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Up at the rooftop noone can hear you quake.
Date of Scene: 03 January 2021
Location: 6C - Matt Murdock
Synopsis: Daisy returns home after her saudi arabia adventures. Powers are gone but she finds hope with Matt and they plan on what to do next. Afterlife? Sounds like the plan.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Matthew Murdock

Daisy Johnson has posed:
To say that it's been a few hectic weeks for Daisy would be underselling it. The Saudi Arabian heist had been planned meticulously with SHIELD, something she had been quite excited about and even if she wouldn't go about all the details running on the plan she had told Matt that she'd be out for a week or so. Trip to Saudi Arabia, doing the job, then back. Sure, there was a dangerous mission in the middle of all that but it was SHIELD. That's what they do, right?

Of course that when she returned the story told had been different. The plan hadn't went right and she was in emergency care back at SHIELD's medical facilities. There was no allowing anyone to go visit, and contact was to be kept to a minimum, but Daisy being Daisy had sent word to Matt about what happened. Staying at SHIELD A few more days, her arms being damaged. No talk about her powers though but even through the phone it was visible something was troubling her..

She had come back home today, a few days to rest up and of course that she hadn't warned Matt she was coming back. She had arrived while Matt was still out, having made up with Boxer about being missing for a few days with a lot of scritches and cuddles but now she was up on the rooftop..

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt is aware that Daisy's back as soon as the elevator drops him off on their floor. He can smell her along with the antiseptic scents of what he assumes is the SHIELD medical facility. He pushes open the door to the apartment calling, "Daisy?" before letting it close behind him. Not getting an answer he crouches down to give Boxer's chin a scritch as he lets his senses do the work of finding her. She was on the roof. Boxer is given one more scritch before Matt makes his way up the stairs and onto the roof. "Welcome home," he greets with a smile. "Been back long?" he asks, there's no judgement about the lack of warning but there's no hiding his concern.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
While Daisy's presence at home would usually give that harmonious sense of her waves at the place, being at peace, at where she belongs right now it doesn't feel like that. There is a .., wrongness to it all. Almost as if her waves were off-tune, or sometimes even fully silent as if no power ran through her.

"Hey.." A breathless voice is heard, as if she had just been going through some kind of effort. And she had. Glasses had been put up on the roof, like she had all those years ago when they had made music together up there but now they remained silent..

"I can't make them sing anymore.." She murmurs to herself before her eyes turn towards Matt. A very faint whisper of that past music seems to return, but it lasts only a second before she is walking back towards him, she putting some smile in her voice.. "Just a few hours.."

Arms are felt wrapping about the man and she brings herself close to share warmth, caring. "I have missed you."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The lack of music was deafening in its potential meaning and Matt's brows lift above his shades as he closes the distance with Daisy as she comes towards her, wrapping her in a hug of his own. "I missed you too," he tells her, bending his head to brush her lips with a kiss before asking, "What happened?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The kiss is certainly welcomed. Returned too, Daisy's breathing steadying some with Matt's presence near hers. It takes her a while until she talks again, letting herself be against him for a while longer before speaking up again, "Mission went bad. We were breaching the vault but then the alarm went off, along with the kill-switch. It meant the whole place was going to get engulfed and swallowed back into the desert." a pause and she lets out a breath. "It also meant I had to keep it at bay until we could evacuate.."

Now that she has begun talking it's as if she can't stop, ".. I hadn't even tried anything of that magnitude before, you know? I just couldn't let anyone die, specially not my team so..." she takes in a breath, "Here we are..." a pause, "Gauntlets got busted, along with my wrists, arms. They aren't finding anything wrong medically but .., my powers seem all but gone and I still got tremors up my arms from time to time.."

"I will have to talk with FitzSimmons.. See what they find out." She lets out a sigh, looking up at Matt and placing a kiss up on his chin.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt holds Daisy for as long as she needs, not pushing for answers, letting them come in their own time. When they do he takes them in even as he gently moves his hands over her arms to get a sense of the damage before holding onto her hand to try and 'listen' for the vibrations that always ran through her like a symphony. He nods at her choice, "Did they all get out?" he asks of her team.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
One of Daisy's arms moves up, across Matt's chest and fingers up on his shoulder, close and moving across his heart. She knows he's always been able to listen to her, maybe he can do it this time too.. It's their own way of talking too without words being needed, just the sharing of vibrations, attuned to one another. The symphony seems ready to start as they are so close, then again as that question comes.. "We did. Every single one." that seems to make her proud too, the smile on her voice more genuine..

