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Latest revision as of 15:25, 14 April 2021

Killers Never Prosper
Date of Scene: 14 April 2021
Location: Amusement Mile
Synopsis: Amy accidentally ends up in Gotham, and she chats with Jason over corn dogs.
Cast of Characters: Jason Todd, Amy Winston

Jason Todd has posed:
    It's cold tonight. There's no snow on the ground anymore, but it'd be hard to convince those on the street tonight that it's much better. Teeth chatter and fingers numb. Still, regardless of all of that, Amusement Mile remains open. The popular, if macabre (Due to its history) area stays open late into the night, with carnival music playing and lights glowing. Crowds shuffle about the place, riding rides, playing games, and generally trying to enjoy themselves. As usual, they are unaware of the danger that lurks in their midst.

    No, I don't mean Jason. Sure, he's dangerous, but at the moment he's hunting thje real issue. This part of town has served as a hideout for the Joker and other serial killers quite a few times, and the vigilante has traced several killings and missing persons to the park. Tonight he is on patrol duty, trying to take it all in while undercover. Dark jeans, scuffed skater shoes, a worn leather jacket and a faded MCR shirt make up tonight's outfit. A Gotham Knights baseball cap finishes it all off. He puffs a bit on a cigarette as he glances up at the ticket booth, and then aside at a row of loud, flashing rides. He grunts to himself.

Amy Winston has posed:
"Yeah, just a short trip! A few days!" The voice can be heard as a line of purple light appears in the air in the middle of the walkway. It opens into an oval portal and a blonde steps backwards out of it. Black boots, leather jacket, a backpack over her shoulder. "Snack haul, little California sunshine!" Another voice calls through "Don't get into any trouble!"
    Amethyst of Gemworld holds up the Boyscout salut. "Princess' honor." She calls back and lets the portal fall shut before looking around with a twirl. "Whoa! Pretty cold for California. Did I get something wrong?" She wonders and starts fishing for her phone in her backpack, ignoring any looks her way.

Jason Todd has posed:
    And oh, there are looks. A few people run, but most simply stare and shuffle on quickly. A handful are so jaded to the insanity of this city that they don't even glance over. Jason, however, takes quiet notice. The portal happens to occur about fifteen feet from him, and he blinks as Amy steps into view. "Huh." He plucks his baseball cap off and then adjusts it back on a bit tighter before he makes his way closer.

    "Wrong coast," he calls out to her. "This is Jew Jersey." That explains the accent, at least. "Amusement Mile. Gotham City." He takes a drag on his cigarette before he flicks the butt to send some ash to the ground.

Amy Winston has posed:
"New Jersey?" Amy wonders and tilts her head a little. "Ahhh. That is pretty off. I was thinking about corn dogs." She looks around and looks from Jason to the carnival atmosphere around them. "So, do you like, work here? Traveled the States a lot-not Gotham though."
    Turning her phone on, she lifts it up, willing it to get signal. It's a few years out of date, and battered. As it chugs to life she looks back at Jason. "People still take cash, right?" She asks and nods towards the stalls. "Or is this a buy the tokens sort of place?"

Jason Todd has posed:
    "Spent some time as a carnie before, but nah. I'm just visiting. Craved corn dogs, as it turns out." He chuckles a bit and shrugs. He glances from her to the stalls and back again. "Rides and games use tickets. Food and merch uses cast or...card, whatever. Tell you what, though. You fill me in on what the fuck that portal stuff is about, and I'll cover the corn dogs, hmm?" This is the kind of thing the Family should know about.

Amy Winston has posed:
"I mean, what's there to know? It's a portal to a realm of magic." Amy shrugs and gestures to the road. "I don't know how useful that is to a former carnie First Worlder-that's what Earth is called." She tells Jason quickly. Shifting her backpack on her shoulder she looks at her phone as it starts to go through several updates. "But, I've got time and I can't turn down a free meal. I'll try and answer some questions." Her eyes rove over the crowd around them out of habit. Assessing for danger as she chucks her phone back into her backpack.

Jason Todd has posed:
"I mean...seems like there's a lot to know," he grunts. He turns to lead the way to the corn dog castle, offering the proper kind of glare to the few starers. His general demeanor means they both get left alone pretty quickly. As he keeps up the conversation, meanwhile, he remains on the lookout. He IS here to work on tracking down a monster, afterall.

"So, corn dog, cheese dog, jalapeno dog, cream cheese dog..."

Amy Winston has posed:
"It's pretty simple, really." Amy says as they head towards corn dog castle. Seeing the name on the sign she grins a bit. "Oh, classic for me. Protein is important to keep in fighting shape." She notes. "Basically though, I can open and close portals to my homeworld because my magic is a part of it. It's part of being the royal family I guess." She shrugs idly. "I don't think any of the other Houses can manage it. Their magic's a bit different anyway." She gives Jason a quick smile. "See? Simple. Just a-" She gestures with a hand "And a bit of magic intent and bam! Portal." Not that she's opening one now. She hasn't gotten her free meal. "Someday I'll get portaging around Earth down. That would save soooo much time."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Homeworld? So...you're like...an alien?," he asks. No accussation or fear. He is curious, and likes to know who and what he's dealing with. He got that from 'dad'...along with a lot of other things. He steps into the line and glances o0ver towards the girl. "Well, we kind of have out own portals now. Sort of. Hyperloops. Lets us get around pretty fast, but...not the same. Jason, by the way."

