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Latest revision as of 19:33, 22 April 2021

There's Nothing Like Being In Your Own Body
Date of Scene: 14 April 2021
Location: A Gotham motel near the marina
Synopsis: John Constantine charges a hefty price, but successfully transfer Charlie back into her body, and sends Rath of the Demons Three off to hell.
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, John Constantine

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Batgirl pulls up to the spot she's found for hiding her Batcycle, parking it and signaling to Nightwing, and also of course to Misfit to have her teleport over so they can walk to Constantine's room together.

"So, I wanted to make sure you realize," Batgirl says to Charlie, "I wasn't putting you down when we were here last time. I started this life younger than you are now, and have much respect for what you've done," she says. "I was trying to get you out of owing him a Favor. And that seemed the best way to do it. If I'd had a way of getting myself out of it too I'd have tried. He's not considered the most... upfront person. Anyway. Just wanted to make sure you knew," Batgirl says, reaching over to give Charlie's shoulder a squeeze.

She waits for Charlie to reply if she wishes, after which, she'll knock on Constantin's door. Holding a box with the items he said he'd need. Also a metal case dangles from the other hand.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing parks beside Batgirl's cycle, setting the security on his bike and follows her over, giving Charlie a smile when she ports in. "Well, we finally get to see you back the way you should be." He looks to Batgirl and adds, "I still don't understand why he's asking for so much to do this, thought he was a teammate of Batman's. Apparently some people value that sort of thing more than others." He shrugs and looks back to Charlie, "No worries, we'll make sure this all goes smoothly."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie teleports in and looks around making sure the image inducer is working. Pretty nervous at this point tonight so it is a bit of fidgeting. "Oh.. I wasn't very worried about that.... but I need this to be undone and over. I'm not really keen on a long bargaining session with him." she frowns.

"Maybe that was dumb or impulsize but ... gosh I need to be done Batgirl." using codenames because well who knows who might be spying on them in this creepy hotel 6.


John Constantine has posed:
The door swings open and Constantine steps out. He looks about as ragged as ever, but this time he's got a calf-length trenchcoat hanging loose around his wiry frame. In one hand is a doctor's black leather valise, and he uplifts his chin at the Batlings as if it is a common occurance for him to encounter costumed vigilantes.

"Allo allo," he quips, and shuts the door behind him. "Gang's all here, eh?" Dick gets a flickering up and down, and Constantine tilts his head to the hallway. "C'mon then, I've sorted a spot for our little ritual. Don't want to do this in the middle of the hotel if it goes pear-shaped."

He gives Stephanie a look. "Brought my book?"

Shortly thereafter, the four reaches a mostly-empty dock warehouse. John slips the guard a few bills, and the security officer stares slack-jawed at the three vigilantes trailing after Constantine. They go into the warehouse and John leads them through a maze of metal storage containers until they reach a well-hidden, empty hollow in the stacks.

Complex sigils cover the floor. A large circle about twelve feet across with runes around the circumference, and two smaller circles within with similar artwork.

"Don't step on the ink," John advises the Batlings. "I'll need a mo' to finish setting this up." He digs a pack of Silk Cuts out of his pocket and lights one up, then lifts his chin at Charlie. "You still on board with this? Last chance to back out," he advises her.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Batgirl replies to Constantine, "I've got everything you required. The tome is for you to examine, whether you get it will decide on the details of it though. It is still being hunted by a leader of the Hand."

Once they've arrived, Batgirl follows Constantine inside, her cape hanging placidly from her shoulders. She watches where she steps, and sets the box down where Constantine can get into it to retrieve the items they recovered for him. The metal case is set down nearby, about the size one might expect necessary to hold $50,000 dollars.

"What will become of the demon then? Will he be here as well, and contained? Or will he be back in his own body and able to rejoin Felix Faust? Or can you end him with that Wheel of his?"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie just quietly follows Batgirl, Constantine, and Nightwing to the warehouse.

