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Latest revision as of 10:34, 29 January 2021

Ms Marvels Marvelous visit!
Date of Scene: 02 December 2020
Location: Pym's Mobile Lab
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Kamala Khan, Carol Danvers

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym is preparing for guests. At the moment that means he's wearing thick welding goggles as esoteric and exotic plasmas flow a few feet from him coruscating in a shop of light before arcing into a metal cover with a roar. He smiles, content in his work for a bare moment. Then the procedure troubles him. Something is amiss.

His face falls as he watches and then says loudly, "Spice! Give my creation spice! I forgot the damned oregano! Sonuva..." He shuts down the plasma arc and uses a thick mitt to remove the cover, revealing a number of grilled cheese sandwiches, with tomato. Grilled perfectly and steaming pleasantly. Pym turns to a couple of the ants and says, "Which one of you, forgot the oregano? Cozette? Cozette! No it's too late now. Next time remember, sweetie." He takes a sandwich and blows on it before taking a bite. "OK. We have a quite marvelous guest. You guys behave, and you Cozette! Mmmm, not bad. nada is missing out."

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala had gotten the email from a friend who said Pym's secretary might get the resume video she'd sent. It was a long shot at best, but after the events the other night with Clock King, she felt certain that she needed a bit more expertise into the use of her powers than wing it. Fake it til you make it only works with smiling, as it turns out.

It hadn't been much. Just her showing off what her body was now capable of. Reaching for things across the room, growing to grotesque size in her bedroom, and ultimately breaking something. The sound of her father screaming What are you doing up there, Kamala.. "Nothing, Abu! Sorry!" Then quieter to her cellphone camera, "Thank you for consideirng me, Mr. Pym..."

She never expected to hear back.

Now she's standing in the greeting area of Pym's Mobile Lab in a Captain Marvel (Carol) shirt, blue jeans, and a loose blue coat. A pink backpack hanging tight to her shoulders. "Uh... Yes, I'm Kamala Khan, I am here to see Mr-... Doctor Pym?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym sticks his head out into thew area. "Don't bother, it's a bot and I need to tune it up. Yes, it's DOCTOR Pym please. I'm more informal to my friends so there s the possibility you may call me Hank. You're Kamala Khan. Is shaking hands appropriate?" He holds his hand out and smiles. Hs lab coat flaps open revealing a gray t-shirt with a slogan.

(link: https://www.kcshirts.com/products/i-want-to-be-a-nice-person-2?variant=27898589347863&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2020-07-03&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign).

"Please come in, I just made some lunch, grilled cheese with tomato. Help yourself." He indicates the trays and a giant ant steps away and looks guilty. "Cozette, don't even think it! You already wrecked my picnic! Don't worry about the ants. They're very friendly."

Kamala Khan has posed:
Holy Gosh, it's actually Hank Pym... Ant-Man... the original Antman.. "What's your opinion on hyphens? Nevermind." Waving a big hand that grows because she's a little nervous and a lot excited. A grin from ear to ear as she canters over towards Doctor Pym and accepts the offered hand, "Yes, Doctor. I'm Kamala Khan.. I.. so it's a huge honor to meet you. I've read basically everything about you. I don't always understand it all, the scientific stuff, but man, you're basically one of my heroes." Because they both grow big and small and stuff.


"Oh!" The giant ant. Her grin only faulters slightly, but she still kneels down to offer her hand out like someone would to a puppy or cat. Glancing up at Hank to see if that's okay? "I'd love a grilled cheese, yes. Thank you! Thank you for seeing me.. Did I already mention this is an honor?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym's eccentric, somewhat overbearing demeanor softens perceptibly and his smile reaches his eyes. An ant wheels a chair over to Kamala. The scientist sets a plate for her. "I haven't been somebody's hero in a while. Oh my daughter says I'm hers but... she's better at this stuff than I am, frankly. Nice of you to say so. So you can embiggen or ensmol selected portions of your anatomy, or can you shrink? The demo was fascinating but not clear on that point. Before we get to that point, do you know what caused this power to manifest?" As he speaks he starts laying out a couple of handheld scanners on the counter, and a magnifying glass which the ants avoid. "Oh yeah yeah. Cozette likes pets. Just draw your fingers across her head. Be rough, they can't feel very well and mind the antennae." He hums as he warms up scanners.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala does not look the least bit put out by the ant and does as encouraged by Pym with regards to Cozette petting, careful not to rub the antenna as she pushes into the ants head. "Oh... well, the abilities are really quite extensive, but we'll get into that later." Nodding, her other hand tucking dark hair back behind an ear. She's taken the seat brought for her and the plate as well, pausing in explanation to take a bite.


