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Latest revision as of 01:52, 25 December 2020

The Feels
Date of Scene: 24 December 2020
Location: Jubilee and Noriko's Room
Synopsis: Noriko and Jubes hang and 90s afternoon special their friend feelings like the emotionally stunted teens they are. Potential holiday 'missions' are pitched, and Jubes finds out she can do something NEW with her powers.
Cast of Characters: Noriko Ashida, Jubilation Lee

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko is, for once, sitting still, or should we say lounging still.  Leaning up against her pillows, she has a spiral notebook which she seems to be probably drawing in given the pattern her hand traces.  She has some electro rock going on a crappy little bluetooth speaker that is set up...far away from her and she's using a wooden pencil, as per usual.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Hey, Nori?" Jubes calls over. She's lying on her back, on her bed, wrapped in a towel. She had just returned to the room after showering and hadn't felt compelled to get dressed. Her hair was wrapped in another towel so it could dry without any action on her part whatsoever. "Incoming!" she calls out, tossing over a tootsie roll that she had just unwrapped for Nori.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko looks over and back, but there's a slow (for her) double take.  One would think this would give Nori a leg up on catching the tootsie roll.  Usually she would even catch it in her mouth, but instead it smacks her in the head and she blinks as if coming out of a daze.  It rolls onto the filthy ground...and for good measure, keeps rolling, collecting up dust bunnies to become something of a dust golem like a snowball becoming a snowman as it rolls down a hill.

Normally, Noriko has demonstrated an uncanny ability to catch things.  "What a waste," she says as she stares at the poor tootsie roll like it never fulfilled its purpose in life.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    By now, Jubes was expecting to hear satisfied chomping...but... She tilts her head to look across the room at Noriko. "Huh..." she muttters. "That's never happened before..." She thrusts her arm into the air, index finger held high. "The aerial bombardment shall continue!" With that declared, Jubilee unwraps another Tootsie Roll and sends it across the room in a high arc! One miss is forgivable, but two? Well, let's see...

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"That's how we get ants...but we can always trail them to our neighbors."  Noriko glances over.  Recon for smoothly recovering her image and seeing the incoming salvo.  It's even cooler if she's just watching Jubilee while catching it without looking right?  Yeah.  Totally cooler.  She raises her hand in perfect time.

THONK!  Annnd it drops right beside the hand to hit her in the head.  Noriko ever so quickly snatches it from her head, but next thing visible is her inspecting it, probably for hair.  Yeah, inspect that tootsie roll so hard!  No one will notice she missed at all!  "Your aim is off."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "My aim is off?" Jubilee repeats, her eyebrows rising. She sits up suddenly. "My aim is off?" Instead of looking angry, she's smiling. Jubilee reaches into the plastic bag and pulls out a fist full of Tootsie Rolls and just tosses the entire salvo over to Nori. She doesn't unwrap them, announce them, or aim them. She's just firing handfuls of candy from the hip!

    "What's going on with you, girl?" she wonders as she swings a leg over the side of the bed so she can stand up. Jubilee makes her way over to her dresser and opens the top drawer.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko could easily dodge all of the Tootsie Rolls.  And she does so.  This way, that!  She ends up near the door, opposite of and behind Jubilee, with a grin and a handful of unwrapped Tootsie Rolls, clearly just showing off.  "Think fast!"

Instead of answering the question, she just start lobbing them at Jubilee in a steady stream to make a beautiful candy poo rainbow.  Then she pops a bunch in her mouth.  "Hmm?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee rummages through the top drawer of her dresser, looking for something suitable for sleep. But then... plink plink plink plink plink ...The stream of Tootsie Rolls start to bounce off of Jubilee's towel-covered back. She turns around and flails her hands out in front of her to try and protect herself from the sudden betrayal!