There is a lot going on in her head, mostly anxiety. Somewhat the urge to bite someone. Life has been complicated and sort of sucked for the last while. Definitely some dissonance about not being in her own body.

She looks apologetic to the warehouse guard shooting him a little wave.

Then well she loks the circle over, checking it out tilting her head this way and that way. Looks complicated and fragile.

"Uh.. yeah I am still absolutely on board. The alternative is to not get my body back and become tainted with demonic energies right. Why would I not be on board??"

She gestures. "Do I need to be in the middle... I can pop there without smudging the ink?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing returns Constantine's once-over when he comes out of the room, taking in the man's appearance with a neutral gaze. He's wearing his up-armored suit today, as there's a demon involved and he wants to be as ready as possible.

He follows the mage to his chosen ritual location, making sure not to disturb any of the markings. He's seen enough to know better than to disturb a circle when a magical working is about to begin. He finds an unmarked crate to lean against, eyes sweeping the area.

"So John, is there a reason you needed to drag a couple teenaged girls into owing you favors on top of charging a large amount of money and claiming a rather unique item as well? I mean, the money's a minor point, and the dagger is probably more useful in a mage's hands, but I worry about what you might end up getting these two involved in."

John Constantine has posed:
"Sweet'eart, if I knew what exactly was going to happen, I wouldn't have hit you up for fifty large," John points out with a tone of long-suffering patience. He gestures vaguely at Nightwing, looks at the vigilante. "Also, if you're good at something, don't do it for free," he advises him.

John points at one of the smaller circles. "There's your spot. Don't poof over, just walk there normally without smudging anything," he tells Charlie.

It takes just a few minutes to finish setting up the ritual space. Candles at geometric intervals, incense in the air; various small icons and relics are set in specific places and sets a brazier in the dead center of the ritual space.

"Right, last chance to get off this bus," John advises the Batlings. He puts fingers to his lips and blows a shrill whistle. A few moments later the lights go out. Confusion can be heard while security escorts everyone out, and then locks the doors shortly thereafter.

Constantine kneels in the center over the brazier and starts loading it with the ingredients requested. The fingerbone of a saint is ground in a mortar and added last. John reaches for a box of wooden matches to light the brazier's contents and they burn with a shocking intensity.

John starts speaking, in an eldritch and inhuman-sounding language. Some of the sounds don't seem like a human mouth should form them. The candles burn a little brighter, pushing back the darkness, and subtle traceries of energy can be seen dancing around the runes and providing an unearthly violet illumination.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Batgirl's frown is visible beneath her cowl at the answer, but she gives a faint nod towards Constantine. She looks about the area and then moves over to take up a post on the opposite side of the circles and sigils from where Nightwing waits.

She pulls her collapsing bo staff off her belt, holding it in hand as she watches closely what transpires next.

The grinding up of the saint's knuckle does bring a slight wince. But then there are still 9 of them left there in the church, so really, what do they have to complain about?

Batgirl looks over to Charlie, giving her a reassuring smile. "Going to have to take you out for Big Belly Burger when this is all over," she says as if this is going to be a piece of cake. Or, a burger.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie looks at the spot indicated and nods. She turns off the image inducer and removes the bracelet. She offers it out to Batgirl before stepping carefully over the lines of the circle "That sounds great" about big belly burger.

She moves very slow and carefully now in her small demon form.

She makes sure to not smudge any ink. Slow and steady.

She just sort of fidgets in the middle of trhe smaller circle.

At the start of actual magic though she goes very still and watches very closely. It is remarkably interesting. Looking this way and that as the tracery and magic lights up.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing glances at the runes as they activate when Constantine begins. Reaching over his shoulders, he draws his batons from his back and twirls them, then lowers them to a ready position. Other than preparing his weapons, he doesn't move, trusting to Constantine to take care of any magical issues that may crop up.

He looks over at Charlie and smiles as she takes up her position, then his gaze returns to Constantine. He watches the man closely, watching for any hint that things might be going wrong so he's ready if needed. He's seen Raven work magic before, so he knows that sometimes things turn quickly.

