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Latest revision as of 01:43, 7 March 2020

Date of Scene: 29 February 2020
Location: Empire State University A House
Synopsis: Alex, Bobbi, and Songbird go to a frat party and cause trouble.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Melissa Gold, Bobbi Morse

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Saturday night is alright for fighting. But it is also a night when New York comes to life. Often people imagine it's across the burg, at the restaurants and the dance clubs, the bars and the shows. But one of the more happening places so often on a Saturday is the 'Fraternity Row' of apartment buildings nearest to the Empire State University campus.
    Sometimes it's a shared party that pours out onto the side street and where the dog park is nearby. Sometimes it's only inside one of those brownstones. Today it's the latter, with the rain coming down in a steady downpour, washing away the Winter's snow and offering that first hint of Spring time petrichor. If it only wasn't for that damn chill wind that makes the dash from the subway station a damned pain in the ass.
    And with that wind at on their tails, the two young heroes rush along the street and toward that tall three story brownstone where the music thumps and bumps from inside. With his hand in hers, Alexander grins sidelong and tells her, "So you totally won't hold this against me, right?" Since really, he knows these guys and they're... pretty typical for what she likely imagines.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Of course not. I'll also try not to get you kicked out or not pledged or whatever it is you weirdo Greek types do." Melissa then pulls a piece of chewing gum from her pocket and chews noisily before putting on the most stereotyped lower-class New York Jewish accent. "Will I sound more edumacated if I talk like this?" she asks in a voice so nasal that Fran Drescher would take notes for her next show concept. "What should I talk about? Maybe when I was sittin' shiva for my bubbe? That always goes over well at synagogue. Maybe your college friends will think I'm a decent girl then."
    Where does she get this shit? And decent girl? Dressed like she is? It's not like she has a bunch of outfits to go with.
    And then she does her streetwalker walk just to hammer it home, suppressing laughter as she sways her hips so much they knock into Alexander with bruising force.
    "Woik for you Aaaalex?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "To be honest," Alex says as he starts to walk up the steps, hopping a bit as she thumps him with a playful hip check. He hrmphs at her, "Dunno if I actually wanna, like, pledge. Crazily enough." That said he then draws up short as she starts slaughtering the language with that accent. He barks another short laugh and hops up a few steps, then stops with one sneaker on the top one as he turns to look at her, "I can't believe I'm saying this Mel, but uhh be yourself." His lips twist wryly, "Since apparently that's better than the alternative."
    And as he reaches the top he stops long enough to bang on the door three times, then casually nudges it open with one hand, peering in just as a tall guy in a baseball cap and a Yankees T pulls it further open and away from him.
    "Yeah? Oh fuck, hey Al."
    "Hey Tyler, you said there was a party thing right?"
    "Yeah, fuck yeah. Pledges for the semester and shit but you ain't runnin' til next? Right? So fuck it, c'mon in and..."
    Then Tyler straightens up, "Oh hey, who's the babe?"
    "Mel, Ty, Ty, Mel." Introductions made with a gesture of one hand.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    When the door opens Mel's laughing (and, thankfully, back to her real self, having ditched the gum after dropping her gag). "But Alex, I *AM* Jewish!" she says, just in time for Ty to overhear that. "I was speaking the language of my people."
    That mischief in her eyes foreshadows an ... interesting ... evening.
    "Oh, hi, Ty! I'm Mel! I'm with the hot stud here tonight, and totally he didn't pay me at all. I just like his company."
    She juts out her hand for a handshake, then compresses ... just a wee bit ... not enough to cause pain but enough to make Ty question his manhood ... or her womanhood. If you squint right she might be transgender. I mean if you had rigid gender roles in your head and maybe 10/20 vision...
    "I'm so looking forward to this blast! I like drinking a whole lot and Alex here promised me lots of booze!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Ty at first laughs even as Alex shoots her a smirking squinty-eyed gaze of daggers, but he slips an arm around her back signaling his support of her even if she is a huge dork. A fact he reminds her of as he leans in close and whispers simply that word, before he nods back toward Ty.
    Ty, for his part though, is smirking and grabbing her hand for a quick shake and a pull back for a fist bump, but her grabbing him and then /squeeezing/ has him blinking a bit, surprised. And just when he's about to complain she lets loose of that grip. He steps back from the door, rubbing his hand.
    "Well booze we got, in spades, babe." Ty turns and yells, "Hey guys, it's that Alex dude from the food truck thing?"
    "What seriously?" The sound of a few more voices are heard distantly, two masculine and one female as she pipes up, "Is he with anyone?"
    To which Ty sorta looks back and grins at Mel then looks over at Alex as if for clarification and he says, "Yeah, Mel is my..."
    And at that he sorta draws up short. Those hazel eyes meeting hers and his brow furrows as he tilts his head. "My girlfriend?" He at first says, the word lilting up at the end signifying a lack of surety.
    But then he says with more agreement, "Yeah, my girlfriend."
    Ty shouts back as he leads them into the living room where there's a throng of thirty some people, "Sorry Mandy, he's all taken and shit."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Girlfriend. Main squeeze. Lover. Bed warmer. Pick your word. I'm one of 'em." Mel enters the place with an affable wave, before turning back to Alex and murmuring quietly to him, "Fuck toy. Orchard garden." She probably meant orchid there, but even with that it's a bit weak. Then she goes for the jugular. "Slimy gash."
    And back to the room. "Alex told me he knew people in Alef house, so I wanted to see that with my own eyes. So much more impressive than Gimel house!"
    And the Hebrew stuff now. WTF!?
    Of course there's always one. In any group. The "well-actually" guy. Well-Actually guy said, "I think you meant Alpha and Gamma?"
    Mel's eyes rake over the guy. She's found her first victim for the evening... "Oh, silly me!" she says ... Alex can feel the suppressed laughter from where his hand is at her waist. "Thanks for correcting me!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A laugh slips from Alexander as Melissa's introduction into Alpha house is this lovely whirlwind of comments and wry impacts. She gets all of the glances, all of the double takes, from most of the guys and a good part of the girls. Though the music continues to thump-thump-thump in the background with a steady ooontz-oontz-oontz with the occasional bit of lyrics thrown in almost as an afterthought.
    And when she looks over at Alexander he's just smiling, lifting his eyes upwards and to the side as if pleading for some help from someone far above, probably his grandfather. But when his eyes catch hers he leans in close enough to whisper, 'Try and leave some survivors to tell the unholy tale of your reckoning.' Once that's said he leans back to crinkle his nose at her, then steal a kiss on her cheek.
    Even as he announces, "I'll go get you a drink," Since this way he can make sure she doesn't get roofied. Or maybe insure she does. Either/or.
    With that he starts to walk off, leaving her to her own devices for now. Even as three frat brothers encircle her and start pelting her with questions.
    "So hey, haven't seen you around on campus."
    "How'd that loser freshman end up with a babe like you?"
    "What's your major?"

