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Latest revision as of 16:20, 1 January 2021

Of Toys and Orphans and Spiders
Date of Scene: 29 September 2020
Location: Financial District
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Winslow Schott, Cassandra Cain, Gwen Stacy

Winslow Schott has posed:
Markov's Diamond Wholesaler's was one of the bigger jewelry stores in the Financial District. It was a two story building that was built like a fortress, thanks in part to it's owner, The Markov Diamond Corporation, a Russia based chain of stores and similar wholesalers. This wholesaler usually purchased raw stone and cut them themselves to ship to stores all over the country. However, they have recently gotten their hands on something unique, a very valuable set of Sapphires known as the Three Sisters. The Three Sisters were found in Sri Lanka and were carved into beautiful shapes and places inside a ring, a brooch, and a necklace. For years they drifted from owner to owner until until ending up in the hands of the Markov Corporation, who sold it in a auction to a wealthy businessman in Coast City. The Sapphires were meant to stay in the wholesalers temporarily, until they could be shipped to Coast City. The Sapphires were kept under tight security and their arrival was kept a closely guarded secret. However, they did not anticipate on a certain Toy-themed villain figuring out about the Sapphires and wanting to claim them for his own.

A blue van drove through the streets of NYC, eventually stopping in front of the Wholesalers. Suddenly, a large, muscualr, bald man with a handlebar mustache wearing a red lab coat comes out of the van and starts to haul out large, almost comically oversized Jack-in-the-Boxes. Once the boxes were set up, which took the large man about two minutes to do so, five more men came out of the van and began to stand on the boxes. Once the large man got on his box the ringleader of this heist, a short, thin man with pale skin, a mop of black hair, bags under his eyes, and a black mustache turns to the rest of the crew and says with a Bulgarian accent,

"Remember what Schott said. We are only here for Sapphires, nothing more."

Suddenly, the cranks of the boxes suddenly started to move by themselves, playing Pop Goes the Weasel as they do. Suddenly, the Boxes pop open, revealing flat platforms causing, no doubt much to the surprise of those observing, the six men to fly up into the air onto the roof of the store. Once on the roof, the men made their way to the roof access door and one of them pulls out what appears to be q squirt gun. The man then chuckles sinisterly as he squirts the door knob, melting it off. The men then slip into the store.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Not my home, not my problem. That was a choice that Orphan made at one point in her life, and the entire situation seems to fit into that category now for her too. She watches the ongoing event from a shadowed section of the street; Batgirl sent her here for clothing, she's NO idea why, and things always seem to go wrong when she's around.

The pop-up of the boxes was cute. She wasn't expecting it. In fact, the entire thing looked comical to her as the men stood there, expecting to leap into the air and she had no idea how it was going to happen, so she kind of got a giggle out of the whole thing.

Still, crime is crime. And she isn't sure she should just ignore it, even if they aren't stealing anything important. People have these stupid ideas of what's valuable. Rocks. Money.

If they were just trying to hurt someone, she thinks. Still. She wanders up to the front door, scans it with her eyes, and then shrugs and pulls out a few tools. A minute later she's inside the building, the alarm having already been disabled by then by the crooks, and considering how to go about this.

An asian lady, middling height, who just picked the front lock like it was cheese. On THAT place. Oh yeah, that'll stick out a bit.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
New Titan, not so much a new Heroine, Gwen was out on patrol. The white-clad spider gracefully made her way between the skyline of buildings and swept over neighbourhoods in that time-honored tradition of patrol. It was nice working with a team, but that didn't mean a little 'solo work' wasn't what she was far more accustomed to!

Those boxes were a neat gimmick, but seeing a bunch of armed thugs suddenly catapulted onto a rooftop was...kind of noticable to the perceptive spider. Eyes widening behind her mask she twisted acrobatically, flinging her arms out to fire a pair of weblines and course-correct towards the building. The arc of the swing had her finding a moment to read the lettering of the signage, putting things together even before she touched down.

People with 'toys' heisting diamonds? It was weird when she could say that wasn't a new one!

Winslow Schott has posed:
As the six men made their way towards where the Sapphires were kept, they tried very hard to keep the noise down. After all, if they were caught, not only would Mr. Schott be quite disappointed in them, but they would most definitely end up in jail, and for half of them, who were already convicted felons, another visit to Ryker's was not an option. However, they failed to account for the fact that there was a security guard and only found out when they bumped right into him. The guard immediately pulls out his pistol and was about to say something, before being suddenly finding himself getting hit by a very hard Yo-Yo being held by the Bulgarian. The force was strong enough to send the man flying over the railing and landing on a diamond display right at the entrance of the store, in front of Cassie. As the sound of breaking glass was heard,the Bulgarian suddenly shouts out,

"Find Sapphires now!"

The men then scatter all over the second story display area, hoping to find the coveted jewels they were sent to find.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra frowns. She's near to the guard quickly, checking on him as well as she can. Which is VERY well, she barely had to glance to tell how badly hurt he is, and a quick check tells her how much medical help the man needs. This isn't the way she wanted things to go; if she'd taken it seriously, the man wouldn't have been hurt at all!

Annoying. And my fault.

She settles the man as well as possible, taps her earpiece in a way that's meant to signal for medical help, then pulls up her hood. Which means she's getting serious.

And then she vanishes into the shadows, going on the hunt. Silence is her way, not quipping or frontal assaults. So she seems to almost teleport to the second landing, then starts to hunt.

And, with her ears peeled, to listen. Who's here? How many?

