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Its a great night for killing
Date of Scene: 25 February 2020
Location: Kingston - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Elektra and Damian meet up. Apparently with more in common than it seemed at first.
Cast of Characters: Damian Wayne, Elektra Natchios

Damian Wayne has posed:
     There had been a number of assassinations in Gotham lately, someone, or something was taking out mafia targets left and right. Carving out a place for themselves in the Gotham underworld.

  The home of Sergei Krevchenko, a decent sized flat in Gotham, the lights were off, the family inside were sleeping. Sergei was on a short list to be states witness against his soon to be former boss, implicating him for a number of felonies.

  Of course, this was not known to most, except to the GCPD and a mole on the inside. This was where it had become known that Sergei was a high priority target.

  The modestly appointed apartment was silent, the drapes hadn't been drawn, the window had been closed, but not locked. Sergei, his wife, and their daughter asleep in the bed. His daughter had a nightmare earlier, and as many young children do, she asked to sleep with her parents.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
This wasn't a new thing for Elektra, sent off for an assassination in Gotham. She had made sure never to linger for too long, knowing how some certain caped crusaders make sure mercenaries like her are short-lived about here. But she has always been smart. One contract and then out. That's her rule for Gotham.

But this new request was a surprise, specially since she was living in New York, and very much at odds with the Hand, or at least a faction of them. Was this to be a bait? An assassination attempt on her? She shrugged off those worries while making her way in.

Reaching the window was easy, climbing through the outside without being seen by the guards, silent as a shadow and then one hand slipping under the window to slooowly lift it up.

One leg appears within the dark room, then the other, Elektra starting to climb within.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     The family slept peacefully, as peacefully as can be when facing an unknown fate.

  Someone in the Gotham League suggested it may be a good idea to dispatch Sergei and use that as leverage against the Russians. Damian has agreed, and decided to go alone.

  Little to Elektra'a awareness, he was already there. His sword drawn at his side, he stood in a corner next to the window, watching from the shadows. Having been there for some time himself. As Elektra made her approach inside, he stood, watching her slinky movements, like he had done before. Self control was paramount in an assassination, the boy was as silent as calm air. His breathing slow and steady.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The contract had not been as well explained to her by the Hand as the League would to Damian. But she could imagine. She had heard of another group moving in. And the Hand likes to intervene when they see an opportunity. They do thrive in chaos afterall.

Her motions are very smooth, almost like a snake trailing towards a kill. She is dressed in a dark and red outfit, tight as is typical of many assassins, a mask covering the lower-end of her face and her hair up in a warrior topknot. There are those tell-tale sais on her back though. Which may or may not tell of a certain reknown assassin in the world they live in. Elektra.

She approaches, drawing out a Sai but slows when she looks towards the bed and where the family is resting. Hesitation perhaps. Maybe she shouldn't had gone back to Hell's kitchen, means all kinds of 'bad' influences were starting to get to her ...

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian keeps watching, only making his move when she hesitates. He was dressed like many League assassins were, black and white cloth, with the same half-mask covering the lower half of his face.

  His sword is distinct to himself, a gift from Ra's al Ghul, it suited his size and was light, making it the perfect weapon for the smallest master assassin the League has to offer.

  He stepped forward, the sword that had been embellished with a middle eastern demon on its hilt was held up on his shoulder, he purposefully caught it in the light. By all means it was a stupid decision, he should have killed the marks and fled by now.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
'Do not kill, Elektra.' Those words of a certain someone come up to her mind and make her teeth grind against each other. By all means she would had continued with the killing, but spotting the daughter there, the family together. She is just about to put her sai away when she catches that reflection. They are not alone then?

Perhaps an ambush afterall. She turns of all sudden to look at who it is that is approaching her, barely a sound made on the floor, and certainly not enough to awake the family. Her sais are both out and she looks at the young man. She is no stranger to young assassins. She knows a few in the Hand.

Her eyes watch Damian questioningly. Here to kill the family? Or herself? That seems to be both her options. She instinctively edges to keep herself between Damian and the family.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     The sword at his shoulder is kept there. With his free hand he motions to her, two fingers towards his eyes, one to her, then one to the family. He saw what she did, or rather, didn't do.

  The boy was showing no signs he was meaning to kill her, if he was, he certainly would have not allowed himself to be seen.

  Above the mask, were those green eyes, hauntingly bright, but not glowing, they just seemed to catch the light in a certain way. They were a genetic trademark of the al Ghul clan. And with his garb, there was no doubt this was a League assassin.

