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Latest revision as of 01:45, 7 March 2020

Work In Progress
Date of Scene: 02 March 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - Kitchen
Synopsis: Natasha and Tony discuss the Campaign and dangerous territory.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff

Tony Stark has posed:
Several the Avengers make their home at the Mansion, Tony having donated his childhood home in all its grandeur to the team to serve as a headquarters. Part of what makes it such an appealing home is that Tony doesn't live there, instead residing at the penthouse atop Stark Tower elsewhere in Manhattan. Nevertheless, Avengers business brings him by on a regular basis and given that Stark Tower is only a brief flight away he tends to stay late and burn the midnight oil.

Tonight, is one such night. He sits in the kitchen on a stool, leaning on the counter to look at a tablet computer. The device projects a hologram up into the air, depicting footage of the Genosha attacks - namely that odd green beam they'd all seen when Carol brought her intel by. His suit jacket is flung haphazardly over the back of a near chair, his tie is loosened, and the top button of his shirt is undone.

He takes a moment to pinch the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and yawning as he does. Next to him on the counter is an untouched microwave dinner now going cold.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha doesn't really have a home per se.
    She has... quarters! On the Triskellion. In a few locations. And here, tecnically. She goes where work takes her until her lousy body demands maintenance in the form of a coma.
    This just... happens to be the most comfortable place.
    "You're up late." she notes from the doorway behind him. It's late enough that she's just wearing a red sweater and black tights. She moves into the room in the direction of the fridge as she asks, "Too noisy on the tower?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"Too quiet," Tony answers, still pinching the bridge of his nose as though trying to urge the strain out of his eyes, "Soundproofed the top floor completely now that the campaign headquarters is the next level down. Feels like a tomb. I had HOMER reading baseball scores just so there'd be someone saying something. I hate baseball."

He sighs, looking at the tablet computer again and pushing it off to one side. The holographic image flickers momentarily then shuts off. He reaches for his food, prodding it experimentally and sighing when it's obviously not warm enough to be edible anymore. Such picky eaters, those billionaires.

"I'd ask why you're up, but I always figured you didn't sleep. You just laid in wait."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha gives a short hum of amusement, "Don't let the news catch wind of that." she says regarding baseball, "It'll lose you at least twelve states."
    And now the spy has blackmail material!
    Well, more blackmail material.
    She fishes out a plate covered in foil and squint at it suspiciously for a moment before swinging the fridge door shut. "Don't be silly." She says, the corner of her mouth tugging just slightly, "Everyone around here's pretty much learned not to fall asleep around me. I have to keep busy with work these days."

Tony Stark has posed:
A similar smile tugs at the corner of Tony's mouth, and he leans back on the stool casually. There are bags under his eyes, and his goatee is not quite as meticulously well-groomed as it normally is. He's been burning the candle at both ends, and it's not at all difficult to tell when under professional-grade scrutiny.

"Why do you think I was listening to the scores?" Tony asks, drumming fingers on the counter, "Half of politics is glad handing. I've got a definite plan here, and I'm already certain I'm a mile ahead of Luthor in terms of the actual benefit I'm going to bring. Still got to win the popularity contest, though."

He can't help but break out in a bit of a grin, glancing back towards her: "Look who I'm talking to. I feel like you're going to get your citizenship just so you can vote against me twice." Even though he says it, there's nothing in his voice to suggest he's hurt or even disappointed by that notion.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha raises her eyebrows, somewhat impressed in a way, speaking distracted as she co-opts the microwave for her own purposes. "Sounds like my work. Just.... on a big stage." Well, part of the work. Rule number one of being a spy is 'make people like you'. In that lense, it's almost a compliment that she doesn't tend to turn up the charm around here.
    Natasha puts her hand on her hip and pivots slightly to look sideways at Tony. "Oh, Tony. My choice is between two billionaires with *staggering* egos, and you think my vote's locked in?" She shakes her head. "Noooo. I'm much scarier than an enemy right now." She leans and and whispers menacingly, "... I'm a swing-voter."
    Okay she may be acting a little.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony's eyes widen and he plants a hand on his chest, miming as though he's about to fall off his stool from shock. But then he rights himself, resting his elbows on the edge of the counter and hunching his shoulders. His head tilts up a little to watch her idly as she takes over the microwave.

