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Latest revision as of 04:02, 16 April 2021

Date of Scene: 16 April 2021
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Wanted for different reasons
Cast of Characters: Shannon Davis, Roland Livingston

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis was forced to change her lifestyle quite drastically, first with her parents kicking her out, which then lead to a very unfortunate series of events, and now had her listed as one of the highly dangerous mass killers and associate of Deathstroke. It was truly the worst, she could not stop burning with hated against her own evil doppelganger every day of her life. She'd been living atop a building with no roof access inside a makeshift shed. Most of her days were spent around mutant down, or meeting with a particular someone in secret. Though lately she had not been able to find them, so she'd just wander around the place looking for opportunities to score some money or goodies. She'd switches the usual white hoodie that she had been reported to wear for an old, beat up jacket.

Roland Livingston has posed:
Mutant Town is today's draw for Roland Livingston. The young Englishman is out and about exploring the city, seeing what there is to see and perhaps even hoping to get lucky and spot some magic happening. Strange things happen in the Big Apple, after all.

He rolls into Bushwick on his motorcycle, a limited edition Ducati, and parks it in front of a small diner. Removing his helmet he slides a leg over the bike and sits on the seat for a few seconds as he studies his surroundings and puts his brain bucket away. So far there doesn't appear to be anything too strange here, aside from the residents themselves, and Roland doesn't appear to be too impressed by any physical mutations he takes note of.

When people notice him or his bike he gives them a polite nod or little smile. He's quite proud of his ride, had to reserve it quite some time in advance of it leaving the factory, after all. But he's not about to hang out on his vehicle all day when there's a neighborhood to explore. Sliding off of the seat he sets off, picking a random direction to travel in.

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis walked with her hands within the jacket pockets, just as she did with the hoodie. There was a specific reason for that, being that within were the hefty weapons she had made for herself a long time ago. They were very makeshift but did the job fairly well. Her eyes slowly shift to the side as she sees Roland walking down the opposite way from her. She eyes him up and down, he just screamed 'not from here', and that was a problem. The upper side of her brows becomes slightly tense with preoccupation.

Someone who lived here might have well brushed off the news about yet another villain popping up, it was starting to become fairly common, but someone from outside might be impressionable. Leaving the impression that she had seen on the news report about her was definitely not something she was looking to do, nevermind her doomed hero career, she was facing infinite jail time or something of the sort. She picks up the pace, doubling her walking speed to walk past him as soon as possible. The worst thing was that her hair now exactly her doppelganger's almost exactly, the same shabby, uncared mess.

Roland Livingston has posed:
When someone looks at him and then speeds up, Roland has to do a double take. He identifies the figure quickly as trying to avoid him, and, having enemies of his own, instantly becomes suspicious.

Turning slightly to get a better look at the girl, a frown appears on his rugged face and he asks in his upper crust English accent, "Don't I know you?" Because he recognizes her from a news report where she threatened people. And had a symbiote.

His eyes widen and he moves to try to catch up to her, "Pardon me, Ms, but I'd quite like to speak with you if you have a moment."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis lets out a frustrated sound that was almost like a growl. When she looks over her shoulder her eyes are practically burning. He can hear a sudden swooooosh. It's very brief, and easy to miss over the more important fact that she whips her hand out of her jacket and points it at Roland. "No." She says dryly and then there's a THUNK.

From within her hand comes flying a disk made out of lead, it's roughly the size of her palm, so not super heavy. It is fired, currently, at a choked, very low force for its weight, roughly 15 newtons, aka the required force to perform a professional baseball pitch. On lead, however, made the thing fly much slower than a baseball, and though it did make the impact a fair bit harder due to its density, it wasn't something that was particularly powerful to begin with.

It's aimed roughly at his stomach and seems to have a length of rope attached to it.

Roland Livingston has posed:
It's a good thing Roland is fast. And tough. When the hunk of lead flies out to slug him in the gut, the young man twists his body to roll with the punch so that it won't do any real damage, though it does elicit an "Ugh" from him, probably more of a reflex than an actual indication that he's in pain.

"Are you out of your mind? I just wanted to speak with you!" But he doesn't look particularly talkative at the moment as he moves towards the woman.

