that war but a Hercules was present. So, here to was a Hercules, -The Hercules-.

The Prince of Power stood in the middle of a small gathering, twisting a bit of rebar in his hands, the metal creaking and groaning in complaint as he bends it as easily as a mortal might manipulate a bread-tie. "And so, there I was with nought but my sword, my cloak, and my young, faithful Shield Bearer at my side. Cautiously we crept into the beasts lair. Now, what monster is so fierce that it would give even Mighty Hercules cause for concern?!" he was boisterous in his story telling as he pulled a small knife from his belt, a work of art even in its utility!

Hercules had been drawn by the smells and the crowd. Even gods cannot deny themselves the delicious taste of a good street dog, to say nothing of the rest of the feast that could be procured from the various other carts. And of course, the libations... were terrible. But a gold coin bought much and quantity could best quality if it was vast enough.

"None other but the dreaded Hydra!" he worked his knife, craving the metal as easily as clay. He had twisted it into some odd, balloon animal-like facsimile of the beast. "I sprang upon it, and with a swing of my sword did rend its neck from its body... but the Hydra would not be so felled! For when one head is struck down, two more sprout like spring grass from the bleeding wound!" he would release his audience in time... but for now he split the head and neck down the middle as he told history.

Viola Fiore has posed:
The people gathered around Hercules are held by his words, or perhaps some of it is being held by watching him reshaping and working those solid chunks of metal that would defy a normal person even getting the slightest bend from them. A few people take out their cameras for selfies, holding them out to show themselves with Hercules in the background.

Farther up the street, Vi is driving along in Carlos' expensive Mercedes. With the baseball cap on, the members of the Fortunato family in the two trailing cars, rivals to the Manfredi's, don't notice it isn't a man driving the car. Viola is reaching the end of the block, driving in the right most lane. One of the tailing cars pulls up beside her, while a powerful SUV pulls up behind.

She isn't aware anything is wrong until the SUV drives forward into the bumper of her car and guns the engine. Viola's smaller car is pushed forward at higher and higher speeds. The other Fortunato vehicle keeps her pinned in, unable to swerve way into the other lanes!

They push her faster and faster. Up ahead a delivery truck is parked alongside the curb. The car beside Vi rams her car in the side to force her over into a collision with it. Vi yanks the wheel over, swerving to her right, and the Mercedes really jumps sideways suddenly, leaving her on the sidewalk, bouncing off a building and completely out of control as the Mercedes flies across a cross street and into the open area where Hercules is with the crowd.

The car misses the crowd by a big distance, but slams into one cable supporting the statue, and then another, each impact ripping into the car's frame. It finally slides to a halt, the air bag deploying inside and trapping Vi there.

With two of the cable snapped, the three story tall statue of solid granite starts to sway, and then twist. The other cables give way and the large, pillar-like statue starts to fall, right towards the car containing Viola. The weight easily enough to totally flatten the car she's trapped inside!

Hercules has posed:
The Prince of Power continued his story, carefully slicing the heads in half and then half again, adamantine knife cutting through the metal as if it were cold butter, slow but sure! "Again and again I tried but again and again the beast sprouted more and more heads! Each filled with fangs that carried the beasts terrible venom!" his voice carried a sinister tension as he held the effigy aloft and pantomimed its fangs with forefinger and pinky. "But even as concern slipped into my ever courageous heart, my own, young ward did risk the monsters fangs and claws, thrusting his torch-" there was to be a moral, a lesson. Encouragement for young and old alike that they could be daring heroes in their own way so long as they kept their heads about them even when the mighty seemed to falter!

This lesson would have to wait, the sound of crunching metal and engines pushed beyond the reasonable pace of the road drew his gaze away from the eyes.. and cameras of his unknowing students! Then the car sailed into view, a literal juggernaut that careened through the plaza. "Away friends, to safety! Gawp not but instead find safety in distance and contact further aid! Calamity has struck and with its clamour it has summoned-

    The Prince of Power!"

He was fast, but not fast enough to halt the car before it finally came to its disasterous halt. Even so, long, powerful legs propelled him with considerable speed. "Fear not, this statue will not see you to rest beneath your own gravestone so long as the Lion of Olympus is here!" declared the Olympian as he sprang onto the trunk of the car, his foot leaving its mark in the thin metal. His passage left another divot in the roof before he came to a halt on the hood, the car rocking faintly as he came to a halt...

