Scott Summers
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Scott Summers (Scenesys ID: 104) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Scott Summers | ||
Superalias: | Cyclops | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Mutant | ||
Occupation: | X-Man | ||
Citizenship: | USA | ||
Residence: | Westchester, New York | ||
Education: | Bachelor of Science | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Xavier's School, X-Men | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 25 | Actual Age: | 25 |
Date of Birth | 18 Sep 1994 | Played By | James Marsden |
Height: | 6'3" | Weight: | 195 lbs |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Red |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Cyclops is the somewhat famous, somewhat infamous, leader of the vigilante mutant team knowns as the X-Men. Fairly respected by the hero community and most mutant leaders, he is very distrusted by the American authorities (exception might be SHIELD) and pretty much demonized by the mainstream media as part of the Mutant Menace.
* 1994 Born to Air Force officer Christopher Summers and his wife Kate in Anchorage, Alaska. Older of two brothers.
* 2002 Christopher Summers' private airplane is shot down by a Shi'ar spaceship. Parents are presumed dead. Scott and Alex fall in a burning parachute. Both survive, but Scott suffers critical injuries and is in coma for a year.
* 2003 Scott wakes up and goes through a painful year-long rehab. Suffering brain damage and amnesiac. He is sent to an orphanage in Nebraska instead of being sent to his grandparents in Alaska. The orphanage director is one Doctor Nathaniel Milbury, who much later was revealed to be the super-criminal Mr. Sinister.
* 2004-2010 Scott lives a miserable, friendless life in the orphanage, mocked and bullied for his injuries and constant headaches. He is never adopted and he is told it is because of his brain damage.
* 2009 Milbury gives Scott synthetic ruby quartz glasses, which apparently make the headaches vanish. Feeling much better Scott takes some control of his own life for the first time.
* 2011 Scott escapes the orphanage using his meager savings to take a bus to New York. An accident reveals his powers and he is attacked by a mob. Super-criminal Jack O'Diamonds saves him, but only to use his powers to commit crimes. Grateful at first, Scott rebels when Jack shows up being a scumbag. He manages to escape with the help of Charles Xavier, who is draw to the scene thanks to his mutant detection powers. Scott becomes Xavier's ward. Together they find three other young mutants, and joined by Xavier's first student, Jean Grey, they become the X-Men.
* 2012 The X-Men openly take the field for the first time to battle Magneto and prevent him from stealing nuclear devices from an army base. Despite the older mutant overwhelming power, they manage to defeat him through teamwork and Xavier's psychic powers. Scott is made field leader of the team much to his chagrin. Later that year they help the gathered armies of Earth super-heroes agains the alien invasion. Despite getting a good reputation among fellow heroes, they are hated by the public and considered part of the Mutant Menace.
* 2013 The X-Men battle some supervillains. Mostly mutants. Then confront Trask early Sentinels. Scott starts taking college level classes at a local community college.
* 2014 Krakoa crisis. A large group of powerful mutants join the team. Scott struggles to lead the X-Men which now count with several members far older and very set on their ways. In one of their first missions one of them gets killed, which he takes very hard.
* 2015 The X-Men are taken to space and have to fight the Brood. They spend months away from Earth. Scott finds out his father is alive. Xavier forms the New Mutants thinking the X-men are dead.
* 2018 The Mutant Massacre. Most of the Morlocks are killed. Many X-Men are seriously injured. Anti-Mutant hysteria all times high, but mutant population is exploding. Scott gets his college degree and starts working in a teaching degree.
* 2019 Scott and other veterans get teaching degrees. Xavier school begins to expand as response to thousands of mutants manifesting now in a monthly basis.
* 2020 Genosha destroyed. Millions of mutants die. The X-Men arrive too late - they find only a handful survivors.
IC Journal
The Bad:
Too serious. Control freak. Brooding. Boring. Workaholic.
Those words are often used to describe Scott. First impressions are usually bad, and he is all of that. He is an intensely private individual that had a very nasty childhood. He barely remembers anything from his first eight years of life, and the next eight were of chronic pain, abuse, bleakness and lack of friends. All that turned Scott into a stern introvert that desperately needs to control his life and the situation around himself. Xavier tutoring and some years of experience have granted him some patience and tolerance for the flaws of others, but he is still a very driven individual that rarely 'loosens up'.
The Good:
Having a deadly and uncontrollable superpower and being put in a leadership position since he was a teen has forced Scott to become a very careful individual. He knows total control is impossible, but he strives to come as close as possible. A realist and somewhat pessimistic person (he also seems to have tremendous bad luck) Scott always plans for the worst, and usually has all the angles covered, which makes him a great tactician and manager. He is not charismatic, but he is very dependable (not predictable - he scrupulously avoids being predictable) and very reliable. Even those who dislike him know he will always be there, watching the backs of his allies, a backup plan or three in mind. It gets him respect, but not many friends.
To his few friends he is extremely loyal, and when they can get him to relax, he is also good company, a friendly ear, very patient, and with good deal of common sense and good advice to offer. He can also smile and laugh, and even deliver mercilessly effective deadpan jokes. Don't expect Scott to get drunk, though, he is too afraid of what his optic blasts can do. A can of beer a day is as far as he goes.
Character Sheet
Optic Blasts:
Scott's eyes draw energy from another dimension, store it, and then project powerful blasts of force. The blasts also project some red-toned light, but the bulk of the energy is not electromagnetic but raw physical force. At full power the blasts are powerful enough to destroy main battle tanks, punch through battleship armor and cause serious damage even against the most powerful super-beings on Earth. Scott very rarely uses his full power, and he can't do so for long. He paces himself, favoring mid-level blasts and surgical strikes delivered with incredible precision.