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis pulls her other hand out of her jacket while tugging on the rope, making the first disk bounce backwards while a second is pulled out of her coat. This one she raises over her head and spins as hard as she can, using rotary force to increase the impact significantly. She wasn't sure just exactly how fast he was, but seeing he was able to dodge that made her almost certain he was sent to capture her. With him closing in quickly he's under danger of the wide circle that had now been formed by the spinning lead disk, which is angled to smack into his side if he got any closer. "Out of *my* mind?" She says sarcastically.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"I'm a professional student of the arcane and you've got an alien," Roland says as he eyes the spinning rope, frowning, but not moving further forward. "One that's a bit more visible than the one I'm used to, I'll admit, but magical beings are sort of a specialty of mine." A hand goes into his pocket to remove a folding knife. He flips the blade out. "If you want to keep your rope thing in one piece then you'll put it away and talk with me like a civilized person. I'm willing to pay for your time."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis chokes on her own spit and accidentally lets go of the chain, sending it flying through the window of a nearby car when he says 'pay for your time'. What was a growing wild expression just crumbles down into confusion and deep, profound, bottomless exasperation. She lets out a long sigh, pulling her weapons back into her pocket. She was deeply disappointed that was his reason for wanting her time.

"Let's think back on what just happened. Do you think you'd be alive if I really was the person in that recording?" She tells him tiredly. "If I see one more person panic because they think I'm going to eat them I'm going to lose my shit. And I don't have a lot of shit to lose to begin with." She sounds extremely bitter now, staring at her right palm as she speaks, clenching and unclenching it. She points it out at him and there's a THUNK, followed by a light breeze. "That would have sent you flying. So you're not here for my capture then, why are you so keen on studying those things anyways?"

Roland Livingston has posed:
"If you were the person in that recording I imagine that you'd try, and fail, to kill me. Unless you needed money to lay low," Roland says as he put his pocket knife away and slides his hands into his pockets. "And did it seem to you like I was panicking? Yours would, as I mentioned before, not be the first alien I've interacted with."

The young fellow lets out a sigh, "As I explained before, I'm a scholar of the arcane. Magical aliens are one of those things that I have a special interest in thanks to my family's history with them. We used to have one that inhabited my ancestors that was called the Guide. If there are others like him on our world then it's important that I meet them, especially if they're not the same species. A magic based extraterrestrial invasion would be quite terrible, I imagine. Most of Earth's superheroes are science based, after all."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis clears her throat. "Did you not see, uh, the holes blown into the buildings and stuff? If you were bothering with dodging my weights I doubt you could take something like that." She replies with a light frown, then furrows her brows at the mention of aliens. "I hate aliens. I absolutely, utterly, thoroughly, detest them to the core of my being. I hope they all die." She replies almost reflexively, her dislikes were getting really pronounced with the kinds of things she'd had to deal with so far.

"Anyways, I'm afraid your time is wasted. I'm not piece of shit in that recording. Nor do I have a magical alien living in me. If you want to study those you'll have to go and find wherever the hell she fucked off to. She's definitely not around anymore, that much I can guarantee. Otherwise there would be a lot more recordings like that one. And I'd probably be dead via some way too giddy hero turning me into a splatter thinking I was her."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"IF they hit me," Roland says with a bit of a smirk. "I would be in trouble, definitely. But I've handled everything from vampires and necromancers to Nazi science terrorists, not to mention all manner of absurd cultists. All since I was fifteen."

Lifting his chin at the young woman he asks, "Have you considered turning yourself in? I imagine life would be much easier for you once they discovered you're not the responsible party." Then he pauses, "Nevermind. I imagine it's difficult to trust the criminal justice system when it drops the ball badly enough that costumed adventurers need to pick up the slack."

