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Latest revision as of 15:26, 14 April 2021

Harley and Aimee's Cross-Country Cavalcade: Part 1
Date of Scene: 11 April 2021
Location: On the road
Synopsis: Harley and Aimee end the first day of their road-trip by admiring Niagara Falls.
Cast of Characters: Aimee Alexander, Harley Quinn

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee's apartment looks as undecorated as ever, still struggling to feel like a home and almost appearing to be an empty apartment prepared for a new tenant; though the duvet and silk sheets falling from the bed to the floor in a messy heap at least help make it feel lived in. The one notable change from the last time Harley was here is the little heart-shaped picture frame on the bedside table, within which sits a print of a selfie of Harley and Aimee together.

That and the absence of Nero who is vacationing in a cattery at the moment.

Light and steam filters under the doorway to the bathroom, the faint noise of a shower mostly drowning out the even fainter noise of sleepy singing being interrupted by a yawn.

Harley Quinn has posed:
So it was that road trips had been arranged and all. And meeting parents, was it? Fine with Harley! (Or so it appears). Yet in true Harley fashion there was no hour arranged for it. Just 'in the morning'. And it was technically morning now, so Harley was perfectly in her rights to break into Aimee's place to announce they were leaving. Even if Aimee might not be ready.

"I have arrived. Wheah awhe ya at, mmm?" Barging in past the front door. Did she get some keys for her? Bribe the receptionist's? Or just pick lock her way in? Who knows! But the truth is she is inside now, hands on hips and poking her nose around the house. "Heeellllooooo.." she calls out, making way to the room then hearing that sound coming from the shower. Ahah!

She sits down on the bed to wait, arms folding together and humming a bit to herself.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
The faint sound of singing stops after Harley announces her arrival, and after the 'Heellooo' the shower abruptly shuts off too. After a short moment of silence, Aimee's voice calls out with just a hint of wariness "Harley? That you?"

It's not until Aimee gets a confirmation that more sound comes from the bathroom. "Coming!" There's a thud, a bit of swearing, and the sound of a plastic bottle being knocked over, and then mostly silence for a good few minutes.

Finally the teen stumbles out of the bathroom in a white sundress, still still brushing her hair. Visibly holding back a yawn, the lack of even the most basic make-up serves to make her look even more tired than she otherwise might. Even so, she offers the clownette a crooked smile "I think I must be getting used to you, I was almost worried getting up so early just in-case would be a waste. But here you are."

She looks around her apartment, chewing her lip in thought as she tries to make sure she doesn't forget anything "Uhh, my suitcase is by the door. You can put that in the trunk, I've got some snacks and stuff in my backpack so I don't think I'll need to get anything out of it while we're driving." She takes another moment to stand in the middle of her apartment, slowly turning around and raking her eyes over everything.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Verily, deareth Aimee." Is the response that comes from the bedroom. One can even imagine she delivering that speech with a slightly raised brow. "And take yoh time." she calls out, "It's not as if I got the Jag double parked in a no parkin' zone. It's fine!" she is all smiles in her voice and so. But yes, she totally has the Jaguar parked in an interdicted zone. Ah well! No pressure, right?

When Aimee gets out of the room and brushing her hair it has Harley turn her attention to her, peeking at her and squinting her gaze. "What ya mean?! Like I don't honor my commitments oh somethin'?!" she places one hand atop her heart. "Ouch, my heart..." she lets out a rather dramatic sigh.

"Now lets get goin!" She is dressed in jean shorts, along with fishnets and sneakers. As for her torso it's framed by a white tank top that clings to her form, the words "Clown's in Town" stamped on glittery yellow. Large sunshades are currently up against her forehead.

"And yea, yea.. Say goodbye to yoh appartment foh a while. Just don't go around huggin' stuff... Ugh.. And you can carry your suitcase, oh excellency." quickly followed by a rather flowery, flowing bow.

She starts making her way to the door. No time to lose apparently!

