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Icelandic Pizza Delivery
Date of Scene: 14 April 2021
Location: Giorgio's Pizzeria - St. Martin's Island
Synopsis: Arthur and Kori deliver pizza to Iceland. Kori eats a little less than is needed to feed a village, and Arthur apparently is going to have a girlfriend.
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Koriand'r

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur gave Kori a call today to meet him at Giorgio's, reminding her about their conversation regarding pizza delivery to Iceland and her need to find out how much a small village actually eats so she can compare it to her normal caloric intake. When she arrives, he's standing at the front counter and waves to her.

"Heya Kori, how's the hero business goin? Been a little busy, but I had some free time and remembered what we had talked about. I figured if you had the time we could do a quick run to one of those little places I told you about. I've already ordered a dozen pizzas from Kyle here for us to take."

Koriand'r has posed:
With Arthur's call, Kori called ahead to Giorgio's to make the arrangements for the very large number of pizza's she intended to take to the village. Although she offered to decide on the toppings, Kyle the employee of Giorgio's she trusted the most, had suggested she stick to the basics from the menu for first time pizza eaters. She had agreed with his wisdom.

Arriving now to Giorgio's, she wears her battle bikini and thigh-high boots, because she's going to be flying and one never knows what they might run into when out in the world.

"Arthur Curry!" She chirps merrily, then darts over to hug him. "I had called a head and spoke to Kyle, he is very wise in the ways of pizza. Do you think a dozen will be enough? I considered two dozen, to ensure enough for everyone, but then I do not know the size of the village or the number of people there."

Arthur Curry has posed:
He's a little surprised by the hug, but all things considered, doesn't really mind it, and in fact even finds himself returning it after a couple seconds. Kori has that effect on people, it seems, even Arthur. He smiles at her after the hug ends, looking her over and nodding, "Ok, yeah, I _definitely_ remember that outfit. You kind of stand out in it, in a good way."

"I guess we could stand to take a few more, just to be safe. Not that I'm sure how they'll take to pizza, but better to have too much than not enough. Kyle, go ahead and double my order. We can wait a little bit while they all get made."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori does this little eager tippy-tap dance, "I am so looking forward to this!" She hugs Arthur again, then steps back and looks at herself. "I remembered what you said about this uniform, and I figured since we were taking such a long trip it might be wise to be prepared for anything."

Even as she is talking, she is turning this way and that to show it off, which causes a random customer to walk into a wall and get smacked by his girlfriend.

"I think it is better to ensure too much food, then to risk not enough. Do you think they will like pizza? Do they have nothing at all like it?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur gets a second hug, which, it turns out, is apparently a good thing, at least going by the smile he's got on his face. Apparently the gruff Arthur persona simply can't stand up against the impact of Kori into his day. Or maybe those talks Diana had with him about being nicer have made him soft.

It's probably the Kori thing.

"They really don't. They mainly eat a lot of seafood, some sheep and goats, that kind of thing. Iceland can't really support many cattle, so it's all smaller animals. They also don't have things like tomatos and a lot of the spices, and their cheese is a lot different from mozzarella. So they may not like it because it's so different to them."

He shrugs a little, "I figure they'll be willing to try it, at least, but past that I have no idea how they'll react. Oh, hey, do you actually speak Icelandic? Otherwise I'll have to translate for you do you know what their reaction is."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori listens intently to what Iceland has and doesn't have and it's just sad, really sad. So many good things missing from the list of what they have access to. She makes a mental note to make more deliveries to them to ensure they have all the good stuff that is needed in life, or at east what she believes to be the good things in life. More food.

"So many missing things," she muses outloud with a soft sigh. "I will right this." She then tilts her head slightly at his question. "Another language? Icelandic? No, I do not speak this language. You do?"

She studies him for a moment, a certain eagerness in her eyes as she waits for that answer.

Arthur Curry has posed:
"Well, we're gonna start righting it today, once all the pizzas are ready. Whether or not they'll enjoy it is another matter entirely, but I bet at least some of them will. I mean, some of them have to have taken the trip to the city at some point and ran across stuff like tomato sauce and the like."

He looks over at her, "Icelandic? Yeah, of course. I spend a decent amount of time helping them out, so learning the language just made sense. Makes it easier to find out what things they need if ya can talk to them."

