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Latest revision as of 03:27, 20 April 2021

Checking In... on Patrick
Date of Scene: 25 February 2021
Location: Amanda's Apartment, the Dakota, N.Y.C.
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Amanda Sefton, Pepper Potts

Amanda Sefton has posed:
All things considered, later in the evening has often been the only time Amanda can reliably get together with her friend Pepper for a bit of catch-up. Given the ginger's schedule, it's about the only time Pepper slows down enough to actually have the time. In fact, it takes more of an effort on Amanda's part to make the time then, simply because so much of the work she does defending the city from magical threats happens in the dead of night.

For some reason, evil, shadowy, magical bad guys prefer the dark of night for doing their thing. Go figure?

This night, however, Amanda has made that effort. There's a kettle on in the kitchen, a couple of mugs set out, and a small plate of baked goods (from a local bakery because like she has time to bake?) that mostly consists of a few slices of sweet loaf. Nothing heavy.

It seems a little strange to host Pepper in this place as if she were a guest -- gods know Amanda won't treat her like a guest. But she's been gone from the apartment long enough now that the place is definitely more Amanda's than Pepper's any more.

The little bot, Patrick, watches everything with apparent interest. Amanda's reasonably certain Stark's basic AI protocol has somehow combined with her magic to create some form of 'life' within the construct. It's not as great of a surprise as it could be, given artificers have been doing such things for centuries. Amanda has just never considered herself much of an artificer. Tony, however, could arguably lay claim to the title. Regardless, the little bot has transformed himself into his humanoid mode and is peeking up over the edge of the table to see just what the sorceress has laid out.

"Pepper's coming," she tells the little guy, a smile on her lips. His eyes light up (literally) and she laughs. "I thought you'd like that."

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's been too long, and while work has indeed managed to eat her time, like usual, it's the other 'side' things that, too, kept her from what she'd planned. Being trapped in a side dimension was //not// her idea of a great way to spend Christmas and New Years.

In order to assuage some of that holiday guilt, Pepper's got bags in her hand as the keys first jangle, and *click* in the locks. She's not quite to the point of knocking for entry, but she does quirk a quick smile and give a gentle rap; a code from when they'd been in school.

All clear?

The door does open, as she's expected, and a step is first taken into the apartment before a foot rises to close it with a gentle nudge. Bags with handles are set down, shoes are removed, before the decorated bags are retaken and she's headed towards the living room.

"Hello," is called out in a happy, relaxed tone, falling off with a breathy relaxed timbre. "'Mands?"

It's not hard to know where her friend is, and she makes her way towards the kitchen. There, the tableau is enough to bring her smile back to the fore. "Hey... Patrick... Patrick? Look at you." It's a fond sound, and stepping into the kitchen, sets her packages down one by one. She's dressed down, even if she's in a skirt set.

"It is so good to see you..."

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Indeed, Amanda was somewhat concerned, over the holidays, when Pepper and Tony were apparently AWOL. Especially given the plans they'd talked about over Thanksgiving. However, she kept busy with Kurt and other things, so -- from the perspective of the holidays -- it wasn't so bad. She simply hoped, wherever they were, they were having a good time together.

And that they didn't elope without at least telling her.

The sorceress turns as she hears the door open. Pepper is still accepted by the wards; she's made sure of that. Those wards have been strengthened several times since Pepper moved out -- and for good reason.

As Pepper rounds the corner into the kitchen, Amanda smiles at her. "Ginny," she greets, crossing to give the other woman a brief hug. "It's good to see you, too."

Patrick, of course, lets out a burble of pleasure and trots over to see Pepper as well. Were he a dog, he'd be wiggling all over, tail thumping. But he's not a dog. And he's in his humanoid form. So he dances a little and throws arms around one of Pepper's knees.

"Careful, lad," Amanda says with a grin. "Don't knock her over, now." She steps back, looking at all the packaged. "Good Lord, Gin. You didn't need to bring anything with you. It's just tea and banana bread." Still, her eyes dance. It's not like she hasn't got a package or two of her own hidden in her bedroom.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The hug is returned warmly, and in that moment, Pepper seems to take the few heartbeats just to breathe. When she steps back, she just utters a brief laugh, partially of relief, a release from all the craziness. "The place looks great," comes easily as she glances around. "Definitely suits you.."

And, like the little pseudo-toddler Patrick is, as he clings to her leg, she leans over to give him a fond pat. "Look at you! Keeping 'Mands safe, aren't you." It's a statement more than a question; the thought that the little robot isn't doing his job wouldn't even occur to her. She knows better! "The others say 'hi'." Aaaall the other little robots.

Once she straightens up again, Pepper shakes her head, "I missed Christmas, and New Years. So, this is just a little something that I had //wanted// to get you at the time."

The table is glanced at, and Pepper does nod appreciatively. "And banana bread with tea sounds.. amazing right now."