Aimee Alexander has posed:
"I just meant that 'in the morning' probably isn't so early for most people is all. But I'm getting to know you well enough to realise you're not most people. It was meant to be a good thing..." Aimee's protest starts to trail off halfway through as she realizes her girlfriend is already heading towards the door, the final sentence little more than a murmur.

Biting her lip and heaving a frustrated sigh at being rushed, the teen gives one last glance around her apartment before grabbing her backpack from her bed and slinging it over a shoulder, slipping her feet into a pair of chucks, and then all-but-jogging to the door to grab her suitcase, lock the door behind herself, and catch up to Harley with untied shoelaces flicking about her feet.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"How do ya measure it, mmm?" Harley then asks over her shoulder. "On how well ya know someone?" seems like she heard! But it doesn't mean she stays to listen to further replies. Because she is then off in a dash. Which does indeed make Aimee have to catch up quickly...

As for the mystery on *why* she was wanting to leave so fast? Well ..., turns out she *did* park where she shouldn't had. It also means there are a couple of cops around the car already, one calling out what most likely will be a tow truck. Damn it New York parking!

Harley doesn't lose her stride though, approaching at a near run and putting up a rather dramatic-looking expression. "Officers!" she gestures, "I saw this horrible man tryin' ta assault a diner right ovah theah!" she points down to a side street. "He had this horrible kite and said he needed money foh his real wings, whateva that meant!" a franctic look on Harley's expression. She does sell it well! The two officers look at her, then to one another before nodding and starting to run off in the direction of the diner.

As for Harley .. She waits until they are a bit away and peeks at the arriving Aimee. "Quick! Get in!" she will help Aimee get the suitcase inside before she jumps into the driver's seat to take off.

Nothing like starting a trip on the right foot!

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee's a little out of breath by the time she arrives (just in time to see Harley sending the police on a wild goose chase). She's certainly not nearly as fit as the clownette, and it's only fortunate that she has a lot of experience walking around with untied shoelaces and didn't faceplant at some point.

Looking in the direction of the running cops, Aimee looks like she'd face-palm if both her hands weren't already busy. "Harley, what did you... wait, you really *were* double parked in a no parking zone? Why am I not surprised?" She shakes her head and heaves a sigh of long suffering that is slightly undermined by the slight giggle that escapes her as she does.

After letting Harley help her put the suitcase in the trunk the teen scooches into the passenger seat, shoving her backpack down between her feet and rummaging through it as the clownette gets the car moving. "Did you have breakfast? I've got some granola bars if you want one. Couple small packets of Lay's. M&Ms, some Reese's Pieces. I figured we'd save the sandwiches for lunch..." Seems like Aimee's prepared, at least as far as food goes.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Why would I lie about these things?!" Because it's totally normal to just park the car anywhere without a care for where it is! But right now, no time to lose! Harley is already jumping into the driver's seat of the jaguar, it currently without the top cover as it's a sunny day out. For a change! Spring and all that. She drops the sunglasses back over her eyes, a quick look over the rearview mirror to make sure the cops are still out of sight..

"Lets roll!" The wheels screech and complain when Harley gets it moving, almost as if she was getting out onto a highspeed chase! (She is used to those!) but she does eventually slow down once she takes a corner ..

"Mmmm, good. And I didn't eat! Was busy gettin' the hyenas their instructions and that they must stay in theah best behaviour around April. But ..." and she lets out another sigh, "It's almost as if those blasted hyenas like her more than they do me! Must be cos she feeds them all the nice stuff..." hmph!

She opens the window, one arm resting against the arm door relaxedly and she looking back at Aimee. "Which only means that feedin' me will just make me like ya moouh." a wicked little smile under her lips. Maybe she is an hyena too!

"Get me one o' those bars!"

Aimee Alexander has posed:
After a little longer bent forward and rummaging in her backpack, Aimee finally lets out an 'Ahah!' of success. Sitting back up she brings with her four granola bars and a fancy looking glasses case.