Upraised hands caught the statue and he brought it down to his shoulders. The sudden weight driving him down through the hood and crushing the engine block beneath him. The car would be an absolute loss but the Olympian had kept the statue from flattening the car and it's occupant at least!

Viola Fiore has posed:
Within the car, the airbag has Viola pinned behind it. She's barely able to see out of the windshield that itself has cracks running through it. Able to see the giant pillar falling towards her! She is trying to scramble, looking like she's trying to get free, reaching down towards her waist to try to get the seat belt off, plus she'll have to get out from beneath the airbag.

There's no way she's going to make it. The sudden footfalls on the car are unnoticed in the 22 year old's fright. But then she sees a pair of muscular legs before her on the hood of the car, and then incredibly, the large pillar-like statue is caught! Viola lets out a breath of relief, and then renews trying to get out of the car. Between the damage to the car body and the airbag which should have deflated by now, but hasn't, she's well and truly trapped though.

The construction crew that were eating, and some listening to the story of Hercules, come running over. Exclamations abound.

"Oh my god!"
"He saved her!"
"Did you see that!?"
"Quick, get the crane over here! Move men, move!"

The last was the foreman. A man runs to the crane and starts moving the hook back over. The rig that allowed it to lift the statue is still in place. It doesn't take them long to hook it back up, and soon the crane is lifting the statue back up again, so Hercules no longer need support it. Leaving him with the beat up car and the girl inside.

Hercules has posed:
Hercules doesn't even sweat. He beams so brightly that even Apollo might look at him sharply for trying to tresspass upon the charioteers solar domain. He absorbs the burden easily, shouldering it until the crane comes to life and takes it from his shoulders. "Nothing compared to the weight of the heavens themselves!" he assuages any concerns with a broad, ready smile. Just as soon as he can extricate himself from the cars hood, he does, shaking shredded metal from his sandels as if they were pebbles or grains of sand.

"Hold fast, Friend. Surely an ambulance is on their way even now, soon the shrill of their sirens will be a herald to the succor they can offer!" he continues to prattle, for beyond the thrill of battle, comely companions, and adventure, there is little else Hercules seems to love as much as his own voice.

He'll try the handle first, if it comes to it, the removal of the door is but a slight wrench of effort away. From there it'll come to the initial efforts of First Aid!

Viola Fiore has posed:
The handle proves useless, the door and frame around it bent to the point that removal is the only option. Whether it be Hercules, or firemen with the Jaws of Life.

The expensive car's door is easily removed by the Greek hero though. Once it's gone, the airbag finally deflates, revealing the young woman with dark hair and brown highlights. She looks a bit roughed up, to be sure, and shaken up on top of it. She looks over to Hercules, breathing hard though the exertion was mainly emotional rather than physical. "Thank you. My god, you saved me," she tells him. She reaches down, her hands shaking from the loss of adrenaline that had surged through her system. Trying to unlock the seatbelt. Her hand trembling enough she fails on the first attempt, and the second.

The two cars that caused the accident didn't stick around to see the results. Driving off and disappearing into the city, with naught but some scrapes on the side of one car, and the bumper of the SUV as evidence of their attempted dastardly deed.

Hercules has posed:
Her rescuer was no fireman, nor paramedic, instead it was she had said, he;ll tell her this himself in due time. He was tall, burly man who was all but naked. "I knew not that I still had worshipers. Be still, if you are mine as you say, you'll need careful handling for your rarity." he prattled warmly, calmly. enclosing her hands in his. Big things, warm but rough with the callouses of a warrior who was born in a year that counted down instead of up!

Instead, more work was given to the claims adjuster as he kneels down and gently, but firmly extracts the entire seat she rests upon, wresting the seatbelt from the car and bringing it along as well. Somewhere in there, she'd find the keys pulled from the ignition and put into her lap before he hauls her, not unlike a princess from the ruin of her boyfriends car and carries her some safe distance away. "I admit that commanding these modern vehicles is a daunting task that I have yet to master myself but I beleive that was well beyond what should have occured to a more seasoned motorist, are you well?"

Viola Fiore has posed:
As she gets the view of Hercules' fashionable if dated attire, it only adds to the surreal feeling of the moment. The seat groans as it is pried free of the car, yet the fact that Hercules is able to remove it so gently despite the forces it takes to tear it free makes Viola's eyes widen even more at the strength it implies.