  He holds up a hand, fingers played out, he also knew who she was, and who she worked for.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
There is that moment of assessment that Elektra offers the young man, then a slight nod of her head, the sais going back to her sash. Still easy to reach if needed but a signal that she is not here to kill. But the focus stays on those green eyes. She finds them to not be those of a killer, no matter how they may have that tell-tale of the Al-Ghul. Interesting enough though, was there some familiarity to those eyes?

She makes a simple gesture to those eyes, and then towards the window. Clearly this did not seem the best of places to be if they wanted to dialogue besides hand gestures. She starts making her way over, around the young man and then slinks outside.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian puts his blade behind his back, inside the scabbard. He follows her, always watching though, as he makes his way out, as with assassins, never leave yourself open if you can help it.

  Damian opts to let Elektra speak first, as was his custom. He did not enjoy conversation when he could avoid it.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra doesn't seem the type to avoid conversation. In fact she close to revels in it considering how much of a socialite she can be. Her words come out muffled from underneath her mask. "What were you doing up there, young Al-Ghul?" but she perhaps has an idea, something similar to what she did. Her hands rest on her sash, continuing to watch him with the kind of respect one offers another assassin. Guard never down.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's response is short, much like he is. "I could ask the same of you. In the time you had, you could have done the job five times over." The boy spoke like a high up in the League, which he was, but of course, in the League, he is revered as a demigod. the mere fact he was an al Ghul made him more than a normal human.

  of my men wanted to use them as leverage in Gotham. To get more of a foothold." He admits though there is a semblance of shame in that voice. The same shame that kept him from putting his blade to the family in the home below.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Not that the shortness seems to make Elektra respect the assassin less. In a world of assassins size means nothing. It's just how well you can get to your mark, and how far you are willing to go to achieve it. Elektra seems to have plenty of both to share. But in this case she doesn't appear to be considering Damian a mark even if she continues ready with her posture. "Yet it only takes one time to taint us forever doesn't it?" she asks in a perhaps rhethoric manner. And it seems she is full of that taint, though not tonight.

"You were here to kill them as well." Though she well notes that shame on the young man's voice. "But while you walk the act you do not feel it, do you? Your eyes look different from the others I have met from your group." better or worse though? She doesn't say.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's head nods, quickly and sharply. "Not tonight. Not with the child." His eyes, while definitely al Ghul in color, lacked the burning fire of seven hundred years that Ra's had. It was the lack of assuredness that a fully committed assassin normally had. Someone that did not think about the consequences of killing their prey.

  "I will forget this happened, if you do." He comments, even if the Hand and the League didn't speak often, it was an olive branch, a treaty between the two.

  "Perhaps we both find something better..."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I am willing to forget this." Elektra says with a slight bow of her head but then her eyes trail to the sword Damian carries, and the symbol there. The Al-Ghul symbol. "But will they?" she murmurs. "The assassin that does not fulfill a contract rarely lives to see the next morning." in that at least the Hand and the League are similar. No room for failed assassins.

"Maybe I have already found something better but you...?" she cants her head to the side. "You seem to still be looking for it. Not desperate though. Maybe hopeful? That's the worse feeling an assassin can have." a brief sigh leaves her lips, muffled under the mask but she dips her head, in acceptance of the olive branch offered.

"But I wish you luck in your search, young Al-Ghul."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's head turns to look at the hilt of his sword. "It was not a League contract. It was merely a suggestion. A suggestion that I will let known turned out to be not as fruitful as once thought. The Demon will not hear about this...incident."

  "Perhaps I am still looking for my something. But for now, I am still the head of the League in Gotham. It gives me more leeway than if I were home." The young assassin starts to walk towards the edge of the roof, his boots grasping at the ledge. "Good luck." He offers, before taking his jump, heading back to the League's lair, wherever in Gotham that may be.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You play a dangerous game. Make sure you play to win." Elektra says when Damian mentions the Demon won't hear about this. But she is not the protective type so that's all she says. She remains there on the ledge, watching Damian jump off. As the wind picks up and starts to take her hair into disarray she sighs, reaching up to bring it back behind one ear. "This chill Gotham winds doesn't bring good omens. Perhaps I shouldn't take my chances in Gotham now." she murmurs mostly to herself. She does have Hell's kitchen to return to afterall, and perhaps to face her own change in life.

Ah well, one thing at a time.... She jumps off the ledge as well, retreating to her own safe haven.