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Chilly donuts on the beach
Date of Scene: 29 February 2020
Location: Happy Harbor Waterfront
Synopsis: Sandy Butts are discussed in detail!
Cast of Characters: Saoirse Flynn, AJ Strong

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse is wearing a long-sleeved camo jacket left open with a snug grey top and snug white leggings with matching white shoes. (https://www.facebook.com/iamiskra/photos/a.431125450355403/1183161838485090/?type=3&theater). Standing near the waterline she's a good few hundred feet from it, but doesn't look too stable on her feet when she walks, but she seems okay when she stops and stands. Having a bag filled with fresh-fried cinna-sugar donuts she muches the minis sssssssssssssas she watches the water. It's a chilly quiet day with the cold weather so not many people out to visit the water today so near the school.

AJ Strong has posed:
Despite the cold, it's not a terrible day for a run, so that's what he has decided to do. Dressed in track pants and a Happy Harbor school hoodie, he's moving along the sandy beach instead of the walkway to give his run just that much more of a difficulty. He's spraying sand out behind him as he runs, arms having to pump a bit more against the resistance. The nice thing being with so few people out, he can just go, since he doesn't need to slow to a walk often as he does once he sees Saoirse ahead of him, he's not so rude as to kick up cold, damp sand onto people. "Hey!" He's also polite enough to offer greeting, since he probably recognizes her at least in passing from the shcool.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse looks up with a smile looking over to AJ. "Oh, hi!" She's often seen floating, yes floating around the school. Social, freindly, wierd, socially awkward but not on particuarly bad terms with anyone she definately stands out. She holds out her hand with the bag of donuts "Hi, want a donut? They're super yummy." A wiggle of a her nose "It's really kinda cold out here today, but the donuts are still nice and warm!"

AJ Strong has posed:
"Ooo! Thanks." AJ grins as he takes one of the offered donuts, raising it a little in a half-salute, half-toast before taking a bite of it. "I was just thinking of trying to find something warm to eat." He looks up and down the length of beach, especially behind him where he's left a trail of divots in the sand. AJ is a midline student around the school, not particulaly standing out in academics like some of the super geniuses. He does participate in athletics, but once again, other students there outshine him. Though he's also one of those that seem perfectly happy in the middle of the pack. "I'm AJ." No doubt, names are known in that way you know your classmates, even if you've never really spoken to them, but he still feels inclined to introduce himself.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse nods "I know. Your in the class guide. I'm Saoirse." Her accent is as Irish as her name. "Did you know that donuts are made out of dough, but not nuts. I dion't know why the nut part is there, but the dough is part of being fried. It's what makes them really tasty."

Looking at the tracks leading up to AJ "How come your running in the cold? My sister does that, something about training and physical endurance. But doens't it make you want to cough because the could on the outside of you goes to the inside of you?"

AJ Strong has posed:
There's a grin from AJ at the inroduction, a bit of donut keeping him from responding immediately, though he does look at the bit of fried dough in his hand. "No idea where the nut part came from, I never really thought about it. But they are good, even without nuts. A peanut butter glazed donut might be really good though, then the nut part works." He smirks and takes another nibble.

AJ shrugs a little as he thinks on it. "I run because I can. It feels good to be out and moving. Training is part of it, I guess, and once you warm yourself up running you don't notice the cold all that much, if anything it helps cool me down." He is still moving his legs a bit, lifting one leg then the other, so as too keep loose and not cramp up from suddenly stopping. Though it does give him the illusion of a flamingo that can't quite decide which leg it wants to stand on.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse hmmns thoughtfully. She's as extroverted as could be, every little thought in her head displays on her face or body language. "Well..peanut butter would make them awfully hard to eat. They could be really good though."

She peers at AJ, leaning a little towards him as she grows curious. "Do you have to pee? You keep kind of dancing in place, sometimes that's what people do when they have to pee. Well, I've heard this described of boys specifically. I haven't heard it on girls, but I beleive it's to do with distraction of bladder management." She hees. "Bladder, that makes me think of that cartoony bladder from the bladder management medication commercial."

AJ Strong has posed:
Finishing off the bit of fried dough, AJ can't help but grin a little at the rambling. "No, I just. It keeps my muscles loose for when I start running again, you're not supposed to just stop in the middle. I, uh.." He wrinkles his nose as he thinks about it. "I don't know why, it's just what I was told." He shrugs, then laughs. "Or I just need to move. I got yelled at in math last week because I couldn't stop shaking my leg."

"The bladder from the, uh.. oh! That thing." He shakes his head, a kind of weirded out look coming to his face. "I don't know who thought it'd be a good idea to make a talking bladder..."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse laughs "Well the bladder doesn't actually talk, it just mostly takes her hand. It's kinda cute, I hope my bladder is that much of a cutey!"r
She slowly rises up to a foot..two feet above the ground "They get annoyed when I float, but it's what feels more natural to me. Hmm. I wonder what my bladder would say if it could talk? Probably something like, hey, I have to pee!" She hmmns. "Oh, I'm okay in math class. But math comes kinda naturally to me. It's pretty easy stuff, but everything else - well that's what I struggle with. My sister excels in lots of things, like everything else - including real life. I don't excel in the same way at all."

