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Latest revision as of 02:42, 23 December 2020

Rec Room Wrecking
Date of Scene: 21 December 2020
Location: Recreation Room
Synopsis: Alex, Scott, Warren and Kitty gather in the Rec Room as Warren brings presents for the students and staff.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Warren Worthington, Alex Summers, Scott Summers

Kitty Pryde has posed:
School has hit the holiday break. A number of students have gone home to be with their families. Others though are staying at the school, and so these are a couple of weeks where the kids are just having fun and letting their hair down.

A number of students, along with a few staff possibly, are in the Rec Room. Two of the TVs are set up to play Call of Duty, each TV angled so it can't be seen by the other participants. On one controller is Hambone. The young student loves video games and has a way of getting himself into trouble when not playing them. On another controller at the moment is Kitty Pryde. Former graduate and part-time guidance counselor, that doesn't seem to stop her from mixing it up with the student. "Time's ticking down, James," Kitty says, calling Hambone by his real name. "Not much time left to get my flag," she says.

Hambone grumbles. "Not fair Miss Pryde! You're camping it!"

Kitty chuckles. "It's called 'defending it' in this mode. Hambone starts making a last rush for the flag while the other students in the room cheer, some for Hambone, some for Kitty. "Dude, she's going to frag you again if you go that way," one of them says. "Quiet!" Hambone replies, working the controller frantically.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Touching down gracefully from just outside of the windows that face the backyard, the Angelic form of Warren Worthington the third descends into view. The normal everyday suited attire of the playboy has been ditched for a more casual affair, a simple black mock-turtleneck (modified to allow for the wings), a pair of form-fitting designer jeans. Unusually, except for maybe this time of year, Warren's normal golden blonde hair is covered with a large red Santa cap pulled down tight over his head, and over his shoulder he carries a overly large red sack that is trimmed in a faux-fur.

He raps on the window, waving towards the students and Kitty. "Hey! Kitty! Little help getting this inside? I don't think it is going to fit through the doors," he expresses in a loud but muffled voice through the window.

Alex Summers has posed:
See. Alex had gone /up/ to the school to see family. With the semester over in New York, coming up to stomp through snow and read books in an actual manor wasn't something that he was willing to pass up even if California was going to be warm. An overly large big comfy yellow sweater is on Alex and jeans, he might have been passing by to find some other quiet corner of the building to sit down at with his book but the loud noises of Kitty decimating poor pixels as him poking his head into the rec room. "Why is there so much pain and anguish in this room?"

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott steps in, casual clothes, weird glasses, a mug of steaming coffee at hand. Some vacationing students shift uncomfortably in their seats. Mr. Summer being /that/ teacher. The one that magically knows when they are up to no good.

It is the winter break, so Scott pays no attention. Instead, he glances outside, through the window. To Santa Warren and his sack. "It would fit the doors just fine," he points out, nevertheless opening the window. The cold air floods to the room, causing some kids grumble in protest. Scott, being from Alaska, seems invulnerable to winter.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Hambone answers Alex, "It's her fault," he says, pointing towards where Kitty is sitting, looking placidly at her screen. She looks over to Alex, face lighting up as her one-time jogging companion makes an unexpected appearance. "Hey Alex, give me a second to finish mopping the floor with James," she says. Hambone tosses out a smoke grenade to draw Kitty's attention but then rushes at the flag from the other side.

That's when Warren arrives outside and taps on the glass. Kitty looks up and lets out a cry of glee at seeing a long-time friend there. She sets down the controller and hops up to head over that way. Leaving Hambone to cackle in triumph. "Looks like I win," he says as he runs over to Kitty's flag. A second later he says, "Hey, what's that beeping?" One of the other students shakes his head and says, "Sticky grenade she hit you in the back with before she left."


Kitty grins at Scott on the way past. "What's the fun in that," she says, running through the wall to give Warren a big hug of greeting. She's just wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, having been inside, so it doesn't take long for her to be hopping from the freezing weather outside. "Let's get it in," she says, taking hold of Warren to phase the two of them, and his package, back inside.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Looking to Scott with an incredulous look on his face Warren blinks a couple of times, "Scott...I was going to have her phase this thing in so you DIDN'T have to open the window and chill everyone to the bone, but since the damage has already been done..." Warren exclaims as he starts to shove the large sack through the window towards Scott, "...you now get to be my elf. Ho-ho-ho...come on now, I wanna hear you say it, Ho-ho-ho."