Power Immunity:
Scott is invulnerable to his own blasts. They will get absorbed by his body before even damaging his clothes. He is also invulnerable to Havok's blasts, which hints his brother has exactly the same powers, only Alex' manifest as heat, not force.
Spatial Awareness:
To better control Scott's power, the portion of the brain that manages spatial awareness is far more developed in him than in a normal human. The effects of this ability are subtle but useful, and give Scott superhuman accuracy with his power and anything else that requires aiming. He has learned to ricochet his blasts on hard surfaces, and it is foolish to challenge him to bowling, darts, pool or similar games. It also helps him with his piloting skills, and he rarely gets dizzy, lost or disoriented.
Scott has a B.S. in mechanical engineering, a title he got to make sure he knew how to maintain and repair the Blackbird and other airplanes. His skills also extend to internal combustion engine and electrical vehicles. He likes to thinker with motorcycles and cars, but his passion is airplanes.
First Aid:
Scott has some training at dealing with battlefield injuries and can usually patch up someone after a fight. Seeing bones right, bandaging injuries and even performing simple surgery such as extracting bullets.
Martial Arts:
Scott is an accomplished martial artist easily equivalent to a Special Forces soldier or SHIELD field agent with extensive knowledge in Aikido, Judo and Krav Maga. He has trained for years to make sure he is able to do his part in the team even if his powers can't be used. He has even trained extensively to blind-fight in the case he loses his glasses and visor.
Scott is the best pilot among the X-Men and a very good airplane pilot all around. He has countless hours of practice on the Blackbird cabin, but he is also able to handle most other small craft and helicopters. Large airplanes he lacks experience, but he could manage taking of and landing of even a 747 under normal circumstances.
Strong Will:
Scott has well-tempered nerves and doesn't scare easily. He is always in control, particularly of himself, and thanks to Xavier's extensive training, he can usually recognize when someone else is trying to influence him using super-powers. It is difficult to read his mind, and almost impossible to control it.
Scott is one of the best small unit tacticians of the world. As leader of the X-Men he spends several hours every day in the Danger Room testing scenarios, tactics and simulations. His priority is always to lead the X-Men to victory and prevent more casualties among its ranks. He is always planning, plotting and calculating how to get out the best of each individual and how to combine the abilities and skills of several teammates for the best effect. Obsessive and very organized, it is rare to catch him without a solid plan, four backup plans and seven exit strategies.
Scott has a collection of ruby quartz glasses so he can go around and not blow up anything he looks at. He also owns a special visor that helped him focus his blasts better when he was younger. Right now he has much better control, but the visor is still useful because it is far sturdier than regular glasses and provides better peripheral vision.
The Summers:
It is a crazy powerful clan, but that is a known fact.
What is not so well known is the Summers are pretty wealthy. Scott grandparents own an airplane company.
And his dad is a Space Pirate who owns a huge and powerful starship.
It needs to be mentioned twice: SPACE PIRATE.
As leader of the X-Men Scott commands fairly impressive resources in the form of very high-tech equipment and a team of super-powered agents. He has the highest clearance among Xavier followers and although it is likely Xavier is hiding a few things even from him, there is a good deal of thrust between both men. Personally he has a modest salary as high school teacher, and since he has no other expenses he owns nice car and a powerful motorcycle.
Uncontrolled Power:
Scott suffered brain damage as a child and as a consequence he can't consciously control his powers. His eyes are always generating energy, and the only ways to control it are closing them and a fairly expensive form of synthetic quartz. Those glasses are pretty good, but they do somewhat distort colors. Everything is red-ish.
Weight of the World:
Sometimes Scott is his own worst enemy. He is a very responsible young man, and he worries too much about most everything. As X-Men leader that is a lot of everything. On top of that, fate seems to hate him. His bad luck is almost at Spider-Man's levels. And don't get me started with his family, particularly his time traveling kids.
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Scott Summers has
188 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
X-Men: Quiet Eyes - Part 2 | March 9th, 2025 | In space, no one can hear you scream. But inside a space station, they can. |
X-Men: Polar Plunge | February 18th, 2025 | Nothing nice lives up this way... If you think the weather's cold, you should meet the government employees. |
It's The Super Bowl | February 10th, 2025 | Some of the X-men catch the end of the Super Bowl together. |
Favors 1: X-Men's Offer | February 4th, 2025 | Fabian Cortez offers the X-men use of tech that will allow double their normal powers, if only they give him a call. Everyone Thinks This Is A Bad Idea and that Fabian is Trying To Be Evil. +Plot 263 |
Party at Xavier's | January 26th, 2025 | Rogue tries to separate herself from the process of aging, and pretend it isn't happening. It is possible that a combined effort was put forth to deny her delusion, and force her back in to reality. With fiery cake. A lot of weird drinks are handed out with mysterious ingredients, and a lot of questionable things take place as the night wound onward. Happy Birthday was sung quite well, by all involved. |
