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Latest revision as of 16:19, 1 January 2021

The Giant and the Fairy in a yard of dreams.
Date of Scene: 22 October 2020
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Albert Rothstein, Glamour

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein has been looking for some parts for his car, as well as a possible new project to restore and flip. The big man parked his car, and finds himself walking through the yard. He does not have much planned for today, so he is out in the deeper car stacks, place where others might not go or things may have been forgotten. He has a large toolbox with him and an empty back pack over his shoulders. A earbud in one ear, playing metal music as he walks, it can be heard slightly from the other bud hanging over his shoulder.

Glamour has posed:
There is rustling, of course. Junkyards are places where no small amount of wildlife takes shelter from the elements. And why not? They're full of hidey holes!

Rats and racoons and more are entiurely likely to be seen here. Then there's a shifting as number of empty paint cans topple nearby!

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein does stop to look over, but figures it is probably a cat, or maybe a cat chasing rats. He continues walking along. He will come up to one car that the back end is crushed, walks to the front and tries the hood, when it sticks. He will pull out a wrench poke it in to release the lock and with a bit of a skretch of metal that aint moved in a while man handle it open.

Glamour has posed:
Crash! CRASH!

More things arqe shifting. Bursting from the innards of a car is a blue, glowing light. It's hard to tell what the source, but the paiqr of wings sticking out from it are definitely weird to see. A moment later, something else bursts out, skittering down the ways. It looks like a large, feral cat... thing.

OIn closer inspection, it's definitely *not* a normal looking caqt, given the spider-legs sticking from its sides and the blood all over it. But it does have a certain feline-like- appearance over all. But... with more legs.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will turn and looks over "What the." When he sees the wings light, and then "That the double what." As he seems the cat-spider "What the hell is that thing." He says more to himself. He will move to turn towards both things, a wrench in his hand.

Glamour has posed:
...the horrible spider-cat looks at ALbert.

It just *looks* at him.

...and then horks up a hairball!

...no, wait. That's not a hairball. THSOE ARE A HORDE OF WIGGLING HAIR TENTACLES COMING STRAIGHT FOR HIM. Like it horked up its writhing innards and is aqttempting to grab him.

"CRAP," squeaks the fairy flying up above. At least it wasn't 'Hey! Listen!' or 'Hey! Look!'.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein brings the wrench around like a ping pong paddle to try to hit the mass back towards the critter "Ok little Blue, you talk, so what is that and why is it h acking up wormballs at me." He will call out. His other hand he reaches over and with a grunt rips the hood from the car he was messing with off.

Glamour has posed:
"HOLY CRAP," yells the tiny-winged-wonder as Albert just rips the hood off like that.

The cat-spider-worm thing, as those tentacles definitely look like worms and their tips open into circular maws of t eeth as they try to latch onto him. "I have no idea! It's some kind of monster! I... shrank to chase it! Hold on!"

Glamour spins around in the air, a twirl of glitter following the motion before there's suddenly a very-costumed-in-blue-spandex-and-glitter girl in the air above, dragonfly wings buzzing loudly. "I'ma punch it a LOT, though!"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will use the hood like a shied and says "You may want to be careful with that. He says to the girl, not seeming to be to bothered by her growing in size. He will start to try to back the creature more into a corner to get where he might be able to help deal with it.

Glamour has posed:
Glamour swings down towards it and a flying kick!

...and then it bats her away with a slashing spider leg.

She crashes into a pile of metal and is briefly left stunned, hitting the earth with an 'ow'.

More of those powerful tentacles batter against the make-shift shield that AL has, at this point, but they're getting stronger.

... and it's getting larger.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over the thing and says "You want to play that game?" He starts to grow as well, from 7 foot tall to 14 with not much more than a thought. He reaches over to grab a mopad frame and swats at the cat thing once the small girl is out of the way.

Glamour has posed:
The 'cat' skitters back as Albert's size more than matches it's own smaller growth spurt. It's clearly having to reconsider, and then there's a moped hitting it and sending it hurtling into the junk heap as well, opposite from where Glamour.

Glamour si no longer small, but she's definitely not as big as Albert is. She's a mere six feet tall here.

Giving her head a shake, she crwals out of the junk and then fles head first at the creature, rearing back to punch it quite hard. It's tentacle grabs her arm and and she skids to a halt, feet grinding in as she then gives it a sharp yank and and pills it from the debris, along with the debris it was holding onto. Seems she's quite strong herself.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will look over to the girl, and says "Do we squish the thing like a spider, or what?" He figures the fairy might have a bit better idea on how to deal with the cat-spider thing. I mean normally I wrap them up for the police, but this does not seem like one of those moments.

Glamour has posed:
"How the hell am I supposed to know?! Wait, did you grow? STOMP IT." She's busy struggling with gnawing-teeth-ont-tentacles.


Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will grow big enough again to step on the thing his foot big enough to cover it, and trys not to step on the girl as well. He will grind hhis foot down on the thing. He is glad they are farther back, maybe no one sees this.

Glamour has posed:
Something definitely... splats there. AFter a moment, the tentacles go slack and then drops from the fairy.

Then they begin to slowly dissolve into a horrible, viscious ooze that is going to be hard to get off the boot.

"...euggggh. What're the odds of meeting someone with powers here? Oh, wait. New York. Better than you'd think. Hi! I'm Glamour! Fairy-Themed-Superhero are your service. And thanks for the assist! I caught this thing trying to eat pets and chased it back here."

She steps back.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will scrape his foot off on the tailgate of a pick up truck, and then starts shrinking back to his normal seven and a half foot tall. "Albert, he offers or Nuklon."He offers, knowing he is out of costume, but lets face it a red headed mohawked superhero of his size, not the most secret secret id.

Glamour has posed:
"Oooh. Yeah. I think I've seen you like on TV!"

Glamour waves her hands back and forth. "Well... nice meeting you? I'd ask for an autograph but I don't have any pcokets."

She plucks at her blue spandex costume.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein chuckles a bit and says "Doubt I am famous enough for autographs, but so you know, a belt with a few patches are handy or pockets on the insude of your wait line for small things, Like some cash, or credit cards."

Glamour has posed:
" ... maybe I ought to jury-rig something... "% r
Glamour lays a finger across her chin in thought, then shrugs. Her wings buzz.

"ALl right. I'm almost outta time, so I should.. you know... get going! Monster squished for justice! Yay!" She eyes.

"It's ... definitely okay to squish monsters." She almost spounds like she's searching for approval here.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks tot he smaller woman and says "Monsters that seem to not be able to be reasoned with yea, but if other ways than killing something try those first." He offers and waves to her wiping his foot again on a bumper.

Glamour has posed:
"Well, yeah," smeeaaaar goes the remains of the horrible thing on the bumper.

"That sounds about right. I just didn't wanna ... violate the code, you know!"

The code?

Anyway, Glamour takes off into the air. "Nice meeting you! It was a great team up!"

... and then she's off. She has to get out of here before her magic runs out.