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Latest revision as of 21:31, 16 April 2021

College Stuff
Date of Scene: 07 April 2021
Location: Empire State University
Synopsis: Gwen and Conner chat briefly just before the ESU finals week.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Gwen Stacy

Conner Kent has posed:
It is a cloudy Wednesday in New York and the ESU is a hive of frenetic activity. Finals are coming! Next week! Even the most party-oriented student looks worried. Conner actually missed a couple parties to get a few extra study hours. Usually he doesn't because he can get going with far less sleep than a regular human, but the super-hero side of his life is also consuming more time than calculated.

Lets blame it all to super-villains, okay?

In his way to the cafeteria, to get another drink he doesn't need (but he might be addicted to soda) he spots a blonde head he had not seen since the Grayson party. Who was this girl? Oh yes... "hey, Gwen," he greets.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen is one of those that belongs to the hive, busy with last minute work assignments that need to be finished, studying for finals along with her own life as a friendly neighborhood Ghost Spider. So there's lots of late nights. Which do get in the way of good work, but sacrifices have to be done. Right now she is taking a break though, standing by the cafeteria alongside a brunette, telling her. "No, Amanda. The assignment was for *tomorrow*. Not in a week." lips are pressed to a grim line. She knows the other girl most likely hasn't even started it yet.

"Are you reaaaallly sure?" Amanda says in a non-challant manner to which Gwen just replies. "Check the site."

The conversation is interrupted when Conner comes nearby, blonde head turning to look at the new arrival. "Hey. Conner, right?" She greets the other, grinning. "From the party. Quite a few people there I wasn't expecting to find. But Gotham is always unpredictable like that." she tucks some loose hair behind one ear. "Getting ready for finals?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Ugh, Gotham. Conner wouldn't use unpredictable for Gotham, he has stronger words. He huffs and nods at the mention of his name. "Yeah. Ready. Mostly ready. It is going to be a busy no-sleep weekend," he chuckles nervously. "So... many papers to finish." He gives Amanda a sympathetic glance. "You are in sciences, right? Different buildings, big campus."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Fueled by coffee and a burning desire to not be repeating the same stuff next year." A laugh from Gwen, arms folding over her front, "I will most likely be doing the same.." a shrug. Almost as if she was used to that already. No fear on Gwen! Yet then there is a quiet wail from Amanda when she finishes checking the website. "Damn it, Gwen. It's tomorrow!" a look up to Conner after. "And yea, me and Gwen are on Genetics. Big brains and all that." but then she correcting herself quickly. "But not nerds, no no." she composing her hair a bit more and grinning up at Conner.

"Shouldn't you go try and do the assignment?" Gwen then tells the other, quirking a brow before letting out a sigh. "I will go by the study hall later and I can help you with it." Amanda seems to chuckle at that almost in a 'I knew you would' kind of smile before she fingerwiggles. "Magic words for me. See you later." and then off she goes.

Gwen looks back to Conner, asking. "What major are you in anyway? Not sure we spoke about that back at the party."

Conner Kent has posed:
"I like smart girls," comments Conner with half a grin before Amanda leaves. "And nerdy ones too," oh, but she is gone. Anyway, since Gwen is staying. "Oh yeah, not repeating the stuff next year," he agrees, "or paying for it again." And the ESU is not as expensive as some other universities, but the rent in New York more than makes up for it.

"Undecided yet, but leaning towards journalism," he offers the blonde. "So, I am taking writing classes, history, politics, philosophy... all that kind of stuff. All very non-practical. I mean, who does the investigative journalism nowadays?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Amanda still looks back at those words. Maybe she has super-hearing. Or is it selective hearing? Probably both. She fingerwiggles again and does 'call me' gesture to Conner. Because she's a little skank.

Journalism. That has Gwen lift a brow in some surprise. "Oh yea?" an instant smile in her lips. "That's actually pretty cool. And now more than ever there's a need for good, solid journalism." she says with quite the firm tone. "Lots of misinformation out there." a brief sigh escaping her lips.

"I got a friend that works at the daily bugle. It's tough, but he does like to work there." Gwen folding her arms around the book she is carrying, holding it against her chest. "What brought you to study that though?" she looks the man up and down. "I was half-expecting a sports scholarship. But well, I should had learned to look past surface expectations."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Oh, that... long story," Conner loses his smile for a few seconds, there. Then reaches for his soda to sip. "Oh, no. No scholarships. I am paying for the school. Besides, I am not really good with sports. Well, except surfing." He grins again, "I lived a couple years in Hawaii. And I do work out some," although it is in a high-tech super-gym, but Gwen doesn't need to know that.