    "Oh, come on, let me get dressed first at least!" she calls out, mock frustration peppering her words. She turns back to her dresser and pulls out a comfortable pair of high-rise shorts. Jubes opens the second drawer in search of an oversized shirt.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Fair," but Nori doesn't do fair.  "But this is war.  I do take prisoners though if you'd prefer," Noriko offers with a smirk that's mostly for herself, since she figures Jubes will be focused on changing.  Speeeeaking of which, Noriko flits over to her bed after collecting the fuzzy rolls, the first too, and shooting them into their bin.  Then she jumps onto her bed and starts to unwrap one of the rolls to pop it in her mouth.

"I'll wait till you have your armor on because I'm so civilized," Noriko teases.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "...I don't even know who you ARE anymore!" Jubilee mock shouts back at Nori. She grins and takes the shirt and shortettes into the bathroom and gives the door a nudge with her foot so that the opening gets smaller, giving her some privacy to get changed.

    "Hey!" she calls out as she unhooks the towel, letting it fall to her ankles. "I heard that Tootsie Rolls contain trace amounts of the original batch. Can you believe that? You're eating like hundred year old candy, Nori!" She slips the oversized t-shirt over her head.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko takes advantage of the empty main room to change into something a little more comfortable herself.  Some hot lime green shorts and a loose, heather grey, tank, and light blue fuzzy terry socks.  Even if she can change faster than anyone could see or make out, there are some habits that never die.  Things ingrained by the typical consistent parental brainwashing that occurs in the course of growing up.

At Jubilation's hey, however, Noriko bolts to the door instinctually...and then bolts right back, but there's a flash of a trail of electricity in her wake, for whatever reason.  Noriko's certainly gotten better at controlling aspects of her powers, slooowly, more slowly than others, but it's only made the other factors that affect it that much more obvious, like someone broadcasting their heartbeat.

"100 year old candy tastes good," Noriko says quickly while her mouth is all stuck up with the Tootsie Rolls she's munching on.  She's the type to eat a glob of them at once.

And now she's got one of of those old communal baseball gloves she 'borrowed' from the school.  Why it is necessary to have it with her up in her room, Nori's never bothered to reveal of her own volition.  She's tossing it up in the air while laying down and catching it.  "Are you going caroling or are we going to try and ditch?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubes comes out of the bathroom wearing an oversized t-shirt, yellow of course, and some black short-shorts. It appears to just be an oversized shirt. The towel on her head has been re-done. "You got that right!" she exclaims with a smirk. Hundred year old candy IS good.

    Jubilee stands at the foot of her bed, extends both arms out to her sides, and then trust-falls onto the mattress dramatically. "Caroling?" Jubilee questions. She lets out a phfffttt sound, as if to dismiss the idea. After a long, painful silence, she shrugs. "I'll go if you go," she eventually decides. It was almost her motto when it came to Nori.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I think Jean or Ororo are going to make me," Noriko says with a frown and a shrug.  The ball spins up, then falls to the glove with a satisfying thunk-smack sound as it hits the pocket just so.  Her eyes trail Jubes and she rests the glove across her stomach.

"I didn't get you a present," Noriko admits outright.  "Just in case you were really excited to not get one, I figured I'd spoil it," she says with a broad, toothy grin.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Oh... I bet they said it would be 'for your own good' too, right?" Jubilee drones, rolling her eyes. She sticks one of her legs into the air, then the other, and arches her back -- just so -- to be flat as a board. It's as much of a handstand as one can do without actually doing one.

    "That's okay. I kept the receipt for yours," she jokes, turning her head to the side to smile back.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I don't know.  I've been getting increasing looks," because there's a status quo for the everyday threshold.  "I'm not sure if it's more a deterrent or something I did," because Nori doesn't keep track of that crap.  "I think they're going to spring it on us.  I say we hold out for the good bribes."

"You better," Noriko teases about the receipt.