John Constantine has posed:
Wind starts tugging at clothing and hair, summoned from nowhere. There's an intense sensation of ozone and air pressure growing, and the candles start burning hotter and brighter. John's rolling incantations continue non stop, eyes half-closed as he works through the chant with painstaking precision and clearly from memory.

The words reach a fevered pitch and he upends the brazier. Cinders spills over the runes and like a runaway wildfire, every rune catches the flames and transfers them around until the entire conjuring circle is afire. The scent of sulfur and burning hair fills the room.

Reality flexes and warps in ways people are not accustomed to experiencing and the section of the universe inside the empty circle turns itself inside out. Ears pop with a sudden change in air pressure and abruptly a petite redheaded girl appears inside the circle.

She looks around in bewilderment, spots John, and shrieks with rage. "CONSTANTINE!" The girl lunges for the magus and is repelled by a glimmering wall of force rising up from the ground. "RELEASE ME! NOW!" Rath screams.

John reaches into his pockets for a cigarette and eases up from his knees, clearly shaking out some cramps. "Blimey, does a number on the joints, don't it," he grumbles. He lights up, ignoring Rath's demented wailing until he's got the cigarette good and lit.

Rath is abruptly looking past John, and leers at Charlie with an uncomfortable, tooth-baring grin. "Chaaaaarlieeee," Rath sings, drawing out her name. "I missed you. Did you miss me?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The leather of Batgirl's gloves creaks softly as her fingers tighten on the metal cylinder of her telescoping bo staff. She shies her head back slightly from the heat of the flames, though doesn't move other than that small gesture.

Her eyes dart everywhere, keeping an eye out not just on Charlie and Constantine and the ritual, but on the surrounding area as well.

When Rath appears in Charlie's body, Batgirl leans forward, as if she wishes she could do something herself to deal with the matter. She restrains herself though, her cap fluttering slightly in the air gust from the ritual, and the wave of heat from the burning runes.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
There is an honest to god squeek from the small demon-girl when the fire flares up and everything catches fire like that.

I mean yeah sure she is probably immune to fire in Rath's body like she is, but she and fire have real issues. Really really bad issues considering how her mom and sibling died....

She somehow manages to not flee and just steels her nerves and stays very still in the flame circle of runes.

When Rath turns his attention to her she spits back. "Stuff it Rath, I'm getting my body back!" and sounds pretty confident.

I mean heck the whole magic thing worked right. The demon is here. Her body is right here.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing looks over the runes as they flame up. Once Rath is drawn in, he looks from the screaming demon over to the girl currently wearing said demon's form. Constantine's comment is met with a chuckle, then he looks back over to Charlie and says quietly, "Steady, you've got this. He'll get you switched back."

"Impressive work John, that was quick. I've seen these things take a lot longer sometimes." He looks to Rath, "I'd say you might want to behave, you're not in a great spot right now."

John Constantine has posed:
"Well-- that's what you paid me for," John tells Nightwing, and gestures vaguely at the steel cash case.

"Right then, Rath, here's how it's going to go down," John tells the demon. "You're gonna smoke out of that girl's skinsuit, get back in your own demon-meat, then head downstairs. All nice and easy, yeah?"

Rath bares Charlie's teeth at Constantine in a feral grin. "Just that easy, huh?" Rath lifts Charlie's hand up, examining her slender fingers, and then casually breaks one with a wet *crunch*.

"My counteroffer is this: release me now, or I'll kill this girl," Rath says. "I can break her neck, make her swallow her own tongue. I'm pretty sure I can stop her heart."

Rath looks at Spoiler and Nightwing. "How about you two? You want to see how much blood is in a human?"

"Kill that girl and I'll bind you," John grates.

Rath shoots a swift, sidelong glare at him. "I'm willing to take my chances," Rath snaps. "You won't be able to contain me forever-- and my brothers *will* come find me eventually."