Koriand'r has posed:
No further words are required after he says, 'Yeah of course' but Kori is polite enough to let him finish the sentence before she steps over and puts herself completely in his personal space with a smile.

"Excellent, a new language!" She chirps, then places a hand on each of his shoulders and kisses him rather firmly upon the lips. Not so much a kiss of deep passion in the beginning, it is however quite solid.

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur stiffens in surprise for a moment as Tamaranean lips press firmly against his, but after a few seconds his arms slip around Kori's waist and he pulls her against him as he begins to kiss her back. One hand lies flat against the small of her back as the other slowly slides up her back.

Boy, is he probably about to be very embarrassed.

After a moment, he lets out a quiet 'mmm' against her lips and she can feel the smile pulling up the corners of his mouth. His hand has stopped just below her neck on her upper back, using that leverage to keep her pressed tightly against his chest.

Koriand'r has posed:
Normally it doesn't take very long to learn a new language, or in this case a couple new lanauges. Icelandic and Atlantian, it was a double score kiss. However...

Once the initial learn the new language part of the kiss passes, Kori finds herself wrapped in Arthur's arms and being kissed back and ooooh, that's nice.

Melting against him the kiss changes from learning to enjoyment, returning to him what is offered before she leans back to look into his eyes.

"You kiss very, very well Arthur Curry," she offers cheerfully and with gratitude in Atlantian. "I was not at all expecting such a wonderful kiss in return for learning two new languages, but I greatly appreciate it and would happily do it again." Is said in Icelandic.

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur fully enjoys the kiss from the lovely woman in his arms, letting it go on for as long as she does. When she finally breaks the kiss, his pale eyes meet her vibrant green ones directly as he smiles at her, still holding her in his arms.

When she addresses him in Atlantean and then Icelandic, he replies, "So do you, Kori." The smile fades a little as she continues, and he asks "Learning languages? You learn to speak languages by kissing someone who knows them?" She now sees a sight few have seen and lived.

Arthur is blushing.

Koriand'r has posed:
For a moment Kori is confused by his reaction, she thought it was pretty common knowledge that she kissed to learn languages but the more she thought about it, it couldn't really be all that commonly known unless it was someone she had learned a language from, like Dick.

Watching Arthur's cheek turn red was something she never expected, nor could she accept that she was the one who caused it to happen, so she does what any logical thinking Tamaranean would do. She kisses him again, and this time it is not about learning a new language, this is a real kiss to show that she is in fact interested in kissing him many, many more times. Her arms slide around him to hold herself close to him.

That same guy who walked into the wall and got smacked by his girlfriend just tripped over his own feet. Not a good day to be in Giogorio's.

Arthur Curry has posed:
When she kisses him again, he seems confused for a minute, then when it becomes obvious that this is the kiss he thought the previous one was, his arms go back around her as well and he completely forgets that he's in the middle of a pizza place. All he cares about at the moment is Kori, which is good because he hates attention, and they're being filmed by about 10 different people at the moment.

After the kiss finally comes to an end, he's smiling again. Really, who wouldn't be? He looks into her eyes again and says "Ok, that wasn't a learning kiss, I recognized that much. So what's the deal, you like me or something? Cause I called that first kiss totally wrong, so my game's a little off today and I'm not assuming anything."

Koriand'r has posed:
A beautiful smile comes to Kori's lips as the kiss comes to an end, her eyes sparkling and dancing over his face before coming to rest on his eyes.

"No, that was not a learning kiss at all," she explains quietly, since she is close enough that only he can hear her. "That was very much an 'I am interested in you, Arthur' kiss. I did not want you to be embarrassed or thrown off by my learning kiss, when in fact I am very much interested in you. Your 'game' is not entirely off, perhaps you were playing baseball but I threw a basketball." No, she doesn't know sports, but in her mind that metaphor totally worked.

Kyle has been standing there just staring for a moment now, he had been intending to mention the pizza's were ready but really, who could interrupt a moment like that... twice.

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur grins, "Well, good. Cause I like you too, and that doesn't happen for me too often." He pauses, then mutters, "Maybe because I avoid most people, but anyway.." Looking back to her, he continues, "But yeah, that's really.. good. So let's do this pizza thing, and then we'll talk about going on a date, and take things from there."

He completely lets the sports thing go because it just doesn't matter, and from her manner he can tell she thought it made sense and helped, and even he knows better than to tell her it didn't. Noticing Kyle standing there, he asks, "Is the pizza ready? I'm gonna need to borrow a bunch of those insulated carrier bag things, I can give you a deposit on them..."

