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Latest revision as of 16:22, 1 January 2021

Crocs are Out of Season
Date of Scene: 18 September 2020
Location: Robbinsville - Bleake Island
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Meggan Puceanu

Dick Grayson has posed:
It is patrol night, not long after bar close. Tonight Red Robin drew the short straw and is stuck with Nightwing as his patrol partner this evening. It is a bit of an unorthodox route, instead swinging by Robbinsville, just what the system spat out for traveling today to possibly spot some issues, though hopefully no Talon teams. Nightwing perches on a roof looking over the street, both taking a moment to rest, but also to stake out the area to watch for those who might be departing bars at bar close for Thirsty Thursday.

On the streets below, some children, all wearing green cloaks or coats, make their way through the crowd emmanating mischief and fear to those who could pick up on it, grabbing wallets, pocketbooks, etc. and are all making their way to a nearby sewer grate once they think they have sufficient loot. They mostly appear to be successful until one slips and drops a bracelet, though they seem quick to grab it and hurry towards the sewer, while the previous owner yells "Hey! That little brat took my bracelet!"

Tim Drake has posed:
<<Pickpocket hobbits,>> Red Robin says with annoyance. He's also up high, far enough away the emotive aspects of the cloaked 'children' don't reach him. <<If they tried this on Migani, they'd be dead kids. Should we go put a scare in them so they don't end up picking the wrong pocket later, Nightwing?>> He waits on his own perch across the way for Dick to make the call.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Robbinsville boasts enough nightlife to keep young people out well after bedtime. Between the floating pleasure palace, the cheap greasy spoon diners, clubs and comedy spots, it draws a healthy number of party-animals ready to drink and dance the night away. All of that means easy marks, especially among the buzzed and high guests who stumble from one basement to the next neon light that might be open. Among them is most decidedly not Meggan, simply trying to escape the Paradise Limelight after her shift. Throwing on a light coat to keep the clammy coolness of impending autumn at bay may be unnecessary strictly but it helps to repel the dampness to the air and covers up the sort of clubby wear required by work. Being a bartender in a t-shirt doesn't fit the futuristic feel of the place.

The girl weaves around another clump of people stuck together, leaning on one another. "Pardon me," she murmurs, squeezing past without brushing up against the grabby fratboys. "Ugh." She probably looks like a reasonably easy mark for those sprogs snatching up shiny objects, expensive smartphones, rings. Joke's on them! The only thing of apparent value on her is literally in her grip, a cheaper smartphone. Or the bone combs in her air. Having slightly sharper hearing (pointy ears!) might pick out the 'hey' and she tilts her head.

Dick Grayson has posed:
One of the kids near Meg nearly bumps into her, though empty-handed, fear evident in his emotions as he dashes away towards the manhole, muttering, ". He is among a few others trying to make his way there before the police show up. The lady who had her bracelet stolen is pointing towards the sewer entrance, "He went that way!"

Nightwing looks over as Red Robin calls out over comms <<Sounds like a plan>>. He begins making his way down the building towards the sewer, though many of the kids have already descended.

Tim Drake has posed:
<<The sewers? Oh come on, kids,>> Red Robin grumbles over comms as he sees where they are skittering to, even as he drops off the building he's on, letting his grapple line slow him to a easy stop on the sidewalk below. He tucks the line back away, his scowl very visible despite the mask. <<Have I ever mentioned how much everything under the ground on these islands are //not// my favorite?>>

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
The sewers earn a confounded look from Meggan, and she casts off the weariness of far too long a day to stare blankly at the lady. "That's awful, ma'am." Getting a surface level read of concern absolutely reinforces the need to act, worry percolating through her unshielded thoughts and finally settling on that determination to be of some use. "Was it one of the people in the hoods?"

Catching pickpockets may be less trouble than it seems, considering her upbringing. Travelers and the reputation of being thieves and all. Hugging her coat tighter, she looks around and then, seeing no immediate response of citizens rushing into the sewer, her expression turns into a universal 'why me?' Fine, time to go see. "You should call up a constable, just to be sure, ma'am." As if that works in Gotham. It's a trudge even for the lightfooted.

