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Latest revision as of 02:39, 7 March 2020

Clark the Visitor
Date of Scene: 25 February 2020
Location: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Diana and Superman talk about his future and whats to come!
Cast of Characters: Clark Kent, Diana Prince

Clark Kent has posed:
The reporter is not late for his pre-arranged meeting. No, he's early. The early bird gets the worm (or the scoop!). It's best to be the first one out of the gate!

Not that a scoop is what Clark Kent is at the embassy for. It may actually occur, but it is merely a flimsy cloak over the real reason for this particular visit. It was one organized this way, not a big ordeal at the Hall of Justice. That is a different entirely public matter: and this is private. Mysterious, maybe: but perhaps not SO mysterious after all. Not after the stunt with the plane.

Clark has brought in some heavy gear, clearly to get some great pictures. It's a little overwhelming, and very heavy, by the way Clark totes one of the oblong bags of equipment. But it's all just part of the secret identity: to stumble, struggle with the bag, get it into the entry to the office where he's allowed to wait by himself. Clark does wait there, elbows propped on his knees, hands cupped together, a spot for his chin to rest. He is a battered, tired mild-mannered reporter chasing some thread of a story, to anyone that looks. His tie is a bit askew, his long-sleeved shirt ill-fitting and rumpled. It is a secret identity that nobody gives a second look.

Diana Prince has posed:
The life of a public figure is one filled with a lot of pre-arranged meetings, both public and private. The private ones are far easier to handle (generally) at least. Today is one of those days where there's a number of the scheduled and lined up one after the other. But as it so happens, Clark is the last on the list for the day and when Diana bids goodbye to the group she was speaking with before him, they step out a side door to the Embassy's parking area and she then moves down the central hall of the old NY house / turned embassy to the main foyer where she was told Clark was.

Diana is dressed casually in a black blazer and black slacks with simple black shoes on and her dark hair tied behind her head and looped around into a bun behind her neck. She has dark framed glasses on over her eyes (though they're more for look obviously). She approaches the reporter and comes to a gradual halt. "Well then, someone looks as though they have been very... very busy." She says in that smoky accented voice.

"It is good to see you, Clark. Come come, lets go to my office." She turns then to guide him along through the central hall toward the double doors at the end of it where her office is beyond.

Clark Kent has posed:
"Wonder Woman," Clark immediately greets her, surging to his feet with a gallant politeness and nervous attitude. They're able to be witnessed, and Clark never drops 'character' in public situations: not without a phone booth, at any rate.

"Busy? Yes. It, ah. It's nice to have a little sit-down," Clark says, in reference to not minding waiting. When Clark, he speaks differently: from the mouth, instead of out of the chest. It makes him sound uncertain, that tone.

"Should I.. I can...?" Clark moves a hand sort of speechlessly at the equipment. "It will be safe here?" he asks uncertainly. Still, he does trust that it is, and comes along down to her office, pushing his glasses up and briefly smiling at an aide that they pass in his uninteresting, forgettable way. "Nice day," he says to the aide softly, before following fully into her office.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's office is fairly sizable with windows along the far wall and on the right hand side when entering into it, bookshelves and displays along the other walls along with one alcove set with her armor on display beneath small lights that shine down upon it.

There's a seating area aside from her desk as well and she motions Clark to have a seat once they're within the office room. She shows a slight grin at him. "As safe as I believe any space can be." She replies to his question. "I'm very happy to see you though. I saw you at Tony Stark's... first political rally, but then you vanished. A look on your face suggested you had somewhere rather important to be..." She knows where he went, she saw the news report.

"Feeling... spry again, I assume? She asks, letting him talk openly to his own comfort level, not wishing to force him to speak any more openly than he is comfortable with.

Clark Kent has posed:
Once the door is shut, and there's a brief check over the office, the 'character' acting breaks immediately. There's no time to slowly get out of character, or anything like that, and it isn't like a switch is thrown. It's simply that Clark adjusts up out of the slouch, at the same time that he's sitting down. He stops the nervous behavior, and gives her comments a softened, but real smile. The affected mild-manner reporter thing melted off quickly. Currently he would be fooling /nobody/, even if he still has the glasses on. It's not just glasses, it never was JUST glasses.

"A safe assumption," Clark replies, in his deep-toned way. "It's been a while. It's very good to see you too, Diana." He relaxes back in the chair, letting his hands rest on the arms. His expression is mildly clouded, but otherwise open, approachable. Superman was never difficult to talk to; part of something they both share: a genuine quality.

"I know my recovery hasn't been fast. It was not - like other times." Death was something different.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had been watching the exploits of Superman for a long time, long before his 'death' in 2017 and long before she chose to come out of the private life and into the limelight of the super hero world so to speak. "I would never begin to question your choices." She replies to him them as she moves to the small kitchenette area in the office to get them both a drink, choosing a drink for Clark/Kal that she knows he'd enjoy (whatever that may be!).