He finally lets Kori go as he starts digging through his pockets, coming up with a surprising large number of crumpled bills of varying denominations that he tosses on the counter. "And if you've got some rope to tie them all together with, that'd be cool too. Kori, you'll have to carry them, I figure we put them in the bags, tie the bags together and you just hang onto the rope since you fly. They wouldn't be much good if I tried to carry them underwater."

Koriand'r has posed:
Stepping back when she is let go, through really not wanting to, Kori looks over at Kyle with much the same expression she did when she first arrived, happy to see him. She even waves again.

"Yes! Many cases to carry them in, tied or taped together. I can carry them quite easily, because wet pizza is quite disgusting and we do not want to deliver disgusting pizza, that would defeat the entire purpose of this trip." She nods once as if everything she said was entirely logical and should make sense to everyone.

As Kyle sort of nods a few times, that 'help me she's got too much energy' smile still on his face he offers a, "Sure, we got quite a few of those around here. I can get it all bundled up in the carriers and uh... tied, or taped, or both... together." He sort of backs away for a moment, then remembers the money is being set out and starts collecting it, at least that is something other than Kori to focus on.

Looking back to Arthur, Kori smiles really big at him. "A date you say?! That would be wonderful, but you are right we can talk about that sort of thing after our mission to deliver cheesey goodness to Iceland."

Arthur Curry has posed:
He nods, "Yeah, well, a date is usually what two people do when they like each other, so it kind of makes sense. But first, Iceland. Which is generally not the kind of place I'd think of for a date anyway. So let's see what Kyle can come up with."

As if speaking his name summoned him, Kyle pops out the kitchen door and waves to them to come in. When they do, he's got the pizzas packs into carrying bags, taped up to make sure they don't open and with rope threaded through all the handles. "This is the best I could do, Miss Kori." says the young man as he points at the mass of pizza delivery juryrigging.

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori looks over the taping and straping of pizza carrying cases, content that it will hold she offers him a thumbs up as she says, "That is perfect Kyle, thank you so very much. I promise to bring the cases back once the pizza has been consumed. If any are damaged, I will cover the damages."

She doesn't think about how it might look to those watching, and there are many watching and pictures being taken, and still one poor guy being berated by his girlfriend for looking... she just picks the entire bundle up and starts to carry it toward the door.

"I think that Iceland would make a lovely place for a date Arthur, as snow can be very beautiful and I am certain there are many things to be done that do not involve searching for food, growing food, or waiting for food to be delivered." Thus far, that sums of everything she and Arthur have talked about in regards to Iceland... food. "You said that you can swim very quickly, so I will need to know which direction to fly as I will likely be able to fully keep up or see you in the water, but I intend to try."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur looks over the mass of pizza bags and give Kyle a thumbs up, then follows Kori out of the pizza place. "Don't worry about damages, that's why I threw all that money at him." As they head towards the shore, he adds, "I figure I'll just swim at the surface so you can see me. I'll try not to go too fast, because even if you could keep up, at my top speed I think the wind would shred the bags. We'll have to find a speed that's quick enough to get there in a decent time but lets the pizza bags stay in one piece."

When he reaches the shore, he reaches down to the bottom edge of his shirt and strips it off over his head in one smooth motion, tossing it aside to hang over a railing. He doesn't wear layers, so this reveals an awesomely muscled torso and quite interesting tattoos. He looks to Kori, "You ready?"

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori stares. She doesn't try to hide it, in fact she openly looks his bare chest over with a cheesy, girlish grin of approval and eyes that just drink him in.... and then she realizes he said something.

"Who... wha... oh, yes... ready, surface, follow... hello." She stammers, turns a deeper shade of orange and laughs. "I really stopped hearing you a moment ago, those are quite lovely tattooes however."

Arthur Curry has posed:
He grins, "Well, I guess I can't complain about that reaction. Hello. And thanks, I like them. I'll swim at the surface, you follow me." With that, he steps into the water and wades out until he's about waist deep, then dives forward and shoots off into the ocean just below the surface.

This close to the surface, he leaves a very obvious trail of bubbles and disturbed water like a wake behind him, quite easy to follow from the air provided she does go too high into the air. He speeds up gradually, popping up to watch Kori flying until he finds a speed that doesn't look dangerous to the bags, but will get them to Iceland in a decent amount of time.