She's not afraid to eat.

Point of fact, it looks like she's ravenous.

"I'm not exactly sure where they came from, but I found a really odd object in a museum that manifest them. At first I thought it was like the x-gene you read about? With the mutants? But I don't think so. Usually they manifest during puberty, right? Do I have that correct?" She's read a /lot/ about super heroes. Including the X-Men, what little there actually is.

"After the manifest, I had to figure it out for a few months. Gain some kind of control." She still shows signs where that's a constant thought, a pinky going noodly, or her foot swelling where it makes no sense to do so. "Sometimes I wake up and I'm six or seven foot tall, legs noodling over the edge of my bed... or flat like a pancake on my sheets.."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym listens and picks up a detector. "This can establish whether you are a Mutant. I can test that now, but I'm not an MD. You have no patient doctor privilege. However, I wouldn't tell. If you want me to use it, we can discuss this object when we rule out Mutant. Yes, you are generally correct. Mutations manifest at puberty. That is not always the case. Daniel Cannon," he says the name with great loathing, "displayed some power at a young age and it just kept increasing. Dr. McCoy as well had some obvious Mutations at birth. There are exceptions. Now you could be a late bloomer but... Mutant powers generally cause some traumawhen they manifest, headaches, eyestrain..." He trails off watching a thumb go noodly.

Kamala Khan has posed:
"I assume you understand that if my father ever finds out his sixteen year old daughter is a mutant... or whatever... the reprecussions would be grounding until sometime after the next century." Kamala jokes between bites of her sandwich, which is all but gone in the same amount of time it took for him to hand it to her. Wiping at her mouth with the edges of a napkin she looks up at Hank with a grin.

"I'm not really sure what the object was... only that when I got near it I just felt different? Things didn't get weird until hours later when I was home, thank God." Hands up, "But... It was pretty traumatic. Sitting on the window seal outside my room and suddenly my legs are dangling nearly to the first floor. Not exactly what I expected when they called me a growing young lady." She's a lot less nervous, but no less excited.

"Okay, machine. What do I have to do? Does it take blood, will it hurt?" Holding out her arm for him.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym shakes his head. "No blood yet. This functions on unique brainwaves peculiar to Mutants. Yes I can sympathize. I'm having trouble with my own powers. Sometime I get stuck. Sometimes... I do a reverse Hulk. I get stressed or tired and wham I'm about your size. Makes it very hard to be an authoritative father figure. Then I was stuck at ten feet high for weeks another time. You ave to remain calm and focus when this happens... so not a Mutant. Your dad doesn't like Mutants? Hem mght not be thrilled with a Mutate or Metahuman. I'm going to check you for Pym particles, see how you grow and shrink. That might tell us more." He shoos a curious Cozette away. "Beat it you mooch."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"He doesn't dislike them, but I think it's a situation where it's okay for other people, but not okay for your kids? If that makes sense... maybe I'm being overly dramatic and he'd be completely fine, but..." Kamala frowns a little, but nods all the same at what Hank is saying regarding the tests. He's the specialist in this department. Even if he's doing his best to look less than expert on the grow/shrinking part. She doesn't look bothered!

"So.. like.. do you talk to them telepathically or something?" The Ants, she means... maybe. Glancing at Cozette with a big grin, holding out a hand to her to rub against her head before she can scamper off. "Sometimes I think I should just tell Abu about it and let the chips fall where they do.. It's not like I can hide it forever, but we live in a very odd world with everything going on right now, ya know? It's a big decision.."