Critical Readiness | January 13th, 2025 | Rogue and Cyclops talk things to come and preparedness in critical situations. Not all eventualities can be accommodated, but they can at least plan for some. |
Xavier's Faculty Gift Exchange | December 24th, 2024 | The faculty and friends of Xavier's Institute come together to make merry, indulge their sweet tooths, exchange gifts, instigate mistletoe ambushes, and initiate frigid outdoor protests. Scott Summers enjoys his hot chocolate while taking in the scenery. |
The Rogue Consultant | December 1st, 2024 | Rogue visits Cyclops to discuss matters relating to the X-Men and one of its trainees. |
Wellness Welcome | October 25th, 2024 | Scott pays a visit to the new nurse in the Wellness Office, Aisling Caroll. A gift is offered and a brief exchange of pleasantries is had. Also, Nurse Fleeb might be a jerk. |
Autumn Is The Best Time Of Year | October 12th, 2024 | Scott drops in on Kitty, mentioning the new nurse at the school. |
Recreation Interrupted | September 28th, 2024 | Scott pays a visit to Jubilee. She's surprised to find that he's checking in on her and Shogo. Jubilee definitely has an external hard drive for pictures. Possibly multiple drives. |
X-MEN Savage Guardians 3 | September 11th, 2024 | The X-Men infiltrate the Neo-Mutates main laboratory, and shut down their operation for good. They help slow down the fleeing Neo-Mutate forces, just in time for SHIELD to arrive to mop them up. Sauron was discovered to be the leader of this operation, but he fled before he could face retribution. The Fall People have been saved, and Kazar has re-united with his wife and loyal companion in Zabu. |
Sleazoid Training | September 7th, 2024 | No description |
X-Men: Savage Guardians 2 | August 23rd, 2024 | The X-Men perform a rescue op on a laboratory in the Savage Lands. They find that the lab has fallen in to emergency disrepair, following mysterious power surges from the Savage Land's power grid. Several Fall People were lost to the sinister lab, but many more were saved by the heroes. Site B cleared. Site A yet remains... |
X MEN: Savage Guardians | August 9th, 2024 | The X-Men arrive in the Savage Lands to find a village of friends being attacked by high tech slavers? They help save the villagee, just as the slaver masters arrive to claim their victims. The slaver masters offer threats, and take to the sky when their mortal enemy of KAZAR AND ZABU arrive! |
The Ultimate Nullifier | August 4th, 2024 | The Justice League holds a presentation of the incoming Galactus, and the fate of Tamaran. |
Rogueclops | July 24th, 2024 | Rogue and Scott meet in the garage. They share ice cream, and discuss Mutant affairs in a far away land, versus a rather interesting situation here at home. |
X-Men and the Glass Forest | July 10th, 2024 | The X-Men respond to a wild situation in a New York state forest. They discover a band of mutants wrapped up in a fight of Humans vs Mutants that was rapidly spiraling to an out of control place. |
X(aviers)-Men: Eat, Explode, Splash | June 30th, 2024 | The Xavier's school plays host to music, fun, grilling, and fireworks courtesy of a particularly talented mutant with poor musical tastes. Plus Ellie's there. That means it's trending on something or another. |
I Had No Choice | June 19th, 2024 | Scott calls a meeting with Jubilee to discuss her recent choice to sneak a baby back with her while out on a mission. He decides that she'll need a babysitter of her own for a while. |
Jean Grey Retirement Party | June 19th, 2024 | Friends gather to celebrate Jean Grey's retirement as headmistress! Much to Jean's disappointment, the cake isn't lemon. |
Leisure and Other Responsibilities | June 18th, 2024 | Lorna hijacks a Danger Room session to give Scott a little extra challenge by threatening him with a good time, all while checking in with him about the new threat presented by the Purifiers. |
The Original X-Men and their Mentor gather for drinks | June 18th, 2024 | Old friends catch up |
X-Men: From Budapest With Love | June 15th, 2024 | The X-Men (and Surge) attempt to keep the peace at an anti-mutant protest gone awry in Budapest. Bobby defuses the situation with the power of love (and ice) and delivers a weaponized brain freeze! Noriko puts an end to a dangerous car chase and enjoys a meal made of questionable street meat. Scott breaks someone's ankle with his kinetic blast, but it happens in a hospital, so that's convenient, right? Rogue soars majestically through the air with both Bobby and Scott. Jubilee steals a baby. |
Days of Summer! | June 5th, 2024 | An impromptu pool party was had! |
I Don't Sweat, I Sparkle | June 3rd, 2024 | Patty Sloan, Scott Summers, and Jubilee decide they want to use the workout room at the same time. They have a brief discussion about the importance of keeping the true mission of the mansion a secret. Scott has Jack Harlow on his workout playlist. |
Social Studies Workshop: The New Human Is Illegal | May 26th, 2024 | Presentations from J'onn J'onnz, Jaxon Blain, Mystique, Mary Seward, Scott Summers, and Bishop; and comments from Natasha Romanova and Sally Pride all serve to help educate all present on just a few of the many perspectives on the violent history of Mutantkind, and how - if at all - a path forward might be forged for them-- and, indeed, ALL of humanity:
J'onn discusses the death of the Martian race, consumed by hatred between parallel subspecies; Jaxon gets lots of attention for sharing his dark past with William Stryker and illuminating the ways in which people of all kinds fail one another; Mystique demonstrates why she's one of Mutantkind's oldest, hardest voices by pledging to spend the rest of her long life fighting for it; Mary shows why she's the Queen of Blood, and shares the vampiric perspective on coexistence; Scott Summers puts a lifetime of PowerPoint expertise on display by laying out the cold, hard stats animating the bloody history of Humans and Mutants; Bishop reveals his past in one of our futures to stress the importance of coming together before the nightmares come to fruition; Sally reminded everyone that all people have /some/ things in common, while Natasha's cold cynicism shines through her insistence that tribal isolation and self-interest are the natural state of humanity. Madelyne gets a peek into a relatively quiet moment inside of her new community, Talia reflects on the twisting possibilities she's lived through and the way that war touches all of them, Camille studies passionately then swears to take Stryker's eyes one day, Rogue keeps rowdy Institute students in check, and Micola shares a brief moment with her sister-in-law. Also, there are snacks. John Cumberland continues not to exist. |
Second Annual Xavier's Talent Show | May 4th, 2024 | Xavier's holds another sometimes annual talent show for gifted youngsters. Like last time, there were lots of amazing acts. The judges were split, but the tie was broken in the final moments and Patty Sloan was declared the winner! Against all odds, the school will be getting its deposit back for the Dip N Dots machine rental. |
Badgering Cyclops for Goods & Services: The Hot New Teen Craze | April 20th, 2024 | Ruth gets transportation lined up. Hooray!! |
HUNGER: Fetch Quest | April 6th, 2024 | The X-Men visit the First World in orbit around one of the Universe's oldest stars and uncover a mysterious terror even the eldest beings dare not speak of. |
HUNGER: I Believe We Have Your Duck | March 24th, 2024 | The X-Men visit the strange museum of the Collector and arrange a ceasefire ... in exchange for a favor that will take them to places even stranger still. |
X-Duck vs The Spanker | March 16th, 2024 | Howard the Duck has some bad hombres after him. The X-Men show up in force to save their feathered friend. |
X-Terminators: First Blood | March 10th, 2024 | No description |
Howard the X-Duck | March 2nd, 2024 | the X-Men have a sit down chat with a friendly feathered fowl from a far flung world of Ducks, and Duck related things. |
HUNGER: The Sky Is Falling | February 25th, 2024 | Rogue finds an alien pod in the woods. Together with Jean and Scott, she takes it back to the X-Base in time for it to open a reveal a feathery passenger. |
Balls Deep in the Corner Pocket | January 10th, 2024 | Scott acquires a fan in Lois while gifting a long time billiards player a championship. |
Just Passing By... | December 7th, 2023 | Isabel and Scott meet at Harry's. Sam joins them. Scott departs, Sam and Izzy make plans! |
A minute of rest | October 15th, 2023 | Scott's not feeling well, but Emma's there with the jokes. |
But Not As Maneuverable As Lockheed | September 24th, 2023 | Scott comes by as Kitty is cleaning up after some Blackbird upgrades, and they go over training ideas. |
Acquired Power | September 24th, 2023 | The X-Men meet to recruit Joshua Foley and Kimmi Jones-Smith, but encounter a strange combination of powers that sends mutant abilities haywire. |
The Walking Dread | September 2nd, 2023 | The X-Men make a daring rescue of some key players in the madness of the Mutation Reversal Treatment! A hot night in Atlanta! |
Shi'ar: Starjammin' | August 27th, 2023 | Seeking out the Starjammers, the X-Men find them capturing a cargo vessel that turns out to be a trap, loaded with alien bounty hunters called the Sidri. The X-Men join them in battle, defending the Blackbird from Sidri invasion and then helping evacuate the Starjammers from the cargo vessel. A ruse involving the Tampa Bay Buccaneers forshadows familial coincidences. |
Some Concerns | August 26th, 2023 | Scott reveals his concerns about Jean's Phoenix situation to Betsy. |
Non-Danger Room | August 21st, 2023 | Rogue and Scott chat over training ideas and exciting topics like MATH and getting hit by things. |
The chism Trail | August 19th, 2023 | The X-Men are confronted by Black Team 57 after a mission to Washington to try and garner support for ending HR-485 before it can be voted in to law. The mission rapidly goes south, with much danger and much explosions! |
Scott-thing Sinister in the Mail | August 14th, 2023 | Sinister sends Scott a collection of things to mess with his head. |
The Second Floor Waterfall | August 14th, 2023 | Lorna and Monet assist Scott with some wayward mutant pets in the plumbing of the mansion. |
Sinisterly Deviant | July 9th, 2023 | A group of mixed mutants and monsters show up at a genetics conference where Essex Corporation has setup a booth. Observation turns to a fight as it's not Mister Sinister who shows up, but something Deviant. Guest Starring Doctor Curt Conners! |
Basic Maintenance on a not so Basic Ride | June 22nd, 2023 | Scott and Rogue are doing maintenance on the Blackbird. Rogue asks Scott why he's so humdrum. |
Advanced Ariel Defense Class | June 5th, 2023 | Scott takes some less experienced mutants up into the blackbird to work on defensive maneuvers. |
Cheery Ol' London: Part 2 | June 3rd, 2023 | It's time to get dressed up and enjoy...nothing. The night is ruined. At least there is alcohol! |
Cheery Ol' London: Part One | May 31st, 2023 | The Charity Covention is a knock out...but something always mucks up a good time. Like crazy possessed people! |
Stealth Lesson | May 24th, 2023 | Danger room adventure. |
MEIYA NO SAIKEN: Shinya no Kessen | May 5th, 2023 | In the dead of night, sinister figures invade the school in search of the Wolverine! Battle ensues! |
The First Swim Of The Year | April 16th, 2023 | Scott, Lorna and Kitty take advantage of a sunny if cool day for a first trip into the heated pool at the mansion. |
Retro | March 27th, 2023 | Scott and Kitty try out the new retro arcade at Xavier's School. |