It's about this time he gets tackledhuged by Kitty and laughs, walking with her to phase through the wall, glancing over towards Scott as he emerges on the other side, "Don't think this gets you off the hook! Ho. Ho. Ho."

Once on the other side of the wall, Warren drops the sack and returns Kitty's hug more enthusiastically. "Hey there, Kat. How have ya been?!" before glancing over to Alex and offering up a wave in that direction as well, "Alex."

Scott Summers has posed:
"It is not that cold," grumbles Scott. It is actually /that/ cold. Nevertheless he pulls the ridiculous sack inside, grumping like a real Summers. "Also, you are three days too early, Santa Wings," he adds.

He does peer inside the sack, just to make sure there is no shenanigans. Christmas does strange things to normal people. And Warren is Warren. He also closes the window quickly out of (late) consideration to all those people with normal cold-sense.

Alex Summers has posed:
Poor poor noobs getting fragged. Alex does continue into the room now that Scott is here, and can only smirk as the energy from the younger students dampens in the presence of the almighty wet blanket. "You should be more upset that Santa is subcontracting his duties rather than the presents being early." A chin lifts towards the fellow blonde being that is Warren Worthington. Presents and Wings, some strange amalgamation of mythology there.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins at the tight hug from Warren and finally lets him go. "I'm doing pretty well. Have a couple of IT contracts I'm working in the city, and then helping here with guidance counseling as I can," she tells him. Thankfully it's a small school by most standards, so not quite the load like there would be elsewhere.

She grins at the sack then looks over to Alex and Scott and says in a gently teasing tone, "Early? You mean late. Hanukkah ended three days ago." The young Jewish woman goes over to offer Alex a quick hug of greeting then. "Didn't know you were coming up. How has your semester gone?" she asks of college.

The kids are gathering around Scott. By virtue of having the bag of presents, he does indeed seem to have turned into Santa for the moment, even if Warren has on the hat. "Anything in there for us, Mr. Summers?" one of the studetns asks.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren audibly gasps and holds a hand to his heart, "Oh my god! Three days?! Whatever will the kids do if they get gifts three days early! Oh, right...they might be happy! I also still haven't heard a ho-ho-ho from you yet, Summers." smirks Warren as he shakes his head, reaching over to give his long time friend a pat on the shoulder as he takes the sack back from him. "Relax, Scott. It's the holidays. Besides, maybe I have things in here for Hanukkah, and in that case I am la...yeah, what she said!"

Warren casts a wink towards Kitty as he good naturedly ribs Scott before he turns his attention over towards Alex, "Well, he can only do so much. Sometimes we have to pick up the slack...or the sack as the case may be."

Warren grins, removing the Santa hat he has on and slips it onto Scott's head before reaching into the sack and pulling out a small box wrapped in silver and blue, handing it over towards Kitty. "At least some of us remember these things! If you are in the city that often, we should do lunch sometime. The cafeteria at WI is top quality."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott uh huhs. "I'd say there is something from everyone and some spares." He smirks faintly at Kitty, too. The girl knows perfectly well the Professor is Catholic. "Well, then this must be for you," he decides, delegating the giant bag to Kitty.

Besides, he has not talked to Alex in weeks. "How are you going, Alex?" He asks, walking to the blonde's side. "Have you talked with Emma lately?"

Alex Summers has posed:
"Look at him go, he even knows where all the stuff is in the sack. He might be Santa Claus-actual." The book he was carrying gets tucked up underneath his arm as the residents in the room gather up around the sack of presents. "Hmmm? No? I heard a bit of what was going on, but not too much." He'll lean sideways towards Scott as if the conversation might be something to be talked about under one's breath.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"And people always figured it was the reindeer making the sleigh fly. Little did they know Santa Warren was just flapping his wings himself," Kitty says. She chuckles as Scott leaves her holding the bag. Literally. The students turn their attention towards her like a crowd of piranha around a Happy Meal dropped in the Amazon. Which is quite the holiday image along the Amazon River.

Kitty takes the gift as Warren offers it over. "Aw, you didn't need to," she says, though obviously pleased with the gift. "I didn't know you were going to be here, my presents for everyone are up in my room," she says.