"Probably not too dissimilar from your work, yeah," Tony muses, "Maybe a little less watches with lasers in them - though I should probably whip one up just in case."

He draws his hands together, linking his fingers, "So, swing-voter. How can I convince you I'm actually out to help people, here?"

It's unusual for Tony to be this candid and grounded. The Avengers themselves would have seen a taste of it, but he generally keeps this side of himself well-hidden except when he's sure nobody from the 'outside' is going to catch wind of it and accuse him of being a three-dimensional human being.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Bond references are a little taboo around SHIELD. Sadly, as much as she'd like not to bring work home, certain cultural touchstones must be kept up on so she can avoid coming off like a space alien who just arrived on Earth.
    The hardest part has been keeping up on dance trends.
    Did you know Natasha can dance like a KPOP star?
    No one has ever seen it and lived to talk about it.
    Natasha leans back against the counter with her side to Tony and looks thoughtful for a moment. "Normally I vote for the guy with the least secret super weapons, so you're in a rough spot."
    Deflective humor initiated.

Tony Stark has posed:
"I mean, how secret can they be," Tony asks, once again putting on a look of mock hurt, "I paint them red and gold and fly them around in broad daylight. I'm not exactly hiding them in a bunker. Well, not anymore."

Tony Stark might always seem comfortable regardless of where he is, but it's the times when he's not putting on the show that allow him to be ... no, vulnerable isn't the right word. Candid, maybe? That's how he is now. Not joking (anymore than he's physically incapable of avoiding) and not grandstanding.

"I hope you know I didn't go into this to put any of you in a bad spot. If I win, I'm not going to drag you all kicking and screaming to the White House. As far as I'm concerned, you can keep rappelling from the ceiling on wires until you're old and grey."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    There's a brief tightening of Natasha's lips as she thinks better of hitting Tony with the standard SHIELD response of 'we don't get old and grey around here'. In her own way Natasha, too, is more honest and candid around this particular madhouse, but... gallows humor tends to kill the mood outside of spy bases and battlefields.
    Instead she sighs softly and looks at Tony evenly. "... We do what we have to do, Tony. And what happens, happens."
    Translated from Natasha: 'I get it, but some things are gonna go wrong anyway. That's life.'.
    The microwave beeps obnoxiously and Natasha opens it without looking. Sticks her hand in... pulls it back out very quickly with a wince after touching a very hot plate. No one is immune. She tries again with a rag, pulls it out properly, and says "... Don't stay up too late." She says, and begins to leave.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony lapses into silence for the moment. Her words prompt a nod from him, eyes closing and tilting back down and towards the tablet computer. He glances up for a moment, watching her take the plate from the microwave and begin to leave. He almost keeps his silence, almost lets the conversation just flitter away into infinity like so many other conversations before it. But then a thought occurs, a mood strikes, or something just compels him to call out.

"Romanoff," he ventures, folding his hands atop the tablet and looking up towards her, "I wanna hear what you have to say. Genosha. The campaign. Any of it. You're more than what they made you."

He shifts slightly, uncomfortably, on the stool and holds the tablet computer up protectively as though trying to keep her from seeing the screen.

"Now get out of here, I'm gonna play Pac Man and I don't want you knowing this is where I come to avoid work."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha stops in mid-stride and slowly looks back at Tony over her shoulder, one icey blue eye barely visible, yet carrying an odd glint; like Tony just stepped into dangerous territory.
    It's not angry, or threatening, but it's there, for a split second. She hasn't let anyone but Clint know the full story about her, and she's not the most open person, but... two years is longer than most spend around Natasha Romanoff, and one can pick up that it was... pretty bad.
    The look fades just before she looks away again and just softly replies, "... Work in progress." Then says, "Have fun."