Marie-Ange's 21st Birthday Bash! | March 8th, 2023 | Marie's friends and 'family' gather together to celebrate the seer turning 21! |
Stakeout | March 5th, 2023 | Cyclops stakes out in the cold a group of anti-mutant thugs. A local homeless shares a heating exhaust vent while he watches. |
Hanging with the Hope | February 11th, 2023 | Scott, Hope, and M talk by the pool. |
Rogue's Surprise Birthday Casino Night | January 24th, 2023 | It's Casino Night at Xavier's in honor of Rogue's 23rd birthday! And thanks to the borrowed powers of Jamie Madrox, Rogue gets five extra birthdays. Old friends and new friends come together to celebrate Monte Carlo style before the whole thing descends into Warner Bros style madness. |
Sledding X-Man Style | January 7th, 2023 | Xavier's students and staff take to the sledding slope for a day of wintry fun. |
Ravencroft Released | January 1st, 2023 | An escape from Ravencroft both fails and goes according to plan while heroes round up escpaed patients from Ravencroft |
The McRib is Back | December 15th, 2022 | The Xaviers School team is sent on the epic quest of 'Recover the McRib' before it goes extinct again! Which reminds me, have you ever heard the conspiracy theory that the McRib only ever comes back as a distraction from some sort of event happening at the same time? Like 'Oh, just give the fat plebbs their McRib again, that'll shut them up for awhile!'. But yeah, anyway, this was fun and everyone in it is a peach, a damn peach, I say! |
Bar Fight | November 29th, 2022 | Remy gets himself in a right ol' pickle, but some of the X-Men arrive in time to help out. Plus there just so happens to be quite a few fighters in the bar tonight who seem to take enjoyment out of a chance to trade blows with drunken rubes! Good ol' times, and a Nerf Gun! |
Post-Thanksgiving Snack | November 28th, 2022 | Post food chatter comes up amongst M, Scott, and Warren. |
Xaviers: Thanksgiving | November 24th, 2022 | It's another Xaivers School Thanksgiving preparation night! Kicking off the holiday seasonal fun times! There's lots of parents at this one, and interesting alternate Thanksgiving meal options discussed, including X-23's dutch oven, Sam Guthrie's deep fried turkey? And Hank suggests a fish! Jean's floating brain ham, and Roberto probably ordered some food from a designer food store that will be delivered any minute! Enjoy reading, whomever I'm talking to here! |
Order Borne of Darkness - Cosmic Carnage Under the Sea | November 20th, 2022 | Intrepid heroes dive into the depths of the sea, and fight an ancient guardian protecting something most precious. An artifact that can bend reality. It is stolen from them and taken to deepest, darkest space. Now the heroes shall have to track down members.. Of the Black Order. |
Fall Fesitval Harvest Celebration and Sppoky Season Gala | October 27th, 2022 | A wonderful time was had by all. And the MutantTown community is introduced to X-Corporation. |
Salem Center Oktoberfest | October 4th, 2022 | Oktoberfest at Salem Center is full of beer and food, and there's even a fight. |
An Afternoon By The Pool | September 22nd, 2022 | No description |
Burritos and Bars | July 9th, 2022 | And here we see the rare and elusive Scott outside his natural habitat, imbibing beers with one of his chums and consuming his prey; the gigantic burrito. Crikey, that's a gigantic burrito. |
Mutant Mud Pit | June 12th, 2022 | Xavier's builds a mud pit for tug of war down by the lake. |
Pieces of Mind: Inception | May 22nd, 2022 | Lost fragments of spirits seek answers... and those at the X-Mansion work to aid them. |
Xaviers Graduation Party | May 21st, 2022 | It is a nice graduation day 2022 at Xaviers School! The Fleebs really are the best! |
Five is for Funsies | April 24th, 2022 | Esme Cuckoo attempts to do something to the computers for test season. The rest of the girls show up while Esme gets in trouuu-bbble with Mister Summers and Tabby is the big sis! |
X-MEN: Capital Critters | March 27th, 2022 | The X-Men investigate a bunch of missing mutants in a Washington DC suburb. What they find may lead to more questions than answers! |
Graduation Day Pt. II | March 4th, 2022 | The X-Men are given another reminder of the sometimes harsh reality for mutantkind. As if they needed it. |
X-Men: Graduation Day Pt. 1 | February 12th, 2022 | Graduation Day for the newest batch of X-Men recruits is underway and off to a promising start. The Danger Room is put to good use, evaluating the adaptability and teamwork of some of the most promising potentials. |
Eat, Pray, Slay: A Westchester By Night Story | January 30th, 2022 | Tempers flare as the gang at Xavier's gather to talk about the best ways to kill vampires. Wendy Fleeb makes a cameo appearance and is a total B. |
Danger Room: Rage of the Gorilla King | January 7th, 2022 | The X-Men's island adventures in the Danger Room come to a climax, facing off against the Gorilla King. Who knows what the next chapter will have in store... |
Danger Room: X-Men vs. The Volcano Gods | December 21st, 2021 | The X-Men's tropical island hijinks continue. Gorilla gurellias, undead monkeys and a giant 6-armed Volcano God waiting at the end. Will anything remain of the island by the time the team is through? |
Rogue's Birthday | December 19th, 2021 | Rogue's Birthday! Everyone is great! |
Danger Room: Shipwreck Isle | December 12th, 2021 | The training session in survival techniques proved a few of things for certain. It is probably a good thing that they have mutant powers to rely on. That Rahne can sleep through almost anything, that Monet knows an impressive array of french swears, that James can benchpress a solid portion of an 18th century sailing ship, that Jimmy cannot be trusted with pork products. And that Scott should not include alcohol in his simulations. Especially if Rogue is involved. |