She's set down, and finally manages to undo the seat belt. Her hand goes to her head, pushing back the baseball cap off of her head so she can run her fingers through her hair in a nervous gesture. Her hands are still a bit shaky, but less so than in the first moments after the near-fatal accident. "Thank you. Sir. I... ah... I'm not sure your name," she tells him. This being the second time she's been around heroic deeds, part of Viola thinks she should maybe start studying up on hero identities. "I'm Viola. Viola Fiore," she tells him.

Vi starts to rise from the seat, but her legs are a bit shaky and the first attempt results in her falling back into the leather seat. She's wearing jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. An old one that's nice and soft and fuzzy from years of being worn, whatever logo or emblem it once had long since worn past the point of being legible. "Thank you for saving me," she tells him.

Hercules has posed:
The world is vast and full of Marvels... as well as Dynamic Champions, Incredible Daring Warriors, Dark Horses, and more than any one person could possibly Image...in.

But to read up on her current rescuer, she would need to seek him out in the fiction section of her local library. Look amongst the greatest names within legends and myths. Stories of heroes in ages where gods where both benevolent as well as malevolent depending on the time of day. There she will find him fighting against some of the most terrible monsters that the old world had to offer, there she would find the name of the Prince of power.

"Hercules, Hercules Panhellenios." he introduced himself as he nelt beside her. The wail of fire engines distant but growing closer.

"Well met, Viola Fiore. You are welcome and it was my pleasure and privilege for I was fortunate enough to be the hero nearest at hand when danger came calling." With one knee planted and a sandeled foot resting on the ground, things were slightly risky but creative angles would carry the day as he leaned towards her, an elbow braced upon a heavily muscled thigh.

Viola Fiore has posed:
There is only a slight cut on her face, little more than a scratch, from the airbag deploying. Though it likely left a few bruises elsewhere where the rapidly expanding bag struck the young woman.

She listens to his name as it is revealed, the young woman's eyes searching about as if in search of answers. "Hercules Panhellenios. My hero," she tells him, giving the rugged man a grateful smile. "You... have you taken the name of the Greek hero for yourself?" she asks him, though in a tone that suggests doubt at her own question. "Or... I know there is a Thor who was, is still, Thor and... that is... or are you the original Hercules?" she asks him.

The sound of the approaching first responders draws Viola's attention. She gives a slight wince at them as if preferring not to have to deal with them. "Would you be so kind as to help me up?" she asks, not quite trusting her legs still and offering her hand to his large, muscular one.

Hercules has posed:
What will she see when her features search his? The strong jaw with it's thick, neat beard, his curly hair kept from his eyes by the head band, the eyes as blue as the vast reaches of his fathers domain? The warmth, the charm, the bravado?! "Though many have taken the name since, I am the first and the true. In word, in deed, in flesh, "I am Hercules, Lion of Olympus." he assures her, acquescing to her reqeust with a hand offered to hers and another ready to rest and support her back should she find the strength to rise. "However, if it is easier to accept, think of me only as a charming imposter that would add that many more heroic tales and stories to a legend already long past."

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore does rise, and is not shy about accepting Hercules' assistance in doing so. She sways a little at first, his steadying hand upon the small of her back appreciated. She reaches into her pocket and withdraws something, Hercules might get a glimpse of a small plastic vial. She pulls the top and briefly swallows the contents before slipping it back into a pocket and turning her attention back fully on Hercules.

"I would never wish to lessen you by thinking of you as other than you are. But thank you. You have a nobility and chivalry that a woman doesn't find in this day and age," she tells him, smiling and gazing up into the rugged man's eyes as he gives her his support.

She looks at the car. "This is my ex-boyfriend's," she says with a sigh. And then the circumstances of the accident occur to her. Viola's eyes dart about. Not knowing if she was the intended target. But either way her life might not be safe at the moment, unsure if those responsible are still around.

Viola looks back to Hercules. "I would rather not deal with.. the paramedics and all. I'm a bit sore, bruised, but don't think I broke anything. Do you think... would it be too much to ask you to accompany me away from here? Until I can have someone come pick me up?" she asks.

Hercules has posed:
The gods face split with a broad grin, his eyes narrowing merrily with crows feet etching themselves in place, a rueful twinkle playing there in. He utters a laugh, a warm bark of mirth. "Were my family listening, the heavens would split... but never the less, I thank you for your compliment even if it does lead me to think you concussed!" he utters.

