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Latest revision as of 01:44, 7 March 2020

Dinner Between Cats
Date of Scene: 01 March 2020
Location: Gramercy Park Hotel
Synopsis: T'Challa and Greer go to dinner and discuss several things, including being 'support' members of the Avengers and the difference in civilian and monarchy.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Greer Grant

T'Challa has posed:
T'challa's choice of restaurant is the rooftop terrace at the Gramercy. Fine dining, excellent views, and little paparrazi to bother the pair. He arrived before her to make sure everything was set with a table near the edge to give them the best view possible. He's dressed in some of his home's finer wear, possibly just a rearrangement of the Black Panther habit. He's only been there about thirty minutes, giving himself plenty of time to wait for Greer while he has a glass of ice water with lemon already.

At a nearby table, his royal guard, incognito, is dining as well. Just a group of young African women enjoying a day out, right?

OOC: T'Challa's look: https://fatosdesconhecidos.ig.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/black-panther-concept-art-tchalla-palace-robes-1077970-663x1024.jpeg

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant arrives wearing a bodyhugging black dress, accentuating her curves to their maximum effect. She's had it customized to let her tail roam free, snugly protecting her modesty, such as it is, while letting the extra appendage roam as it will. She wears high heels and has her long red hair swept over to spill across the bared shoulder of her dress, her other arm sheathed in the fitted black. Her Tigra pendant lays snug against her chest, with a more elevated chain with a few jewels shining.

"T'Challa," she says as the maitre'd guides her to the table. Her eyes flick to the guards at a distance, easily marked by scent as well as sight. "Expecting trouble or do they just not trust me?" she says with a hint of a smile.

T'Challa has posed:
"You look lovely, Greer." T'Challa offers with a soft chuckle, and his eyes linger on the woman. Sure, she may normally roam around in a bikini, but when she dresses up, she does go all out. Rising from his seat, he greets her with a light kiss to her cheek before pulling out a chair for her to be seated in. "Thank you for joining me." he offers.

And then at the comment about the guards, he laughs. "They are always with me when I am social, Greer. You have only got to see me in my Avengers capacity. This is the other side of the coin. The responsible one." he points out to her. "But to be fair, they do not follow me to the bath?"

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant smiles, "I admit, I was a bit wondering just how closely they watch you. I suppose, if we must go to your bath to get proper privacy, then we'll just have to do what works," she teases.

"You seem quite responsible in all your roles, T'Challa. A very respectable and very formidable individual. I just want to give you a chance to let your proverbial hair down. I'm a bit informal, as you may have noticed."

T'Challa has posed:
Her comment about a bath causes his cheeks to darken, but he responds with a rejoiner. "Here I thought you prefer tongue baths." He can play the game with her apparently as T'Challa laughs. "You have found the crux of the issue when it comes to me, Greer. I rarely get that chance."

And since she had him pick the place and idea, apparently that's not going to happen here either. "And yes, I know of your informalities. It is one of the refreshing things about you. I do not feel as if I have to stand on formality when it comes to you."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant flicks her tongue against her fangs, "Maybe you'll find out, someday."

"On the contrary, I'd be offended if you were. I think people get stuck on that kind of stuff. It's false, to me. Insincere. I'm not saying you are, I'm saying that the idea that I'm being respectful of someone by sitting a certain way, standing a certain way, speaking a certain way - respect goes deeper than that for me."

T'Challa has posed:
"What does respect mean to you?" T'Challa asks curiously as he gestures finally for the waitress to deliver their menus as he settles back in. "I know what it means to me, but I'm curious as to how others view it." he explains.

"Perhaps someday." he responds to her offer of finding out, amusement on his features as he sips from his water.

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant takes a moment looking through the menu, "Consideration. Compassion. An invitation to participate. The giving of space when needed," she says. "Listening, mostly. People often decide what is best for others based on their own wants and needs. It's natural enough. We only have our own experiences. But being someone who is unusual has taught me that the idea of respect being earned is rarely true. Most respect is expected and, when not given, there are repercussions."

She sighs, "I'm not sure I'm expressing myself well. I think respect is about living with one another and allowing us each to be ourselves. Whoever that may be."

She lowers her eyes a bit. While she's always free to speak her mind, she can't help but feel a little intimidated by it all, regardless of her usual laissez-faire attitude.

"I think I'll have the salmon," she says softly. "White wine, please."

T'Challa has posed:
"Why do you think you are not expressing yourself well, Greer?" he asks her. "There's no Tigra and Black Panther here. Or King and Socialite. Just T'Challa and Greer." he points out to the woman with a nod of his head, as T'Challa considers his words. "I read your profile. And I know of your loss, and the things you went through since then. If I seem distant, it is because I am that way with everyone. It is how it is to be King -- but it never meant that I disrespected you. It was when we were talking the other day," he starts. "...when you started making me wonder if I had disrespected you. Which is why I wanted to do this. Because I do respect you." he explains to her.