"I'm sorry your experiences with extraterrestrials have been negative, but the Guide was a good being, until it left rather unexpectedly. Kept my family safe for centuries while it was working here."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis stared at him for several moments, clearly not convinced. "I'd argue on the effectiveness of compressed air blasts accelerated instantly but I can't make them myself, so I'd just piss myself off." She replies, motioning a hand vaguely. After what he says she exhales very slowly. "It wouldn't matter anymore. SHIELD were the only ones who could get me out of trouble, and at this point, no matter what I say, they don't have another suspect because she disappeared. So they have no choice but to catch me regardless of my innocence. Too much has already happened for them to back out of it now." While speaking she rolls up her sleeves, showing him four still healing bullet wounds going up her arm to her shoulder.
% "Which brings us to the point, if we got any cops around following me under cover, you're now automatically in trouble for associating with me." She cranes her head to the side a bit. "I'm not sure if they'll buy into your explanation seeing as you're not from here. But at most I guess they'd send you back."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"If there are cops around then I imagine they'd have summoned a tactical team or some such," Roland says with a shrug. "Do you need someone to take a look at those injuries?" he asks as he studies them, tilting his head to the side. "Looks like they're really serious about taking you in. Or taking you out, I suppose."

"I'm sorry you've experienced so much trouble. If I run into your... clone? Your whatever. I'll alert the authorities as to their location," he offers.

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis rubbed her chin for a moment, narrowing her eyes. "Hmm." She stops and thinks visibly before staring him down. "No, someone already took out the bullets and stuff. But thanks. My clone is definitely not around anymore, I'm afraid you'll have to go study the other slimy aliens around." She tries to avoid the topic of the tactical team as much as possible. "So you won't have to alert anyone, but if you do manage to find one of those, I am *very* interested in interacting with one of those myself. Plus you might need some backup if it's, uh, possessing someone or something." She nods a few times, her lips curling into a very light smile, but her eyes looking very intense for a moment.

Roland Livingston has posed:
With a nod Roland says, "How should I get in touch with you if I do find some aliens that need beating up? I imagine you're trying to stay off the grid as much as possible. Have you got a burner?"

Then he smiles faintly and suggests, "You should get yourself a costume and some other sort of weapons and pretend to be a super hero. That way the police won't recognize you." There's a little pause as he has a thought, "Also, can you use your ability to throw yourself? By pushing off the ground I imagine you could propel yourself a few meters. Getting some more distance between yourself and a potential pursuer might be advisable, especially if you start carrying numerous ball bearings or the like."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis nods her head from side to side, seeming a bit fatigued, she had been trying so many things lately it made her head spin. "Man, right now I can barely find regular clothes. The best costume I can get is a plastic bag over my head. I'll give you the address of the building I'm staying at, just, uh, use your English abilities and climb to the roof." She smirks a bit on that one. "It's complicated but I can't push off anything and I can't create enough force to lift myself. I'm still trying to figure out my powers, I have piles of physics crap I've been studying and nothing makes sense. If they followed physics I'd be able to shoot a small metal ball over a dozen times faster than a bullet, but it just doesn't work."

She lets out a frustrated grunt before breathing in. "Anyways. I'm sure you can, like, jump between the walls of the buildings or something. I live on a shed on top." Her hands tighten firmly. "By the time you find any of them out I'm sure I'll have everything figured out. I have to. I need to. I'm not going to jail, I'm just not."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Ahh yes, we English are known for being closely related to chimpanzees," Roland says with a smile. "Though I am an expert climber and gymnast myself, so it shouldn't be much trouble." When the young woman explains how her powers seem to work the Englishman nods his head, "It's more like magic than science, perhaps. If you weren't wanted by the law I'd tell you to attend Happy Harbor, I'm an assistant teacher there and I'm to teach the history of magic. I could give you the names of some texts to look into, but I doubt they're readily available." There's a bit of a pause, "Would you like some money for a costume? I'm not sure how much a decent one might cost." He starts doing some calculations in his head, "A good helmet's about two thousand American... body armor should go for five hundred, ultra light level IV plates for it another three thousand." He's quiet as he does the math. "Three hundred or so for some good boots... Eighty or ninety for gloves... The attire itself could be, let's say a thousand dollars..." Another pause as he sucks in some air before he says simply enough, "Less than ten thousand all together, including some new weaponry. Maybe something like kusarigama. I've got a few weaponsmith that have done work for me in the past." Then he shakes his head, "We can talk about that later, though. I'll give you some cash for more immediate needs, like a wig, sunglasses and makeup. Some nicer attire, perhaps."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis blinks several time, she's overwhelmed by this immediately, this incredibly Hank energy coming from him. It was just like listening to the man casually talk about spending thousands of dollars on random materials for joke experiments, wild. She waves her hands in front of herself, flailing her arms a bit. "Whoa whoa wooow, hold up there, I don't know how I feel about you just dumping thousands of dollars on me all of a sudden." Maybe she had a hidden power that attracted rich people. "I wouldn't even know where to go to buy that stuff. And I wish I could use one of those, but I feel I'd decapitate myself accidentally. I don't really have any formal training besides some light CQC."