XAVIERS: Caroling pt 2 | November 25th, 2021 | It is that time of year again. The Xaviers School gang tries to go out and spread Christmas / Holiday cheer. It sorta goes pretty good this year! Everyone is surprised by this... |
Xavier's Halloween Party | October 30th, 2021 | The annual Xaviers School Halloween Night of Horrors (Or was it nightmares? Night of Nightmares makes it sound weird... but anyway) Enjoy reading it if you daaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaAAAAAAaaare *ghost noises* |
Pumping Iron | October 21st, 2021 | No description |
In Da Kitchen | October 17th, 2021 | Noodles, Pizza, Stuff on the floor, Stuff on plates. Stuff in mouths. Not enough noodles. Too much snark. Vampire movies off limits. Kevin Smith writes about weird stuff. Good times had. |
All Sales Final: Gambit's Return | September 26th, 2021 | The X-Men find Remy and bring him home, but the work's really just begun. (...and Rogue saved his coat.) |
Angelic Catering | September 24th, 2021 | Warren brings food to the Rec Room. Jubes is a vampire, and evidence of Remy's kidnapping is reviewed. |
Visiting X-Factor | September 7th, 2021 | While Jamie and Rachel are attempting (and failing) to put together a cat-flap, Scott's timely visit helps put things right. Also, #ProudDad? Rachel's on cloud nine! |
Shi'ar: Night of the Raptors II | August 2nd, 2021 | The Shi'ar attack continues. With the aid of a defecting Shi'ar spy and his SHIELD backup, the school organizes its defense and the evacuation of younger students from danger. With the aid of a strange living gas, the invaders manage to reach the X-Men base, but are defeated, and their leader killed. Yet Jean discovers there are several Death Commandos remaining, sent to her home town with one goal: cleansing the entire Grey blooodline. |
Let God Sort Them Out | July 29th, 2021 | The children are safe, the base destroyed by the owners hands, but the question still remains: What happened to the founder? The Brotherhood, Aerial and the X-Men have seen to it that nothing bad can happen from this location again, but the insigators got away. Perhaps in time, the questions that remain unanswered will be answered. |
Time to discuss an ending... | July 20th, 2021 | Something's afoot alright, Scott will get the X-Men, Mystique and Clarice will get everyone else... when all is ready, they will strike. |
So much more to talk about... | July 16th, 2021 | In the end, some things need to be talked out and they were... but Robert should probably watch himself, Mystique /is/ watching him. |
The Golem of Bushwick: The Grand Unveiling | July 11th, 2021 | Lydia unveils her latest project to help protect Bushwick: A real life Golem! Reactions are dubious at best, but plans are made to keep it monitored throughout the week. |
Xth of July | July 4th, 2021 | 4th of July 2021 by the pool at Xavier's School |
Shooting Stars | June 30th, 2021 | Rachel and Scott Summers try to bridge the gap between them with beers and stargazing. |
Dyani's School Tour | June 30th, 2021 | Dyani's parents come to accept Xavier's as Scott, Hank, and Rogue introduce themselves to the family. And Clarice makes her feelings about hugs known. |
Time to Make a Change | June 28th, 2021 | One city block of Bushwick is rebuilt. Mystique was not arrested thanks to the X-Men, The Brotherhood, the Mutants of Bushwick, and one Barney Barton. |
Ground Zero, Prologue | June 26th, 2021 | It was a good day, until things went sideways. |
They Don't Want To Go! | June 24th, 2021 | The gangers were confused, the innocent victims rescued, Rogue, Scott, Remy, Kitty and Clarice did their job... and the mutant who controlled them? That remains to be seen. He was caught, but at what cost? |
Jukebox Zero | June 6th, 2021 | Plenty of drinks, plenty of food, and some jukebox shenanigans |
The Scales of Loyalty | May 30th, 2021 | Scott and Clarice have some words. Scott apologizes despite some skepticism. Clarice promises non-lethal revenge. Afterwards, they discuss the situation in Bushwick. |
Awkward Afternoon | May 29th, 2021 | Meet and greet apologies and picnics |
Beer and Bentleys | May 22nd, 2021 | Scott's solo night at Harry's is interrupted by Emma. A heated discussion ensues ending in offers of mutual assistance. One blouse was harmed in the making of this scene. |
Sail The Open Seas With Me | May 14th, 2021 | The scenario is not at all fair and it is entirely possible that Kurt's notion of a fun Danger Room session needs a little work. But on the bright side everyone ends up on the beach at the end. |
Under By The Boardwalk, Down By The Sea | May 8th, 2021 | A nice day in late spring sees a number of people congregate at the beach at Coney Island. A volleyball game breaks out. |
The Smell Of A New Computer | March 28th, 2021 | Maxwell and Kitty replace the computers in the lab with new ones. Scott and Scruffles lend a hand. A baseball game is planned. |
Feast of Souls: Cost Risk Analysis | March 25th, 2021 | Plans are laid about protecting Xavier's. |
Teaching stuff like a teacher | March 10th, 2021 | Scott calls Jubilee in and quotes Captain America. Then makes her watch Crime and Punishment. |
Toby or not Toby | March 10th, 2021 | Scott comes by the library to read. Xi'an is there. They discuss Owls. Catyclops detective agency is recruited for a case. |
Steam burns | March 9th, 2021 | No description |
Legs Miserables | March 6th, 2021 | It's leg day for Jean, Scott, and Xi'an. Also included: devious kitten-based plans, literature, and Scott taking all the fun out of pornography. |
And Sometimes Your Life Picks You | March 1st, 2021 | Call of Duty is broken up by the arrival of a kitten in the Recreation Room. A kitten that wins the heart of even the most cycloptic at the school. |