His good mood... shifts. There is concern that works into his features as he watches her, she looks... hunted. Her boyfriends car, Ex-Boyfriend? Things align incorrectly in such a way that a storm resides in his eyes, his features dour, jaw stiffening, lips thinning. "As you wish.". He is an image of building ire, gleaming coals that are a moment from full ignition. "I will return after and assuage the authorities if need be, please, this way." he picks a direction and continues to offer his support... Fleeing the scene of an accident is a crime but Hercules relationship to the law has never been exceedingly close.

He has taken counsel on this matter... domestic violence is not a new problem but the modern world seems to handle it in their own way... He will make the attempt, "If... you do not have a place where you can feel safe, I know of sanctuaries that will gladly accept you. Love may blind us to the follies of partners past and present but anyone that would raise a hateful hand against someone they would attest to love should not benefit from loves grace." he speaks slow, mustering back anger to try and keep the same warmth in his voice as when he did first speak to her.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola glances at the direction from which the lights can start to be seen reflecting on buildings from the approaching vehicles. She pulls out her phone with one hand, using the other on the side of Hercules to steady herself as they start moving away from the scene. "I'll call my father's lawyer to have him smooth it over, tell them I was taken to get medical aid," she tells him.

A quick call ensues. Which includes that she as in "Carlos' car" and there was an accident. And she's with a superhero and left the scene. Yes to get medical aid, that will work? After being given the lawyer's go ahead, she hangs back up.

The phone goes back in her pocket and she looks to Hercules more fully now. "Oh, it's not like that. I mean, he is a total shit. But not... he's not violent with me," she says with a shake of her head. "I... ah, another car hit me and, I can't help but wonder if it was intended for him though. He's never shown good judgment in some of his dealings," she says. "So maybe just somewhere I can get out of sight for a little bit until I know it's ok?" She's hobbling a bit. "Maybe stop and get a first aid kit at the pharmacy up there too?"

She smiles up to Hercules softly. "You are very gallant though. The legends, great as they are, do not fully do you justice."

Hercules has posed:
She set the record straight, saving poor Carlos from a few nights stay in a hospital bed. He nodded, temper cooling as he let the tension slip free of his jaw and shoulders, "Of course, please, forgive me my intrusion." he bade, features relaxing into a sober smile... He hoped dearly that it was a misunderstanding.

"Hmm... I beleive I know a place that will suit our needs!" he warmed. As plot would have it, it wasn't very far!

Looking at it, it wasn't clear if it was a very old place that had recently undergone restoration or a very new place that had done its best at the pretense of age. The window bore a two heade snake wound around the shaft of a winged scepter, the caduceus marking it as a pharmacy but also promising the offer of food and drinks.

The bell above the door jangled as they entered. Rows of shelves that carried sundries, novelties and miscellania.

"Rest yourself, Fair Fiore, I fear you are concussed indeed to flatter a rapscallion such as I. I will getch the proper tinctures and salves to soothe thine ailments." he promised, directing her to the chairs and tables before he sought out the shelves.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore is moving better, though still keeps a hand upon the massive man for support. She isn't sure he isn't wrong about a concussion. Her head hurts from the sudden stop and the collisions with the cables, to be sure. Though she otherwise doesn't note any symptoms yet.

The young woman moves to the chairs and takes a seat. The denim of her jeans is ripped in one spot, and there's a faint bit of blood visible there as whatever shard of metal cut the fabric made a small cut on her leg.

The clerk's eyes widen at the sight of Hercules, enough he probably barely even notices Viola. The clerk is just a kid, in his teens with a voice that sounds like he's going through puberty late. High pitched and broken. He says, "Do you need help finding things, um, sir?"

Hercules has posed:
Hercules smiled as he acquired what might be their largest first aid kit. Stocked for even the most foreign of catastrophe to prey upon the foolish, paranoid, and seemingly, Hercules.

Their question is not but Pantomime from where Viola can see them. Hercules, Greek in his origin, is of course emphatic with his gestures as he speaks. The tellers expression shifts, confused, suprised, incredulous. It all comes to a head when Hercules places a few, golden coins on the counter as payment. There is a moment more of conversation.

A manager is called.

The third party arrives, the trio discuss Hercules method of payment... The manager bites a coin. Shock and surprise play through the managers wiser eyes... Hercules is thanked and waved away.

