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Latest revision as of 10:33, 29 January 2021

Old McArthur Had a Band
Date of Scene: 13 December 2020
Location: Rosie's, Amnesty Bay
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Koriand'r

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Rosie's just off of I-95 before the exit for Amnesty Bay somehow never draws a crowd from passers by. When the government man showed up asking for her information or the donation needed to get the name of her bar and grille thrown up onto the big green official looking sign on the highway just under the words, 'GAS-FOOD-LODGING' she told him she thought he was trying to scam her and to get the hell out of her bar. He didn't come back.
    And sure Rosie missed out on some sales that way, had to cut a few corners over the years, but it made the place how she wanted it. Quiet on the nights she liked it quiet, and loud and rowdy on the nights she encouraged the townies to come on by. Usually how she finagled this was changing the letters on the illuminated sign out front every now and then. Something usually to announce what was going on that Friday and Saturday night. Usually it was Open Mike Nite as advertised. Other times it was some local talent. Gene Green and the Teen Scene when Rosie's son tried his hand at DJing. And at other times, the Artful Dodgers make an appearance and that draws some of the locals out of the woodwork since that...is Arthur Curry and Glen Dodge's band, with Big Mel on the drums and is wife Louise playing bass. Now /that/ sometimes draws folks to the venue. For a variety of reasons.
    And tonight is no different. For out there in the parking lot a good number of people are settled around what in Southern states might be called a Honky Tonk, but up here in Maine is just what others might call a mixer. And it's here that Arthur Curry has brought the space princess.
    "That is Kenny, went to school with him. Jenny Lincoln, her dad sold me my first car." Standing outside of the bar at the service entrance, arms folded over his broad chest, Arthur looks sidelong at Koreiand'r and half-smirks, "Told you it's a small town."

Koriand'r has posed:
    Koriand'r for her part is dressed hot to trot for the evening. A simple halter top that exposes the expanse of her orange shoulders, the typical winter ware one might enocunter during Maine having already been shrugged off in the back lounge. Well and before the point that Arthur is introducing the space princess to his band-mate buds. If it should have seemed weird that Arthur is more or less introducing royalty to his friends, while being royalty himself--it's one of those things that bewilderingly doesn't seem to affect either of them. For this is Arthur's element, his lived life, history and everything. And Koriand'r? Well, she had a fairly good capacity to adapt on the fly.
    Hell. She's even wearing jeans with some boots.
    She shoots her hand out to shake and enthusiastically greet each person as they're announced. Speaking their full name as they're introduced, ("Kenny!" and "Jenny Lincoln!"), and grinninng back at Arthur when he mentions how small the town is. "Usually when a person speaks of their small town they are referring to a place with only one string of businesses open, one horse, with a lonely featured tumbleweed drifting longingly in front of a slatted doors to a local eatery. And though it lacks the tumbleweed, it does not disappoint so far."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Inside the bar where they're doing the meet and greets, it's warm. Not just from the heat that comes from the vents in the bar or some of the old radiators against the walls. But from the good number of people within. The floor is hard wood, the chairs and tables the same. The booths have some padding though,and the decor... seems mainly to be from whatever fur trade must have been done here in the late 1800s. Many critters, wild things, dead and stuffed are on various parts of the walls. Then there are the beer signs, adverts for cigarettes, some posters about concerts coming up in the late 50s. Of course there's a part of the bar where there's a wall of fame which has a few worthy celebrities from New York, though there's also a small place of prominence for their local boy Arthur who has an image on the wall black and white with him giving a thumbs up to whomever is taking the picture while he's got his arm around Rosie's late husband Graham.
    "What you just described," Arthur says, having to raise his voice a little since the music inside is a little loud, "Is a one-horse town. Amnesty Bay is a lil bigger. We have like three or four horses."
    But the way he's smiling, she can get a read on him at this point, he's teasing. Glen, a shorter balding man, smirks right back at the half-Atlantean as he gives him a push then says, "Don't take any of this guy's guff, Kori. If you get tired of him any of the guys will be happy to take you home after the gig since this jerk likes to close out the bar. Gets all late and he sticks around drinking."
    Which causes Louise to pipe up with a laugh, "Yeah, rest of us with, you know... /real/ jobs we have to get up mornings, not this guy."
    "Hey, not my fault the justice peeps pay me to stand around and look pretty."
    "Yeah well," Louise steps past him as she slides her amp across the small stage, "You can stand around with the best of them, that other part... not so much."
    Which has him turning a faux hurt look towards Kori even as the rest of the band chuckles while they give the tall goon grief.