Does she know she's talking to a father?

It is fair to say she does.

Anything that is public knowledge, Kamala almost certainly knows!

She reads /everything/ about her heroes.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym says, "The technical name for the process is electro psionic waves. Not telepathy. It works with arthropods and insects. Spiders are just jerks and want to eat everything. Social insects, you can do stuff with: ants, termites, even wasps. My affinity was for ants, even before I built this rig. And talk is not the right word: sensations, images, sounds." He closes his eyes for a moment and reaches out doing a slow motion hand jazz. "No Pym particles. Lucky you. I'll double check though..." Another scanner is run around her. "Well Hulk, the Thing, they all grow without my particles. there are other ways to extract extradimensional mass. But your ability seems pretty versatile. It took me a while to even master small variations in height. So bravo Ms. Khan, you're doing well. Wait a second, I want to see you grow..." Like that he steps back and with a small shudder he ripples and grows to 12 feet. "Mind your head."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"I wouldn't say it came naturally to me, but I did... It's hard to explain. After that first time, where it was wild and uncontrolled, I realized what it was capable of and experimented. I'm a teenager, we're good with this kind of thing." Kamala says with a small smile, growing her hand to the size of a flat screen television. When it strinks back down, her whole body does the same, reaching 12 foot with her head bending awkwardly to keep from knocking against the roof. It's all pretty seamless.

The concentration minimal.

"There are parts of it that require greater effort. Like if I'm moving individual parts of my body, like a rope or something, that I have to really work at, but..." She shrugs as she shrinks back down. Settling into the chair, then taking on the exact shape. Like a Kamala sheet draped over the chair itself. Near perfectly mimicing it's design, save she still has to breath. "There's a great deal more to it, but I'm still learning everything." Once she's back in her normal shape.

Carol Danvers has posed:
There is a bit of a bang as Carol manages to get the outer door to the lab open with her hands full. "Hank!" pause "For Christ Sake.. Hank!"

She is still out of sight in the entrance / greeting area of the lab though as she calls deeper into it.

"God.. damnit." she mutters software to herself, shifting her grip on the wriggling 30lb Tardigrade. It can't hurt her, though even if she threw it into space it might not be hurt either. So they have a stand off as it tries to squirm free and she tries to maintain a grip. "Did you fix the greeter... hey where is Hank!" she doesn't get a good reply and just glares around her.

Her voice is easily recognizable to Hank of course but it also may be recognizable to the teen wearing her merch.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym takes a bite of a sandwich. "We have a guest Captain, a young lady. Mind your language, please oh, you found my tardy! Excellent! Uh Baudelaire, Cozette, please take that thing and secure it. Well come in, come in. Amazing how you show up after I make lunch. Almost fortuitous. Sit down and have a sandwich. After you clean up." He points to a large bottle of Purell, then the sink, then the Purell again.

"Kamala... are you going to be all right? She's really just... Captain Marvel oh go apeshi... ballistic if you want she's used to it."

Kamala Khan has posed:
Captain Marvel?!


Kamala's eyes go comically big. Like so comically wide when she hears that entirely too familiar voice calling that she is here with something that goes unknown to Kamala because she stopped really listening to what was being said as soon as she heard who was saiding it.

She turns slowly in her chair to stare at Carol as she enters.

The small dark skinned girl is wearing a Captain Marvel shirt, as it turns out, and is staring slack jawed at what amounts to her biggest Idol ever coming into a room where she is just sitting casually covered with grilled cheese sandwich crumbs that Cazolle hasn't gotten to yet. "Oh... Em... Gee..."

Her jaw is ... very long. Like way longer than it should be. Face looking like a wax statue that was left too close to the furnace. "Oh EM GEE! Carol Danvors?! Captain Marvel?! REALLY.. Iamyourbiggestfan, ohemgeeitissoamazingtoseeyou! MynameisKamalaKhan!" The chair is spinning, but the teenager is already rushing at Carol, so much for playing it cool.