Eyes slide back to Nightwing and Stephanie. "The magus is a liar, and a cheat. He can't help her. Break the circle and let me free, and I'll spare your lives."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Batgirl's jaw is firmly set as the demon in a Charlie-skin addresses she and Nightwing. "If she doesn't get back into that body she's going to die anyway. All you're doing is threatening to speed it up," Batgirl says in a cold voice.

She leans forward slightly. "You think you're Rath? You'll learn the meaning of wrath if that happens," she tells him. "You'd better start thinking about what you can do to save yourself rather than pissing off those whose hands you are in," she tells him, eyes never leaving the familiar figure of Charlie.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie makes another little squeek of a noise then sets her jaw grinding her teeth a little bit there. She doesn't really have a spare body.

She isn't overly worried about the broken finger though.. for some reason... but this really sucks.

She is also surprised Constantine didn't have some sort of spell or something to make the demon transfer over or order him out. Doesn't he have the wheel thingy it is bound too or something. Guh.

"Get out of my body Rath..." she isn't even sure how telling him to get out helps her. Still her body is right there and she is starting to get mad. Like legit angry not just scared.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing's face remains impassive even as Rath breaks one of Charlie's fingers. It's something to deal with after the girl is back where she belongs, not while the demon is still holding her body hostage. He tilts his head a little as the demon makes it's offer then shakes his head.

"I'd suggest doing what he says, Rath. He's not the only mage we know, and I imagine if he binds you and then we bring in a couple other powerful mages, we can make your existence even more miserable than it already is. Oh, and if you harm her any further, I'll make sure those mages take you apart very, very slowly." He smiles, showing his teeth, "My little code against killing doesn't really apply to demons, so I won't have a problem arranging your dismemberment."

He looks over to Charlie, "Don't sweat it kiddo. It'll hurt for a while once you're back where you belong, but fingers heal, I've had a couple broken over the course of my career."

John Constantine has posed:
Rath laughs in the faces of Nightwing and Spoiler, the sound wicked and amused and utterly incongruous for the redhead. "So swift to condemn your friend!" she tells the Batlings. "I'm quite confident that you wouldn't have approached John Constantine for help unless you were *truly* desperate. Neither of you knows the first thing about demons, I'm sure, and I'm amazed Constantine was sober enough to even summon me in the first place."

Constantine uplifts a flask at Rath, toasts the demon. "Jog on," he bids the creature, and takes a sip.

"As I said," Rath says with huffy superiority. "Me, I'm perfectly content waiting here. Hurting your friend in creative ways. You think you know profane? I will *desecrate* her," Rath snarls with sudden aggression.

The posture relaxes into something sinister and Charlie's hips cock coquettishly. "Or is it something else you want? The Demons Three are not unkind to those who come to our aid. We can grant you anything. Anything you want," he coos.

A tickling starts at the back of everyone's mind, something sniffing around. "You have no idea of the power of a true demonkind. We could give you a kinder, gentler father," Rath tells Stephanie. Charlie's eyes move to Nightwing. "And you... you have lost loved ones. Perished at the hands of Doomsday. We could bring them back for you," Rath says. "Alive and well."

Rath looks at Charlie last. "What do you want, Charlie? What do you want more than anything? Beat down the magus for me. Free me from this prison. I can give you powers beyond imagination. Riches. I might even be persuaded to return this body to you."

"Don't fall for it," John says, sharply. "Demons lie. It's what they do. Sh-- he, will kill you all just for sport."

Rath grins at John and casually bites a chunk of flesh from the edge of Charlie's fingernail. Blood drips to the ground and smoke rises in a sizzling flash. "By the Powers, I will grant each of them one wish," Rath says. John's face goes very still. "You know I'm capable of it, Constantine."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Batgirl just crosses her arms. It seems to be the only answer that Rath is going to get from her on the subject of letting the demon out. Instead she looks over to John Constantine, giving him an affirming nod.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
"I... just... gross. I mean for hecks sake I know you are a demon and innately evil and all that but... that whole thing." a vague wave of a very demonic small hand at the demon in her body now after that whole posing thing. "Is just gross and gratuitous for no reason at all." just an ugn noise.