"I mean I /can/ get you present, but I'm not going to lie to you like some idiot."  Noriko has all the time in the world to /get/ Jubes a present, even if she doesn't have the money for it.  "Let's just say I'm working on it."  Jubes gets way more information from Noriko than the curt manner she gives everyone else.

Noriko's always looked out for Jubes' acrobatic wiggle-worm tendencies, even if Jubes is a pro.  She never interferes with minor incidents that are likely to bruise Jubes' tailbone or the like though.  So naturally, her eyes flit back and forth as she keeps tossing up the ball.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubes holds her position in the handstand-that-isn't-a-handstand. She brings both hands to the small of her back and uses them to strengthen her form. "...Well," she says. "...If you gotta do it, I'll go with you!" She curls her back a little more and brings both feet behind her head.

    "Nori... You don't have to get me a present," she reminds. Jubilee brings her legs back down and lies down on the bed like a normal person. She sighs softly and then sits up. Jubes swings both legs around the side of her bed and sits on the edge, facing Noriko. "...Look..." she says, her tone shifting to something more serious. "I know you don't have the money to be buying presents and all that. Don't bother. I mean, I just wanted to, you know?" She lets out a lungful of air and watches her roommate for her reaction to this next part.

    "...This past year has been..." Jubes begins, thinking of the right words. "...It's been pretty great, you know? I just...wanted to get you something because..." The rest of the words don't come. These two were always 'on' so real talk was sometimes difficult. Eventually, Jubes grins and lets out a tuft of frustrated air. "Shut up!" she finishes with a toothy smile instead of finishing her thought. She's sure Nori gets the point.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Cool."  Then Noriko grins, her eyes lighting up in a more...thoughtful way, thoughtful for Noriko, which means there's always some kind of something afoot.  Whatever it is, she's not revealing.

"I know but I wanted..." she gets out quickly before Jubilee continues and immediately backs off to listen.  Noriko shrugs.  Oh god...feelings.  Jubes is expressing /feelings/, something Noriko obviously has avoided like the plague herself.  But curiosity wins out and the teen's eyebrows lift slightly.  "Awww, you have feeeeelings," she teases with a warm grin after flipping to her side, hand and elbow propping her up.

"Thanks for being so awesome," since they've met, which is implied.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Shut up!" Jubilee says again, trying to suppress her grin. She grabs a small handful of Tootsie Rolls and tosses them onto the other bed. Their room was already a disaster, so what was a few more? Jubilee climbs back onto her bed and turns to her side to face the other girl.

    "Told you I was!" Jubes says with a grin -- thanks for being so awesome. She opens her mouth, as if to say more, but stops. She lets out another sigh before shrugging, finding the words. "...I just...I'm glad we're friends is all. I'm glad you have my back," Jubilee adds. "So, I wanted to get you a present. SUE ME." Jubes turns so she's looking up at the ceiling. Why was this so hard?

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko catches every thrown Tootsie Roll in blur, just so Jubes can see it, and it compliments the shit-eating grin she wields afterwards, a quick little pause.

It's nice to not feel awkward and vulnerable for once, but then this isn't exactly one of those moments.  It's like looking over an edge and trying to catch your balance.  But then Jubilee keeps trying to explain, and Noriko begins to get one of those squinty suspicious looks that fades immediately.  "Yeah.  Me too."  Noriko's not making it easier on either of them.

"You don't know who I am anymore," Noriko remarks with an edge of sarcasm, trying to put Jubilee at ease while she looks for words.

"Just tell me."  Noriko is suddenly seated in a mirror position, hunched over with her elbows just above her knees and head cocked to the side.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Just tell you? I did!" Jubilee jabs, stubbornly. "I'm glad we're friends! I value our friendship! God!" She turns her head so she's facing Nori, making sure the other girl could see the smile on her face. She holds that position, mirroring Noriko's posture from the other bed.