"So while your hair is up and it looks amazing, I want you to be relaxed, and just enjoy yourself. And we'll see what happens." he offers with a thoughtful look. "Is there something you could ask me that might help break the ice?"

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant takes a sip of her wine and leans back a bit in her chair, "You're always the King, though, aren't you? I'm sure you like to set it aside in your mind, but it isn't exactly a job. You can't help but be the King. No one's likely to forget who you are, however you like to be. I'm not criticizing that. In fact, I think it's quite interesting. But neither you nor I can pretend to be regular people, much as it might be fun to imagine. And being special is more fun anyway, I find."

"Still, you are also a person, like anyone else. So what do you do to relax? Do you like movies? What kind of music do you listen to?" she asks. "I don't know. Regular people questions."

T'Challa has posed:
"Regular person questions?" T'challa asks, amusement crossing over his features. "I do enjoy music, and I perform on occasion." comes the admission as he folds his hands into his lap. "Ah, but see, if you removed your pendant, you would look human again. I could not walk out in public in Wakanda without my country knowing me."

Then he pauses, and gets a wry look. "In America?" his hand gives a small wobble. "Eh." he comments with a wry smile.

"So what is it that make you believe that being a King does not make it a job?" he asks curiously as he considers her. "There are those that consider being a hero as adventure and fun."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant purses her lips, "I would look human, but even in my human form, I was enhanced. That was changed in me before I became Tigra," she says. "And I've seen things that ordinary people have never seen. Experienced them. I think that changed me, too, even beyond the physical."

"A job is part of it, but it's not all of it. I don't think you can go home from being a King, put up your feet and just forget about it. I think it's probably part of you, always. Too much responsibility for one person. I'm not much of a monarchist, I suppose," she says. "And there is adventure and fun in being a hero. It's just not only that."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa hmms thoughtfully as their dinners arrive at the table. "As you said, the title of King is not a mantle I can remove. It can be challenged for by someone of Wakandan blood. My sister could challenge me for it, if she wished. I would be stripped of my powers and gear and forced to face my challenger with only what I have made for myself. If I were to lose, Wakanda would have a new ruler." he explains as he works on cutting up his fish next to the asparagus.

"But a monarchist is what I am. And someday, should I hold my position, I would have to take a Queen that is willing to accept the responsibilities of her job, as well."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant laughs, "Somebody's getting ahead of themselves. I haven't even gotten my entree yet," she teases.

"I find the idea of all power resting in the hands and heart of one person - even a very worthy person like yourself - a little uncomfortable. If I -were- ever in that sort of position, I would do my best to implement the will of the people and listen as much as I could. I'm sure that's what you do already. Most countries with monarchist rule haven't been as lucky as Wakanda in the quality of their regents."

T'Challa has posed:
"And you don't think I don't?" T'challa asks bluntly, his brows rising slightly, eyes darkening in thought. She tried to make the recovery, but there's a deeper thought behind those brown eyes of his. "And I'm not sure if I had made such a proposition to you such as Queen Consort. It is merely an explanation of my duties. As for what I do in my free time? I enjoy the arts. Plays, musicals, museums. I enjoy serving my people."

Folding his hands over each other, he lowers his head in brief thought before lifting his head again to start to eat. "And what is it that you enjoy, Greer? Anyone with a Twitter and access to the Wakandan official account knows of my life. But what is the things that you enjoy?"

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant tries to keep her temper in check, with mostly positive results, although there's perhaps a certain bristling at the nape of her neck that might be perceptible to someone with keen senses. "I was making a joke, T'Challa. You've probably at least heard of those. And I was asking about your specific tastes, not an itinerary. What plays? What musicals? I'm trying to get to know the man. I'm not interviewing you for a magazine," she says. At least this seems to have gotten her past any intimidation she might have felt, her eyes flashing a bit as she feels challenged.

"I like Coen brothers movies, vaporwave and electronic music. I like mystery novels - Jeffrey Deaver, Tana French, Patricia Highsmith. I like video games, mostly Nintendo stuff that's cute and accessible and doesn't require me to be screamed at by twelve year olds on the internet. I swim and I sunbathe and I like trips to the beach and tropical locales, but skiing can be fun, too," she says.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa can smell the pheromones as Greer's temper shows itself. He makes a mental note of it before he gives her a thin and amused smile, squeezing some lemon on his fish. "I treat it like an interview because that's most of my life. And the last 'date'..." he air quotes. "...I had was with a reporter from the Daily Planet." he explains. "Forgive me if it's off-putting. However, these are generally not the questions that I'm asked, and I learned it is better to stick to the generics."

"I have seen Hamilton three times." he starts. "I enjoy movies Noir as they were hugely popular when my father was alive and they give me a little bit of nostalgia. But my favorite movies are science-horror, because I get to watch those with my sister and she starts to fume over the inaccuracies and it gives me a chance to bond with her."