Dick Grayson has posed:
<<They actively try to make things far more miserable for you,>> Nightwing says over comms, <<It is all the master plan.>> Just a little sarcasm, <<To be fair, not a fan, either.>> The elder Batling though soon is on the ground and into the sewer, though it takes a moment for his darkvision to kick on. Though a sound of splashing, but no light, makes the sewer a bit eerie. <<I think they went that way?>> Dick says, pointing towards the echo.

The lady whose bracelet was stolen nods to Meggan, "Yes, the little brat went that way, into the sewer!" A beat, "Damned kids," she mutters as she rubs her wrist where the bracelet was. "I will do so," she says to Meggan as she reaches for her phone and then lets loose a string of expletives, "They took my phone?!"

Tim Drake has posed:
ed Robin drops down into the sewers, giving his mask a moment to kick darkvision in. <<Seems like it,>> he agrees with his 'older brother'. He reaches into his side pouch, pulling out a small tube of clear ointment and taking a moment to rub a dab of it under his nose. The smell of rot and foulness is awful, but at least his stomach won't be churning while he's down here. He flicks out his staff, letting out a quiet sigh as he tucks the ointment away (unless Dick wants some, in which case he lets him have a bit before putting it away). <<After you.>>

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan pulls her hair closer to her nape with both hands, but it's a lost cause trying to keep it all bundled up. A bun wouldn't help any, and she cannot afford to dislodge the combs. Reaching the entrance of the sewer, she has to remove the cover quietly to get down there, but the children clearly did so. Stench and noxious sewer gasses might be toxic, but she has limited concerns. Disgusted face pulled as the first unpleasant miasma seeps out, the blonde clambers down with the least amount of contact possible.

Lacking anything like a ledge, she might have to clamber through the water, but forget that! Nothing like cheating a little to float just above the surface. Otherwise, she can trudge along on the cement shelf in search of scurrying thieves. Her pupils go wide like a cat's in the process. C'mere, kiddos, where -are- you...? Birds of a feather and all.

Dick Grayson has posed:
<<At least it's just these kids,>> Nightwing says, not saying what else could be down here, lest he tempt the wrath of whoever might want to inflict wrath upon them. He uses his own ointment, to keep his stomach from lurching. Though his sticks are now out and makes his way down the tunnel, "Let's see who all is down here."

The sound to each of the two groups seem to bring them towards a central point, where stands a one-eyed man accepting the loot from the children, sorting it into various bags. When the empty-handed child comes forward, he hangs his head and says, "I'm sorry, but we were spotted.

"NO excuses! This is your first failure, just know how much I have given you, and how much I can take away! Let this be your warning," the one-eyed man says and gestures to the others and the would-be thief shuffles off to join the others, while the queue continues dumping loot into the hands of who appears to be the boss. The children all appear to be between eight and fourteen, all in green cloaks or hoodies.

Tim Drake has posed:
<<Yeah, I'm not okay with some creepy guy using kids as slave labor.>> And that's when Red Robin palms and then hurtles a sparking Batarang (taser flavored) directly at the one-eyed man. His lips are drawn into an angry, tight line. This guy is going to jail and these kids are going to get some help.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
How much further is the Englishwoman behind the two Batlings? She's a quick moving figure down there, for all that she avoids the water. Once or twice, Meg looks back, sharply drawn to slimy wastewater shot by debris and nameless effluents. Best not to think too hard on that. Darkness shrouds them and no point calling unnecessary attention to herself as she hears the voices of children and a definite adult up there.

Shrinking back against the wall, she creeps forward with greater care, more a wraith cast in tawny shades. A quick survey of items doesn't give her much to toss. The phone isn't an option, either, but she has a pen and a small box from work. Pulling out the pen, she takes a breath and unsnaps the cap. First moment, considering where to toss it...

