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Latest revision as of 01:38, 7 March 2020

Witch Hunt!
Date of Scene: 05 March 2020
Location: 15A - Melissa's Apartment
Synopsis: Government Agents are appeased by the wiles of the ex(?)-con.
Cast of Characters: Melissa Gold, Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Dammit!" Melissa throws down the pencil and the notebook. "How do those people do that?" She's got a phone book and a couple of newspapers laid out on her minuscule counter, and a seriously impressive stack of crushed beer tins scattered around her on the floor. Plus one unopened one on the counter too. "How am I supposed to figure this crap out!?"
    Dressed in her civvies, she doesn't look much like a superhero, but definitely like a club employee. (Nobody, however, would guess she's the bouncer...)
    "I need to find someone who's good at this shit."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi's here, well not 'here' in the apartment. On the corridor ouside, she's heading to 15, 15A and B. Since, well, she's SHIELD and checking in on Songbird. With a sharp knock on the doors of 15 and 15B, Bobbi turns her attention to 15A. Knock, knock, no ditch

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Come! Lock doesn't work."
    Yeah, that's Songbird's voice inside. An angry sounding Songbird. Ear plugs at the ready?
    Some light cursing comes from within and the sound of empty cans being shoved out of the way can be heard from within.
    "And if you're the landlord, I told you, I'll pay you tomorrow. That's when the club pays out."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi gets rady to take the microstep to the door. "It's the girl who got you food. Pizza service" Bobbi calls. Nice throwback to Songbird screaming in the Triskelion's holding cell. This time, Bobbi's got earplugs at the ready. If she goes for her staves...there goes several support columns given how shoddy this place appears. She could sneeze and half the wall would collapse, no doubt. Looking around, Bobbi called for backup and is documenting the conditions for an 'anonymous' tip to the PD. And whoever else is responsible for housing arrangements, too. Bobbi may be SHIELD, but she's also got compassion and damn it, she feels sorry for the people in this place.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Miss Daisy.

That's what a lot of the kids call her nowadays once she became a part-time teacher there... What happened to her rep as Skye?!!? On hindsight perhaps she should had used Skye as her name for Happy Harbor instead of Daisy. Ah well. Of course it doesn't help that she hasn't had much of an experience with teaching so it has come with it's own problems..

Yet when she got the call from Bobbi to go on a SHIELD mission she took it up gladly. Civilian clothing? Sure..., she can do that. Dark jeans, wool shirt and a leather jacket atop it all. Her fingerless, tech gloves are on too but barely visible under the sleeves of that jacket.

She makes her way down the corridor, arriving a bit late and finding Bobbi there, a brow quirking up in question and then towards the doorway. "So, what's the deal here today?" she asks.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "I said come in!" the voice grumps from inside. Booted feet stomp to the door, making the floorboards creak. OUTSIDE of the apartment. The unusually narrow door opens, the frame filled with...OK, the bottom two-thirds filled with...Melissa's muscular form. She pauses, blinks, stares at Bobbi, then her eyes slide suspiciously to Daisy.
    "Well, you're using help this time. Am I to think that you think you're arresting me?"
    She's not taking a step back. She's just filling the frame.
    Well, as mentioned, the bottom two-thirds.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Checking in on Songbird. After her stunt in the holding cell" Bobbi says, "I'm not taking any chances. She can scream and use it as a weapon" she whispers. Then again, Songbird's file...yeah, Bobbi's just whispering the cliffsnotes version to her. With an I.C.E.R. shotgun ready if needed, Bobbi looks to Songbird. "I'm waiting on a pizza delivry" she smarts. "Cause last time we got off on the wrong foot. You said come in, so" Bobbi nods, and glances down the hall then over to quake. "Are we arresting her?" she asks....more for show. Simple checking in mission and gathering intel, too. Bobbi steps in and looks around, a frown on her face as she takes in the apartment and steps to the side as not to obstruct Daisy

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A screamer... And Daisy without her earplugs.. Though perhaps she can use her vibration control if things get bad enough. Not that she wants them to. She had but glanced at the file before, some previous problems but wanting to turn better. Sure, Daisy knows well how that can be. She brings no weapon, or well, none that are visible though she does take her hands out of her pockets.

"I was going with a no. But I know Bobbi has been itching to use that shotgun." she waggling her brows up at Bobbi but then letting out a sigh, turning her eyes to look at Songbird.

