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Latest revision as of 02:39, 7 March 2020

Will the real Laura Kinney please stand up
Date of Scene: 25 February 2020
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Gabby updates Laura on Alchemax's work. Bellona hogs the couch.
Cast of Characters: Laura Kinney, Gabby Kinney

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura lives on the top floor of a fairly low rent apartment building in Brooklyn. Fortunately, this means it's fairly easy to lay a board across the gap between buildings and get inside without having to go through the lobby. Inside, it's a fairly simple studio apartment. Kitchenette, Bed, Couch, an armchair next to a desk with a laptop. Not really a lot of decoration, although at least half of that's because Laura's only been here a few weeks.
    Bellona, ankle expertly wrapped in a supporting bandage while they were still in the subway, is given the couch so she can put her feet up while Laura regards her two... sisters? "There was another Facility." It isn't a question, more of a statement of the obvious.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney kneels beside the couch holding onto Bellona's hand with a firm grip even as her apparent sister sleeps. While she was a spitting image of Laura, Bellona was... altered. the scars on her face are far more severe, and it's obvious she ended up an albino somehow. When Laura finally speaks not asking a question so much as probing for answers, she turns to regard the older girl.

"Alchemax Labs. There were ten of us." Reaching out she brushes away some of Bellona's hair to examine the cut on her forehead which was thankfully not that bad. Even so she'd insisted the girl rest a bit. "We're clones of you, Laura. They didn't get it right though." Which might be obvious because Bellona didn't appear to be healing at all. She was recovering, but there was no healing going on here other than at a normal human level. "So they used us as ginuea pigs for other tests. Trained us to be 'bodyguards.' Expendable when necessary." Her lips purse together tightly.

"They did something to us, put something inside us, that makes us not feel pain. But it's killing us. We started dropping for no reason. Only four of us escaped."

Laura Kinney has posed:
    Laura listens intently to the tale, fists clenching when the talk of experimentation starts. At the mention of expendable... She's just barely able to keep her claws in, blood briefly welling up from the cuts on her knuckles. "You should contact the other two so they know you are safe. We need to plan, and get Bellona medical help. Find out where they are, take them out. Surgical strike. Capture the ones who might know how to help you, get it out of them. ...Logan should know someone who can figure out what it is." Laura walks over to the bed, lifting up the mattress which rises on a hinge. She pulls back a blanket to reveal an arsenal that would make an action movie hero jealous, tossing it to one side. A throwing knife is retrieved, and slipped into a boot to replace the empty one. Laura's gaze scans over the weapons, a calculating expression on her face, before she suddenly looks over to Gabby. "...I don't know your name."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"They're dead." The response comes quietly about finding the other two. "3PAR was going to try to assasinate some of the corporate shareholders... And Zelda didn't make it. She was one of the older ones. It's just Bellona and me now." Gabby remains quiet a moment longer only to rise to her feet and run a hand back through her hair pausing to touch over the pink barrette holding one side back out of her face. Such a simple thing, but it was hers unlike most of the other items she wore currently.

"I'm X23_4GAB. Gabrielle. Everyone calls me Gabby."

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "...Oh." Laura does not into social, but she does know enough that she sees that Gabby needs someone right now. The glock is retrieved from her waistband, unloaded, and placed in the arsenal, before she walks over and rests her hand on her younger clone's shoulder. "You are not a number. None of us are. You are Gabrielle Kinney. I'm Laura Kinney. It's good to meet you." She blinks rapidly a few times, before gingerly resting a hand on Gabby's shoulder and squeezing gently. "We will get Bellona help, and we will kill the people who created you. Destroy their lab so they cannot make more. ...Do you want new clothes? I think you could wear one of my T-shirts at least, even if the sweatpants would be too big for you."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney looks up at Laura when she comes over to speak to her again. Not a number. She knew, but it was still good to hear someone else agree outside of her small family. Without a word she leans in to throw her arms around Laura in a tight hug. Nothing is said right there as she wasn't sure what to say, so she just releases her hold on her after a moment to give a quick nod. "Nice to meet you Laura. And I'd *love* a shirt. This bodyarmor isn't great for relaxing in." A little bump of her hand over her chest elicits a solid thump. "Though it did help out earlier."

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Ack. Laura is like a hugged cat, going oddly stiff and just kind of gingerly patting Gabby's back. It's been years for her. When she's released, she heads over to a chest of drawers and retrieves a T-shirt and some basketball shorts. Hopefully they'll be somewhat less oversized, and the place is warm enough that it shouldn't really be much of a problem. "You can get changed in the bathroom. I have never needed body armor." It's about now that Laura's stomach grumbles, reminding her that she only ever got three bites of dinner and then a LOT of exercise. "...Also I am going to order a pizza. Do you like Supreme?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I've never had it, but I have had pizza. If it's supreme it must be really good!" Gabby calls out as she heads for the bathroom to change with the items that Laura had loaned her. From the couch, Bellona speaks up apparently not having been entirely asleep. "She'll eat anything. ... Thank you for helping us." It's the most she says and she sure as hell doesn't open her eyes. It's like someone were pulling teeth from her to get her to say that.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura pulls out her flip phone again, leaning over and giving Bellona the same ginger shoulder pat. "You are family. I do not want anyone to go through what I did. We will call Logan tomorrow and get you medical help that does not require a hospital. You may have the couch, or the bed if you like. I am going to sleep in the chair." Pizza ordering commences.