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A Path to Choose
Date of Scene: 30 December 2020
Location: Historic Clocktower - Training Facility
Synopsis: A training session in the Clocktower turns into falling practice, and a bit of a test for Charlie. She passes very well, showing spirit more than actual skill. Hush, she's a good kid.
Cast of Characters: Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Cassandra Cain

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
It has been a bit over three months since her first match in that old boxing gym with Cass. Four crazy wild months for Charlie. She went from being a homeless orphan in Metropolis that was trying her best to fight crime like her idols to being in the company of them. Not just that though, she also got moved in with Barbara out of her burned out tenement she was squatting in and given money for new clothes and other things.

That doesn't mean her costume has fundamentally improved though, it is still a Spirit Halloween mock up of Batgirl. She did shuffle it up a bit though into a shirt she made which still has the classic blue and black but the symbol isn't a batgirl anymore, it is a bat-stylized-M for Misfit. She also has taken to pairing it with leggings and a denim skirt. The only real thing about it all is the real utility belt she managed to earn in the last three months by being relentless in her training, when she isn't at the school Babs has been making her go to.

Speaking of relentless training, she has been throwing herself into any training she can get especially from Orphan. Which brings us to the session in progress this evening.

One thing absolutely for certain, the girl has had training of some sort before Orphan and Barbara and crew, but it only seems to pop to the forefront under extreme duress or when Charlie isn't focused. It also seems to leverage her ability to teleport in ways like it was designed for it.

Charlie holds her hands up stepping away from Cass "One.. sec. I need some water." sweating profusely now with her lip split from the session so far.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra, in a tank top and sweat pants (bare feet) has been ruthlessly chasing Charlie around the training area for some time. The girl has more of the bruises that she's likely coming to expect; any time Charlie's guard became less than perfect she was reminded with another bruising strike in the appropriate spot. For a person who doesn't talk, Cassandra is damn chatty with those hands.

For all the damage, Cassandra is never unfair. She stops when Charlie asks, a little before it actually. She reads minds, she has to. There've been too many coincidences like that.

Still, Cassandra doesn't wave Charlie to go rest. She instead turn and leaps at the uneven bars, continuing her own training. I can keep going, she says by keeping going. I can still balance, she says, by flipping up and stopping, feet straight up, and then lifting one hand out to the side. Then she walks her hands around so she turns, doing a handstand on the bars, and watches Charlie from there. Waiting.

She's been trying to get Charlie to play on the bars for some time. It's enver seemed to be the right time though. Too tired, too focused on blocking, hands too full of cookie crumbs.

She even eats only vegetables, fish, and rice apparently. She almost WANTS to be hated as a trainer. And she watches.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie is breathing hard as she watches the ariel routine. There is just the faintest bit of slow shake of her right leg, working out a bit of a knot from a viscious kick to her calf right before the time out was called. Ah yes right now it is bruises on bruises.

No cookies right now really and water can probably wait. So for the moment the young woman below watches. Then she asks "Are we going to be learning how to balance and do flips on the bars ... or are we going to be battling while balancing...?" honestly she figures it is probably the first and then eventually the second. She knows it always leads to the second. She also tends to call it battling or fighting not sparring.

The thing is, the kid has a lot of potential. She is in way better shape than she has any right to be in for her age or teen metropolis lifestyle. This includes her reflexes, speed, stamina, and strength. Not supernatural or superhuman but, too good. Also she has been picking up the fighting techniques like a sponge, like she has done it before.

She clicks lightly with her tongue then steps and bounces vanishing from the floor wiht a slash of pink and purple smoke and steps from another slash of smoke instantly up on the bars with you, balancing carefully. With a side benefit of not being bruised to her core anymore.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra lowers herself til she's crouching on the bars. She has her hands between her feet, knees out wide, and seems calm and composed as she looks. She has never stopped Charlie from getting water, not ever in their lives together, but she is a -ginormous- showoff. Still, she usually has reasons for what she's doing.