My teacher is an Alien | February 20th, 2021 | Scott is relaxing (aledgly), Jean is working (alegedly) and the two have a conversation about stuff other people are doing. |
Sadie Hawkins Dance | February 20th, 2021 | Xavier's students, faculty, and guests enjoy a Sadie Hawkins Dance For Gifted Youngsters. Christian Frost makes an appearance. Mom and Dad almost enjoy a dance but the kids refuse to behave. Logan skips town to avoid karaoke. |
Do you want to build ANOTHER Snowman | February 18th, 2021 | Snow Golems & Monopoly |
Build you up just to tear you down | February 17th, 2021 | Scott, having just finished shop class, teaches Paige how to install her windshield wiper blades and Sam comes by to chat. |
Cyke yo mind: It's team building | February 16th, 2021 | Paige and Roberto are run through a training simulation by Scott and given homework after successfully defeating a Sentinel. |
He Was a One-Eyed... One-Eyed... | February 14th, 2021 | Scott stops by to talk to Kitty about the explosion at a nearby school, though gets caught up on other situations too. |
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Dr. Frankenstein's Lab... | February 14th, 2021 | People are jerks! Murdering mutants to steal their powers? Enter angry X-Men. |
AAR Capitol Hill Riot | February 13th, 2021 | A brief meeting about the Capitol Hill riot ends with a few plans outlined |
Happy Birthday Sam Guthrie | February 11th, 2021 | Everyone comes out to celebrate Sam turning 21! |
Traffic | February 9th, 2021 | Tracking down the party of the century and a drug called Opal lead two groups to a location that is not what it seems. Cloak and Dagger are scary. Scott and Hank are threatening. Emma tries new drugs, and a new friend is found. |
Kassandra's Offer | February 4th, 2021 | Scott has some words for Noriko on her judgement. Noriko talks back. Scott and Kassandra discuss her powers and more before Scott extends an invitation for a temporary stay at the school. |
Guthrie v2.0 | January 22nd, 2021 | Paige Guthrie applies for the X-Men. She is very insistent. |
Back to School | January 15th, 2021 | Rachel is back to the school, and the X-Men |
No Slacking at Xavier's | January 7th, 2021 | Scott does not believe Ruth and Julio are working hard enough. Jean is there to offer helpful suggestions. |
Rec Room Wrecking | December 21st, 2020 | Alex, Scott, Warren and Kitty gather in the Rec Room as Warren brings presents for the students and staff. |
A Touch of Brimstone: The Subject | November 29th, 2020 | The X-Men meet and discuss plans for dealing with the HFC's mutant kidnapping. A mission to the streets of Mutant Town. Diplomacy in Europe. And perhaps an investigation of the local chapter to gain the information they need. Afterward, the remaining victim of the genetics program awakens from his stasis, only to go briefly berserk as he cannot control his 'chimeric' mix of genetically grafted powers. They're able to subdue him, and his last moments are spent peacefully in the med bay. In his last moments, his memories reveal a face, perhaps the engineer of this entire gruesome plot. |
A Gruesome Rescue | November 8th, 2020 | X-Men and some notable Avengers come rescue Kitty, Noriko and others from Emma's mess. Some got away. |
Two Flavors Don't Mix | October 28th, 2020 | Julian, Noriko, and Scott find they all have a hankering for ice cream in the winter. Scott has a weird ice cream diet. |
Oktoberfest in Salem Center | October 7th, 2020 | Oktoberfest in Salem Center sees dancing and drinking and eating but members of Xavier's school and other guests. |
Getting the band started | September 29th, 2020 | Scott Summers meets Remy and Rogue to talk about that super team up. |
X-men Road Rage: Vulture and Goblin scene2 | September 24th, 2020 | Cyclops, Iceman, and Beast take on Green Goblin, with the help of a freelancing Mystique, while the rest of the team focus on Vulture and saving Spider-Man. |
Road Rage: Did Hank Find A Cure | September 23rd, 2020 | Hank makes something to counter the power nullifier that Vulture and Green Goblin got their hands on, and shares the news with Professor X, Scott, Kitty and Noriko. |
Doing My Part | September 2nd, 2020 | Roberto and Scott talk about Roberto joining the X-Men. He's in. Also, did you know that they made a 5 /AM/? Berto didn't. |
It Came from the Deep: A King's Sword | August 17th, 2020 | A group of X-men and Aquaman explore the King's Sword and come face to face with an ancient evil, a mermaid of old who was using her victims as zombies. Fight ensues and they are able to win the day. Featuring a Queen turncoat, a kitty playing with tentacles, deaf Atlanteans and, of course, explosions! |
Computer Refresh | August 15th, 2020 | Kitty and Scott talk school, computers, and world happenings. |
Not Ideal Circumstances | August 15th, 2020 | Lorna returns to Genosha and the X-men and allies convene. |
About bottles and fishes | August 10th, 2020 | Lorna and Scott were going to talk about Atlantis. Incomplete scene. |
Lakeside Training Montage | July 23rd, 2020 | Lorna and Logan train on the lakeside. Scott, Ororo, Douglas, and Bobby observe. Conversations lead to Creed, Danger room scenarios, Civil Service, and a potential standard curfew to protect the students from the numerous threats which always emerge. |
Moving Forward and Old Mission Reports | July 19th, 2020 | Lorna and Scott chat about Magneto, the bottles, and old mission reports. |
Weekend in Alaska | July 11th, 2020 | It should have been a nice weekend away from the usual problems. But, of course, mutants can get nice things. And Sinister casts a long shadow. |
Xaviers: Fourth of July Pool Party | July 3rd, 2020 | Happy July 4th from Xavier's School! |
Genosha Burns! Wild Sentinels: Ecuador Edition | June 24th, 2020 | The X-men find the base where the Wild Sentinels came from, and they clear house. |