Koriand'r has posed:
Koriand'r continues to watch him, that same cheesy grin returning to her face as he moves into the water and dives in. She sould sooooo watch that happen over and over again, it's just beautiful.

"Shoot!" She exclaims, remembering that she's supposed to be following then leaps into the air to follow that trail of bubbles. Darn that man was so distracting!

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur leads Kori partially across the Atlantic and to the north coast of Iceland, coming up out of the water in the harbor of a very small village. One of the villagers spots him and rings a bell, bringing a number of people running down to the water. In the meantim, Arthur is running a hand over his pants, maybe an inch above the fabric. His hand is glowing slightly and his eyes have turned a light amber color, and the water is running down his legs leaving dry denim behind.

He greets them in Icelandic "Hi folks. I know it's not the normal time of year, but my friend Kori" he indicates the young woman flying in with bags, "wanted to see if you guys would like pizza. I don't think it's a kind of food you usually see around here, but we like it and wanted to let you try something different." He waves to Kori to land next to him.

Koriand'r has posed:
Following him across the ocean was rather boring, but watching him swim was not. It was true what they said, who ever they were... Arthur was like a fish. Clearly whoever they were had never seen him without a shirt on though, cause there was nothing scaley about him.

Landing light on the dock near him, Kori walks up to stand beside him holding out the large bundle of pizza carry cases full of pizzas. As she does this, she says in Icelandic, "Hello! I certainly hope you are all willing to try something new and wonderful!"

Arthur Curry has posed:
Some people from an isolated village at one of the furthest inhabited reaches of the earth might have trouble dealing with an orange skinned flying woman. These folks however have already gotten used to Arthur popping out of the sea in deepest winter with nets full of fish and rescuing their fishermen from time to time, so they have experience with weird.

An older man speaks up, "Greetings, Arthur Curry, and you also, friend of Arthur. We thank you for your gift. Come, let us go to the meeting hall and partake of this piz-za you bring." He leads the way to one of the larger structures in the small town.

Koriand'r has posed:
For now Kori will continue to carry the bundle, bouncing rather eagerly after the older man. Meeting hall, she was going to see their meeting hall! This was fantastic!

"I am very pleased to meet you all, and you, and you...." she starts nodding to others present, caught up in that for a moment too long. "... and you... I am the Tamaranean, Koriand'r! I will not forget your names if you share them, but you are under no obligation to do so. I hope that I am speaking your language adequately."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur grins and follows the headman and Kori to the meeting hall, where he shoves a couple tables together and helps her set the pizza boxes out. "It probably got cold on the way here, so if you can fire up some ovens, we can reheat it so you get to eat it correctly." This is done, and a number of the pizzas are heated up again. Arthur demonstrates how to take a piece of pizza and eat it, and the villagers follow suit.

There are rather varying reactions to the pizza, some enjoying it, others somewhat disgusted by it, the great majority simply accepting it as food that should not be wasted. Kori does, however, get to see pretty much the entire village eating pizza.

One old woman comes over to her and asks "So are you his young lady? You would be good for him, he's always struck me as kind of lonely." Arthur is fortunately not there to hear this, as he off talking to a bunch of the men and trying to explain the concept of 'Canadian Bacon'.

Koriand'r has posed:
Doing what she can to help get things set up and ready, Kori finds herself in a moment where she can sort of hang back and just people watch... which she loves to do. There is a lot you can learn from how people do day to day things, even something as simple as gathering in one place to heat up pizza, talk and eat.

As the pizza is set out and Arthur demonstrates the proper technique for eating, she settles to watching people's reactions. Obviously not everyone can love pizza as much as she does, but she wasn't expecting to find people who actually didn't like it. She makes note of that, some people do not like pizza... in Iceland. She also makes note of how much of the pizza is consumed, as that was started this entire thing... that people said she could eat enough to feed a village.

Content with her educational knowledge achieved, she pauses and looks to the old woman as she speaks, not having expected it. "Oh... his young lady?" She smiles brightly and looks over at Arthur. "At this time I am not precisely his young lady, but I am most certainly hoping to be. He does seem sort of lonely when I first see him, and then his face sort of brightens when he sees me... I know my face brightens when I see him." She sighs happily then looks back to the old woman. "Does that answer your question?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
The old woman smiles and pats Kori's cheek, "Indeed it does, I'm very happy for you." She scuttles away to a little knot of older ladies and talks to them a moment, they all look from Kori to Arthur and giggle. In the meantime, Arthur has resorted to drawing a pig and pointing out what parts they make the Canadian Bacon from.