She lifts her left hand, pointing upward. Admittedly the ceiling is not so high as all that, but whatever she's saying is likely involving 'up'. Then she looks up, and her face changes. She mocks terror, putting her hands to her cheeks, then points. Her eyes track something moving downward, and then she gets a firm, set look on her lips. Hero time.

Leaning backward she falls off of the bar, grabbing it in motion. She flips once, twice, then leaps. Her body arcs in the air and bounces feet-first off of the wall, grasping something, mimeing a capture midair. She arcs back toward the bars, having lost height, and reaches ont with her one free hand. She snags it with the one, doing a half-arc on the bar to turn her fall into a roll, and lands rolling, keeping her invisible captive safe.

She lands, she has one hand on her ...nothing...and one with a batarang in hand. Eyes looking about watching for targets. Then she looks at Misfit.

Stares at Misfit.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie watches from where she is balancing on the bar, very closely really when Cass mimes out the falling innocent person in need of rescue. Her eyes widen a bit then look up at the nothing then back down to watch Cass track the invisible person in need of heroics. The eyes get no less wide as Cass drops, flips to build momentum, uses it to parkour off the wall, and catch the invisible bystander tossed off the roof by some madman.

At least that is how Charlie imagines it went down.

What with the landing and staring now she whistles softly. "Okay.... that was impressive Orphan." While Charlie may act really cocky sometimes, but she in her own internal monologue is giving this whole thing about a seventy five percent chance of hurting, a lot.

She isn't totally foreign to the bars, they are in the training room and even without an acrobat working her through it all she has been around for months now trying to copy her idols, and some have even helped with it. "Okay..."

Here goes nothing.

She steps out balancing still, crouching down mimicking Cass. She points up into the 'sky' and well tracks it down, her timing is a bit off mostly because she doesn't have enough reference for how fast people fall. Still she is trying the routine blind like this it seems on faith that Cass thinks there is a lesson in this.

Still committed she drops down, manages to snag the bar and do the flips to launch herself at the wall. Unfortunately she hasn't quite got the level of parkour ninja training she needs for this move yet and while she doesn't just smack into it, she does rebound way off target and a little too hard "Ooof..." and then she flails a moment and cheats.

The teleporter vanishes with that slash of smoke, appears up a bit and to the right, where she had been aiming ... and then snags the invisible victim of the falling ands dying. She lets herself and the captive fall though. For some reason she doesn't keep cheating and try to just teleport down with the captive.

The landing is .. no where near as good as Cassandra's but she does manage to not break an ankle. The batarang isn't quite as in her hand in an instant but she does manage to get it out.

Yeah that stung multiple times.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra is there all right. She's there when Charlie is landing, and steadying her when she's about to slam into the pole instead of standing up right. She was ready for this, though her face is furious. -Furious-.

She slaps the batarang, clearly not caring about it. Whether it goes out of Charlie's hands isn't important, there is a different something on her mind. She says, "No!" opening her mouth for once, though really, the 'no' was probably evident in her face to anyone with half a brain at this point.

She points to her own eyes, two fingers pointing, then one finger. Watch me, it says. She turns, pointing to the bars. They she looks up at the ceiling, then a finger shows the falling person. She points to the bars, then a quick motion shows the to-the-wall-and-back. Like it's unimportant.

Then she motions, a come-along. And leaps at the bars. She nabs the bars with one hand, arm holding a...nothing, again. Then she does the simple falling arc, and roll. She gets up in position, then walks back to the starting point. Then does it again, perfectly. Then gets up, goes to the start. And looks at Misfit.

And motions. Try this part.

"This...save life," she says. She waves at the wall, the top of the bar, as if unimportant. Then points firmly at this point.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie doesn't protest the help steadying her, which is a good thing though she didn't break her ankle or neck she did land hard.

The furious expression and her batarang being slapped though confuses the hell out of the teenager, and causes a flinch which is not at all the way she usually reacts to adversity. Honestly, Orphan being angry seemingly at her is way worse of a punch than the sparring or slapping the batarang away onto the floor.

Also christ she said No... that.. jebus.

She looks very unsure but is watching wide eyed and close as Cass points and instructs like that. She walks over when gestured to come along and looks up.