The interesting part is when Rath goes to sniff around at Charlie's mind he finds a calm pool, slightly crimson tinged, but nothing to smell metaphorically. Nothing to see. Nothing. It is not right either. Some sort of magic there.

"You also got your deets wrong .. but sure whatever I wouldn't trust you even though man could I throw you in my body a whole lot farther than before. I'm not going to beat any of these people who are helping me up for you or for your wishes."

The demon kid's arms cross. "Get the hell out of my body before we have to make you. Also if you somehow do manage to kill me I will spend a lifetime.. which I gather is long in this form... paying every two bit sorcerer and wizard to fuck with you."

Wow maybe the demonic is rubbing off on her, because she said Fuck. Crickey.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing looks at Charlie and chuckles, then crosses his arms and looks at Rath, "Well, I think that about sums things up. Seriously, you can do this willingly or you can be forced into it, but either way it's happening. All this 'Ohh, I'm an evil demon' crap is getting us nowhere." He looks to Constantine, "You know, every story I've heard with wishes, they always go bad somehow. Shall we get the girl her body back?"

John Constantine has posed:
"I'm not in a rush," John tells Nightwing with a bantering tone. "Next time I'll be sure to charge an hourly."

He starts walking a figure-eight between Rath-Charlie and Charlie-Rath. Rath snarls at Constantine and reflexively swings a fist at the magus when he draws near; the blow meets an invisible wall of force and is rebounded instantly. Shimmering energy coruscates in a cylindrical cage.

Whatever language Constantine is speaking is not one used in conversation. It sounds almost Latinate, but there is an eloquence and grandeur to the words that rises in pearlescent contrast to the gutter-foul snarls ripping from Charlie's lips.

The demon puts a hand to neck and brow. "I'll wreck this vessel!" Rath screams. Charlie's eyes bulge wildly. "Nothing left! Nothing alive!"

Constantine's hand rises swiftly and presents the Wheel, the source of Rath's powers. "Do it," Constantine says calmly. "And I'll bind you to the Wheel. I'll curse your name in a thousand languages and I will toss your trinket into the darkest pit I can find."

Rath pauses, a sheen of sweat on Charlie's brow. John continues, voice cold and merciless. "And I'll pile rocks a mile high atop you. The cairne will tell generations yet unborn that you're bound, and are t' remain bound, until the end of Man itself," John grates.

Rath hisses and spits phlegm at John. It spatters against that invisible wall, but the demon lowers Charlie's hands nonetheless.

Constantine reaches the center again and flicks a featherlight strand of ... something, in the air. Rope? A long, fine hair? A bridge forms and settles between the two, and the body of demon and girl both lift upwards.

"You've made a powerful enemy, mewling apes," Rath snarls down at the Bats. "I mark your faces and your names now. When my brothers and I walk the Earth again, I promise you-- we will get upon you our revenge, a hundredfold!"

"Aye, get fucked ya mewling cockthistle," John tells Rath. The thread floating in the center of the circles is gripped, twisted, and ripped. Rath/Charlie and Charlie/Rath seem to exist in both places, flickering rapidly as wild shards of unconstrained energy flicker around the inside of the ritual circle. Wind and force roars, making the nearby containers rattle and shake and spit sparks.

There is a sudden *lurch* of gravity shifting, light dying, heat vanishing. As if the immediate world just... stopped for a moment.

And when it comes crashing back, Charlie and Rath have swapped places. The demon, now occupying its form, screeches a slavering howl of outrage at the Batlings.

"DAMN YOU FOR FOOLS!" Rath roars. The Wheel vanishes from Constantine's hands, and appears in Rath's grip. Smoke and fire plume and billow and Rath vanishes into a portal near his feet, filled with the lurid orange light of hellfire and damnation.

The portal seals, and John calmly disengages the wards with a gesture of his hand. The circles are broken and the pent-up magic trickles away like so many crawling electric snakes.

