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Latest revision as of 16:19, 1 January 2021

A say at the garage
Date of Scene: 07 October 2020
Location: Rothstein Repair
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Albert Rothstein, Marc Spector

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein is out at his garage today. He is arranging the place as he has just rented and set up the place recently. Today, he is putting his tools into three different area, mostly automotive, mostly flying vehicles, and an island of tool boxes in the middle where things that are common for both types of jobs. There is some metal playing a band called van canto, that does an interesting mostly acapella on metal.

Marc Spector has posed:
Normally Marc Spector (in his guise as Jake Lockley) would be taking the sputtering taxicab back to his place to work on it himself, or with Frenchie, but when traipsing around out in Bludhaven so far off his normal New York routes, he has to make due with the first available mechanic he can find. Luckily he stumbled upon this place as the thick, black smoke starts to pour from the engine compartment.

Coughing and sputtering from the acrid smoke, Jake exits the cab and kicks the door closed. "Stupid machine! Hello?! Anyone here?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will come out as he hears someone coming up towards the bay. He will come walking towards the doorway "Yea, I am here." The huge man says as he walks up. He looks over at the cab and winces a bit with a soft whistle.

Marc Spector has posed:
Reaching up and scratching at the bushy mustache, Jake thumbs towards the cab and shrugs a shoulder and says in a think New York accent, "As you can see, I got myself a bit of a problem here. Had a faire out this way, and while the money is good the wear and tear seems to have been a bit much, yaknow? Think she blew a gasket. You handle stuff like that, or you strictly birds?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will walk on over moving to pop the hood, and have a look as he says "I work on both more often the cars have some connection to the birds, but I am willing to give it a look, see what is wrong, give you an idea on what it would take to get her going again." He will point over to his car, I rebuilt her, if that helps reassure you.

Marc Spector has posed:
Reaching up and pulling off the newsboy cap he wears, Jake scratches at the top of his head and shrugs his shoulder again, "Hey man, if you can get her going again enough to at least get me back to New York, I'll be in your debt. I can't imagine the cost of a tow from out here, so have at it."

He looks over at the car, giving a whistle. "Ya did, huh? Well, then you likely know what you are doin'. Me? I know nothing about cars other than driving them. That's what I do, I drive cabs. Name's Jake. Jake Lockley."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods his head and reaches over offering his hand "Albert Rothstein or Al if you prefer." He offers a strong grip, but does not try to crush the other man's hand "You own the hack or rent it?" He asks about the cab. "Get in and stir her while I push ya up onto the lift." He suggests.

Marc Spector has posed:
Jake's grip is strong as well, stronger likely than most cabbies might have but nowhere near as strong as Al's could be. "Own. She's mine, bought and paid for. I try to keep her clean, Al, so I ain't to sure what is going on here."

Jake opens the door and leans in to put a hand on the steering wheel to guide the car and help push. "Ok, let's do this."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will push the car, and Jake will realize he aint doing much more than stirring as the big man does seem strong. He hmmms, a bit, and will ask, how many miles, she has on her, a bit about the last services that have been done. "Even with proper maintenance, sometimes there are just flukes that happen." He offers to reassure him a bit.

Marc Spector has posed:
"Almost 150k, but I keep her maintenance up. She ain't ever let me down before." Jake says with a shrug as he brushes his hands off on his jeans. Jake eyes Al for a moment, giving the strongman a once over. "Hopefully it looks worse than it is because all that black smoke didn't look so good."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein uses the lift to look under the car. He hmms a bit and says "Ok, looks like you blew a "Looks like ya may have blown a head gasket, I can try using a sealant see if it fixes it and maybe enough to get you back into the city, or I can spend the day fixing it and make sure your not going to have any more problems.

Marc Spector has posed:
Checking the watch on his wrist, Jake lets out a little sigh. "Yeah, way my luck is today the sealant will blow halfway back to the City and I'll be stuck on the side of the road somewheres I don't want to be stuck on the side of the road. Go ahead and give her some love." The cabbie smirks, "And here I thought taking a trip out this way was going to be a decent faire. Now it is just going to cost me more than I made. Aint that the way of things?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein offers the man a smile and says "It would have blown on you at some point. The good faire is a good think it will help pay for the repair, and got you to a place where it can be fixed today. Look on the bright side of things. He will lower the car to get started on the repairs as they talk.