AJ Strong has posed:
"I dunno. I'd be kind of worried if my bladder was outside of me talking. Its like.. isn't there a job you're supposed to be doing? You know..." AJ points at himself. "In there?" He shrugs as he looks out over the water, then stretches his arms over his head, then his hands coming to rest behind his head, fingers laced together. "Everyone has things they're good at and bad at. And sometimes it's just practice. I wouldn't worry about it too much, I don't think I'm particularly good at real life either."

He turns his gaze over to Saoirse for a moment before looking back out at the water. "Like this is kinda my first time being in a real school. With teachers, and other students, and all this social weirdness. It takes getting used to."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse nods "Me too! I wasn't able to communicate with the outside world, or really have any totally concious thought. It's been a few years for my body to build nerons, and pathways, and um..stuff like that. And now I can go to school. So I kind of know what that is like."

She hmmns. "My body took guesses at what it meant to be human, so it was probably wrong on some things. I don't think in the normal way that people think. So sometimes people think I'm not very smart. But maybe, some day, all my brainpower will catch up with the rest of my body! I mean after all I don't age anymore, so eventually I have to be kind of smart..sometime, right?"

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ bobs his head slowly. "I.. I could only think. It got to the point were nothing else worked and even that was.." He wrinkles his nose and shakes his head, clearing those memories for now. "Well, we both got better right?" He grins a bit as he crouches on his heels, crossing his arms over his knees. He really does seem to need to keep moving, like he's always burning off extra energy. "And just because you don't think like other people doesn't mean you're not smart. Maybe you're just smart in a different way." He tilts his head to the side. "Like me.. I'm not really good at math, or science or anything like that. But music, that just comes to me, there I'm smart. You just have to play to your strengths. And I think.. not thinking like other people could be a strength. You might see something other people miss."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse hmmns. "Maybe..I do get smarter slowly, but it's really slowly. My sister was augmented with military grade technology. I was built with non-military grade technology. Well, more rebuilt. Nanotechnology made me able to live in the modern world. But my sister can do amazing things, with swords, and fighting, and knowing things. She looks after me, so I kind of know how you feel."

She reaches over to lean and try to ruffle up AJ's hair with her hands and a giggle. "I feel like doing this so I'm going to do this. Heeeee." The donuts fly out of her hand and just sort of float in the bag nearby. "Science is something strange for me. I'm filled with science, made up of it, but I don't understand any of it. My body kind of does, but it was designed not to really use it - it was made with the directive of keeping me human. So it doesn't like to utilize a lot of the technoloy in order to make me supertech, because that would make me unhuman."

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ doesn't seem to mind the hair ruffling, though there is a little of him pushing the front of his hair back into place afterwards. He's listening and nodding as Saorise explains her tech. "Well, your sister does sound strong. Swords would be kind of cool to learn to use, I'd probably stab myself by accident though." He chuckles with a half-smirk across his lips.

"Well. I don't know if most powered people knowhow their powers actually work. I mean, I know they know how to get them to work, but what actually makes them function?" He just sort of shakes his head. "I'm sure someone cold explain mine to me, and my brain would just gloss right over it. I know what I gotta do to hop, but how I hop? Not a clue."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse smiles all the while she's ruffling up his hair. She then hmmns. "Well, they are really big swords, like big as, if not bigger than a person. She's strong enough to hit people and stuff. Well, usually it's more vehicles and things like that with the swords. There's cannons, and guns, and flying boosters, and all kinds of stuff. Not for me though. Oh, but I've got this!"

She raises up a sleeve to reveal a watch that looks very high-tech with some decals put on it. 'LT. Emma Sheen, AEUG' on the top, 'RX-178 Gundam MK II' on the bottom, with a picture of a Gundam MK II in the middle. "I've got this high tech communications thingie. I used to forget to wear it, so they put my favorite character and Gundam on it so I'd remember. It doesn't hurt that it's magnetically locked ot my wrist though." She waves her hand around "See? Doesn't fall off at all!"

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ turns his gaze towards the revealed watch, a slight smile going across his face. "Pretty cool, giant robots are pretty awesome. Hope I never have to fight one." He chuckles lightly. "You can also fly." He points out, "Which as powers go is pretty damn cool. I used to think when I was a kid that would be the power I want. Just.. go up into the sky, float over everything, watch the people going about their business below." He rests his chin in one of his hands, elbow propped on a knee. "I lived in a.. high up apartment. So I'd go out on the balcony and pretend I was flying."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse nods "It's not my best power, the best one is I get unlimited marshmallows from Ultra Puff Marshmallows since my sister was a spokesperson for them. But flying isn't bad..it's more the ability to manipulate gravity around myself and others. Do you want to try being in zero gravity?"