When she turns back to walk toward him and join him in a chair beside and before his, she offers him the glass before settling down herself. "The weight of the world weighs heaviest on those who put the most effort in to keeping it aloft. YOu have done that more than anyone, arguably. You have needed time to not have that weight upon your shoulders. Sturdy as they may be." She shows the hint of a grin then before she takes a sip from the glass of dark tea she'd gotten herself.

"You saved a lot of people aboard that air plane. The world is wondering who that was... they will be... elated to find out /just/ who it was though."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Please do question me," Clark answers without mirth, but a smile nevertheless. "I am no god, and I don't want to be, that thinks he has all the answers, or always does everything exactly right." To that way leads massive problems. And that has never been something Clark wanted. He accepts the drink she brings him - he's wholesome as always, and the iced tea earns a quick smile and polite "thank you."

He settles the drink between his hands, not having any yet, just gently rotating it between broad palms. "I have tried to reconcile if the world is best off without Superman," he explains. "That he may in fact draw threats like Doomsday is a weight I cannot carry, no matter how strong I am," Clark adds. "But..."

He looks at the iced tea, now. "Perhaps it is wrong of me to think about it like that. I would appreciate your counsel, Diana," Clark asks, with a deep release of breath. "I want to help this world. Not harm it."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana remains poised on the edge of the leather chair beside and in front of Clark's own. She listens closely to him and keeps her eyes trained on his own. His words are not entirely surprising to her and in fact they remind her of what kept her private for so very long. 'Did the world need Diana Prince' in a public capacity too? For a very long time she felt that it did not.

"There are arguments to be made on either sides, Clark." Diana says to him then. "We find ourselves on opposites ends of where we were prior to the Doomsday event. That irony is not lost on me." She says with a small smile. "But if you want my personal opinion? This world absolutely, unequivocally, benefits from Superman. Yes there will be the naysayers and the 'doom and gloom' shade thrown about. There always is, there always will be. But--"

She gently shakes her head side to side. "The -hope- that Superman brings to people far outweighs any of the negative rhetoric that the desperate-for-attention types will run with. What Superman does, is not about the personal glory that you can achieve, by... saving a passenger plane. Its about the Hope and Happiness that 'Superman just saved a passenger plane' brings to the world on the whole. To have /that/ be something that people can hold in their hearts to comfort them even just a /little bit/ more in a life filled with so many hardships and challenges? Well--"

Diana exhales then. "It is no question. Superman is valuable."

She then pauses and levels her brown eyed gaze upon him. "Only. However. When you... Clark Kent. Kal-El. Are /ready/ for such a return."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman is quiet. For it is, at least that the moment, more Superman than anyone else that sits in front of her. Tangled underneath in also Clark, or Kal-El, or whatever identity. He is all of them, they are interwoven and interlocked, but he makes this choice for himself as Superman: in keeping the mantle. Or not.

Superman attempts to extend a hand across, to touch hers. There's only a seek of comfort in it: a humanity that he always has. It is a seek of support from his close friend in his time of difficulty, and that alone. But it is still of great importance: he is finally reaching outside of himself. He has come to that point: and that is what has made him ready to return. A man whose confidence took a massive strike from his death.

"I am," Superman answers.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana, in-turn, removes one hand from the glass she holds and reaches it out to take hold of his. Her eyes remain on his and a slow smile spreads across her red hued lips. Its a smile that is truly filled with happiness and warmth for the man, her friend, no matter what name he is going by in this moment.

She then, dips her slim pointed chin and raises her elegantly arched and dark eyebrows up as she tips her head right and left ever so slightly. "Then the world awaits you." She tells him in that sultry smooth voice of hers. "Anxiously, I assure you."

She nods off toward one of the windows just over his shoulder. "You should tell them who saved that plane, or make an appearance and let them realize who did it on their own."

She gives his hand a gentle and affectionately kind squeeze.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman chuckles softly, and releases a breath through his nose. "I do not need credit for that, that was not why I did it," he answers, with a softened humility to it. "Give it to J'onn," he chuckles briefly, but it's just a mild tease; he's kidding. He wouldn't suggest anyone lie!

"I want to talk to our allies, first. I have opened a door to the Avengers already; know you are among their number made that a clear path: to share information and resources. I would help them as I would the Justice league. And I need to speak to the rest of the Justice League; I'd prefer to do it individually, like this. I don't need to hurry," he says, moving his other hand to enclose hers briefly. There's no pressure, even if she could take it. There's no need for that, nobody to impress with a show of strength. He never seeks to impress her, anyway. Their friendship is built on other things.

"I appreciate your support. Truly. Thank you, Diana," Clark says, drawing his hands back, and picking up his iced tea. "I hope this is the best path. But my instincts say it is."

Diana Prince has posed:
"I will make sure to speak with them and let them know that you're wishing to hold a meeting about all of this. If they don't already know, I assume that it will be a very pleasant surprise for them." She shows another hint of a grin then to the man in his reporter disguise.

"I think it is a wise idea to speak to the League on an individual basis, it will mean a lot to each of them in their own ways and give them a greater ability to process what is to come." She hopes at least, some of the League members have very unique personalities after all!

"Please, do, just let me know what I need to do to help you with all of this. We are here for you, all of us."