Marc Spector has posed:
"True, true," Jake nods as his takes up a position leaning against one of the walls as Al starts to work. "I guess at times like these you gotta look at the silver linings in things, yeah? Could have been worse, for sure."

"So, you fly as well, or just fix the brids?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and says "Yea, mostly choppers though. He offers in answer to the question about flying. Private planes I can generally fly but small ones or commercial are a bit cramped for me."

Marc Spector has posed:
Jake nods, removing a half-smoked cigar from the inside pocket of his coat, placing the chewed end between his teeth. "Choppers huh? How did you take that up as a hobby? You a vet or something?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein shakes his head, and says "Dad was a pilot, mom works for NASA, always been around things that go fast and fly. Choppers as I said fit a bit more than planes for me. How long you been driving a taxi?"

Marc Spector has posed:
"Oh, going on a little over a decade now I think? I don't recall exactly when I first started, but something close to that."

Jake looks over at Al, and nods. "You are a big one. Life can't be easy for someone your size. Just be glad you aren't over in Japan. Been there once. It was not made for people over 6 feet."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein chuckles a bit and says "I would probably have to find out where the Sumo guys hung out and hope it was good enough." He grins. The big man works quickly, and says "Here can be difficult at times, part of why I set up an apartment here."

Marc Spector has posed:
'I can imagine. What are you, like seven feet tall or something like that? Your mama grew you big, man." laughs Jake, reaching into his pocket to produce some matches. "I bet you have to get everything custom made? Shoes, clothes, a bed..." he chuckles.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and says "Seven and a half, yea, either that of go to the places where the NBA guys shop." He offers with a smile. "Big and Tall can get close sometimes, but yea sometimes, have to get things special made.

Marc Spector has posed:
"And here I thought I was tall at 6'2"," jokes Jake as he goes to light his cigar. "I mean, I guess at least in this day and age with some of the folks out there it is probably a bit easier to find things for a guy your size. I mean, you got folks that shrink and grow out there like that Ant dude. Someone has to clothe him, right? Someone should market all that. Make a killin."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein chuckles a bit and says "Possible, maybe a weird and mishappen instead of a big and tall?" He asks, He looks about and finds the right part to fix the cab, and is back under the hood pretty quickly "Probably have to find a nicer name though."

Marc Spector has posed:
"Ha! Weird and mishappen. Nice." Jake says as he puffs away on the cigar, "Not exactly going to draw in the customers, unless they are those Addams family types. It might bring those in just for the name. Yeah, I wonder if there is some kinda secret underground tailor that does all that stuff, or if they all do it themselves. Like did all these hero types get sewing skills with their powers? I don't think so, am I right? Someone has to make them all, and whomever that is was smart to grab that market."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein smiles and says "The real way to find all the heroes and villains. Quiz all the tailors in the tri-state area." He will continue working on the car. "I am just glad we got the heroes, must be a pain on repairing the costumes too."

Marc Spector has posed:
"I could only imagine." Jake says with a shrug of his shoulder. "Rough on ones clothing I reckon. With the beatdown I have seen some of them take on the news, it's a miracle they have anymore than scraps left as it is."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will finish up with the repair, and says "Ok, gotta top off her fluids, and such but it should be good for the next 150k miles. I take pride in the work, so it is done right."

Marc Spector has posed:
"Hey! Great!" Jake says as he pushes off the wall, taking the cigar and stubbing it out on the sole of his boot. "I really appreciate it man! How much this gonna run me? You're a bit out of the way, but if she holds up like you say maybe I will be making you my regular guy."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein gives the price and while it is a bit steep, it aint as bad as most places would charge for it . "I can give ya one of my cards if you like, but as long as ya keep the maintenance up, the rest of the engine looked good."

Marc Spector has posed:
Letting out a low whistle, Jake sighs and reaches into his back pocket for his wallet, "Well, that's fair. I mean it was a rush job and everything." Jake takes the card and reaches into his wallet, replacing it with a wad of bills, more than a cabbie should likely carry on him at any given time, and counts out the cost plus extra, folds it, and pushes it into Al's hand. "Here, for your troubles."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein does count it, not a sign of disrespect but it is a job. He will ask him if the extra was intentional, and grabs a pad to write up the receipt for his records. Anything else ya need?"

Marc Spector has posed:
Shaking his head, Jake smiles. "Nope, I think we are all good here. Thanks for getting me back on the road so quickly! It was a pleasure to meet you, Al, though I wish it were under better circumstances."