Dick Grayson has posed:
The Sewer King takes the taser batarang to the shoulder, but his heavy garb dulls the shock and as he drops to his knees, his gloved, insulated hand is able to extract it, "Damn, YOU WERE FOLLOWED?!" he says to the children, that soon scatter. He looks to the water and says, "Well, my minions. It seems that today dinner comes to you!" And with that, ominous shapes rise to the surface, tire-like hide and snouts now visible that are moving on the trio, both from the main room, and now some from behind, the cold-blooded critters having followed the potential morsels, and now moving in a pincer motion. "This will be your last moments, hope you enjoy them!" The Sewer King calls out.

Dick snarls and does not activate the taser button on his batons, seeing the water and says, "Well, crap." He turns around and sees a familiar face, but one that he has not seen while wearing the mask. Meggan. "Hey!" He calls out and then turns to Tim, "We got trouble and a civilian behind us." With that, he moves to intercept the crocs in the rear.

Tim Drake has posed:
Red Robin snarls wordlessly as crocs rise from the sewer water. "I swear, this place needs dredged," he growls, using his staff to land a hefty, two handed *TWHOCK!* on the nose of the nearest one before his boot then lands on it right after, stomping nose and then landing on the croc's back. "Take care of the civilian, Nightwing," he calls to Dick, thrusting the staff down into the water beside the croc he's standing on and kicking off, firmly kicking a second croc right in the face.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"It's bloody Victorian London." That statement coming from the blonde lighthouse-keeper finds her finally entering the milieu, notably with one of those monstrosities emerging from the water. Well, not exactly easy for them to do when she closes her fist around the pen and demonstrates how a cheap biro can be used to inflict significant damage. The metal point facing outward, she darts forward to the nearest croco-jerk and shows none of the particular finesse that Red Robin or Nightwing do for engaging.

Simply stepping into the fray and lashing out with a closed blow right for the throat, on the other hand, has its direct benefits. The pen might shatter into splinters otherwise, but she buries the body of it straight into the crocodilian's neck, and slams her open palm into its chest from the other side in a classic shove direction. Pretty basic move, except it sends the thing flying. "Worry about the children," she calls back as another crocodile-thing snaps at her, and she bares her teeth at it. "They're the ones at risk. But thank-- hey!" Teeth in her sleeve? Oh, not sporting, as the thing snaps and runs her into the wall. Its loss; she wraps her arms around its snout and holds tight so it can't open it.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"That's the plan, Red Robin," Nightwing says before the 'civilian' renders the crocodilian threat moot. "Status on the kids?" He calls back, when the croc is soon upon Meggan, but before Nightwing can move, he too is set upon, though this one is unable to snag Nightwing's arm, it still nearly takes him down, save for a hasty leap back and he spends the next few moments smacking it with his escrima sticks, trying to avoid the toothy maw, though eventually he takes a page from Meggan's book and after hastily stowing his sticks, he is able to use a bit of his grapple cord to wrap around the croc's mouth, though Dick steps on a loose piece of silt and is at risk of losing his footing, and his grip on the cord holding the mouth shut.

The Sewer King snorts, "Very well, intruder." He says to Red Robin, now only he and a croc that have since joined him on the little island that provides what minimal dryness can be found in the sewer intersection. "You wish to test your mettle, then try it! You have vexed me for the last time!" He turns and takes up what appears to be a quarterstaff and drops into a defensive position, turning to the tunnels to call for the children, "Run home, I will be back soon." Though when he turns back to Red Robin, his one eye only shows malice.

Tim Drake has posed:
"I have been," Red Robin kicks off another of the crocs' faces, "known to be vexing," he agrees with the Sewer King as he lands solidly on the minimally dry island, immediately bringing his staff down onto the snout of the croc besides the villain in front of him, then bringing it back up defensively in front of him, scanning the man in front of him with his HUD.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"I don't feel like being very nice," Meggan whispers. All sharp-edged words to really get the point home, as she shoves the crocodile back and releases her arms just to see whether it feels like cooperating or consistently prove to be a headache. Those bright green eyes flash, displeased, and she bounds into the middle of the horrible wastewater flow in time to look back over her shoulder and see where Nightwing and Red Robin are in relation to her. Sewer King can wait; she is quicker about retreating, closing the distance to them without turning her back. "Hand over the cord to free your hands up?"