"No, we don't want to arrest you." she assures Songbird, then adds. "I am Daisy." NOT ms. Daisy.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    To say there's mistrust in Mel's eyes is understatement. To say, too, that there's intense embarrassment as she lets the two SHIELD agents in to see where she lives is beyond understatement. You can SEE her face harden into her tough chick persona.
    "Make yourselves comfortable," she says, gesturing to the bed -- not even a futon. "That's the couch. Welcome to my palace."
    Anybody in need of calibration of their sarcasm sensors can use that as an "overload" test. The pile of crushed cans on the floor get shoved even more out of sight. Sort of. "I got a couple-a brews left. Can I treat you?" She fetches one for herself from her "kitchen" in the half-sized fridge under the counter. "Got some Perrier too," she adds incongruously.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi hasn't gone for the shotgun yet, she does though listen, and her sarcasm bit of her brain is overloaded. "You're what, queen of the termites?" she asks with a smirk. "We're not here to arrest you. Honestly. I'm worried about this place and you. You screamed in our holding cell. You scream here, and you'll be in a pile of rubble" she says with genuine concern on herr face and shakes her head. "No thank you, no treats"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
No judgement on Daisy's eyes when she gets into Melissa's apartment. She has lived out of her Van in the past for christ's sake! But she knows that tough look. It makes her grin briefly while she takes note of the 'palace'. "True, this isn't the safest of places to be. "Bobbi's been worried about you. She does that with people she cares about." she says it all too casually, making her way over to a window to glance outside.

To the offer of a treat she shakes her head. "Can't. On duty and all that." before she asks in a direct manner. "What's stopping you from moving out of this place?"

Melissa Gold has posed:
    That earns Daisy a stare. Behind the mask it's hard to tell what kind of a stare. Given that Melissa has frozen for that moment, however, it's probably not a good kind.
    "Money," she then says, feigning an uncaring shrug. "It's tight. I got equipment to maintain. Spandex ain't cheap and sonic modules are pricier." A tight smile spreads over her features, stretching her face into something perhaps a bit ghoulish. "'Course I could go bad again, right? Livin' it up the way I used to. But then this conversation wouldn't be so friendly."
    Irony sensors can be calibrated on that last sentence.
    She takes a deep breath. "Nope, I move boxes..." She waves off hastily. "...that's a really temporary gig while I get settled..." Continues normally. "...during the day when there's casual labour. I bounce at the Blue Oyster three nights a week plus Sunday. And I may get another bouncin' job that pays more, but we're kinda in the negotiatin' stage on that one."
    She sighs, and turns away briefly.
    "And rest of the time I try and make up for things."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Mhmm" Bobbi offers. Way to drop the Bobbi cares news, Daisy! Still Bobbi looks around and watches them both with a quiet sigh. "Money's the problem ain't it?" she asks gently looking genuinely worried about Melissa. As in, great, I gotta step in to help, type worry.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The stare is returned with a raise of both brows, one shoulder resting against the side of the window and she folding her arms together, some more of her gloves noticeable. Whatever those may do! But when she speaks it's in a confident manner. "You've already made the decision to not go back to the past. Moving on, no matter what it may cost." she says it as if by experience, lifting a shoulder up in a brief shrug and one of her more wide smiles appearing when she notes Bobbi's reaction.

"I know you, Bobbi. You can't help it." A faint trace of amusement on Daisy's expression but then she suggests towards Bobbi, "SHIELD is always on the lookout for good talent."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Ain't that the truth" she says. To both partss and looks to Daisy. "You're up to something" she asides and then looks to Melissa with a shrug, shaking her head. "Money's a problem. But where do you want to live and what do you wanna do with your life?" she asks suddenly, and sits on the bed as if she's interviewing Melissa for something.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    That gets a solid wince. Not even an angry one, more a sort of sad and resigned one.
    Her mouth tightens as a complex web of feelings crosses her face.
    "Look, guys, thanks for your concern." Is that a softening of that tough chick act? "I knew you was stand-up, Bobbi, when you backed me in the bar. But ..." She looks helplessly between the pair, a bark of laughter escaping her lips. "... I'm ... kinda..."
    She stares helplessly between them.
    "I'm kinda getting recruited? I think? I may be in the scene more formally soon. Then ... spandex gets paid for."
    She grins a bit, albeit uncertainly.
    "Still a few hurdles to cross on that, to be honest, but it feels good. And they sound like good peeps."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Aren't I always up to something?" A wink given to Bobbi.