"That should do it," John says, and starts fumbling in his pockets for a silver-plated cigarette wallet.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown has a reputation for a lack of control - or even knowledge - when it comes to keeping her inner voice on the inside. 'Did I say that out loud?' isn't her catchphrase, but it definitely runs a close second.

However the blond Batgirl keeps her lips pressed firmly together. Something as important as the life and wellbeing of a loved one enough for her to impose, for a time, a filter on that inner monologue.

Though it's scathing, Rath. It's really, really scathing.

She doesn't make things worse, just stands with her arms crossed and not letting any of her worry show. Picturing herself as Bruce standing there, all stoically stoic.

When the magic starts to happen, she can't help but drop her arms though and take a tiny step forward, if short of the drawings and figures etched on the ground. A look goes to Constantine and then back to Charlie as the man pronounces the matter complete. "Misfit? How are you feeling?" she asks with a hopeful smile towards her.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
I mean when Constantine starts to really do his thing now Charlie stays quiet. To be honest when he went into that grating threat she shut her mouth and her eyes got a bit wider. She has no idea how to find and pay wizards to make Rath regret it. She is absolutely sure that Constantine can and would do what he threatened though based on how he delivers the threat.

If for no other reason than pure spite.

So yeah she stares wide eyed turning her head and trying to follow the path he is walking and then the rope that forms between the two binding circles. Her form possessed by the demon and the demonic form possessed by her.

There is probably some semantic arguement considering how it all went down as to whom possessed whom.

Charlie isn't too focused on the whole thing as Rath is back in his form and spitting threats like that and thne gone with whatever ... she has no idea if he is banished back to hell or escaped to be honest.

The teenage girl is subsumed with the lurch of being shoved back into her body and then the pain of the finger he broke. "Ugn CRackeRS what a jerkface...!" the redheaded superheroine grips her finger, straightens it a bit and then bounces. There is a slash of purple and pink smoke in the circle she was standing in.

Then moments later she appears near Stephanie with another slash of the same smoke. No tinge of brimestone though. To someone attuned like Constantine whatever the girl just did absolutely rings like a clarion bell of pure chaos magic. It probably takes a moment to sink in, but somehow she harnessed chaos magic and convinced reality that she wasn't in Point A but rather was always in Point B.

What The Blazes.

Charlie stumbles a bit, but her finger looks absolutely fine. "Ugn... I feel like I was hit by two cars.. run over lightly.. I'm hungry... and I stink... I dread what he may have done to my body this whole time." she is trembling a little. Shock maybe or relief or whatever. Regardless of which or all of the above she does start to hiccup cry now.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing watches Constantine work with a certain interested tilt of the head. He doesn't really get to see magic all that often, so this is interesting as well as having a personal component in helping Charlie. Constantine's promises to the demon bring a little smile to his lips, that seems about right to him. Fortunately, the demon chooses not to do anything overly stupid, and the spel continues. As the forces truly kick in and the demon and girl start to swap places, he takes a step or two forward as well, then when the speel reaches it's peak and the damon vanishes, leaving Charlie behind in her own body, he lets out a held breath.

Once Charlie pops back in by Steph, he moves over to the two of them, reaching out to put his hand on Charlie's shoulder. "Are you ok?" When the girl starts crying, he gestures to Steph to take care of her. Not that he's stoic and distant like Batman, but he thinks Steph would be better received and a little more comforting for the girl at this time.

Looking over to Constantine, he nods a little and says, "Thank you. And that was a pretty good threat, I'm impressed."

John Constantine has posed:
"Wasn't a threat," John tells Nightwing. He digs a cigarette out, lights it, and inhales deeply. Constantine's eyes lid and he holds the smoke in his lungs while turning his eyes to the vaulted ceiling overhead, before letting a long exhale of smoke escape his lips.

"Bluffing is a suckers game. I meant every word of it."

