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Latest revision as of 19:52, 22 April 2021

The 50's Were A Long Time Ago, Dot
Date of Scene: 21 April 2021
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Lily Chen seeks out Dottie Underwood and points her at a challenge.
Cast of Characters: Dottie Underwood, Melinda May

Dottie Underwood has posed:
Pop up tents and tables are laid out in an organized grid across the plaza. And the market is busy. People are loud and joyful,-- inspecting foodstuffs, trying free samples, making a beeline for their favorite vendor. The crowds are a comfort Dottie can lose herself in.

She's started frequenting the  Grand Army Plaza Greenmarketmost Saturdays. Not *every* Saturday. That would be a predictable pattern. But ever since she discovered '1857 Spirits' and their handmade potato vodka, she'd come back more often than she should, just for the treat.

Melinda May has posed:
The woman who marks the Russian's progress has a bit of an advantage. Stepping between seconds, first one place then another, is one of them. One moment, Miss Underwood is alone, inspecting the vodka. The next, there's a small Asian woman beside her -- well an arm's length or so away, so she's not in immediate reach -- pointing to one of the bottles. "That one's a half-decent vintage," she tells the other young-old woman in a friendly, even conspiratorial manner. "It's just a real shame no one seems to know how to make decent baijiu in this country. Vodka, they get. Mostly. Baijiu? Might as well be turpentine."

Lily Chen gives Dottie a small smile, brows rising almost in invitation. But not in challenge. Her gaze is direct, yes, but more frank than baiting.

Dottie Underwood has posed:
The smile that greets Lily is bland, inoffensive. "Oh, you think so?"

Dottie selects the indicated bottle, inspects it herself, and purchases it. "I hear there's a bar in SoHo," she says, "that specializes in baijiu cocktails. You can get anything in this city."

Melinda May has posed:
"It's true," Lily agrees. To both statements, in fact. "I've been there. Once or twice." Also true. She hasn't lingered in this city in many years. She remains at the woman's side, her own manner as inoffensive and casual. Not quite bland, mind. She's just animated enough, subtly so, that there's a certain level of engagement there.

"Walk with me? We should talk." She pauses, of course, not expecting the woman to immediately take up the invitation. But, even in the early years of SHIELD, Lily Chen was more forthright than some of the other agents. A fighter. A pilot. Her exploits were less femme fatale and more ninja. If she'd wanted to subdue Dottie, Dottie would be subdued. Not unlike Dottie in that, really. She knows the same is true of the Russian. There's respect for the skill there.

Dottie Underwood has posed:
Dottie puts the newly acquired bottle in her oversized canvas tote and thanks the seller with a little friendly wave before turning to stroll the market. Not quite walking with Lily, but certainly not dismissing her. "What have we got to talk about?" she asks.

Melinda May has posed:
Lily wanders along in the same direction as Dottie, clearly not with her but still keeping pace and staying within easy conversational distance. "Peggy Carter. Daniel Sousa. Arturo Malevolo." A beat. "HYDRA. Oh. And coconut cream pie." How's that for a list?

Dottie Underwood has posed:
"Comprehensive," Dottie replies, a wicked grin stealing over her face. "We should get coffee again."

Melinda May has posed:
Lily's head cants briefly, recognizing by the grin that the coffee is more a reference than an invitation. It takes a moment for May's memory to surface. She chuckles softly. "Let's," she agrees, flashing a grin in return. Because she's not Melinda May. Not in any way that really counts. "It's so much more civilized."

Dottie Underwood has posed:
Dottie walks in silence for a moment. She longs to know by what means this woman, who is somehow twice familiar, assembled her tantalizing list. But she doesn't. She would never. If anyone dared to ask her how she acquired her own information...

"What about the Hungry Ghost, then?" she says, gesturing to a coffee bar across the street.

Melinda May has posed:
A wry smile tugs at Lily's lips. "Perfect," she agrees, finding the name alone worth the effort. She falls in step beside the Russian, now, even holding the door to the establishment open for her as they enter.

Dottie Underwood has posed:
Not bothering to inspect the menu, Dottie orders a specialty coffee. "Do you think I could get an espresso with hot chocolate?" she asks the barista. "No sugar. Oh! and whipped cream!" She sighs lightly, an expression of satisfaction.