"I had a billiards table brought into the embassy because I enjoy the angles and skill involved in it. I also enjoy a good card game. And physical activities. Football... what you call soccer? And I introduced basketball to Wakanda, but I especially enjoy track and field and have participated in the Wakandan triathalon... before I took the heart-shaped herb. Now it would be cheating."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant raises an eyebrow, "Well, don't go on dates with reporters, then. You were upset when I projected my reactions to other people on you. I'd appreciate it if you do the same," she says.

She sighs and sits back for a moment, "I'm sorry. I don't want to be adversarial. You're a beautiful man who's clearly very put together and very capable and very kind, by all accounts. I would much rather enjoy our time together than spat at one another."

"I like billiards. We'll have to play a few rounds sometime. I watch some soccer, mostly the American women's team. And I used to do track in high school. Hurdles."

T'Challa has posed:
"I'm used to being guarded. But that in a way, is the pot calling the kettle black." T'challa points out with a chuckle. "But being King means I get away with it." There's amusement in his smile as he considers her. "And you are a lovely woman. I have said that already, though." Taking a bite of his fish, he savors the taste of the smoked and cooked meat as he closes his eyes.

"I am someone that is very much in the public eye. Not as much as Stark and his presidential bid. And not as if we can hide as Avengers... but there is much scrutiny with those I allow to become close to me. Perhaps that is why I am so guarded."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant rolls her tongue around in her mouth, "I suppose that I can forgive you this time. Beneficent feline that I am," she purrs. "You do have good taste, after all. I should've known that when you found me attractive."

"And I can understand that. I don't get quite as much because I'm not one of the all-stars of the team. More of a supporting player, at least in terms of the public profile of the team. Although I do have some, ah, dedicated fans. I do have some of the most Instagram views on the team," she grins.

T'Challa has posed:
"Looks and humility to boot. Absolutely perfect." T'Challa teases playfully as he works on his meal. "We do not draw the attention of the six that saved New York from the Invasion." he offers. "In that, we're all support players. After all, I doubt this date would show up in the society page of the Times as would say... Janet and Steve out on the town. But that's probably more Janet than Steve to be honest."

"You're proof that we don't have to be larger than life to be important. We all have our parts in it." He really isn't making this easy, but he seems to be letting his guard down. Just a smidge.

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant eats her fish rather voraciously, large bites devoured in quick succession. She has an appetite, it seems. "I rather like attention, generally speaking, but I prefer it in the more personal sense than the broader kind that, say, Cap has to deal with. Or you, for that matter."

"Oh, I'm sure a few cellphone snaps of us will end up on a few websites by tomorrow. Someone on the waitstaff could likely use a little extra cash. I don't begrudge them, as long as they don't actually interfere. It's only the ones who try to peek at me in changing rooms that I threaten to claw their eyes out," she winks.

T'Challa has posed:
"So don't go peeking at you when you change, got it." T'Challa offers dryly as he sets aside his meal after a few more bites, having completed it. "And yes. I suppose that would be part of the job." he says with a chuckle.

"Or at least the public spotlight. Not that we would ever be athletes or the Kardashians, but who would ever want to watch 'Keeping up with the Wakandans'?" Taking a sip from his wine. "Since I picked where we dined, do you have a preference for what we do after dinner?"

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant gives a playful smile, "Now, now, if you wanted to get a peek, I don't think you'd have to sneak to get it. Probably," she says.

"I'm sure you'd be surprised at how many people would watch. Never underestimate the voyeuristic tendencies of the public," she says. She ponders the question, "I would suggest a simple walk but, as you've already noted, doing so in public might be difficult. I wouldn't mind a drink or two. So the question becomes do we retire to somewhere more private to imbibe on our own or should we brave some nightclub's VIP area?"

T'Challa has posed:
Greer's audacity earns her a darkening of T'Challa's cheeks. He might have considered a peek. Who knows. "As far as most of the world knows, they can't even find Wakanda on a map, and those that can think us a third world country of goat farmers and little else. And for now, I'd like to keep it that way. As for your suggestions?"

He looks amused. "Surprise me, Miss Grant."

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant grins, "I think I know just the place," she says. She lets T'Challa attend to the formalities, taking out her phone and punching a number in the back of the phone, "Tigra. Party of...how many of your guards will we have to take along?" she says, raising an eyebrow at her date. "They have a limited capacity, but I wouldn't dream of trying to separate you from your chaperones."

T'Challa has posed:
"If it were to be someplace private? None. However, if it is a club. One, at least. Black Panther can wander on his own. The King of Wakanda requires a guard." he responds as T'Challa makes sure to handle the bill and gives quiet instructions to the table nearby, so that one of the guards remains with T'Challa.