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Latest revision as of 19:36, 18 January 2021

A First Christmas
Date of Scene: 29 November 2020
Location: Oliver's Room
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Vanessa Carlysle, Oliver Queen

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa is up in their room. It's Oliver's room. But ever since Moira expressed enough comfort with her son's girlfriend, Vanessa has not made the pretense of staying in the guest room.

The Queen mansion is decked out for the holidays. Moira Queen's decorators came in, and while she was there to guide them as normal, Vanessa managed to be a big part of the effort. Repeated attempts by Moira to 'let them do their jobs' just brought smiles from Vanessa and comments about she was enjoying helping create the festive holiday environment in the house.

The decorating is done for the day. A Christmas tree mostly decorated except for a few family ornaments for the children and mother to place together. Vanessa has changed into a pair of shorts and a long sleeve shirt that fits her snugly and shows off the figure that was flattering before she started doing workouts with Oliver.

A Santa hat is on her head, giving just a bit of extra warmth as she sits over by the fireplace, a mug of hot chocolate in hand.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver contributed by, well, getting a few socks for gifts near the fireplace. Yes, it didn't take him long to do that but he is busy most of the time so give him a break! The holidays have always been somewhat bittersweet for the man though. Memories of the past always find a way to haunt him. Either it's an old enemy like Cupid coming back, or his father ever present..

Still, he could enjoy it. And he had good reasons to do so considering the company. So he smiled over his papers while he watched the rather festive Vanessa prowling about with that Santa hat on. "Starting it early, aren't you? You like the season?" He asks, curious.

He sets the papers he was looking over back down on the table so his attention is fully on the woman.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa rises gracefully, taking a sip of the hot chocolate and then setting it aside as she comes over to Oliver. She slips into his lap and her arms go about his broad shoulders. "I do, I suppose. But this year more than most. It's our first Christmas together," she tells him. "And, I try not to let show sometimes just how amazing it is here. I mean you've seen where I lived in New Lots," she says of the apartment in the slums he showed up at to take her away from the men trying to intimidate her into not testifying against their boss.

"But really, with all the decorations up, it's like a dream in here," she tells him. "Our whole life together so far has been like that for me. I spent quite awhile worrying I was going to wake from it," she admits with a rueful little smile and laugh. Vanessa reaches up to brush her fingers through Oliver's short brown hair, teasing through it and grazing her fingernails lightly on his scalp.

"I'm looking forward to a Christmas Day with gunshots. Well, unless we have to go out and Arrow someone," she says, eyes twinkling.

Oliver Queen has posed:
One arm goes about Vanessa's waist when she comes over to settle down, Oliver comfortably settled back on his chair. "It is." his voice showing his fondness when he speaks. "We will have to make it memorable." he says before quickly amending, "For good reasons." a brief chuckle. "Christmas often tend to go badly." And lets not talk about the Queen family dinner. That's always a good one for drama.

"It's not a dream though." And he leans over to place a kiss on the woman's forehead, perhaps to let her see just how real he is. "Considering tradition, you may have to expect some arrowing. Specially as I spoke with Thea. We were considering doing an ambush for Cupid on christmas, using her as bait. And the club." he lets out a sigh. "Perhaps she will bite. She isn't aware about Thea more than just a socialite so..., might just work." his arm squeezing Vanessa closer to him.

"How did you spend your christmas before?" He then asks. "With friends?"

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle snuggles in against Oliver's comforting bulk as his arm goes around her. Freshly showered, Oliver can likely catch the pleasing scent of her shampoo. "Dreamlike at the least," she says, smiling towards to him and leaning her forehead forward to rest against his for a moment. Just soaking in the feeling of him being there, in his arms.

"Yes, best if we get that woman off the streets," Vaneessa agrees with a soft sigh about Cupid. "I suppose that would be a nice Christmas gift for everyone." She tries to hide the concern for Oliver in her eyes, but he probably sees it anyway. She's worried about him, when it's the people in her life that Cupid is targeting.

"Well, mostly with some others in the building. The elderly woman upstairs would usually invite me over. I'd also sometimes have some of the girls over. Their names and faces tended to change over the years," she says, looking down as she remembers some of those Christmases. "But in a way they were always the same girls, even when they weren't. The streets are like that," she says.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Just not for Cupid ..." Oliver replies, deadpan delivery too. But he does arch an eyebrow. Hey, he can joke too! He doesn't always brood. With Vanessa now against him he takes in her scent, smiling at her in a quiet manner, enjoying her presence, sending that heartbeat against his. It *does* feel good.

He listens then at how her christmas were, his smile fading just a touch but he understands it, the way people need to do with what little they have and find happiness where they are able to. A good lesson from the island. "We will make sure it's different this year." He murmurs. "For both of us."

A brief pause and then he speaks again, looking down at the papers on the table. "And hopefully without being swamped in work. Yet speaking of.." his blue eyes roaming back to Vanessa. "What would you say about being an advisory board position on the Museum of Modern art?" he asks, "I have been asked Ms. Potts to put forward someone that would join it as a representative from Queen Consolidated. Thought you might be a good choice."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
The warmth radiating from the fireplace can be felt even where they sit, if not quite as much as where Vanessa had been sitting close up. She snuggles in a bit more against Oliver's warmth to make up for the difference. As she speaks there's a hint of peppermint on her breath, suggesting there might have been some Schnapps added to her hot chocolate.

"Actually," she says slowly. "I do want to have Christmas here. Be a part of your own family's traditions. Maybe start some of our own together. But, would you maybe up for taking a night that week, and going back to New Lots and spending an evening with my friends there? I can see if April wants to come as well," she says.

The mention of the Museum board is unexpected. Vanessa's immediate instinct is to say she knows so little about art, she probably would be out of place, wouldn't be able to handle it well. But even as the thought is forming, the topic draws up Oliver's knowledge and memories of such things. The flicker of doubt is just that, a mere flicker before she nods and smiles to Oliver. "I'd love to do that," she says. "I'll do my best to represent Queen well," she tells him.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"That could be a plan for sure." Oliver says in agreement about spending some time with her friends. He does know she has been gaining a few new ones too! "You will have to tell me sometime how your ventures out onto Brooklyn have been. Do you feel it's good training for you?" He questions.

There is perhaps that hesitation Oliver notes, considering how well he knows her by now. He smiles though. "I just dropped it on your lap without preparation, didn't I?" a small grin. "But maybe that's what I intended ... And I wouldn't be asking if I didn't know you'd be able to do a good job. Consider it and give me an answer later so I can talk with Pepper. I think you will work well together." he says.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa grins back at Oliver and shakes her head. "No no, I don't mind at all. Actually, I kind of like it," she says. She looks at him, at his face and head as she brushes her fingers through his hair. "I pick up your memories so there is so much about what goes on in your life that I know without you telling me," she tells him. "But not everything. Maybe not even the most. Just the memories that get triggered by things I see. Which really can be a lot, just like seeing a paper makes you think of what it's about. It is both... beautiful, to be in your life like that. But it also can remove a little of the surprise for me. So, moments like that I adore," she says. "And I'd love to do it."