Tactics really aren't her strong suit. The strong point there is just that, bursts of quick movement and taking the crocodilian blows if necessary. Getting her arm blocks one of them, anyway. "/Vexing/. Big words for a child abuser."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Tim's scans will notice nothing special, save that he is moderately armored. The seemingly older man is rather agile with his own staff, as the opposing croc is knocked unconscious. "Heh, so you're one of those vigilantes from the surface. Well, here you have no power, for I am the Sewer King. But," he says dropping into a defensive position of his own, "I am willing to show mercy, you and your friends depart, and I will pardon you for assaulting my pets and trespassing in my realm." His tone bears some semblance of the upper crust, but it's not quite the same. He looks to Meggan after her comments, "You know nothing!" And with that he strikes out at Red Robin, mixing in high and low attacks, with surprising agility and strength.

Meggan's crocodile, despite being well trained, is fully aware of its own mortality and beats a hasty retreat down the sewer, away from the others. It would like to eat again another day. Dick manages to hand over the cord, but his foot eventually gives way and he finds himself face first into the sewer water. That ointment is definitely not meant to overcome that disgusting aspect and he surfaces a few moments later and strikes the croc unconcious with his a stick that is quickly drawn for the purpose. After wiping the water from his face around his mask, he says "Thanks..." he nearly says Meggan's name, but catches himself, "Now let's go deal with this creep." Dick looks to the Sewer King and loops around the side, giving Meggan an angle to approach.

Tim Drake has posed:
As agile and strong as the Sewer King is, Red Robin is just so. Years of intense training by an unforgiving (but not cruel) trainer show clearly as he blocks the attacks, his staff spinning up high, then low, the carbonite bo catching with loud clacks against Sewer King's own wooden quarterstaff. "And I'm willing to show you to Arkham or Blackgate," Red Robin replies before pressing his own attack, using the reach of his staff to his advantage as much as his opponent does, but then throwing in a kick to the face as he sets the staff using it to push off of.

Of course, the kick is only secondary. The real intent is the scraped slosh of sewer muck Tim's aiming to kick in the guy's eye.

Bats don't fight fair, who gave you that idea?

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"Oh!" The alarmed sound when Dick slips has Meg throwing out her hand to catch him, but too late. On the other hand, any imminent threat of drowning in the foul runoff of Gotham streets ends when he gets up without need for aid. She withdraws a step, feeling for any other hidden signatures of rats, children or crocs before turning on the Sewer King locked in a flurry of blows with the middle Robin. "Maybe I don't know everything, but I know this isn't *your* realm."

Mild emphasis lies there as she curls her fingers, clenching them into a fist. Eyes darken and narrow as she stalks towards the once dry islet. Once dry because the icky sewage is still dominantly liquid, water responding to her anger, rising subtly and sloshing around to impede the Sewer King. It's probably an effect easy to overlook, flowing against the ground or pulling in a shoved current to leave him off-balanced, ill-footed, prone to falling. Swirling little eddies to drag at the wooden quarterstaff. All those things add up when split-second reflexes and reactions count, giving the Batlings more to work with.

Dick Grayson has posed:
The Sewer King holds his own against Red Robin for the moment, "Oh? I only go where I wish." He gets some muck in his face, but unfortunately he is able to turn his head and block most of it with the side of his face. He soon, though is disarmed, as the little eddy from Meggan's manipulation of the sewer water, along with the distraction from Tim causes him to lose not only his staff, but his footing, now only able to see his realm from a rat's eye's view.

Dick catches some hand gestures from Meggan, but it is only in his periphery as he goes forward to... well, at this point just put an escrima stick in the Sewer King's face and saying, "Yeah, you're probably going somewhere, but that's up to the judge."