"The Daily Bugle, uh?" He tries to remember and grunts. "That is... uh, barely a newspaper. I mean, the chief editor, Jameson? He is a raving lunatic. The hate campaign against Spider-Man is shameful."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Seems like everyone has a long story about their decision to study journalism." Gwen notes, quirking a brow up before continuing, "... and also for leaving it. But that'd be a long story too." she looking around the campus briefly before focusing back on Conner, "Hawaii? Well, that's pretty great." she letting out a chuckle. "I bet living here in New York must suck in comparison to being in Hawaii. Though I suppose I am only used to watching those tourist brochures and not the real deal, must not be all sun and rainbows over there."

"The Daily bugle isn't exactly just a newspaper, it's a very known one. But I know what you mean. The editor is known for not really liking Spider-man.." A faint frown appearing on her lips. "Not that Spiderman appears to care.." a beat, "From what I see on social media and so."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Well, Hawaii is really great, rain season and all," replies Conner. "But New York has a lot in its favour too. And... who has a long story about leaving journalism?" The young man looks at Gwen with curiousity. She seems too young to have 'left' careers yet. "Anyway. Jameson confuses his opinion with news. A guy like him shouldn't be leading anything pretending to be a newspaper. His 'news' often belong to an opinion column. Now, compare it to the Daily Planet, a real newspaper. It is quite different."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Oh, not me." Gwen replies with a brief laugh, shaking her head, she perhaps having caught the look of curiosity on Conner's face, "Just another friend I've got. Me, I am still waiting for my first big disappointment when I join some big corp and start working on genetics. You know how the stories go..." and all the people that get transformed by experiments! Like Gwen! "But Oscorp so far has been cool enough. I grew up with Harry, and he's always been a good guy.." or at least the Harry from her dimension was a good guy. She doesn't know the one here well enough. Ah well.

"I know the Planet. Lois Lane is an international star afterall." She says with a grin, "Is that where you want to work when you graduate?" she asks.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner has no idea who Harry is, really. In fact he is only vaguely aware Oscorp even exists. Not getting into goblin troubles yet. "It is a bit too soon for me to aim towards anywhere," he has to admit, finishing his drink. "But yeah, the Planet would be great. But that is like trying to start by the top. Kinda unlikely, uh?"

Lets be realistic, he is not in the top of the class. Maybe he should try harder. "I guess it is something I have to think about the next few months. But I still have almost three years ahead me."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Uh, sorry ..." As if Gwen had just remembered something, "I meant Harry Osborn. I suppose I often think people know him or something..." or she is just too used to mostly be around Peter and MJ and they know who the guy is! Blue eyes look up at the young man, "I am sure you will find your goal soon enough." she says, before she offers a shrug. "You won't know until you try it. Besides, every newspaper needs their interns.." she laughing out softly. "It's not like they only get experienced journalists, right?"

But then she squints her gaze, thoughtful. "It means studying though. And you appear way too loose about finals just coming around the corner." she knows!

"How did you get all those people out in the party though? I mean, I have seen Megan about here too, but no idea you were close with the others." she notes.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Eh? I have been busy," protests Conner. "Family and... stuff," 'stuff' that needed super-punching, see? Aaaaand there might have been some college parties. But not recently! Still, if he doesn't start studying harder, he will end up as in intern somewhere. A dire fate.

"Anyway, yeah. I met Megan about a year ago. Then I found we had common friends," explains Conner. "She is a good friend, although we are not in the same classes right now. Still see her some weekends, when we hang out with said common friends. Do you know her well?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"No, I really don't.." Gwen says with a shake of her head, "But I meant more the other crew, not Megan in particular.. I mean, her I'd guess you'd know from here, but not exactly the Gotham crew." she clarifies. "Like Stephanie, or the birthday boy." not that she even knows that guy is Nightwing. Damn those people and their secred ids! Though she follows the same creed in the end. Not many that know she is Ghost Spider.

"And yea, I know what you mean about being busy.. This last year has been .., eye opening to say the least. Feels like I am in a different reality sometimes, you know? Such a big difference.." it doesn't only feel like. It is a different reality.

"But .., I should be on my way. I will be seeing you about I am sure." She seding a smile Conner's way and tucking some blond hair behind one ear.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I know Steph a little, and Dick a little more," confirms Conner. "But mostly through Tim Drake. He wasn't in the party, but we have been friends for a few years. Even when I was in Hawaii, we kept in touch and..." oh, since Gwen has to go, he can stop saying vague truths. It is awkward.

But she is a pretty girl, so Conner could have kept going for a while. Procrastinating on the truckton of school work and studying he needs to do. "Yeah, I hope to see you after the finals. Right now it is, well, everyone is busy. You take care."