Melinda May has posed:
"Green tea," Lily orders simply. Sure, it's a coffee house. But, these days, all these places have specialty teas in stock, too. Hell, sometimes it's harder to get a plain old orange pekoe black tea than it is to get something like green tea, chai, or even plain rooibos.

In short order, however, their orders are filled and the Asian woman moves to find a table that will likely suit both of them when it comes to being able to scope out the place and keep a keen eye on situational awareness. She *is* still a spy at heart.

Dottie Underwood has posed:
Dottie nods in agreement at the alcove that allows them both to sit with their back to the wall and take in the full view of both the layout of the establishment and the street as well. Once they're settled, she takes a delicate sip of her coffee, relishing its soft milky bitterness, "Delicious," she says, smiling over the rim of her mug.

Melinda May has posed:
Lily smiles, taking the moment to enjoy her tea, as well. She, however, doesn't comment upon it. "So, just how many pies did you end up buying, anyway?" she asks the woman opposite her, presently. "I don't think she's gotten one, yet, has she?" That's gotta smart.

Dottie Underwood has posed:
A micro expression, --annoyance? distress?-- flickers momentarily across Dottie's face before she admits, "Four. I don't even *like* coconut cream."

Melinda May has posed:
Dottie's pique gives Lily a momentary flash of amusement, though there's actually sympathy laced with it. "I've never understood her love for coconut," she admits. Lily doesn't mind it in moderation. But Peggy? Wow.

She reaches for her tea and takes a small sip of the hot liquid. "But, that's not really why I sought you out. I have a bit of a proposition for you, Miss Underwood." A beat. She tilts her head. "What *do* you go by, these days? Is it still Underwood? I suppose that will always be how Peggy thinks of you."

Dottie Underwood has posed:
"It's as good a name as any other," the woman says with a slight shrug. "And," she admits, just a trifle coy, "I always did enjoy being her."

Melinda May has posed:
Lily nods to that, a small smile on her lips. "I'm not surprised. Out of all the aliases we associated with you over the years, that was the one that seemed the most... you." An odd statement, perhaps. But, then, Lily has the advantage of time on her side to make that evaluation. Something happened to Dottie, somewhere along the way. She's not really sure what -- she never really took that close a look. But she knows a change happened.

"What are your feelings on HYDRA, these days?" she asks presently. "Because, I should warn you: If you're working them, coming after Daniel again, I really can't allow that."

Dottie Underwood has posed:
Dottie bristles slightly at the word 'allow', as though she would consider gunning down Sousa just because the woman sitting across from her told her not to. But all she says is "They have no hold over me."

Melinda May has posed:
Lily watches her bristle. "You had your shot at him," she chides. "And you won. Going after him a second time wouldn't prove anything. Why not play for the other team, this time? Just to see if you can?" She meets the Russian's eyes. "HYDRA is harbouring its own time-lost man: Arturo Malevolo. You want a challenge? Find out information on him and bring it to her."

Dottie Underwood has posed:
Like a curious bird, Dottie's head tilts to one side, considering the name -- *remembering*. For a moment, her expression becomes almost robotic as she shifts through years the long years under HYDRA's control. Then, she grins. "I just *may*" she says.

Melinda May has posed:
Arturo Malevolo is a 15th century philosopher whose version of HYDRA was more a cult than the terrorist organization it is today. Indeed, his name has rarely been spoken of in the contemporary halls of HYDRA's power. But there are enough, men and women in the highest ranks of the organization, who know the name, know the legacy, and know the power in the faith he forged. It's not something the rank and file ever suspect, however. It's not even something all of the elite know or embrace. But it still means the time-displaced Italian is a man of influence today. Still dangerous. Still valuable. And most definitely a challenge.

Lily permits a small smile to cross her red lips. She gives Dottie an oblique nod that is at once satisfaction -- she's not expecting a firm commitment; not from a woman as cagey as the Russian -- and respect. The latter may seem unexpected, but Lily knows Dottie's skill. As dangerous as she is, she's a woman who came of age at a time when most of the power any woman held was in her body. And they both know it. Surviving this long, whatever the circumstances? It deserves respect and acknowledgement, even if it's unspoken.

"Then, I'll leave you to enjoy your espresso. I'm sure we'll talk again." One way or another. "It's been a pleasure, Dottie. Truly." With that, she rises, gives another simple nod, and turns for the door.

Dottie Underwood has posed:
"See you around," Dottie calls out brightly to Lily as the woman leaves. Then, taking a moment to savor her coffee, she begins to plan.