She doesn't cheat this time, she leaps up to snag the bar and pulls herself upinto the starting position and watches the interplay. "Oh." she finally says blinking. "Just the .. bar part." blushing a good deal.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra nods firmly. She points to the wall, then waves at it disdainfully. The bar, pointed at hard. The nod is firm. She leaps from standing, not getting a running start, then flips and rolls in a safe landing.

Then she puts up a hand. A single finger hald up. Then she lifts a second, showing two, and points upward. She motions to the ladder on the wall, then points up. Her finger shows a path, up to a point above the bar.

One, two. One finger, she leaps for the bar from the ground, grabs the bar, saves herself and her victim. Then she goes to try it from the ladder, the higher position. She stares at Misfit, then does it once. She really wishes she had more words to use, having exhausted hers tonight, or very nearly so.

But when she gets up again, showing the harder version, she puts a "No," with a hand on the ladder. Then points to the lower point. Get this first.

She hasn't offered any other options, this is apparently what Charlie is doing this afternoon. A lot of falling and rolling, on mats. For now.

Next week she'll be doing it with a dummy in her arms, so yeah.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie seems to get it though at this point. She watches the whole one two routine with the bar and then the ladder, and then the gesture for the bar. Then the no with the ladder.

She nods and still blushing lightly. "Got it. Practice the bar." she glances down to the floor below and then to Cass. She nods again to make it very clear she got it.

Barring being told she is wrong or stopped. Charlie will stand on the bar, stretch, and then crouching down and then dropping to snag the bar with both hands, she uses the momentum to give herself a tiny swing and practices a one arm snag and then simple drop and roll when she hits the mat.

Right now she is focused on not hurting herself more than landing right with the invisible victim. Then again that is probably a next week problem.

She will continue this for the afternoon though under the instruction and corrections.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The only positive reinforcement that she gets, however, is the lack of a fierce stare. When Charlie expects correction, she gets none. Cassandra is climbing the ladder, apparently ignoring her as she does her own training. She's just climbing the ladder though, then going back down it. Even this, apparently, needs to be mastered.

It is obvious that if Charlie is effing up, Orphan will be there to smack her in the head, so she's ...probably doing right? The girl so rarely gives one of her smiles, treating Charlie like she's either hugely important or utter dog crap depending on the moment.

Yet as she goes up the ladder at full speed and down it, over and over, she always keeps the corner of her eye on her pupil. It's hard to see, but over time it becomes more and more obvious. She's not ever, EVER ignoring Charlie.

Then, after she's let Charlie get the basics down to a rhythm, she is unexpectedly standing over her at the end of the roll. Just standing there, with a hand out.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
After only the noises of the ladder and her own efforts on the bar and landing and then doing it again for so long, Charlie is a bit startled by the whole hand being offered to maybe help her up.

She accepts the hand putting hers in it cautiously though, like maybe this is surprise judo throw training for all she expects.

Which isn't horrible instincts honestly considering the training and trainers around here.

Once on her feet though she offers a wan smile. "So lots of this seems to be in the future." not upset, she is honestly just glad she understands.

Also the kid does need a break. She isn't admitting it but this has been an intense afternoon.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra puts water into Charlie's hand, then pushes her toward the showers. She gives that smile, but she gives it to Charlie's back. Charlie didn't quit when she went ballistic, even though she did do something particularly stupid to deserve it. She didn't quit when she was tired, earlier, and woman'ed up and kept going. Further, harder, even when she was thirsty and losing her focus. She kept going, and while the rolls were alright, they were never the point of the session.

Cassandra was aiming to see if Charlie would snap. So...Charlie gets a smile, but at her back. Then she herself is out the window in a single motion, leaping from the clocktower, arms spread into the air. As it catches her, and a half-remembered bar halfway down is spotted. If it weren't there, she could have died, but the lack of fear Charlie has, is something Cassandra shares.

And with a grab, a roll, and a flip, she lands on her feet, running. Because fuck gravity. We have skill, fearlessness, and good instructors.

So glad that Charlie has me. Damn I'm good.