She clears her throat again, seeming extraordinarily bothered by having revealed that. "What would it even look like? Though uh, some hair dye would be nice I guess. I can sap water from the building's bigass water tank, so that's not an issue. Money for food is great though. I can't really associate with, uh, the person who was taking care of me before, so that he won't get arrested. He'd probably flip out if they tried that. Anyways."

She stops all of a sudden, looking up vaguely, focused entirely inwards, at the thought of hurling a spinning scythe at high speeds. She has to shake herself back to the conversation at hand. "Ah, uh, I appreciate it but why are you helping me? You just a good guy who's feeling sorry my-- I don't even know what that bitch WAS. Who would have even wanted to clone me? Err, messed up my life? She seemed to have done that on purpose too. Well, not seemed, she did. She admitted to it. But that's another story.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"That's why I said we'd discuss it, if you'd like," Roland explains with a little chuckle. "If you're really innocent it's cheaper to craft you a superhero identity than it is to get you a lawyer and I imagine it would work a bit better in the long run, especially if you get in with a crew like the Justice League who have pull with the government."

He considers the girl for a few seconds, "If you agreed to work for me I could train and outfit you. You'd need to apply yourself and wear your costume around me so I couldn't be implicated in helping a fugitive from justice, and it would be quite dangerous." The young man explains further, "You see, my family spent centuries tracking down arcane knowledge and magical artifacts, but that was stolen when all of my loved ones were butchered by the army of a vampire sorcerer. I intend to recover what belongs to me and slay the vampire and for that I imagine I'll need some allies. The more powerful the better." He grins, "I'm not altogether altruistic, you see."

Shannon Davis has posed:
Shannon Davis eyes shone like beacons when he said vampire armies. "I'LL DO IT!" She didn't even let him finish the rest of what he was going to say. "I mean, uh. Yes. That sounds like a good deal." She says afterwards with a cough. Finally, someone who was willing to grant her some actually dangerous situations. It was like everyone was holding her like a precious golden egg all the time before. And she couldn't exactly fight the police because that would only get her deeper into the hole. So this was really an amazing opportunity. She didn't even care about the money anymore.

She chuckles almost malevolently to herself, thinking of smacking a vampire in the face and launching it through a building. Her arms tense and her fingers flex, her hands squeezing incredibly hard. She was going to get there, she was going to figure it out, she would not stop until she was able to do things like that. And more. "But yes, that would be quite helpful. I do plan on reaching the level of the justice league anyways so it's already in my plans, I just kinda, uh need to focusing on being able to feed myself first." Though it wasnt for exactly the same reason as what he mentioned. "Anyways, this is it." She pulls out a small notebook covered with calculations and uses a blank page to write the address of the building, handing it to him. "It's not safe to stay in one place too long so we should talk there next."

Roland Livingston has posed:
When Shannon answers him exuberantly Roland starts to chuckle, nodding his head firmly and saying, "Very well." He takes the offered piece of paper before reaching into his pocket for a sleek, black wallet. Several bills are produced and offered over. "Make sure you eat, keep up your strength. I'll show up at your place some time soon with a few odds and ends you can use and we'll discuss your new attire and equipment. I can secure it all for you easily enough, but if we're going to get you on the Justice League I'll need you to come up with costume ideas that work with body armor and a good name to go by." There's a smirk on his face, "Remember, I can be seen with a superhero, not a fugitive, so we'll need to get you out publicly helping people as soon as we can. Then we'll start the real business of tracking down my ancestral enemy."