Pulling down the sun visor to use the mirror on it, she primps her hair just a little before opening the case and taking out a pair of polarized aviators. For all that she doesn't usually seem to dress to excess, it seems she has expensive taste in sunglasses.

"So," she muses, as she starts opening one of the granola bars "It sounds to me like you're..." She pauses, biting her lip as she tries to recall names, her face almost lighting up as she remembers "You're Bud and Lou's Mom, where-as April is like the Aunty that spoils them rotten? So, I mean, at the end of the day I'm sure they love getting spoiled by Aunty April, but you're their Mom y'know? So I'm sure you're always first in their hearts."

She's not really sure if that sort of logic applies to Hyenas, but it sounds nice at least! Having gotten the granola bar open she pulls down the wrapper halfway and holds it out for Harley so the clownette can keep one hand on the wheel. "So all I have to do is feed you to get you to like me more? Gosh, wish I'd known that sooner, that's so much easier than trying to think up date ideas." The empath isn't very good at planning dates.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Really..?" Harley laughs when she sees the choice of sunglasses, leaning over a bit, all amused. "What's that? Wantin' ta look all Top Gun?" she asks, before adding in a teasing tone. "But I am all up foh some volleyball playin' like in the movie, if ya know what I mean.." got to know your movies when around Harley! She bites the air for effect while closer to Aimee before finally taking her attention back to the road. And just on time too because she has to take a bit of a tight turn.

"Woah, that turn had no right ta be theah ..., the gall on that thing.." she complains. Because it's not her fault at all. Nope!

Then Aimee starts 'dissecting' her relationship to her hyenas and April and she uh-uhs, nods, then laughs. "Yep! That's right. Spoils 'em rotten!" she lets out a tsk.

With the granola bar up for grabs she reaches out with her mouth and takes a chunk out of it. Mmmhmmm.

"Ya can't beat my dates. Specially wheah it comes ta gettin' shot to heck." she states about the last one at the famous sandwich place. "But I got a plan..." a grin. "And this trip is gonna help with that.." oh no. She has something u her sleeve!

"So .., wheah do we wanna stop first, mmm?" She asks between chewing up on the bar.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
The sudden turn draws a shriek from the empath; the girl even less aware of the approaching corner than Harley was. She lays a hand over her chest and does her best to catch her breath while the clownette rages as the unfairness of the road.

Waiting until her girlfriend is done talking, she finally responds. "I'd rather not be 'Playing with the boys' if *you* know what *I* mean." One of the edges of Aimee's lips quirks up into a lop-sided grin, before she references a different movie entirely "Sides, maybe I was just hoping to fry an egg on your belly. You're certainly hot enough." Even *she* cringes a little as she says it, the teen well aware how corny her flirting is.

A moment of awkward silence follows before her brain catches up with something else Harley had said. "Wait, you have a plan? What kind of plan? Should I be worried?" She jabs the granola bar she's for some reason still holding at the clownette and raises an eyebrow "Just so long as it's nothing illegal." She seems to consider what she's just said, her current company, and then amends "...at least nothing that will get us in trouble? Anyway, I was thinking we could stop for lunch in Buffalo and then go see Niagara falls? I know it's a bit out of the way, but I've never been, and..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"We can always make it a girls-only game or somethin'!" Is Harley's reply about the 'playing with the boys' but then she cackles out like an hyena at the following words. "Really, you awhe comin' at me with hot shots? Thought that movie was too old foh ya to be knowin' about it. But good one." the road rage apparently now forgotten and she cruising by. It's not as if she's a bad driver anyway! Just prone to getting distracted...


"Well, since I plotted the actual drive we'll be takin' I took measures to make suwah I met up with some ..., old acquaintances." then she narrows her eyes. "Acquaintances with a particular set of skills.." is it movie day today or something? "But you will see!"

Apparently the clownette isn't talking about that, though is just about to get another bite when Aimee jabs the damn bar around. "Hey keep it steady, I am drivin' heah!" then she snapping out with her teeth to get some more of the bar. She's hungry!