She starts to open it and Hambone protests. "Why does SHE get to open the present early?" Another student elbows Hambone. "Because she's Jewish, weren't you listening?" Hambone just makes a soft, "Oh yeah."

Kitty opens up the box, revealing a beautiful Star of David, with the Tree of Life depicted in the middle, adorned with diamonds and topaz on the branches. "Oh Warren, it's gorgeous!" Kitty says, taking it out of the box and admiring it. She offers it to him to help her with, turning around and pulling her hair out of the way.


"So you going to be up for long Alex? Just for the day, or staying overnight?" she asks. She seemed to have missed the question Scott asked, but then she's got a bunch of students waiting for her to start handing out presents.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Taking the jewelry from Kitty, Warren grins as he drapes the necklace around her neck and clasps it, "I'm glad you like it! I saw it when I was doing the shopping and it screamed you to me. Happy Hanukkah."

Warren looks around at the gathering hordes and lets out a nervous little chuckle, "I think the invaders are going to lay a siege if we don't start passing some of these out. Just check the labels, most are generic but I don't want someone getting Logan's on accident. That could be bad."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott frowns slightly and folds his arms. "Well... alright," he really shouldn't poke, but he is the older brother. Of course, he would. "Are you staying here for Christmas? Grandad wanted us in Anchorage, but I told him I'd go for New Eve, if at all. I have too much... work to catch up." Which means X-Men business, not to be mentioned in front of the kids. "No news from dad, but it is still early."

Alex Summers has posed:
"Oh. I'm staying in the vicinty for the holidays. I've still got some writing to do over the break." Alex glances 'bout the room quickly before looking back towards Scott with a shrug of his shoulders. "I might bother the roommates back in the city Christmas eve, but I'll try to be here to wake up on Christmas day. Which shouldn't be too hard to do."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde turns back, holding the necklace in her hand so she can see it before laying it back to hang about her neck. "Thank you, it's very thoughtful," she says, grinning to Warren and going up on toes to give his cheek a quick peck. "And lunch would be wonderful. Not too far away from your offices two days a week. So we can definitely make that happen easily," she tells him.

The horde of kids won't be denied for long though. Kitty wouldn't put it past them to start turning invisible or using telekinesis to get at the presents if not handed out. She glances over to the Summers brothers, but sees them busy talking about family affairs.

"Ok, one for you," she says, handing over a present to a student. "And for you. And you. Come on guys, what do you say to Warren Claus?" she tells them. "Thank you!" the kids start chiming in as they are given presents. They move over to sit down and open them up, while the others wait their turns.

Kitty tells Scott and Alex, "I'm wondering if Santa will be able to find you up here, Alex. I mean assuming he's not just delivering some coal this year?" She flashes him a grin and then tells Scott, "I'll fly you up there if you drop me off in Deerfield this weekend."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Great! Lunch it is. Just let me know when and I will pencil it in." Warren says with a grin as he starts to help pass out the gifts to the kids, checking the labels to make sure they are not for anyone specific as he goes.

Warren glances over at the other blond in the room, "You over in Manhattan as well? Same offer applies then. You ever find yourself by WI, give me a ring. We will do lunch. It's the least I can do, since I didn't know you would be here. I didn't get you anything...but here, Scott!

The sometimes Angel tosses a blue and yellow package over towards Scott, "Think fast!"

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott picks up his mug of coffee and takes a sip. It is just the right temperature now. "Santa is pretty much my grandparent's neighbor," he replies to Kitty. "I'll get you to Deerfield. I am still not sure if I will go for New Eve. It depends on the gals that visited Germany." Then he heads out, "which reminds me I need to do a few phone calls. I should be back in one hour or so."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Those present in the room have the presents from Warren's bag distributed to them. "I can add some names to the others for those who weren't here, put them under the tree," she tells Warren. "Really great having you come by like this. Can you stay the evening?" she says. "Supposed to be a big storm out there. Good night to stay in by the fire with friends and family," she tells him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

Kitty nods over to Alex. "I've got something for you up in my room too. I'll try to catch you later with it, but definitely drop by if I haven't seen you before you go," she tells him. "Also, mom sent a care package. Lots of delicious treats," she says, apparently planning on sharing them if others are willing.

The kids come over to thank Warren for their presents, before heading off to put them to use. Hambone settles back in at Call of Duty, announcing he'll take on all-comers. "Anyone but you, Miss Pryde. That sticky bomb sucks."