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Latest revision as of 01:38, 7 March 2020

Hashtag: GothamHope
Date of Scene: 04 March 2020
Location: Kingston - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Phoebe Beacon runs into trouble trying to get pictures of falcons, and comes across a very different bird! Robin (Tim Drake) lends a hand getting her shots, and makes a friend.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Tim Drake

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There was a blog, and this blog was run by a highschooler, who was absolutely, positively intent on showing that there is still hope in the city of the Dark Knight.

    On her website, she would post pictures of revitalized buildings, stories from old timers, and people doing good deeds, posting them to the website nd contentedly doing small things to make things better.

    Now the teenager had taken a bus, hopped some of her camera gear, and had taken up a bit of urban exploration -- because she had heard that on a ledge there was an unlikely resident: a falcon pair had made their nest high up.

    Of course, she couldn't go into the buildings during the day, but there was a handy abandoned building that was slated for demolition, and easy enough to get into.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake is out doing his patrolling. The young man has made a habit of checking on the falcon as well from the abandoned building. with people like penguin and and the court of owls, it pays to check in on local celebrity birds. He has brought a small but powerful bad camera. He is not looking around for the right place for it to give him a good look.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's camera was pretty good. She had her low-light equipment with her, and she paused a moment, in the building, and crouched down behind some flotsam and jetsam, pulling her black hoodie over her head as she peered out.

    A group of men entered from the side, baring different gang colors -- handling some bags. She moves quietly, taking her camera out of her backpack, and focusing in, she snaps a few pictures. Vials? She snaps a closer picture -- and then the camera gives a 'Beep!', a happy sound to let her know things saved perfectly.

    The group turns, and with a few moments to spare, there's a chase coming through the abandoned building -- the group splits into two, the girl gets cornered in an office. Plenty of glass windows about, plenty of light from the evening being let in.

    "Heh. You came to the wrong section of Gotham, kid." one of the gangers say, all four of them turning on the lights attached to their pistols, creating a brilliant silhouette against the windows that someone looking for birds might just be able to see.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake hears the going on and follows it from the floor above, catching a glimpse here or there through a crack in the floor or down right holes. He sees where they are going and knowing where they are headed and that the girl as no way out, he knows now is the time to make his move. He vaults through the broken window here latching a line on the window sill, and with a short line he is swinging back towards the window and through it. Before his feet have touched the ground two pellets have been tossed, one to give the flash and bang, and the second starting to spew smoke, so the room shall be even darker after the shock and awe.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... don't suppose you have a map?" Phoebe ventures, attempting her usual 'good nature banter' before she grips her hand in a fist, trying to figure a way around bullets when --

    Glass shatters, splinters and pieces flying everywhere in the room as the world lights up in brilliant white -- and her ears ring. She covers them, drawing to the side, covering her head as she gives a cry out.

    The four caught in the smoke cough, trying to figure out just where their new enemy was.

    "Shit -- SHIT -- is it the bat?!" one of them yells, "they all got bounties on their heads!"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles ever so softly. His staff moving quick in the dark banging between two of their heads in a nice firm good night message. He is moving quickly, as he kicks a rolling chair towards Phoebe, that should catch her and roll her a bit more out of the way in case any bullets head that way. "You boys all have warrentes on yours I would be willing to bet on.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's healing power has recovered her ears and eyes quicker than the four chuckleheads. One manages to make it to the doorway and begins to stumble out after his head gets knocked by the staff. Another that was struck stumbles towards the wall -- and the two others raise their guns and fire at the shape in the shadowy smoke!

Tim Drake has posed:
Robin is dropping as the bullets start flying, he may loose a few hairs as one of the bullets come close, but that's part of the job. He will do a leg sweep towards one of the gunmen, an R shaped shirrikan will be thrown at the hand of the other gunman. Robin's mask has lenses that allow him to see all that's going on clearly.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The girl is in the chair, and hides mostly behind it, trying to follow the motion in the smokey room.

    There's a yelp, and the gunman with the bird-a-rang in his hand now is pinned to the wall. The other is sprawled out on the floor, scrambling to find one of his weapons in the darkness..

    An the one that stumbled out returns, and begins firing pot-shots into the smoke.

    There's the sound of a bullet going through pleather and stuffing, and a snap of a cry from the girl hiding behind the chair.

Tim Drake has posed:
Robin frowns and at the sound of the girl getting hit. The guy in the ground will get a kick to the head to quite him, and a spin kick is sent to the man with the shirijan in his hand. His hands move to his belt, and some specialty Rs are brought out and tossed towards the gunman. Electro Rs that should send the man into a nice taser induced dreamland. before they connect he is already heading towards the girl.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The gunman gives a grunt as his chills become electrifying -- and then he tumbles down.