Reaching for a chair, she pulls it out, ready to sit down once Patrick releases her. "Tell me what I've missed. How are your projects coming along?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Even if Pepper and Tony never have kids... they'll always have 'kids'. Amanda knows this. Patrick steps back, chirpping happily. He transforms, shrinking down into his original little bot form, mainly so that he can go make sure Amanda didn't leave any crumbs when she was cutting the bread.

Meanwhile, Amanda goes to fetch the kettle and pour boiling water over tea bags. "Thanks," she says, regarding the place. "I've managed to keep unwanted guests out of it; that helps." Funny, that. Patrick, zipping around the tiles chirps meaningfully. "Absolutely," she says tolerantly, "your patrols make all the difference."

She brings the tea over and set a mug down for each of them, before joining Pepper at the table. "I should go fetch the parcels I wrapped for you, but let's enjoy a bit of a catch-up, first." Just because they can. "Work's going well, for the most part. It's slowed down, of course, now the holidays are past. But I'll take the break. I've been up to my ears in a bit of a mystical crisis or two; that's kept me busy."

Her blonde head cants. "What about you? Where'd you and the boy disappear off to? Somewhere exotic?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
//That's// the form that Pepper knows and loves; the little Tony version of WallE, complete with eye stalks and treads. And the racing stripes, flames. This, she pats his stalks just before he tears himself away to make sure there are no crumbs left behind. It is true; Pepper has a soft spot for quite a few of the bots, though some are a touch on the 'awkward' side. Patrick's *chirrups* bring a smile to her face once more as she returns her attention to her friend. "That.. sounds perfect. I do worry that this place can get to be a giant red target face." Very much like Stark Tower, but there has a robust defense system there, and she probably only knows of half of what is involved. She laughs as Patrick looks to preen in his 'me too', and she nods indulgently at the Snake Killer. "Thank you for keeping her safe, Patrick."

Once done, and Amanda brings the tea over, the mugs steaming and giving an added bit of comfort and coziness to the kitchen, Pepper wraps her hands around for some warmth to cold hand. She laughs at the offer of that gift exchange, and shakes her head. "No, you don't have to. I really want to catch up..."

The talk of work has Pepper nodding in parts, her smile not fading. Occasionally, there is a tentative sip to keep the liquid from burning. There's a pause, and she sets it back down. "I do have my eye on a couple of buildings for you, if you wanted to go take a look." The mention of mystical crises, however, has her sitting back just a little, adding, "I can't swear there isn't something there, too.. because.." she's not the magical one here!

"Oh dear, though.." and Pepper takes a good, close look at her friend, her head dipping in the question, "You're okay, though.." a question in a statement.

The question regarding 'the boy' brings a quick, bright smile, lighting her features, bringing out her freckles. "He's fine. Still the same old Tony," sounds affectionate. "The holidays, however," and here, her smile fades a touch, "was spent in a side dimension in the Mansion. A creature is there. Was there," and here, she shakes her head. "We could use some of those wards," is offered wryly.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda's brows rise at the news from the Mansion. "Seriously?" She lets out a tight breath. "Was it a dangerous dimension, or just an inconveniently closed one?" she can't help but ask. "I'd be happy to help, if they want." Though she's surprised they don't have someone like Stephen Strange on board to do so. He's stronger than she, and she's no slouch. "Do you want me to do some at the penthouse for you?" Not that that'll help the mansion any, but... the offer's there, anyway.

She cants her head some at the talk of buildings. "We could look, sure," she says. Not that she's sure what she's in the market for -- what she can afford. "God knows I've crawled through enough run down places, lately. Might be nice to wander something in the light." Oh, the joys of hunting demons and things.

"There's been a load of trouble in Tribeca. I've managed to track its source down to the general neighborhood; I just need to find out exactly where the breach is. But I've been partially distracted by Kurt. He's had a real go of it, lately. There's a lamia loose in the sewers, now." That'll be fun to deal with.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"It was..." Pepper shakes her head as she considers, "It was a parallel dimension. Everything was the same, the mansion, and items from our own. Like, the creature would cross, take a souvenir, and return." There's another pause as she lifts the mug to her lips, the mug held in two hands for that warmth. Another sip is taken, then, "It had one of Steve's baseballs, one of Tony's drones, some laundry.." What else, Pepper really didn't consider, hasn't considered. "I'm out, we're both out, and I think that's it." As far as she's concerned, anyway. She doesn't know about 'poppa creature'!

Brows rise, and Pepper offers up a grateful smile, "That.. I'd really appreciate it. It wouldn't even have to be anything big, just even a warning system to help Homer?" She pauses, and adds, "Or Jarvis. Tony may be bringing him home."

Work is easy, though.. something she knows well and has a deep, abiding comfort in it. "We can look at buildings." She pauses, then adds deliberately, "In the day light. Somewhere you won't have to put too much time into to build up to make what you want." Or money. She has that covered. Really!

Pepper sets her mug down to reach for a piece of banana bread, settling it onto a small plate before pulling it back. Brows rise and the action stalls mid-pull. "Is he okay? And.. at first I thought you said 'llama'. What is a lamia?" And why is it in the sewers?