    After an uncomfortable pause, Jubilee grins and throws another Tootsie Roll. "Forget it! You suck, Nori!" she exclaims with a laugh. "I should ask Jean for another roommate." She would never.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Seemed like you were trying to get more mouth diarrhea out," Noriko teases with a smirk.  Maybe she just wanted to keep poking at Jubes to milk more awkward out of the situation.  In any case, she smiles.  It's nice to make some good memories and shove out some of the bad.

Noriko catches, unwraps, and pops the Tootsie Roll into her open mouth as if somehow it magically unwrapped itself along the way.  These little touches seem worth it for Jubes (and her own private amusement), even if they've become more of a background thing for both of them.

"She'd give you a weird telepath for 'learning,'" Noriko says with a roll of her eyes, little tendrils of lightning spiking between her quote fingers.

"So, on to more important business.  Do you have a fake ID?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "My mouth butt is empty!" Jubes insists, grinning. She rolls onto her back again, staring up at the ceiling. Jubilee brings both hands onto her belly and threads her fingers together. She lies there quietly for a few moments until a tiny sparkle appears in the air, floating just a couple of feet above her head. It's purple, mixed with blue tones, and about the size of a golf ball. Sloooowly it floats across the gap between their beds, dangles suspiciously in front of Nori's face and then *pops* out of existance. Idle hands, devil's playthings.

    "Don't you think I'd tell you if I had a fake ID?" she demands.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"And you make me clean up all the mess."  No one cleans up this room, and Noriko isn't going to clean up the feelings either.  In spirit.  She leans back into a slump after grabbing her notebook.  She's moving at a light blur and notices the floating golf ball sized sparkle, but looks as if she's just flipping through to find her spot until it comes into vision.

Noriko smiles softly to herself and then looks up.

"You've been so busy flipping around, how would I know?" Noriko says with a wink, even if she knows right when Jubes says it.

"So, I say we take some people and go to the city for New Years...and tonight we should definitely get some help to pub crawl the teacher stashes."  Plaaaaans.

"We're going to need a lot.  I'm not sure how much I need to get drunk or anyone else."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "That's because you /make/ all the mess!" Jubilee protests. That wasn't true. She settles back against her pillow and tosses one of the Tootsie Rolls into the air, catches it, tosses it, catches it, and so on. Eventually, she grows tired of this and pops it into her mouth. The wrapper, unsurprisingly, is given an unceremonious toss into the air. It lands where it may.

    "Oh, yes, we absolutely must do that!" Jubes agrees happily. "But... I don't know about you. Our tests, so far, have been inconclusive. We need to find a nerd to figure out if the amount needed to get you drunk is less than a lethal dose..."

    Jubilee reaches for another Tootsie Roll and gives it the same toss, catch, toss, catch. "...I don't know why those dopes keep buying more and hiding it. After what we did last spring..." She lets out a phhhhfffff and unwraps the Tootsie Roll again. This time, she spurts out a few orbs of color, snaps, and sparkles, trying to do a slight of hand trick and disappear the wrapper. Instead of providing a nice distraction, the normally harmless fireworks ignite the wrapper. Jubilee holds it in between her thumb and index finger, staring at it slowly burn.

    "Woah.... Nori..."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Well you need new movement challenges.  I'm just trying to keep you alive out there," in the wide wide world.  Noriko just watches the wrapper float down like a trash-snowflake, popping back into the moment when Jubes starts talking.

"The only nerd I know is Dr. McCoy and some of those other freeloaders I guess.  Do you know anyone?"  Noriko shrugs, a little bit of a damper on her general expression as she mulls the problem over.  Sigh.

But the girl bounces back in an instant.  "Because they can't cope with us."

"What?  Did you get an idea?" she blurts out, unintelligible to anyone who isn't used to it by now.  Then she looks over to see the wrapper burning.  "Ooooooh.  Cool!  Let's go to the Danger Room!"  Of course she means /right away/.  "You're a fire-starter!" she sing songs as she zips out impulsively...and then a second later comes back.  "Come on!  We can burn our homework!"