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Linked systems in her mask were almost certainly going to detect the outgoing alarm of the shattered displays and cases as surely as the police would...but Gwen wasn't exactly going to wait that long. Touching down on the rooftop in time to hear the shattering and spot the scattering men, the hooded silhouette of the Ghost-Spider crouched down and lept high, gracefully taking to the shadows of the ceiling. She wasn't trained like the Bats, but the Spider knew the value of attacking from the unseen.

Shifting to try and spot one unobserved by the others, Gwen extends her arm and flicks the selector on her webshooters. A quick 'shot' of webbing to silence her target and another to pin them to the floor, Gwen was obviously trying to take out as many as she could before things kicked off.

Apparently focused on the mooks and not threatened enough to trigger her senses, she hadn't -noticed- Cassandra yet.

Winslow Schott has posed:
As Orphan made her through the shadows of the second floor, she would hear the sounds of six footsteps, and the occasional sounds of shattering glass, and swears of frustration. It appeared they were looking for something, but what? Meanwhile, Gwen's unlucky victim was a tall, skinny man wearing a beanie along with his lab coat. He let out a muffled cry of surprise when he was webbed. He was then silently pinned to the ground.

Cassie would suddenly hear footsteps quickly approaching as the huge man with the handlebar mustache emerges from out of nowhere, wielding a shotgun. He seemed oblivious to you as he lets out a quick swear and says to himself,

"Damned sapphires!"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Sapphires? Cass doesn't even know what the word really means, not being much of an English speaker, but the men are rather obviously looking for something. She hears something a bit odd, a noise that doesn't fit. The cry of surprise; she's used to those. Nightwing is kind of a master of it. Someone else is here.

Now, is it a friend...or not?

She watches. Where are they looking? The pattern is often enough; she can tell that a man is about to be alone, and with a sigh and a mental ward against stupidity, goes to that room. And waits, until the man is alone as predicted.

And then there's one less twit to deal with.

But she's certain that there's somebody here, darnit! Super sneaky though. They're good.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Shiney gems for badguys to take was pretty much up there with Bank notes as motivations for criminals, but that didn't make them any less dangerous. Asside from the obvious shotgun, the toys made them unpredictable and Gwen was in no hurry to be splashed by acid either. Dropping soundlessly from the rooftop, Gwen moves near one of the cabinets, practically crawling along the floor with speed only really possible thanks to her abilities.

A glimpse perhaps, a slip of white and pink moving that Cass might spot while Gwen attempts to size up her next target she can web down.

Eventually they'd notice their buddies getting webbed up, but at least there wasn't any hostages here to complicate matters!

Winslow Schott has posed:
Luckily for both Gwen and Orphan, they were not detected. The big man Orpahn was after suddenly broke away from the group and made his way to the next room, where he suddenly pulled out a cigarette and began to smoke it. Meanwhile, another one of the goons, a short, burley man with a goatee and glasses stops in front of Gwen's hiding spot and pulls out a cellphone shaped like a plastic toy phone. After standing around for a moment, he suddenly clears his throat and says in a Texan Drawl,

"Don't ya worry now Mr. Schott. We is looking for them sapphires as we speak. Don't know why you need em though."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Orphan sighs. This is ridiculous, and there could be more guards. The place is well protected, no way it's just got the one. She knows how they work; her father taught her all about security systems. So. Time to move up the game plan.

When she lands on the guy she's chosen, smokey McGee, she makes it loud. She lets him know that he's been attacked, she overbalances him and then tips over a table. Then she punches him in the jaw, after the noise has reached epic levels.

Then she walks into the door frame and waits. Hood up, face concealed...arrogance making her cocky. She waits. Literally tapping her foot, as she looks for the twits that she's going to deal with momentarily.

After all, there's no way to deal with a group of bad guys than to give them a target, is there?

Better her than whoever else is here. Someone could get hurt!

Gwen Stacy has posed:

The cellphone is taken and quickly thrown aside, webbed to the ceiling before it completes its arc. "He'll call you ba-" the Spider begins her quip, but the sound of the impact the next room over had her blinking, turning her head in that direction. Of course, that didn't mean she wasn't paying attention to her target! Almost casually she quick-shots another gagging glob of webbing before twisting, sweeping the legs out for under goatee man and then weblining his legs to the ceiling. She'd let the heister dangle for a while, the cops would be here soon enough that the guy wouldn't be in any real danger!

Winslow Schott has posed:
The large man lets out a hard, very pained grunt as he is suddenly taken rather brutally by Orphan. Meanwhile, the man with the cellphone hears the crashing and turns, only to have his phone snatched away. Suddenly, he is webbed up as well. As the man dangle in the air, you can almost hear what sounds like buzzing quickly approaching the building as the sounds of footsteps fill the air.

Suddenly, as the form of a scrawny tall man fills the doorway where Orphan is hiding, something crashes through the windows of the store. It is a fleet of 10 toy biplanes, complete with miniature pilots. The planes fly towards Gwen and begin to open fire with real machine gun bullets. Meanwhile, the front door of the store is blown open and a three toy tanks rumble in and begin to make their way up the stairs.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Hiding? Well, it is dark. Still, Orphan was standing in that same doorway. She idly sidesteps and trips the easy target offered to her, putting him to the ground before he gets hurt...and just in time, as the planes start to make all of the noise. A quick tap to the side of his head makes certain that he won't get up and get himself shot, then she peers out.

She looks up and sees the figure in white, then looks at the incoming planes. Glances down at the tanks, and actually blinks. Back up the lady in white, and visibly shrugs?

Then she gets behind something, opening drawers to look for things she can throw. A fork, someone's forgotten tools, and a painting all get pulled down. You use what you got!