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Latest revision as of 01:03, 14 February 2021

Working out issues...
Date of Scene: 12 February 2021
Location: Workout Room
Synopsis: Warren sees Ali, his ex, in the workout room on the way to the sauna.
Cast of Characters: Warren Worthington, Alison Blaire

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren has been visiting the mansion more and more over the last couple of months since he has been accompanying Kitty on days she puts in her hours here as the school counselor, and on those days Warren makes himself scarce, finding something to do to occupy his time. Some days it is just hanging out in the Rec Room, singing karaoke or playing video games with the kids, other days he ends up cooking. Today though, it was sauna time. Not having one at the penthouse, it is one of the few luxuries that Warren doesn't get to indulge in on his whim, so he takes time to use it when he can.

Making his way into the workout room and towards the sauna, Warren is dressed for his intended activity in a pair of board shorts and a loos fitting a-frame shirt with strategic cutouts for his wings. He has a towel draped over one shoulder, nose in a book, and earbuds in as he bops his head along to some unheard song playing in his ears.

Alison Blaire has posed:
It's coooooooooold out, too cold for a jog like Alison would like to take, so, she is on the treadmill today. She is in shorts, and a tanktop, jogging away. There is a clear sheen of sweat on her, and as Warren comes into the workout room the treadmill beeps and then starts to slow down for her cool down. Alison exhales a long breath, puts her hands up behind her head, and starts walking slowly with the cooldown timer on the equipment.

When Warren enters she looks over to him, and gives a half-behind-her-head wave to the man, and then looks back down at her timer. Two minutes. She picks up her bottle of water, and says amicably to Warren, "Hi." as he passes by.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Having the earbuds in, he doesn't hear Alison so much as catch the movement of her on the treadmill out of his peripheral vison. He glances up, letting the book fall to his side as he reaches up to pluck the ear buds from his ears. "Oh..Hey, Ali. I didn't know you would be down here." He flashes that award winning smile of his and gives the other blonde a nod, "Looking good. How long you been back in town for?"

He continues to move towards the sauna as he speaks, He pulls the t-shirt up over his head and hangs over one of the hooks next to the door before hooking the towel as well before checking the controls to make sure the temp is set properly. "How have you been?"

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison Blaire swaggers JUST a bit more at the looking good compliment from Warren, and then winks, "Why thank you. Aren't I always?" she asks. The timer continues to drop, as does the pace of the cooldown. She picks up a towel to dab some sweat off of her brow, "I just got in last night, went to Sam's birthday, spending a couple days here, and then...off again."

At the question of how has she been, she smiles and replies, "I've been good. Writing a new album that should be out...hopefully next year if everything continues along, and have the last leg of my tour so that's keeping me busy. How about you? I hear rumors that you and Kitty are a thing now?" with a bit of a mischevious smile.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren chuckles at the swagger, leaning back against the wooden door of the sauna and folding his arms over his chest casually as he watches her do her cooldown routine, "Yeah, you are. There was never denying that. Did you say it was Sam's birthday? Shit, I'll have to get him something nice. He's a good kid."

He shrugs one of his shoulders, a slight blush coming to his cheeks at the mention of Kitty, "Uh, yeah. Rumors are true. We started seeing each other around New Years, things just kind of happened. We were keeping it on the down low a bit, but it wasn't exactly a secret. She moved in a week or so ago." He reaches up, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand as the glances back over to Alison, "New album huh? Can't wait to hear it."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Good luck topping the truck Roberto got him." Dazzler replies with a shake of her head. "I don't know where these kids are getting that kind of money to throw around, but..." she shrugs and then the treadmill beeps again, her cooldown over. She picks up her water bottle and takes a drink of it, stepping down from the machine.

"I'm glad to hear it! I wouldn't let Kitty listen to it right away, I think you're in a couple of songs." She teases. Or is it teasing? They are exes, yes. They did split under good circumstances, but...artists use their personal pain to make great art. Even an amicable split brings SOME pain.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"What, you don't think I could top a truck? Please, I'll just pay off his mom's mortgage...you know, that actually isn't a half bad idea. Can't be easy to make the payments with that brood she has," Warren chuckles. "I don't either. I remember the days when we were the rich ones, right? Now it seems everyone is."

He arches a brow, "Oh? And just how bad did you trash me, Sparkles? Are my ears going to burn red from the tongue lashing, or am I just going to have to learn to repeat the phrase 'no comment' as the reporters start to flood my phone?" He sighs, "Not that I have any regrets."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"A little of column A, a little of column B. I kept it within the bounds of decorum." Alison teases, and then she starts towards Warren, "Though, do remind me the next time we see each other, that you, Kitty, and I should go get drinks." The grin is again, strangely mischievous. She veers away from Warren at the last moment, walking with a bit more than her normal saunter towards the women's changing room. "I owe you at least that much."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Well, that is what I get for hooking up with a songwriter." admits Warren with a shrug of his shoulders, turning to follow Alison with his eyes as she heads towards the women's locker room. "I knew the job was dangerous when I took it, and I am sure Kitty will be thrilled to get drinks with you. I can only imagine what the two of you will talk about." Warren rolls his eyes and pushes off the sauna wall, moving to tug the door open and head inside. "Anytime you want to come by, feel free. You know where we live...just call first," he says with a grin.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Where's the fun in that?" Alison asks as she rounds the corner and disappears into the changing room.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Watching Alison head into the women's locker room, Warren shakes his head with a sigh, "That woman is likely to cause me no end of trouble. Sad thing is, I'll probably enjoy it." Warren waits a beat before chuckling to himself and slipping into the sauna to let the heat do its thing.