She considers "That does sound isolating. I was in a wheelchair unable to really think or move for myself. I could move but not on my own really. It's something that there is a debate on if what happened to me was the right thing to do or not. And I'm not sure, but this choice shouldn't be made to people who cannot make that choice for themselves. How come you were all alone? Were you in danger, or a danger to others maybe?"

AJ Strong has posed:
"Hard to be unlimited marshmallows." AJ agrees with a slow nod of his head. "We should get the other students together for a s'mores party on the beach when it warms up." He flashes teeth in a wide grin just thinking about it.

It fades a little when she asks about his past. "I was sick. I can't remember the name of what it was.. something long and in Latin. Maybe Greek." He shrugs his shoulders. "My nervous system was, I think degenerating is the right word? Over time things just stopped working. I was alone because it wasn't safe for me to be out and about. Stopped being able to walk, lost my sight, then couldn't really move at all. I didn't want to think anymore, what's there to think about when you can't /do/ anything. So.. I guess I kind of know how you felt, different, but.. kinda similar." He stretches out so he's standing. "But they managed to fix me, and I got powers out of it, too. So.. I just try to think that everything turned out better for me in the end. Even if I didn't have a choice."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse floats down to try to wrap her arms around AJ in a snug, lingery-hug. "I do know what that's like. I didn't quite understand it till I became self-aware. My mother said I'm evil and full of sin since I'm now an affront to god, and she tried to put me into a moat, but I floated instead of going in. I moved to Americas with my sister after that. So..your not alone anymore, you can touch, be touched, talk, communicate, and have the facebook and everything. Your alive and you don't have to be alone anymore."

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ laughs a little at the hug, though it's a cheery sounding laugh. "Yeah, I mean, it sucked for a while there, but.." He tilts his head to the side, then returns it as best he can with Saoirse's arms still around him. "I'm sorry your mother did that, but at least you still have some family looking out for you and making sure you're taken care of and hey..." He motions out towards the water. "This isn't a terrible place to end up either. I'm kind of liking this town, and the school is great. When you know there's others like you around, it's less lonely, right?"

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse releases the hug finally and sits down next to AJ. "Well..now my butt's going to be sandy too!" She shakes her head "No, it's not a bad place to be. They are going to try to tell us to fit in with people, but I feel people should be who they are inside. There's a wonder what happenes as my body is converted, will I be human anymore? I'm worried I will forget what it means to be human. It's kind of what I find the most scary. Even scarier than having sand all over my butt. Which I have. Sand. On my butt. It's going to be all over it and it will require extensive cleaning to get the sand off my butt. Or washing in a shower or bathtub I suppose. Or I could sit on tape, and then pull it off, but that seems painful and like it will take a lot of effort, the butt area has a lot of different crevices and such, well more than just the main one, which is what you'd think wouldn't you? But no, lots of places on the butt where sand will hide, like the sand on my butt now. Well..I guess it's in them now, isn't it?"

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ points down to how he's sitting on his heels, crouched rather than actually sitting in the sand. "Yeah, you only do that a couple of times. But a shower is usually good enough." The comment is a little awkward, not quite having expected someone to go on for the long about sandy butt, but he still smiles and offers a genuine chuckle. "Sandy butt. One of the dangers of the outside world. I mean, there's some in my shoes right now." He states, wiggling one of his feet. "Sand, not butts. Not enough room in my shoe for butts. And it's always a pain to get it off feet completely, too. So.. shower." He spreads his hands a bit with a shrug.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
That is the price one pays when they talk with the babbling supertech girl of Saoirse. She hmmns. "Okay, then I'll have to take a shower when it's time." She tilts her head "Oh, yeah your not not sitting on your butt, maybe I should've just have done that!" She puts a finger to her head and sticks her tongue out of the right side of her mouth "Thbbbbt, next time!" A laugh as she leans into AJ for a moment. "So are you making friends and settling in okay? My email is marshmallowgirl@nationalrobotics.com, it's also my facebook too. You can add me if you would like to!"

AJ Strong has posed:
"I've been running on the beach a lot since coming here, just learned ways to minimize the sand." AJ looks back over his shoulder. "I mean, I could run up there but the sand is good train..." He laughs a little. "Good training. I'm starting to sound like one of those guys. Or your sister, I guess. It's harder to run on than flat ground, and I have a lot of time to make up for." He smiles. "You don't get to be a hero by sitting on your butt, right?" He nods and taps the side of his head. "I'll send you a friend request when I log in."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse nods "Yay, new friend request!" She throws her hands up in the air. "I like messaging people, though I don't know very many. Most are at National Robotics, thats where my father and my sister work. I don't work there though."

AJ Strong has posed:
"Father... Uh oh." AJ digs into his pocket and pulls out his cellphone and glances at the screen. "I'm late for my call! Sorry, my father still worries about me and I'm supposed to check in every day." He stands up. "I'll send you that request and see you around the school!" But AJ is already moving down the beach, dialing away, and putting his phone up to his ear. "Hi, dad! Yeah.. I know.. sorry.."