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Mel answers the questions sequentially:

    1. "I don't go to school here."
    2. "He made me pass out twice. And he's probably the best at going down I've ever seen." (She winks Mandy's way here, nodding in confirmation and mouthing 'he really is'.)
    3. "Mostly I major in lifting heavy boxes. And evenings I beat up punks who touch the girls at clubs without invitation."

    When the third guy looks momentarily like he doubts the lifting heavy boxes claim, she tilts her head and regards him, as Alex is making his way back with a drink for her. "You don't believe me? Bet you I could lift you over my head..."
    Depending on how much Alex likes or dislikes said frat boy, he may want to intervene or hold her beer...

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Perhaps it's that he doesn't want anything to happen to the guys, or perhaps it's because he wants to keep a low profile, but as he walks up with two of those ubiquitous red solo cups he tells them, "Do not accept any bets from her guys. Do not accept any dares. Do not give her any dares." He seems to rattle this all off too easily, as if he had given this thought beforehand. But when his eyes meet hers and he extends the drink towards her, she can just see the gleam in his eye. Adoration? Maybe. Affection? Definitely.
    "Here, it's punch. Lots of vodka I think." And as he says that he tilts some back drinking from her cup, then handing it to her. As if to make sure it was safe.
    That done he takes a drink from his own as Mandy has decided to join the gathering. "Heya Alex, thought you were going to be here last semester."
    "Sorry, Amanda. My dad wanted me to go to this school thing." Alex offers as he stands there, the social circle shifting to allow them all to chat while the crowd of students move around them there in that 'living' room which is really just a gathering of bean bag chairs and flip-n-fucks.
    "So how old are you?" The larger frat guy asks, his baseball bat turned around and with a good fifty pounds on Alex, probably weighing twice as much as Melissa.
    "C'mon man," Ty at least has the wherewithal to say, "You know that shit is rude, asking a lady her age."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Mel takes the cup, after pressing her lips together in amusement at the pre-drinking ritual, and downs it in a single pull, tossing the solo cup to one side. (It's pretty obvious she'd totally be the kind who'd throw shot glasses into fireplaces were she in that kind of environment.) She throws herself down on one of the flip chairs, one leg hanging off the side, the other carelessly flung up on a nearby coffee table or footstool, whatever is in range.
    "Hey, I'm not ashamed. I'm a quarter of a ..." She pauses and considers a moment. "Millennium? Is that right?" She nods with certainty. "Quarter of a millennium old. Still a spring chicken. Loads of time left before my biological clock runs out."
    It's REALLY hard to tell if she's acting like she doesn't know what a millennium is, or really doesn't.
    "And who the fuck said I'm a lady?" she adds, laughing, winking at Ty. "Do ladies wear this?"
    "No, I'm not including professional ladies in this."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi strolls in once the auto drive SUV's given her the metaphorical finger....left her here. And she's in Wakandan dress too. Taking in the view...she's got questions. "So. What'd I walk in, on, who do I get to deliver snacks to, and did you guys play spin the bottle yet?" she calls. Oy, she went to Georgia Tech. She's seen this sorta thing before. Hey, why not. Besides. Bobbi's needing to blow off steam. hence bringing enough alcohol to float a small navy, and....yes, enough food for Wakanda's citizens. If, that is, they liked things that college kids like. THough Bobbi's finding a use for cheap beer, and cheap snacks. Because, God forbid SHIELD use them. Plus they'd only go to somewhere else. Bobbi may as well put them to use, right?

She's looking for familiar faces, and is glad to see she's not that out of place. Just...hoping for no staves today.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    And, of course, that one frat brother, the medium height one carrying his backpack over one shoulder. Inside. For some reason. He corrects her as he says, "Actually. A millenium is one thousand years. So you're saying you're two hundred and fifty years old. Which," He starts to laugh a little haltingly, "Is ludicrous."
    To which the otehr frat brothers sorta roll their eyes.
    But Alexander, for his part, sort of pulls over one of the ottomans and straddles it, sitting down on the edge and sipping from his solo cup.
    And curiously enough, as Alexander settles himself down near Melissa, some of the other students settle around him. A sociologist might find it interesting, a study on charisma or tribal behaviour. But the Olympian, he just seems entirely at ease in this situation where most of his contemporaries... would not.
    "So man, where did you dig this gal up?" Ty says in a tone low enough figuring it won't carry to Mel even as he sits on the edge of the coffee table nearby, reaching over to a bag of greyish white joints to grab one for a soke.