    The girl is holding her side, backing away in the smokiness, not sure who's coming at her. She can already feel her body beginning to knit the flesh.

    "Leave me alone!" she warns, and attempts to use her camera's flash to blind Robin -- but those lenses in his mask should take care of that handily.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake will turn his head and with the lenses he will only make get a moment of her not in his sight "One of the good guys here, let me get you out of here and get a look at that." And with that he does rush her turning with her once he has her so his back breaks the window and one arm around her, the other shooting a zip line to take them to the roof.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... ohmigod I'm so sorry!" Phoebe squeaks, and then the hero has an arm about her. She steps, stumbling slightly and once they turn, she turns, grasping hard around his waist as she gives a quiet "oh!" of surprise and mixed pain, holding tight to Robin as he fires a zipline to pull them up.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake will carry her behind an AC unit once they are on the roof. His hand throwing an R into the roof access and a surprise for anyone who comes through the door. "It is ok ok, let me look at your side, you were hit?" He asks her.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The girl looks mildly panicked. Might be shock. She looks up at the masked man and she striaghtens slightly, giving a mumbled 'I'm fine--' -- but the blood on her hand doesn't lie. And she's not precisely a good liar.

    However, she does raise her shirt, showing her side -- where the bullet sort of meanders out, and falls against her jeans. The skin is knitting behind it.

    And Tim, since she had a pretty good grip around him, feels the healing effect from her as well. He's not the least bit worn from the fight.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow raises a bit and says "Neat trick." He will pull some swabs out cleaning the area to make sure there is no damage "I don't think they are going to come looking for a fight, they seem to be out of it now. So, what were you doing here?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Please don't tell my mom." Phoebe breathes out, incredibly nervous that one of the caped crusaders is going to run right home and tell.

    "Admittedly, looking to get a picture of the falcons for my blog. I... ah.... run GothamHope. I can't get into any of these buildings during the day, and that one's the only one that's 'open' at night." Phoebe replies, and she rubs the back of her head. "... so... you don't give out juvie citations for tresspassing, right?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smirks a bit at her, and says "Citizen's arrest?" He will ask her and grins a bit at her "The blog is not a bad thing but you need to be more careful. These are some dangerous things around here as you can see.' He tells the woman. "Still got your camera?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The girl gives a slight smile, and holds up her camera. "Still got it." she states, shouldering her backpack with a sheepish grin. "I... I'm pretty sure I can hoof it down to street level down a fire escape or something... and yeah. I know Gotham can be dangerous. Always the bigger predator out there."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow will raise a bit behind the mask but he smirks a bit "Ok, I can help you put your camera up here, but I want you to promise me, you wont be coming sneaking up here again. You might heal quick, but I would rather you not press it.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "What are you, my mom?" Phoebe asks good naturedly, and she looks up, her eyes searching the buildings.

    "Up there, against one of those buildings, there's a good vantage point from the roof that overlooks the ledge where the falcons are nesting." she explains. "I tried E-mailing the security for it, but I'm pretty sure it's owned by Bruce Wayne, and I can't get a hold of security to get permission. The abandoned building at least has the right direction to face."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smirks, and in a deeper voice he will say "I'm Robin." and chuckles a bit "Sorry inside joke." He will move to wrap his arm around her again and brings out his grapple launcher.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The girl gives a small laugh, and draws herself for a full up stand, teetering slightly as Tim wraps his arm around her, and she latches on.

    "Phoebe." she introduces herself simply, making sure her camera strap is secure.

    "... don't suppose I can write about this in my GothamHope blog?" she laughs.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smirks and says "Best not to, or if you do, make sure you just saw it, was not part of it, besides, then your mom would know." He says launching the grappler, and taking them up abover the spot for the camera and then lowers back down to a steady spot for them to stand.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    They find a good spot, a decent bit of ledge, and he girl stays very, very close to the building, her eyes opening wide a moment before she looks down, and then back up as she exhales, and looks around, and then points. "Look!" Up there!"

    And true enough, though hard to spot against the dull slate and steel of the other building, there was a nest, and at least one falcon standing watch.

    Leaning against the building for support, she snaps a couple of pictures in excitement.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake will make sure to get his camera placed while she aint looking and the frequency to watch hers as well. He will offer her his arm to take her down and get her off the building and on her way home.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    And as the two make their way down, the younger teen cracks a grin up at Tim, and takes a quick, candid shot of him.

    "... that's not for the blog, that's for my personal collection." she replies, and she rubs the back of her neck. "In repayment for kinda saving my life and in general not telling people I was up there... I... can do that for others, too. So... yeah. That's knowledge you have now." she states, then turns, and books it into the night.

    "G'night Robin!" she calls back chipperly, making her way back to the bus station with quite a tale that she can't tell!