But soon enough the symphony dissipates, as if it couldn't hold, erratic and chaotic in a way that makes no sense or has no music to it..

"Sometimes I feel like it's coming back but then...." just silence. She closes her eyes, placing her head forward to the man's chest.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Proud of you," he tells her. "Glad you got your people out of there."

As to her powers he frowns at the quickly fading music. "Give it some time to heal, I don't know how alike our powers are but I've burnt mine out before. It took time but they eventually healed and whatever happens I'll be here for you Daisy."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"There may be another way.." Some reluctance on Daisy's voice, almost as if she didn't want to speak of it with Matt. But she does anyway. "Afterlife. Jiaying." her mother. "We know she already wants me there.." she murmurs. Of course that it all seems to be the right preparation for an explosive cocktail. The mother she has been looking for for years, her wanting to have her powers back. Her rebellious streak. Yep, definitely explosive..

The news about Matt having burned out in the past is received with some surprise. "You hadn't told me about that before." she blinks, holding him close as if in invitation if he'd like to share about the story. "How did you feel when .., that happened?"

When Matt says he will be there for her there is that smile on her voice again. "I know you will, and thank you." that seems to mean a lot more than she says by words, a kiss placed down on the man's shoulder and she relaxing..

She is home. She knows things will be alright no matter what.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The reluctance tells its own tale and so when Daisy finally speaks what's on her mind he doesn't find himself too shocked by it. :"Do you think she can help you?" he asks her.

As for his own issues, he nods, "It was after I helped you with your powers but before you came back into my life. Some thug got lucky, popped off a shot that got me square in the forehead. Melvin's armour saved my life but when I woke up the next morning everything was gone. I felt terrified, helpless, empty, I haven't been able to see since I was nine but that was the first time I ever really felt blind. It was hard, I didn't have anyone to guide me through it and all my friends except Claire didn't know I had powers let alone I had lost them. I got through it, used what my teacher had told me to help heal and things eventually came back," he says, before giving thought to his own words. "Actually, saying that, I think you're right about going to Afterlife, they may have seen this before, know what to tell you rather than us groping around in the dark. But if it's okay, I've got a request, I want to come with you."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I don't know.." Which is very much the truth. But there's another ring to Daisy's voice, almost as if she *hoped* it was so. Having her mother care, finally spending time with her, or having Jiaying understand who she is and does. That'd pretty much be a dream come true. No matter how blind she could be to .., other things.

Her attention does go to Matt when he speaks about his own ordeal, the fight against that thug and being shot. "Might be that you were also hardheaded as they get.." one arm reaching up and she touching the man's forehead gently. Certainly gentler than a bullet! The teachings of his old master do get Daisy curious, "What teachings?" a beat, "The magic karate stuff like JJ says..?"

Yet it's what comes after that surprises her. Coming with her to Afterlife?

"Are you sure about this? They ..., may not look kindly on you.." she says quietly. "But I would lie if I said I didn't want you be my side during this."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"That's also a valid theory," Matt says with an amused smile as Daisy's fingers brush along his forehead. The smile grows a little wider and he laughs, "Yeah, the magic karate stuff, the healing meditations things like that, I am not sure if they'll help but I can show you, they do come in handy."

As for Afterlife, Matt nods, "I know they might not, but I want to be there for you, so if I have to deal with a cold shoulder from your people, so be it."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy isn't the type to let things hidden.. At least with Matt, so she lays it all up. "Shield may get involved too." she says, "They are ready to have a tracker in me if I go so..., this may endanger you." and his secret too. "But I am sure I can strongarm the people from afterlife to having you come with me." she ponders on it a moment before finally speaking up, "Bobbi is running point on this mission. Maybe it's finally time we have that talk with her. It will ease things up."

The conflict is noticeable inside her though. That choice between her mother and SHIELD. If it comes down to that eventually... "I am not sure if they are my people. But if my mother is with them I just need to try." She says, "She *is* all those answers I have been looking for all these years..."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Nodding Matt says, "Then yeah, time we talk to Bobbi and anyone else you feel I can trust in SHIELD," he says leaving it in Daisy's hands who else to pick to know his secret. "Regardless still going to go with you." There's a nod about the Inhumans maybe not being her people but he could understand the need to find out and to finally meet her mother. "I know you've been looking for her all your life, so I want to be there when you finally do." And be there to watch her back in case she's not everything Daisy hopes.