"But this isn't pity." Daisy says with a brief shake of her head, expression continuing to attentively look over Songbird, "It's more a ..., keep it in mind thing. I got my chance when I needed a turn in my life, and we know you are good. Better than when I got into all this Agent thing." a brief roll of her eyes as if that was still something she had trouble assimilating. Being an Agent.

"Though then she asks. "You have been working with other heroes?" a look to Bobbi and then back to Melissa, she apparently curious.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Okay then" Bobbi says gently and watches Melissa. Shaking her head, Bobbi shrugs to Daisy. "Can't help it can i?" she adds with a wicked smirk. "Kinda....jumping the gun?" Bobbi speculates. "If I was in charge of recruiting you'd have been hit on the head, and stuffed in a van. I'm joking. I'm joking!" Bobbi says raising her hannds. "So what makes you think you're being recruited huh?" she asks with a questioning look to Melissa. "I mean, SHIELD could always use good people, but..." she says speculating a little. "You're good people, so are others. Who knows, we maay be seeing how you are and making a ball and strike call on you" she grins.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Visibly relaxing now, Melissa leans against her counter (which creaks alarmingly) and crosses her legs and arms. A mischievous grin crosses her face. "Well, first there was a magic trick. A card trick in a coffee shop," she says. "I was thinking about it and realized it was probably a test. So I had a second talk where I was told I'd figured out the message and there was a second magic trick."
    She hunkers down behind the counter again and roots around in her fridge, pulling up a can of Perrier, tossing that toward Bobbi. "See? Perfect shape, isn't it? That's the magic. That's how I know I'm being recruited. That can of water."
    She nods, face deadpan, eyes dancing, as if any of that was intended to make sense.
    "So now I'm waiting for another interview or test or something and then I'm in. It's perfectly simple."
    "Oh, and yeah, I've been workin' with a few other in the spandex set, and am recruiting someone into it as well." She closes her eyes a moment and smiles lightly, opening them again. "I'm serious about tryin' to do good. And not goin' back. I ... made bad decisions. I'll prolly make a million more. But I ain't goin' back to doin' bad, knowin' it's bad. That's gone and over with."
    Her arm sweeps around the apartment.
    "No matter what kinda shithole I live in."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy Johnson pushes herself out of the window sill she was leaning against, eyeing that creaking counter with a brief chuckle. "Clearly a living hazard." her hands rest on the backpockets of her jeans, now more relaxed as they speak, "No pressure though. Bobbi is a good judge of character so I trust her on this." she states with a grin.

"Just keep it on your mind. Even if it may be something as simple as being allies with our group." she offers, though then eyes Bobbi at the mention of stuffing people into vans. "We deny all kind of involvement in those kind of recruitments. You should know that." she says, but is clearly joking.

"But now more seriously. You seem the right kind of person I'd like to have there." She now eyeing Melissa more directly.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi gives a sealed lips gesture to Daisy with a laugh. "True. Though that's those other guys" she jibes teasing her fellow intellignece folks. "So you're doing okay? Look. I wanna help you out getting better living conditions" Bobbi says being upfront and honest. "I'd rather find somebody els here and you moved into a decent place to live" she says to Mel then looks to Daisy with a glint in her eye. Oh no. Morse is up to things. Oh great. Is SHIELD suddenly going to dip into the housing market c/o one Bobbi Morse? Maybe.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Honest? I probly won't move out even when I get the cash stopped. I'm kinda the cop of the block. Someone tried breakin' in while I was crashed out."
    She grins with a certain amount of ghoulish glee.
    "Cops hadda pry 'im out of the hallway wall. Since then, people left kinda peaceable in this buildin'." A shrug dismisses the thought. "I like doin' good for people. And they like havin' me here. People here deserve protection as much as the other guys I protect. Don't see a reason to move."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy grins, quite able to understand how that goes though then fetches inside her jacket, getting out a card. "I know, cards are old fashioned, but anyway if you need any help you already got Bobbi's contact I am sure. Have mine as well." she wanders over to place the card over on that 'creaking' counter. She is careful though.

"And ..., it's time for me to leave." she rolls her eyes. Damn classes, the kids are probably already getting into the classroom. She lets out a sigh, apparently not looking to forward to it. "Take care you two." and she gets on her way out.