Carol Danvers has posed:
It is indeed Captain Marvel, even down to the outfit since she was out wrestling water bears and sort of working. So full costume on Captain Marvel. Right there.

Also yes Danvers is indeed a bit use to people going ballistic. Fans are better than angry aliens in that category as well. "Oh Hey.. there you are Hank... this.. did you call it Tardy..." she just stops cold. She considers telling Hank that he should never ever tell people he named a pet or experiment that even if it is a Tardigrade but then there is an oncomming Kamala.

"Woah.. one sec kid." she laughs a bit, and smiles. She does turn to hand over the Tardigrade to the two ants. "I should probably wash my hands... that thing has been.. places.. before I offer to shake your hand." she pauses to look Kamala over now. "I ...think your name is Kamala. Is that right?" her eyes flick down at Kamala's shirt then back up. "Nice shirt. Maybe Stark was onto something with all the licensing deals..." another smile.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym says, "That's Janet's department I thought. Hence, no Dr. Pym shirts. This was fascinating. All right I definitely want to work with you and research your... manifestation... we'll talk another time... "

"Uhm, I may have something for you. I was cleaning out junk yesterday... turns out I'm a hoarder, but I shrink everything, so it doesn't show." Small smile. He goes to a desk and goes through a drawer. After a few moments he resizes a cardboard box and reaches into it. He pulls out a blue t-shirt with Giant-Man Fan Club written across it in proud letters.

"If you want it, it's yours. I found a whole box. There's no club anymore because... well you know. That hornet guy episode." He holds out the shirt. Maybe this was exactly the wrong time to present this? That's the problem with Hank. He decided to do it before Carol arrived and he always does what he decides to do. "I got a bunch mailed back, shredded, burned. This might be worth something." He goes to put it down on the box.

Kamala Khan has posed:
This is overload.

Kamala looks from Captain Marvel, to Hank, to Carol, and back again...

Like a cartoon character.

She ultimately heads over to Hank and holds out her hands tenatively to accept the shirt, "Oh yes! I'll absolutely restart the Giant-Man fan club! I'll even write some wicked fanfic about you fighting off Godzilla or something. It'll be great, you'll see!" Not that she intentionally meant to derail conversation about her powers manifestation, but she's in full hero overload right now.

If Iron Man or Thor walked in?

She might just collapse into a ball of happy and die.

"This is honestly the best day ever..."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol looks past the kid when she walks to accept the Giant Man t-shirt and rolls her eyes. "Nah Tony handled the licensing for all the avengers stuff... or one of his people did. I mean I am sure Janet's people approve all of her merch but I doubt she would be involved in action figures and lunch box deals. Pure Stark."

Regardless Carol walks over to wash her hands, purel, wash, purel, just to be safe. "Hank, I don't enjoy the mansion's neighbors calling the authorities because an alien is on the loose... at least they are used to giant ants but ... that thing." head shake. "Agent Danvers can you check possible Alien near Avengers mansion... okay sure control I'll get right on it..."

She dries her hands walking over to check out these supposed grilled cheeses. "So, Kamala what brings you over to Hank's lab. Friend of Nadia?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym rarely loses control of his mouth. The last time he found out he was a father. The time before that, he found out he was single. "I didn't wa... that's ni... Godzil..." He takes a breath. "You're very sweet. None of that is necessary. I don't want or need a fan club. I don't deserve a fan club. If you don't believe me I'll give you five minutes with Janet van Dyne. I'm not Giant-Man anymore... I did some very bad things."

He seizes on Carol's complaints. "Listen these people should be used to the strange and outre by now. The little beast is disgusting but harmless. I had ants looking for it but, they kept getting eaten so I told them hunker down, then I had to see a couple young people needing advice. ... The damn thing was fifty feet high when I stopped it outside Pym-Tech. I got it down to dog size before my tank went dry. Thank you for saving me the problem of catching it. I'll give it to Dr. Simmons. She'll probably make a super soldier of it or something. She's a very bright woman. Anyway... thank you."

"And do not underestimate the influence of Janet van Dyne. She's part apex predator and part... wasp."