    Alex answers, "We got into a fight, and afterwards I asked her out." A simplification, but kinda accurate.
    Then Mandy tries her hand at taking a run at Melissa, "So, don't you think it's kinda lame when old people try to hang out with a buncha college kids?"
    Yeah that'll go over well.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Oh, hell yeah! Old people suck! I mean you see those Hollywood types in their damned sixties with their latest trade-ups in girlfriends who could be their granddaughters and ... doesn't that just make your skin crawl?"
    Melissa's Hell-bent, it seems, on not understanding what Mandy's getting at. Which is visibly upsetting Mandy. DAMMIT BITCH! GET PISSED OFF AT MY TRITE DIGS!
    Then Mel goes for the jugular, noting the vintage Stones Tank Top that Mandy's wearing over her skin-tight white long-sleeved tee. The one with the huge tongue sticking out and nothing else.
    "And man, that doesn't even get into those ancient rock stars like ... uh ... Gordon Ledfoot? Gordon Zeppilin? Something like that. You know, the really old guys." She does an astonishingly accurate rendition of the guitar riff from 'Satisfaction'. "Those kinds of guys. All those college-age groupies that go backstage and on their knees for those geriatrics! Man, just thinking about it makes me want another drink so I can get that picture out of my head."
    She looks across at Alex. That's his signal to get another. Which he probably doesn't know.
    Then back at Mandy. "I mean how much self-respect have you got when you're goin' down on someone in his damned '70s? So yeah, old people hangin' out with college age kids is really gross!"
    Her smile is purely guileless. Her eyes hard like granite.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi sets down her haul of frat party goodness and flees a few paces. Great, let them go nuts over it. No sense getting her almost dora milaje garb all ruined, though she casts her gaze around for trouble. She's got her staves strapped to her thigh. It's weird not being in the suit, but Bobbi actually likes her current clothing. She's just hoping she stays in it, frat kids are...well....she's got staves to beat back anyone getting too grabby.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Like a slowly rippling shockwave through the part, the realization from the front door is heard as Brother Melvin, one of the frat pledges, calls out. "Hey guys, someone brought a ton of stuff!" And indeed, there is Bobbi's bounty granted with grace and aplomb to the young men of Alpha house and their guests. Even as the stuff is wheeled on in, through the foyer and to the large dining room/meeting hall where it's added to the suddenly now anemic looking supply they had on hand for the bash.
    Alexander, for his part, looks up as his eyes distance. And then it's likely the moment when he espies Bobbi and his features crinkle. "It's her." He says off-handedly, then looks over at Melissa with a wry grin. When she makes that intimation, however, that he should get the booze. His features twist as he says succinctly, "PFFT."
    That's right he just Pffted at her. Then he adds with a smirk, "I got the last round." Totally her turn.
    But Mandy, she is not doing a good job of hiding her pissed-offedness and crinkles his nose, "Look here, bitch!"
    She starts to say and /that/ at least gets Alex to move as apparently his role for tonight is to play handler for the lovely Miss Gold. "Hey Mandy, c'mon, you were gonna show me that presentation thing you did for your econ course." And with that he starts to walk off, though as he moves he holds up his solo cup to the side, points at it, and then nods to Melissa. Maybe telling her something, then again maybe not.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Oh, isn't she adorable!" Mel says viciously, a parting shot, as Mandy is dragged off. Then, through the mass of people greeting Bobbi's arrival, she finally spots Bobbi. "Oh, hey, officer!" she calls across to Bobbi, waving, picking herself out of the low-slung sleeper chair (the observant would notice the way she stood up takes both incredible balance and incredibly strong abdominal muscles) and sauntering across to the new haul.
    "Hey, guys, this is my parole officer. Isn't she cute? And bringing booze to a place filled with underaged peeps. Whatta gal!"
    The panic spreads out from Bobbi in a wave as people hide tokes (or in the case of Ty a whole bowl full of them). While that goes on, Melissa grabs a couple of beers from the incoming supply. And then a few more. And a couple of large economy bags of chips.
    "Thanks, officer!" she says cheerily and walks away to chase down Alexander, like the good delivery girl she's supposed to be. From the other side of the room, out of reach of Bobbi's batons, she calls out, laughing, "PSYCH! She's an egghead, not a cop!"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi sighs looking to Mel with a look that promises payback. The fact she was just used to terrify fat kids? Not cool! She was a sorority girl once. "Hey you" she says to Mel, or calls to Mel's back. "I was a sorority girl once. So" she says firmly. "So none of you are in trouble. There's more stuff in a van around the corner"