That mystery cleared up, he walks over to Kori and smiless, saying, "Well, I think this went pretty good. Pizza is mostly a hit, more than I expected, really. Did you get you answer on how much a village eats so you can compare your intake to theirs?" He notices the giggling ladies and raises an eyebrow, muttering, "Now I wonder what that's all about."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori attempts to whistle innocently for a moment, then settles on attempting to lie instead, "Oh I would not know what they are giggling about at all Arthur, but I did in fact get the answer. Thus number of people in a village, with that number of pizzas offered, so in fact eat just a little but more than I do, but only a little. I am pleased it was mostly well received."

She is hoping that went over just as smoothly as it sounded in her head. "Only a couple seemed to actually dislike it, but they were polite enough to attempt to hide it by pretending to need to go somewhere else and return without their pizza."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur isn't quite sure why Kori is whistling all of a sudden, but chalks it up to being Kori as she starts talking. He nods and answers, "Well good, I'm glad you got your answer, and we gave these folks a little something special too. And heck, I know some people back in the US who don't like pizza, and it's way more common there, so I think we had a good success here."

He looks at the tables, then says, "Want to head back then? We can get the pizza bags back to Kyle and such. We can probably make a little better time going back since the bags will be empty."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori takes one more look around, checks one more time to the number of pizza's eaten, and then nods. "Yes, we should head back. This time we can race, and you will win because I will be carrying bags, but we can still race if you would like." She offers him this huge smile, white teeth showing and all.

"I will collect the bags, and you can say good bye to your... friends."

Arthur Curry has posed:
He shrugs, "Why race if you know you're going to lose? There's no real point to it." He smiles back at her then goes over to talk to several of the villagers, saying his goodbyes and promising to stop by again soon, as he does each time he shows up here.

Once the bags are collected, he helps tie them up, as he is actually rather handy with knots, and without pizzas in them he is able to compact them into a pretty small bundle all folded and taped up. "Should be able to go a lot faster this way." She may not have noticed when it occurred, but at some point he was given a sweater that he's currently wearing.

When he gets down to the water, he takes the sweater off and hands it to a villager and thanks him, then dives in and shoots off into the ocean. The trip back is very much faster since Kori can approach Mach 4 with the bags compressed and taped, and in a short while they are back in Metropolis. Arthur's shirt is still where he had tossed it, so he puts it back on and heads back into the pizza place.

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori had noticed the sweater appear and disappear, which again caused a moment of staring, but she recovers far more quickly this time. She thanks everyone who will let her, for their hospitality and allowing her to visit, then jumps into the air with the bundle of empty bags in hand.

More freedom to fly faster, and knowing where she is going, makes the trip back much more enjoyable and a great deal quicker. Landing on the beach near where he left his first, she turns around once to look for him, then notes he is with shirt and sighs... not fast enough. Oh well.

"We can return these bags, and then we proceed to the next important order of business." She smiles as she moves up to walk beside him while talking. "Where we are going on our first date."

Arthur Curry has posed:
He nods, "Well, I hadn't quite thought about that yet, but I suppose a good first date might be going somewhere for a nice meal, where we can sit and talk about things, find out a little more about each other, that kind of thing. Then we can plan better dates after that, once we know more about what we like and dislike."

When they go in, he helps Kyle untape the bags so they'll be usable for deliveries again, then moves back over to Kori. "This was fun, I never would have thought to bring pizza to Iceland. That's one of the things I like about you, you think differently than most people."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori smiles brightly, almost beaming really. "I think like me, which I have been told is not like anyone else on Earth, but then I am not from here so of course my brain would be different. I am glad you enjoyed yourself Arthur, I very much liked going to Iceland with pizza. Maybe next time we can take them tacos," she pauses for a moment. "I do not mean for a date of course, for that a dinner and talking would be an excellent idea. You choose a place, and call me. I will need to know the best style of clothing to wear to ensure that I am matching the current weather and fashion."

Stepping close, this time she merely kisses him on the cheek, then steps back. "Thank you for a wonderful evening Arthur."