"Illegal? I mean, in which state?" It's important. Yet as Aimee then proposes Niagara Falls she mmms. "Sounds good to me. Now you better buckle up, it's time for some speed."

Aimee Alexander has posed:
"You know, I don't even know how to play Volleyball." Aimee's protest sounds halfhearted at best, and she almost immediately concedes with a "...but fine, maaaaybe we can play some beach volleyball."

Whatever she might've had to say about Harley's acquaintances gets sidetracked by the clownette's grumping over not keeping the granola bar steady. She only half pays attention to the other woman's musing on the legality of her secret plans; staring incredulously at the clownette before finally muttering "What am I? Your servant girl?"

With a roll of the eyes and a prissy (and deliberately overly-exagerrated) chin lift she puts on her best posh accent and asks "Are these old acquaintances of yours perhaps skilled in catering?" Dropping the pretend snottiness the teen heaves a sigh and reaches for her seatbelt, not foolish enough to ignore Harley's warning. "I mean, seriously Harls, if you're talking about criminally decadent chocolate pudding that is something I am totally behind. But... I really don't wanna get in any more trouble. I'm not bullet proof, y'know? Or stab proof. Or anything proof really I guess."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Then you can jot down volleyball on your list of things to do!" Is what Harley replies, though only smirks deviously when Aimee complains about being her servant. She shakes her head at the girl. "Heah I am, drivin' ya ovah the country and I can't even get ya to hold a granola baah foh me. And besides, what even is a granola bar and why am I eating it?!" she makes a face at it, turning her nose.

"Did you say there weah Lay's?" But then the question about her acquaintances. "Actually ..., yes they are quite good in caterin'!" she grinning, but somehow there is this .., dangerous feel about it all. But ah well! They are still far from whatever those acquaintances may be!

"And don't worry, I am not gettin' ya in trouble. At least not moouh than what a proper road trip should have." And considering we are talking about Harley whatever her 'expected danger level' is might be up for debate.

She steps on it, continuing on the trip towards the falls.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
With a grumbled "You asked me for a bar...", Aimee takes back the half-eaten granola bar and takes a sullen bite of it herself, before leaning forward rumamge through her backpack again. Soon after, the packet of Lay's is opened and offered to the clownette.

"Can you take the whole packet? My arm's gonna get tired if I'm just holding it out for you, and I figured maybe I could get a couple mooaaaahh-" a yawn interrupts the empath, before she finishes with blinking eyes "...hours sleep."

She finishes up the granola bar that Harley had started, and then uses her teeth to rip open a second one, wanting to at least have a little bit of a breakfast before her nap.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Suwah. I can take the packet." Is Harley's prompt response, she reaching out to get it and place it on her lap. "Besides, it's not like it's the first time I will be drivin' without holdin' the wheel." what? And yes, Harley is just smiling as if she was just talking about normal things. She does spot the yawn though. "Go ahead and get some rest.." she then offers, reaching over with one hand.

Fingertips find the girl's cheek in a rather tender gesture, pale fingers tracing skin before she says, "We awhe gonna have some fun in this trip, I promise." her eyes turning briefly to look at Aimee and then back on the road.

And so it is that the trip will go!

Aimee Alexander has posed:
"I opened it for you so you could keep one hand on the wheel!" There's a slight pout on Aimee's lips, but the touch to her cheek replaces it with a rather shy looking smile and a healthy flush to the skin beneath Harley's fingers.

Dropping her gaze demurely, and trying not to look as embarrassed as she feels, the teen reaches up to take Harley's hand in her own and give it a gentle squeeze. "I know. Every day's an adventure with you." She bites her lower lip for a moment, before murmuring softly "Thank you for coming with me..."

Feeling a little shy about all the mushiness Aimee makes a show of looking away, leaning forward to her backpack again momentarily so she can take out a wide-brimmed sunhat. Reclining her chair back into a more comfortable position to sleep, the teen offers her girlfriend a cheeky smile "Don't let me sleep too long. I don't want you gettin lonely."