Constantine gestures at Charlie with two fingers. "But your mate here would be dead, or worse," John explains. "So I gave Rath two options. Hell, or a few millennia in captivity. Bloody glad none of you took his offer," Constantine admits. "Rath's an old Power in his own right. The three of 'em together are a major threat. Pretty much invented the term 'Faustian Bargain'. If one of you had consented, or broke the sanctity of the circle--" a hand gestures at the dark wards. "He easily could have killed all four of us without much effort."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
As soon as Charlie has teleported out of the cicle, she's attacked with hugs from Stephanie. Tight hugs that might make it tough to speak until that rush of adrenaline and worry is gone and Stephanie lets up her arms. It's the kind of hug that one gets from family that make it through the worst kind of moments together. Like Charlie were a younger sister to the blond.

"So glad to have you back as you," she says, and maybe that was a sniffle or maybe she just breathed a little deeply after. Batgirl lets up a bit, looking over to Constantine. "Yes, we've been fighting them along with the Justice League," she says. "I hope Rath won't be able to rejoin Felix Faust and his brothers. Will he be sealed away in Hell for awhile now, or can they bring him back?" she asks.

Her hand rubs over Charlie's shoulder. "Though this is the important part. We'll get them together," she says with a smile towards the girl. "Thank you for your help, John," she says, even if it was purchased help.

She looks over to Nightwing. "I don't know if this is the place to look over the tome we took from the Hand. But it'll be next on the agenda if not."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie hugs back and just sucks up the hug like a sponge really. The emotional and physical toll is pretty profound.

Well okay emotional. She is perfectly healthy.

That said she definitely wasn't kidding about needing a shower and her gear probably fumigated. It isn't like Rath was really bothering to take care of the teenager. No wonder she is hungry. He didn't really feel the pain of breaking her finger, why would he feel hunger pangs.

"I hope he doesn't like hell.." she mutters with some sniffles, trying to get the tears under control and slowly managing to just not cry, though she is still trembling.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing nods to Constantine, "Sometimes a threat is a promise, not just a coercion. And it was still a good one." He glances at the girls, then back to Constantine, "And I like to think we know better than to trust a demon for anything, especially when it's on the ropes and grasping for an escape." He looks to the girls again, then replies to Steph, "We can worry about that another time. Right now, let's get Misfit home, cleaned up and fed. I think she needs some time to try and deal with this."

He looks to Constantine, "I'd like you to look over a tome we took from a werewolf lair at some point, I think Faust was trying to get his hands on it, or at least the imps that were helping the person getting it looked like the ones he uses. That's actually where that dagger Batgirl gave you came from, used to kill the werewolf."

John Constantine has posed:
John nods at Stephanie once, in response to her gratitude, and looks to Nightwing. The Batling gets a speculative once-over and John uplifts his chin. "Fine by me, mate. The blonde promised me a looksee at it anyway. Bring it 'round the Hilton tomorrow," John suggests. He starts breaking up the enchanted circle and tossing the assembled detritus into a trash bag, presumably for disposal. "I'll be staying in the penthouse suite a few nights. Get some room service, a nice massage."

He grunts and heaves the bag over one shoulder. "Maybe a nice mani-pedi." The magus grins around his cigarette and taps two fingers to an eyebrow before picking up his suitcase of cash and walking towards the exit.

"Cheerio luvs, be sure to write an' all," John suggests-- and then he's gone, heading towards a side-door and slipping out into the city.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"If you have advice on dealing with Faust and his allies, and the other two demons too, would love to hear them," Batgirl says towards Constantine. "Or even general advice, as these sorts of things seem to be happening with more frequency around us."

She looks over at Charlie and says in a teasing voice, "Whew. Definitely need to get you cleaned up before you see others. I thought Ratcatcher was bad in the sewers," she says, that grin that Charlie is given the kind that someone gives a person they love when they are giving them a hard time.

She lets Charlie go then, turning back to Nightwing and nodding towards him. "We can bring it by tomorrow," she agrees. "What do you say we get out of here ourselves?"