Genosha Burns! Sentinel Factory | June 24th, 2020 | The X-men successfully infiltrate a long defunct Sentinel Base... and find Master Mold, among other things. |
Genosha Burns! Sharing Information | June 24th, 2020 | Multiple heroic groups gather to talk Brainiac strategy. |
Actions and Consequences | June 13th, 2020 | Scott and Lorna have a chat about what happened in Genosha, and what they should do going forward. |
Down to Mutant Town | June 11th, 2020 | Bobby and Lorna go to Mutant Town to start investigating the tensions there. They run into Scott. |
A Sinister Plot: The Left Hand Holds All The Cards: Team Two | June 6th, 2020 | A hard fight, and the hostages are saved!!! But they are not whole, and it may be some time before they are... |
A Sinister Plot: The Left Hand Holds All The Cards - Team 1 | June 6th, 2020 | Cyclops leads a team of X-Men into an all-out brawl with |
A Sinister Plot: Interlude: Special Delivery | May 27th, 2020 | Julian appears on the lawn! Scott and Jean arent clones! Rogue thinks we are all crazy! |
A Sinister Plot: Malicious | May 25th, 2020 | The X-Men fight the Marauders to search for their missing friends! Side One |
A Sinister Plot: The Aftermath | May 25th, 2020 | Folks check on the wounded and the former captives, beginning the process of trying to heal and make sense of it all. |
A Sinister Plot: Interlude: The Returned | May 25th, 2020 | Armed with new information, the X-Men make more plans. |
A Sinister Plot: The Game is Afoot | May 25th, 2020 | Plans are made. |
A Sinister Plot: Mission Assignments | May 24th, 2020 | Scott has Betsy scan for the missing. THere's not much to go on, but it's a start. The X-Men are on the trail. |
Not Handled Properly | May 15th, 2020 | Scott, Jean, and the Professor check in on Genosha about the incident with the Magistrates. |
Graduation Reception | May 9th, 2020 | Graduates were celebrated, food was eaten, fireworks were shot off. |
When Sentinels Attack! | May 7th, 2020 | A Wild Sentinel from Genosha's attack, arrives in NYC and goes straight for Mutant Town, luckily some heroes are there to stop it. |
Warren's House Party | May 4th, 2020 | Warren invites friends over for a party to help ease minds off of the crazy things going on in the world as of late. |
A Sinister Plot: Lost But Not Forgotten | May 3rd, 2020 | The X-Men discover people are missing in action. Panic sets in, and groups split to start planning investigations and rescues. |
A Sinister Plot: A Design Most Dire | May 3rd, 2020 | The X-men know the culprit... but an interruption in their planning... |
Wait. This one is not a future Summers | April 26th, 2020 | Scott spent some time vetting Bishop and Bishop agrees to help where he can. |
Genosha Expedition III: The Exiles | April 26th, 2020 | The Magistrates return to Genosha attempting some Gunboat Diplomacy, angering the mutants on site. It doesn't end well for the returning exiles when an angry and power-boosted Polaris attacks them. |
X-men Base: Genosha | April 25th, 2020 | Scott and Lorna try to catch up on reports... and Lorna has a panic attack. Enter Fabian. |
Xaviers: Grill Out and Chill Out | April 24th, 2020 | A fun time by the pool at Xaviers! |
Winds of Change: Savage Lands Part Three | April 22nd, 2020 | Sauron has been found, and punched a lot to get the information and the data to reverse the dinoplague! |
Winds of Change: Savage Lands Part Two | April 22nd, 2020 | The X-men make it to the Savage Land, and collect the items needed for Hank to cure the dino-problem! Next-- Sauron! |
Genosha Expedition II: Pirates! | April 18th, 2020 | Back in Genosha the X-Men meet some wealthy jerks and then fight Hydra pirates under Viper command |
Genosha Expedition I | April 11th, 2020 | The X-Men travel to Genosha to establish a safehouse and meet an unfriendly welcome committee led by their old enemy, Unus the Untouchable |
I Could Never Get The Hang of Mondays | April 6th, 2020 | Scene finished. |
Lakeside Conversations | April 3rd, 2020 | A handful of X-People converge on the shore of Breakstone Lake. Introductions are made, and discussions of current events are had. |
Brotherly Love | March 28th, 2020 | Emma brings Alex back to Xaviers. Scott and Jean discuss with them what (rather, who) caused Alex's mental block; as several of the students swarm like sharks. Hope does NOT have a gun in her room, grandpa. |
Hellfire Club Genosha Spring Benefit Charity Gala | March 24th, 2020 | Schmoozing, boozing, donations and more. The Hellfire Spring Charity Gala is a huge success, benefitting Genosha. |
More About Genosha | March 24th, 2020 | Lorna brings back interesting news from Genosha. And someone called Emma Frost |
Seeking Advice | March 19th, 2020 | Sam is given advice and his judgement is trusted.. or is it a test. |
All Too Familiar Faces | March 18th, 2020 | Scott seeks out one of the time refugees to see just what she's doing here. |
We Just Keep Meeting Like This | March 18th, 2020 | A Summers-Grey arrival and tactics discussion. |
Debriefing and Responses | March 8th, 2020 | Four X-Men meet to coordinate the investigations on the Genosha Massacre |
Kitchen Control | March 1st, 2020 | Kitchen fun times with cupcakes and awkward conversations |
Breakfast News | February 29th, 2020 | It is too early a Saturday morning, but some issues can't wait |
Re-Model the garage | February 29th, 2020 | Model Garage |
Up by the Tower | February 25th, 2020 | Scott and Jean talk about current events. Mostly Rachel. Also Genosha. |
Rachel Summers Arrives in the Past | February 20th, 2020 | Rachel arrives. Daddy goes into tactical mode. Fun times! |
Logan's Thing I | March 10th, 1968 | While helping Logan move his stuff out of storage, the X-Men take part in an unusual retelling of history. |
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Scott Summers has been listed in 1 groups.