Koriand'r has posed:
    The pictures like many of the rustic pieces of decor lend the bar its own sense of personal character. Koriand'r catches herself looking up the sides of the walls at the various autographed, framed pictures of drop-by musicians and other faces that are slightly recognizable to her, vaguely by their image, but with few ideas as to why she should recognize them in the way that people native to New York might appreciate.
    Possibly due to the loudness or maybe just a general sense of gullibility when it comes to those that she trusts, Koriand'r full on leans into what Arthur is saying at first, as though there is a sense that there is an important difference between a one horse, and three-to-four horse town. She stares at him long after his eyes crinkle with his smile, and how his entire beard lifts with it as he does. Glen interrupts her fixation on Arthur, and that's when her lips crack into a smile too. The dawning on her that this was not one of those SUPER important corrections. She blithely chirps, "I would not mind sticking around until the close up, if that is a preferred hobby for him."
    The light bit of personal banter between the members gets Koriand'r thinning her lips quietly to herself, rolling the plump tiers in toward her teeth. She watches the set-up happening with a general sense of wanting to help and be apart, but with that same sort of innocuous air of someone who would have no clue what to do with the things if she were to actually get her hands upon them.
    "Is there a name that you play underneath?" She asks in general, tossing the question between their little cluster as the technical aspects are set up on the stage.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Just the band name," Arthur tells her in that smoky interior of the bar and grille. He steps away from her, not exactly looking like a 'rocker'... at least no more than he normally does which to be fair... is a decent amount. It's probably the hair, the boots, the ripped jeans and the leather vest over the sleeveless black t-shirt that does all the favors to his muscular arms. Maybe a rocker from a few years back, or a biker of today. Yet the band seems to realize he means business when he starts to tie his hair back in pony tail...
    Even as Louise adjusts the wire hanging from her bass. There's a few low notes thrumming through the speakers, a winnowy growl from the lead guitar as Glen plinks a few notes. The bar grows a little more quiet, though there's still the white noise of a rumble of conversation from the crowd.
    "Hey." Arthur's deep voice is heard as he grabs the microphone and there's only a small hint of feedback as he taps it, "How's that sound? Tony, sounds alright? Sibilants?" Back near one of the speakers Tony gives a thumbs up.
    A hearty 'Woo!' goes up from someone in the crowd as the top lights are flicked on shining onto the band on that small wooden stage. A few more notes are plinked.
    "Alright, everybody. You know who we are. Artful Dodgers, every other Friday, right? Until we hit it big and then we're /so/ out of here." Arthur's lip curves as he points over at Rosie who makes no qualms about flipping him off.
    Another voice raises, "Avengers Rule, you suck!"
    "Hey!" Arthur snaps back, "Screw you, Todd!" But he's grinning the while as the band starts to play a few notes, a song seems threatening to start.
    Which is when Rosie comes by and leans over near where Kori is and asks, "Can I get you anything, darling?"

Koriand'r has posed:
    As Arthur steps away, Koriand'r pulls her hand through her hair, long digits combing back a tendril of red voluminous hair back behind rounded ears, and over one exposed shoulder. If it weren't for the orange skin she might have mixed in right along with everyone else within the small bar and grille. But alas. Still, there's a relaxed ease to her posture. Of someone who is out to enjoy their time, to soak in new experiences, and to take it in with rather wide-eyed aplomb.
    "A raspberry cordial, please," Koriand'r mentions to Rosie, once she's found herself a spot at the bar--where she chooses to watch Arthur from. Ignoring the high stools around her, she leans in on the bar with her elbow, propping her long-legged lean into the counter as she curls her hand into mouth, her knuckles ridged just against her lips. "Or a Coca-Cola if that is not possible." She slides her gaze over Rosie and the edges of her lips stretch to peek from around the block of her hand. "I like that you call me 'darling'. It makes me feel... welcomed! Into your home, and your life," she murmurs, and then she side-eyes either direction of herself--a sort of indirect gesturing to indicate the bar itself before they settle back on Rosie.
    Arthur makes his brief announcement on the microphone and Koriand'r is among the people to provide a woo--hands cupped around her mouth just to make sure she projects and all. She blinks several times as Rosie brandishes a rather crude gesture at the Atlanean prince, and then she merely stares in awe at the woman afterward--and more so at the commentary by Todd. His friends are so rude to him! And yet so jovial at the same time.
    It's in the brief seconds where there's the vague hint of a set being started that Koriand'r asks Rosie with innocuous curiosity, "Is it always like this here?"