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala does not seem to compute, but it's entirely sure she's read the stories surrounding these bad things of which Hank speaks. She just nods, then shrugs, then nods.. and accepts the shirt. It's a piece of history, one that she'll treasures, and add to her collection. "Thank you... for the shirt. And for seeing me." Which brings her to Carol's question.

Laughing softly, she shakes her head. "Not yet-" Because they'll definitely be friends. "I sent a video of my abilities to Doctor Pym and he invited me to his mobile lab to do some research on where they came from. Maybe how to help me control them better..." Which means they're probably really new right?

"D-... Did you fight the Tardy?" Pointing at the alien creature, "And do they actually speak to you from a place called control? Is it like NASA and the movies when they're talking to you in Space? How fast can you fly? What's it like being that close to a sun?" She stops asking questions, but it is entirely possible she didn't stop because she was out of questions.

There's just mentiono f Janet Van Dyne. "Oh man, I'd love to meet her too.. I mean, if that'd ever be okay. She seems like a totally busy person."

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Busy.... right." there is something amused by that tone though as Carol considers how 'busy' Janet is in reality. I mean yes she has her company but she seems to find plenty of time to enjoy herself. Also drink.

"Oh so you have new powers and thought Hank could help you?" not a dis honest, more like puzzling it out. "Is it size related?" because that would definitely make sense. Then again the kid might be some sort of plant or spy and trying to find a weak link to get on Avengers grounds and do god knows what.

Carol looks at Kamala thoughtfully.

"Control, Dispatch, Operations... " a shrug "Everyone has a nickname for them but yes the team at SHIELD that coordinates things that need doing. As for flying... fast enough to break physics I suppose... " which isn't true but she is capable of punching herself a way around the comos without a ship. "And the sun is pretty remarkable. Honestly flying is mazing."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym taps his chin. "If you can make yourself ant-sized (respect the hyphen), Kamala, I'd be glad to show you how to ride a flying ant. It's a kick. I thought I'd give myself wings but... I liked using the ants. Maybe Nadia will let me try her wings sometime. Nah... I got my own brand. So uhm Carol ... I sort of flew over the SHIELD place while I was grappling with that filthy little creature. Can you tell Phil sorry? I'm really trying to be a nice person. The Universe seems against this. I even want to throw a mixer for the troops to say sorry for the trouble and thanks for not jailing me. Rebuild some bridges. I... swear last time I passed by, all the agents found a reason to take breaks... am I really that bad?"

He turns to Kamala. "I don't blow up laboratories... not my own anyway. I discovered Pym particles, gave my girlfriend superpowers on purpose, I learned to communicate with insects... you build one messed up robot and that's all people can talk about."

Kamala Khan has posed:
"I grow.. and shrink... and elongate.. It's complicated." Kamala says in answer Carol, glancing over to Hank with a little grin, bobbing her head. "I know, Doctor. I think with enough time everything will get right with the world, though yeah?" She's an optomist, at least... Fidgeting some with the shirt he'd given her. "Anyways, I should probably head home. Abu already said I'm grounded until I'm 30, but if I'm late getting home again tonight, I think he may follow through this time."

Looking from Carol to Hank, it's clear she doesn't actually /want/ to leave. How often does she get to meet some of her heroes. "Thank you both so much for .. I mean everything, you know? It's... anyways.." Thumb over her shoulder once.. then twice... then thrice. "I'll go... yeah, time to go. Maybe next time we can try shrink and riding a flying ant? I'd love to fly! It has to be as awesome as swinging." That said.

She's starting to back up towards the door.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"I'll let Couslon know Hank." okay that has her really amused. "Maybe I'll mention it to Nick." yeah that would not help at all. Is she threatening Hank. Only in good natured fun. "Okay misssion accomplished until the next wierd incident I suppose. I'll catch you later Hank."

She looks at the retreating Kamala "Come on kid I'll walk you out so Jarvis or someone doesn't mistake you for an intruder." she seems to be intent on following Kamala out now.

She will walk her off the grounds though, and slip her a card in case she needs help at some point. New hero with new powers can be pretty hard.