For once, the SHIELD type van (really it's just a junker) isn't full of agents, or cops, or DEA types...

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    One of the students turns and whisper to his friend, "People still say psych?"
    "I guess so, man."
    But the words from the female former wrestler have their desired effect as people sort of scatter to deal with their own little piles of illicit goods, though that leaves only a handful of people around in that room, almost as if Bobbi was suddenly radioactive and everyone had forgotten their lead-lined jumpers.
    But when Melissa goes off searching for Alexander she'll likely show up behind them as Mandy is there, casually reaching out every now and then, finding excuses to touch Alex's shoulder as she shows him her little display on the computer screen, the presentation she gave for her econ class that assuredly got her some kudos somehow or other.
    "Wow, that's so interesting." Alexander says as he stands there in his jeans and hoodie, sipping from the solo cup. Though when he looks over his shoulder he flashes a smile Mel's way.
    Mandy does ask, however, "Hey did she say there's a cop here?" And it looks like the delicate blonde college girl is about to beat feet as well.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Mel doesn't do anything to correct Mandy's misapprehension. That vicious thing's departure lessens the chances of bloodshed after all, and Mel's trying not to collect another felony assault count.
    "Bobbi's here with beer," she says to Alex, slipping up next to him and handing him a can. Then, tossing a casual glance Mandy's way, she bites into the side of her own tin, laughing as beer sprays out in all directions before the pressure drops enough she can pour it into a solo. "I took a few tins and some chips. Want some?" She holds out the bags. "One's ... uh ... dill ... pickle? The other's ... NOW WHO THE HELL MAKES SEAWEED FLAVOURED CHIPS!?"
    Shrugging wryly, she does the "whatchyagonnado" thing. "Didn't pay attention to what flavour they were."