Amy Winston has posed:
"Hyperloops? When did that happen?" Amy asks, brows lifting for a moment. "I suppose technically alien-I wasn't born on Earth. But, I read as human-just like you I bet." She looks closer at Jason and squints a bit. "Man, someone did a number on you, huh?" She asks and shifts her backpack on her shoulder. "You should get that energy cleansed." Putting a hand to her chest she adds "I can sense magic, side effect of-anyway-it's faint, but you've got a-a funk about you."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Rude," he grunts, before he glances at the 'castle' when they reach the front of the line. "Two corn dogs. Two soda pops. Coke." He fishes out some cash and pays for it before tucking a few dollars into the tip jar. Ignore the long dried blood on one of the bills. "So, you're magic girl. Got it. There are others. I mean, I don't know too much about magic, but there are others out there. Every few years or so Gotham gets some insane wizard or other trying to do -something- nasty."

Amy Winston has posed:
"I don't imagine too many. Earth's shit for magic. That's why most of the magic users left. It's like...a muffin left out for a day or two. The outside is all stale and gross, but some of it is maybe still edible." She looks from Jason to the bills and back. "Soooo, Jason the former carnie...why so interested in magical girls? Worried I might go insane evil wizard?" She asks and hooks her thumbs under her backpack straps. "It's not really my style. I'm more a sword or mace kind of girl." Amy grins a bit at that and looks around casually. "Is this place really so dangerous? It looks...kiddie."

Jason Todd has posed:
"Over the last decade, four different serial killers have made their lairs here. One made masks out of people. Most infamous...and regular...is the Joker. So..." He offers a small, lopsided grin. "Yeah. People still love this place, though." He shrugs again and picks up the two small paper trays, turning to hand her one.

Amy Winston has posed:
Reaching out to take one of the trays quickly, Amy nods. "Thanks. No shit? Wow, so are you like a reporter or something? Working on a true crime story?" She asks and leans in to sniff the corn dog slowly. "Oh man, Earth food, I've missed this. I'm still not used to food where I'm from." She looks back at Jason. "Isn't the Joker locked up?"

Jason Todd has posed:
"Just a concerned local." He nods, then, and makes his way over to a bench. He sits down on it and leans back, picking up the corn dog for a bite. "Mmmhm. But he escapes every now and again. Just saying." He shrugs a shoulder again and glances over at Amy. "So, why are you visiting Earth if we're the magical shithole?"

Amy Winston has posed:
Amy plops onto the bench and sets her coke down. "One." She holds up a finger. "You don't give two shits that I'm a princess here." A second finger goes up. "Two, the fooood. There's nothing like a burger or a greasy, cheesy pizza there." Holding out a third finger she says more softly "I was raised on Earth. It's still sort of like home." She drops the hand to pick up a soda and takes a deep gulp. "Oh yes, the good stuff."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods to all of that, and he chuckles softly. "So. Who are you? And what's the name of that magical world?" He's a sharp one, it turns out. He works idly on his corn dog.

Amy Winston has posed:
Picking up her corn dog, Amy bites into it and sighs. "Excellent, the crisp, the cornbread. Man, I missed this." She smiles a bit and looks at Jason sidelong. "Mmmn, Amy. You can call me Amy. As for my world? I won't say. It's not like you're ever going to go there." She looks to meet his eyes and lifts the corn dog. "Next question."

Jason Todd has posed:
He shrugs to that and sips his soda. "We'll call it Narnia, then. Sure thing." He fishes out his phone and responds to a text message from someone named 'baby'. He pockets it again and glances over again. "Question? Shit, I don't know. You commonly portal to the wrong place?"

Amy Winston has posed:
"Not always." Amy admits. "But, there's probably a reason. Magic's like that sometimes." She works on polishing off her corn dog and looks towards her soda considering. "Narnia, hah. It's more like....well, Middle Earth, with more magic, and less hobbits, or elves, or not humans."

Jason Todd has posed:
"So, nothing like Middle-Earth," he teases with a smirk. He sets his soda down and fishes out his cigarettes, lighting up another. "See, it's shit like that that makes me happy I can just drive a car or something. Plus, magic wigs me out. Nothing personal."

Amy Winston has posed:
"Magic is easy." Amy shrugs. "You learn it all manual and then you put the magic on top. Easy." She links her fingers and watches Jason light up. "Big land, varied terrain, terrifying source of evil. Wizards-sort of. I do have a Pegasus. Way cooler than driving."

Jason Todd has posed:
He chuckles softly and nods. He plucks his hat off and brushes his fingers through his skunk-stripe hair. "I'll take your word for it. So, what's the plan since you ended up here, hmm?"

Amy Winston has posed:
Shrugging, Amy considers. "Snoop, see why Gotham and not California. I guess get some east coast specialties like pizza and street dogs. Find a cheap motel." She looks at Jason. "It's not like I'm on Earth for long at a time. Responsibilities and all that. What about you? Hoping to break some kind of story?"

Jason Todd has posed:
He smirks and rises to his feet. "Not a reporter." Jason takes another drag from his cigarette and tosses his trash into the nearby bin. "Two blocks up. Easy 8. Cheap motel that isn't the HQ for some shitty pimp or something, unlike half the other motels in town. It should work for you. Mabye I'll see you around, Magic Girl." He places his cap back on and chuckles. "But I'm expected." He's already late, and Val hates when he's late.