There is no scaning, no receipt... This purchase seems as though it will remain off the books. As Hercules leaves, teller and manager conspire.

Hercules returns, his smile warm again, broad and beaming. "Now then, we will see if my mortal life is not so forgotten that I cannot see to a few cuts and bruises!" he proclaims as he drops the kit on the table and cracks it open. "I am far from a healer... but many a time have my wounds been seen to by the tender mercies of a healing priestess and I was not always so distracted as to not pay attention to their efforts." he continued to prattle as he plucked out things such as bandaids and alcohol wipes from something the size of a small tackle box.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore watches the financial transaction. She wants to offer her credit card to him. She probably should. Yet something stays her hand. Maybe she's just a bit caught up in having a living legend taking care of her, providing for even her medical needs in such a unique, and flattering way as to overpay with gold.

She finds herself sitting up a little straighter as he returns to her and begins going through the first aid kit. "Thank you, you... are really amazing," Viola tells him quietly, giving him a soft, somewhat shy smile.

Outside, the sight of a car slowly trolling past draws Vi's attention. She tries to remember the color of the car that pulled up alongside of her and forced her towards the truck. She'd barely been able to avoid hitting it. She can't remember. But the car outside has scrapes and dents along it's passenger side.

She tenses as she watches it roll past, unable to make out the occupants through its tinted windows. Unsure if they saw her. "I... am not sure this is the safest place for it," she tells him, swallowing. She looks to the manager. "Is there a back door we can use?"

Hercules has posed:
Hercules is no genius... To say that his skull is as dense as his muscles is not so gross an exageration that he would come to blows... But he is old beyond numbering, experienced, wise.

So when she tensed, her eyes shifting away from him and then to the manager... Peril yet had her in its sights. His expression became more somber, serious.

"What?" came the Managers reply, repetition drew him away from googling the current value of gold. Of course, every good business had a back-of-house. The manager waivered... But generosity should be appreciated. Pocketing his phone, he agreed, "Yeah... yeah, come on, I'll show you out the back dock."

The backroom looked like all backrooms. Naked concrete, steel-rack shelving. Inventory, store fixtures. The backdoor lead to the dock bay, a square of pavement just large enough for a box truck to pull in and then out of. The back alley that would allow their escape.

The door swung shut behind them... and Hercules broached the question, "I am suspecting that that the danger that brought about our meeting has not yet passed." he opined, "I am not some fickle God that would leave you to fend for yourself but I would like to know what battles I am to join."

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola limps along, following the manager, staying near to Hercules as they are taken out into the back alley. The sound of the door's lock clicking can be heard as the manager is quite happy to have them on the other side of it, and the gold coins on his side.

The girl looks to Hercules, giving a nod with an expression as if he deserves to know. "I think my ex, he might have some dealings with bad people. And they might either think I was him. Or just, be after me to make a point," she says. Or it could be they are people after her because of her father. She leaves that out. It's bad enough revealing this much about Carlos Manfredi, son of the Don of the Manfredi Family.

She looks around. "If we can just find somewhere to lay low," she says. "They are probably armed. I'm not sure if it was them or not, but the car had damage where the one that rammed me would have had it," she tells him.

Down at the end of the alley are a few more business. A donut shop and a pawn store are on the left, while on the right is a Chinese buffet. Across the street the alley empties at is a motel, and next to that is a Go Kart track, the sounds of the engines whining as middle-schoolers mostly zoom them around a small course.

Hercules has posed:
Bad People, its is not often that Hercules must interfere with with Bad People... but a Villain is a Villain, be they Gods or Goons. He listens, eyes fixed to hers as she speaks, arm folded just beneath his considerable breath, the other hand poised as his chin and jaw, idly stroking his beard. She fled the authorities... Her fathers lawyer. There is more than she shows him of her tapestry... but it is not his place to pry it from her.

She finishes and he nods, "I have pried open the jaws of danger from you once, I'll not waver if it seems they desire a second taste of you." A sly, salacious comment is bitten back and he instead onravels his arms from himself and reaches out to place an assuring hand upon her shoulder, "If it is safety you desire over all, I vow that I will take you far beyond their reach before they realize that you have even slipped away from them... but if revenge is what you desire, I can truly be your god of wrath and theirs or ruin." he pledged. The options are there, their destinations many. he lays the choice at her feet.