That said, she flops back on her seat and covers her face with the sunhat.

Harley Quinn has posed:
With a show of thoughtfulness Harley even turns off the radio! See? She can think of others from time to time! Or is it all part of her ploy to have Aimee sleep so she can drive them somewhere crazy? Who knows! But sleep does come ...

The sound of rushing water is heard just as consciousness is returning, the sun high up in the sky now. Quite a few hours have passed by now most likely. But Harley never woke her up! The car is parked though, surrounded by trees and not far from a cliff. As for Harley, the clownette is out of the car, a fingertip on her lips and she leaning over the edge.. Very dangerously of course.

"Hey, you are wakin' up!" she then exclaims with a peek over her shoulders. "I endured through hours o' yoh snorin' but heah we awhe now!" she turns around, opening her arms to the sides as if to show the place they are at.

Trees, the sound of birds about along with the thunderous rushing water. If one was to bet they most likely arrived at the falls!

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee Alexander says, "Gnnuh?" A wordless expression of confusion escapes Aimee as the sound of rushing water finally infiltrates her sleeping mind and wakes her up, just in time for Harley's teasing. Sitting up and straightening the hat to sit properly atop her head she blinks blearily in the sudden brightness. "Ugh.. how long was I asleep?"

Slowly her brain catches up with things, and the clownette receives a scandalized "I do *not* snore!" She hmphs, already slightly squinting eyes narrowing at the clownette as the empath gets out of the car to join her girlfriend.

Slowly approaching Harley while looking all around, Aimee seems to be slowly putting two and two together and figuring out where she is. Her walking doesn't stop until she's close enough to abruptly hug the clownette and mumble a soft 'thankyou'.

She enjoys the hug for a few moments before pulling back just enough to look up into Harley's eyes and meekly ask "I... *don't* snore... do I?""

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley lets out a loud laugh when Aimee gets all bristling about the snoring comment, twirling about near the cliff's edge. "How do yooouuu know?! You aren't awake to know or not!" foolproof logic! And she seems mighty pleased with herself.

With Aimee stepping out and joining her, along with the hug Harley lets out a beamy smile, returning the hug. "I am glad we could get this time foh the trip ya know?" she wraps one arm around Aimee's shoulders to bring her close to her, turning so they can look at the Niagara falls in all their splendor. One pale hand gestures to it. "It really makes ya wanna strip and jump down for a diving swim, doesn't it?" no, it doesn't.

As for the snoring question she looks at Aimee sideways, "You will never know...! It means I can continue to tease you about it endlessly." more foolproof logic!

Aimee Alexander has posed:
"You're a jerk, y'know that?" Aimee's bad attempts to not smile completely undermine her words, and the teen soon gives up and just presses herself into Harley's side.

For almost a full minute the teen just quietly snuggles against her girlfriend and admires the view. Finally though she tears her gaze away from the beauty of nature to look at the beauty right next to her. "But if you're gonna tease me I suppose I *won't* go skinny dipping in the Niagara river with you after all."

Would she have otherwise? It doesn't seem like a very Aimee thing to do, so probably not. On the other hand, Harley does usually manage to talk her in to doing crazy things...

"Y'know, you really didn't need to let me sleep so long. Must've been boring for you, this was like a 6 hour drive or something isn't it?" She gently pokes Harley's waist with a chastizing finger. "And now I'll probably be awake all night, and then sleepy in the car tomorrow again."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I have been called worse!" Then a jerk, that is. But Harley continues to smile, blue eyes now turned to the falls and enjoying the view quietly. For a change. She doesn't really speak up for a bit, just standing there, the arm around the girl squeezing her a touch tighter against her.

"Good, you can drive durin' the night so we'll get to Chicago tomorrow." she says before reaching over to place a small kiss against Aimee's head. "But first, let's just enjoy this, mmm?"

And so it is that they spend the rest of their day enjoying the falls. The second day of their trip would come soon!